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They’ll never know what you sacrificed for them -- February 2021 Post Counts


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Empyrian 3 posts = 1PP

Kensei 6 posts = 1PP + 1 ref PP = 2PP

Brown Dynamite

Argonaut 2PP Vignette = 2PP

Foreshadow  2PP Titanium Vignette to Glamazon

Glamazon  2PP Vignette + 2PP Titanium Vignette = 4PP

Shock and Awe  1 post = 1PP


Arrow IV  6 posts = 1PP

Ms. Thursday  7 posts = 1PP

Ultra Girl  5 posts = 1PP

Dr Archeville

Artificer  1 post = 1PP

Horrorshow  1 post = 1PP

Protectron  1 Ref PP = 1PP


Chelone  38 posts = 3PP

Hologram  50 posts = 4PP + 2 PP vignette = 6PP

Singularity  2 posts = 1 PP

Sparkler  26 posts + 30 Titanium Posts = 56 posts = 4PP + 4PP Titanium extras = 8PP

Titanium  12 posts + 18 posts = 30 posts 4PP Extras all to Sparkler

Fluer de Joie  12 posts

Miss Americana  18 posts 


  • Vignette


Chitin  7 + 7 + 2 + 9 + 5 = 30 posts + 20 GM/Titanium posts = 50 posts = 4PP + 1 ref PP = 5PP

Rock 10 GM/Titanium posts = 2 PP

Lou Lubrano  10 GM/Titanium posts = 2PP


GM and Titanium  17 + 5 + 10 + 10 = 42 Posts (20 to Chitin, 10 to Rock, 10 to Lou, 2 unspent)

Jill O'Cure  11 + 6 = 17 posts

Midnight  5 posts

Reagent  10 posts

GM  2 + 3 = 5 posts = 10 GM posts

Kaede Kimura  (Now Bronze!)

Shadowborne  5 + 3 + 6 + 3 + 1 = 18 posts + 8 GM posts = 26 posts = 3PP + 7PP Extracurriculars = 10PP

Extracurriculars  7PP

Shooting Star  7 posts = 1PP

The Dreamer  3 posts = 1PP

GM  4 posts = 8 GM posts (8 to Shadowborne)


Judex  5 GM/Titanium posts = 1PP

Thunderbird  1 + 4 + 1 + 6 + 1 = 13 posts + 2 GM/Titanium posts = 15 posts = 2PP

GM And Titanium  3 + 2 + 2 = 7 posts (5 to Judex, 2 to Thunderbird)

Cobalt Templar  3 posts


Raven III  2 posts

Thoughtspeed  2 posts


Outrider  5 + 9 + 13 = 27 posts = 3PP


Nightscale  2 + 5 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 6 + 4 = 29 posts = 3 PP + 2PP Extracurriculars = 5PP

Extracurriculars  2PP


Archer II  8 posts + 17 Titanium = 25 posts = 3PP + 2PP(Titanium Vignette) = 5PP

Ghost  30 posts + 20 GM posts = 50 Posts = 4PP + 3 extras = 7PP


Justice  4 posts + 46 GM posts = 50 posts = 4PP + 2PP (extras) = 6PP


Little Mermaid II  2 posts + 48 GM posts = 50 posts = 4PP + 2PP(extras) + 1 guide PP = 7PP


Nevermore II  27 posts + 24 GM posts = 51 posts = 4PP 

Rocket  10 titanium posts = 10 posts = 2PP +3PP(extras) = 5PP


Titanium and GM  

Forever Boy  26 Titanium posts (16 to Archer II, 10 to Rocket)


  • 20/20 Hindsight Vignette: Spring (1000+ words) [+2PP to Archer II]

Rebellion  1 Titanium post (1 to Archer II)

GM Posts 74 posts = 148 GM posts (20 to Ghost, 46 to Justice, 48 to Little Mermaid II, 24 to Nevermore II, 10 unspent)


Blackstaff  1 + 2 = 3 posts = 1PP

Chimera  10 posts = 2PP

Paper  4 + 3 = 7 posts = 1PP


Squire Kath'lana  5 GM/Titanium posts = 1PP

Veronica Danger  1 + 4 = 5 posts = 1PP +1 Ref PP = 2PP

GM and Titanium  3 + 2 = 5 posts (5 to Kath'lana)

Synapse  3 posts

GM 1 post = 2 GM post

Tiffany Korta

Blodeuwedd  5 posts + 5 GM/Titanium posts = 10 posts = 2PP + 1 Ref PP = 3PP

Madame Raven  3 + 2 + 2 = 7 posts + 3 GM/Titanium posts = 10 posts = 2PP

Merge Trois  1 post = 1PP

Ms. Bright  3 posts + 7 GM/Titanium posts = 10 posts = 2PP

Scarab III  1 post = 1PP

The Immutable Betsy Brooks  Extra Curriculars 2PP

Extracurriculars 2PP 

Zhenshchina-voin  2 posts = 1PP

GM and Titanium  5 + 10 = 15 posts (5 to Blodeuwedd, 3 to Madame Raven, 7 to Ms Bright)

Frostbyte  5 posts

GM  2 + 1 + 2 = 5 posts = 10 GM posts

Zeitgeist Blue

Salvo  6 GM posts = 1PP

GM  3 posts = 6 GM posts (6 to Salvo)

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