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Long Time Coming (IC)

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After Jessica and Jack, they kept in touch for a short while. Hanging out, doing stuff. He had responsibilities as well as she did. Jess did poke him for a while on his phone and other social media places, but he seemed to drop off the face of the Earth. Not the first time a friend ever did that to her. So she went on, the bear hero stuck in the back of her mind.


And then? Well, he just showed up in her area. He was eating a burger outside of the place they met. She did pinch herself to see if the carnal spirits were playing with her. But no, he was real. The sky was orange as the sunset on the bay. Which kind of gave her the advantage of sneaking up on him. Maybe he was here for something? She didn't care. She just wanted to know a few things.


He felt a light touch on the back of his neck. "Burger, eh," she asked walking in front of him. Crossing her arms, she looked up. Dressed in tight jeans, and a red bikini top covered by a black mesh shirt. "I would have never guessed," she smirked, "where's mine?"

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Jack looked up with a smile. He had stepped away from the Academy for a burger, well more like 10. He hadn't been back from Russia for long before going back to school. It had been long months in the wilderness and no where near a burger shack.


When he heard the voice he instantly smiled. He looked up into those eyes he knew well and he stood. He was over a foot taller then her and he looked down at the beautiful woman standing in front of him, not noticing her posture in the slightest. With a joyous laugh he wrapped his arms around Jessica and picked her up with a twirl, pressing her against him. "Da my most favorite friend! How I 'ave missed you! Come, sit, let me buy you burger!" Jack said with enthusiasm. He kissed both of her cheeks in quick succession in greeting.

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It was a quick grab that she didn't have time to respond to, but she didn't mind. An intimate greeting from one of her heroic friends. They'd been close. She hadn't heard that voice in months. Music to her ears. She held on to him, "since when do pull disappearing tricks," before pecking a kiss on his nose. "I missed you for a long time. Thought you'd just wondered off. Or worse." She took in the sight of her bear man, it was absence that made the heart grow fond. Her stomach growl ruined whatever romantic reunion this was.


"Oh yeah, food," she laughed, "that would be nice."

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"Goodness, have you not eaten in months?" Jack asked with a crooked eyebrow and an ice-melting grin at the sound her stomach was making. "Da, we must get you food before your stomach gets more angry." Jack wandered off and returned minutes later with a giant burger, side of fries and a large drink. He set the tray down besides his seat And gestured for her to sit, pulling out her chair for her.


"I do apologize for lack of response..." Jack said softly, looking into her eyes for a mental before looking away in shame. "Cell service is bad, I forget phone..." Jack said lamely, trying to deflect from the real reason. He was silent for a long minute as he found the words. "My...my grandmother very sick. She pass away right before I stop texting. I am sorry dear Jess'ca...I feel shame, but I was not in right mind for long time. It is still pain I carry." Jack didn't look at her, emotions coursing through him, and he felt foolish for expressing the pain, and he felt foolish for feeling foolish. He was someone who thought nothing of danger when others needed him, he was born to be strong. He didn't have time for shame and sadness. He tried to smile. "Look at me boring you with esscuses." He gave a half hearted laugh.

Edited by Jack
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Jessica was a bit lazy in that she didn't follow Jack into the burger joint. But watching the sun go down was reward enough for her sloth. The lights of the boardwalk would come on soon afterwards. And Jack with burger in tow! It was all good. Sure it wasn't Original BurgerShack, but food was food to her. If it was edible, she would stick it in her mouth. Taste was secondary. She savored good food before devouring it. The giant mass of meat bread and condiments was ok, but it filled a small hole in her appetite.


As she nommed, she listened to Jack. She sighed when he mentioned his family. Jack took her to meet his parents. And, well, Jess is not the type you take home to mom and dad. Being all demonic. They totally didn't want anything to do with her. She could only imagine what his dear grandmother would think. To be fair, maybe that's why he didn't warn her of his absence.


Wiping her mouth, she moved over, sitting right next to him. "Bear," she said softly, calling him by his and her pet name, "it's fine. You don't answer to me. I'm just someone you can come to and talk about things." She smiled, "I'll be here for you. Just like before you left." To be fair, they did get close as two people could get without calling it official before he left. Friendly cuddles and kisses. They fought crime together, and afterwards would hang out (not a date!) "How about we go find a rooftop in the city and shoot the breeze?"

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Jack didn't say anything at first, simply threw his trash away and pocketed his extra burgers for the road. They were well on their way down the boardwalk before he spoke again. "But what if I don't want things to be the way they were before? Russia changed me some Crim." He asked quietly. "What if I want more?" He let the question hang in the air. He honestly wasn't sure how she would feel about this. She had always wanted more in their relationship, he was naive, but not that naive. But he was old school, he wasn't the type to have a casual fling. But he didn't want to lose his best friend either. Life was always complicated, no matter how simple he tried to make it. He stuck his hands in his pockets and pulled a burger out. He unwrapped it and ate heartily to distract himself.

Edited by Jack
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The quiet shove off should have been an indication of things to come, but Jessica was content in her and Jack's renewed partnership and friendship. She lazily floated beside him, thinking of taking his arm as they walked, but he looked like he was lost in thought. And as much as she wanted to talk to him, she was in full 'lean on me and I'll be there for you' for him.


His sudden words shocked her out of her complacence. More? She smiled, but this obviously wasn't one of their lecherous jokes from a while back. He was serious. "What do you mean changed, Bear," she asked, floating in front of him, entering his nonexistent personal space, for her at least, "do you need some help? I can always help you."


She knew what he meant, well, about wanting more, at least. Though the thought of an old school relationship?  It sounded fine. She hadn't been monogamous since... ever? But she could see herself with him.

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He pulled her close and kissed her hard, without warning. It was something he had thought about doing for a long time, but had never wanted to risk losing her if she hadn't wanted more then casual. But losing his grandmother had awoken a sense of mortality in him. "Losing grandmother has changed me some..." Jack said softly after pulling away slightly. "I like you Crim. I do not vahnt to just be friend anymore." He could feel the beast within him, and it's desires, which were different then Jack's. But he didn't know how long he had on this Earth. It could be short or it could be long, having an eternal spirit bonded to him.


Either way he didn't want to be alone, and Jessica understood him and accepted him. She was also beautiful and smart, two things he valued in a woman. His parents had judged her harshly due to her red skin...but Jack had never cared. He was a giant bear...and yet Jess had never cared.

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She wished that she was ready for this, but the surprise was equally as satisfying. Wrapping her arms behind him, she pulled into the kiss. Her actual feelings for him, as well as the lust in her, wanted to make this last longer. Reflexively she held on as he pulled away, but seeing as this was his moment for her, she let him go. The roiling mass of emotions between them made her less a friend and more what they both wanted from each other.


"I'm sorry for your loss, Jack," she said still feeling the situation, trying to keep her hormones in check. "Yeah, I did want you like that back when we were just a super duo," she pulled her hands through her hair, showing off to him. "But you know," she smirked, "I think it was better this way. We learned something along the way." She floated towards him, putting her hands on his cheeks and kissed him again; this time less forcefully, but audibly enjoying it.


"Bear," she questioned rhetorically. "We both have our quirks," she held on to him, enjoying his body heat, "I promise I'll be with you as long as you'll be with me." She grinned, "remember when you started calling me Crim? The bloodbath that was that little fight? I'm going to call that our first date."

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"Da, who could forget that?" Jack said with a smile. "Those muggers are still in traction, no question." Jack recalled that particular night. Her ferocity had appealed to his beastial nature. The beast had wanted her, but Jack had fought to control himself, he knew he was an animal...but he tried to be better then just his base instincts. "So...this mean this be our second date then...?" He asked with a small smile.

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"Hm, second date," she said reaching in his pocket and pulling out one of the burgers. "You know, this is sort of an outing. A chance meeting. Not really a date. Though we can do better," she rested against him as she floated.  Her arms around his neck, she whispered, "what about that camping trip?" She laughed, it was something they'd talked about in jest back in the day. And it was too out of nowhere for just now. But they'd do it one day, she hoped. "Nah," she pulled back and kissed him on the cheek, "but let's make it something fun and memorable. Like the first time."


She floated behind him and lazily, rested on his back, "and give me your coat. I wanna feel you, not fabric."

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"You just want to get shirt off...like you ave from day one lil Crim..." Jack said with a laugh. He munched on another burger, but obliged her and tied his hoody around his waist. He got a few looks from some of the people, but he didn't dwell on them. He figured it must be an odd sight so late in the year, but to Jack it felt as warm as it did in July. Several tribal tattoos scrawled across his back muscles and down his arms. He didn't notice, but they glowed almost imperceptably whenever Jessica touched him.

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Well, she didn't know how to be much more forward. As he took off the hoodie, she noticed some artwork on his body. It was awesome to see. She lightly touched his arm, tracing the design with her fingers. "Oh," she grinned as they almost lit up. She looked up at him, "magic?" The bear on his back is what got most of her attention, as she lightly massaged the whole thing.  Wrapping her arms around him she hugged him from behind, "I have so many questions, Bear. So much to learn. You from me, me from you."  She floated around to in front of him. "My place?"

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"Just gift from grandfather."Jack said softly. He truely believed it. His grandfather hadn't told them of their true purpose. He pulled out his phone and checked the time. "I have time before curfew..." He said with a grin. The new headmistress seemed to want everyone punctual. "That should be fine. Not too bad a walk from there." He said and changed direction without thinking.

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She sighed when she heard about the curfew, fakely defeated, "sure sure, education and all." Sometimes she forgot that he was still in school. Physically and mentally he was ready for the outside world. But you had to have some grounding. Maybe they could go to college together next year? Something she'd talk with him about later. For now she was not wanting him to get in trouble. Also, he didn't seem to know the significance of his tattoos. Something she would teach him later. The tattoos were very enticing in so many ways!


She didn't get on him again, but as they walked home she made light touches of the tattoos. The two cuddled, more than friends, they were officially together. As they got closer to their destination, she stopped and kissed him. "I know you have only a few hours, but, well, I want to teach you some things." She kissed him again this time longer. As if she were letting him go for a long time. She pulled back, "And those etchings could teach me a few things." She smirked, "consider this a crash course." She unlocked her front door and beckoned him in.

Edited by Crimson Beguiler
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