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Dara Tiagara
Power Level: 10 (150/150PP)
Unspent Power Points: 0
Trade-Offs: +2 Attack / +2 Damage


In Brief: Runaway Elven Prince with a borrowed relic trying to prove he's a hero.

Catchphrase: The sound of silence is always something to be afraid of.

Theme(Optional) A theme song for the character.


Alternate Identity: Darryn Garret (Public)
Birthplace: Kingdom of Uithuan, in the Elven Mystical Dimension

Residence: Lantern Hill
Base of Operations: Dimensional Hideaway
Family: High King Entuk (Angry Father), High Prince Otzar (Rightful Heir to the living steel weapons), Ex-Queen Reta (Dara's mother and a powerful sorceress)


Age: 321 (DoB: Year 14th Year of the Waxing Blood Moon....1967)
Apparent Age: 22
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: Elven
Height: 6ft
Weight: 180lb
Eyes: Golden
Hair: Black

With long black hair, pale alabaster skin and golden irises Dara doesn't look human, his long pointed ears and features that are just a little off the human norm, which would be because he's an Elf, from another dimension and this is clear in his weapons and armor as well as his body. Along his neck, arms, chest back and legs he has golden, silver, red and blue runes that glow when he has magic flowing through them, this is seldom on display as Dara usually is wearing the armor of Anath Raema or has his real appearance covered by the powers of the Torc of Seraphon.


The Armor is made of leather, died black and worn over a black gambeson that flows down to his knees, red runes are scribed on the lames of the black leather, a pair of black leather bracers with living steel worked into the leather in the shape of a tree in them, the living steel is covered in fine golden runes that allows Dara to manipulate the magic within as needed for his defense. Soft black leather boots and pants complete the ensemble with red highlights, blue and silver runes in place to place where he has enchanted the armor or clothing.


A dulled platinum Torc wraps around the back of his neck, two dragons meeting in the center, the one with sapphire eyes, the other with onyx, many, many small runes decorate the surface of the torc. Most of them are much, much older than the runes on Dara's other equipment and seem almost faded by use, but is simply the affect of the lacquer made from living steel painted over it to allow Dara to continue to add more magical runes to it and enhance it's considerable power even further although, only three new runes have been added thus far, one right at the back of his neck and one behind each of the dragons heads that meet at his pale throat.


He is tall and walks with grace that is almost inhuman, with the Spear of Drannach in his left hand he looks the consummate warrior and ready for battle, it's length of living steel crusted with runes of silver, gold and blue, a black and red leather handhold sits in the center covered in gold and silver runes and seems to fit in Dara's hand almost as if it's part of his body, when he is in battle the living steel seems to almost flow like liquid as the weapon changes from spear, to sword and bow, normally when not in battle he carries it in it's star thrower mode which is essentially just the black and red leather handle with enough of an opening for the storm of slivers of living steel to whir out and makes it the most compact for carrying.



Dara is the second son of High King Entuk, ruler of Uithuan, and Entuk's second wife Lady Reta. All was well when Dara was born, King Entuk's succession was secure with Dara's half-brother Otzar already a more than two centuries old and Dara was really an indulgence in a royal family after Entuk's first wife died of a strange disease that the court physicians had been unable to cure. The Kingdom of Uithuan is found in the Elven mystical dimension and is something of an outcast in the firmness with which they cling to their magic and the trees they breed made of living steel that responds to the thoughts of those who are of the right bloodline, they are outcast because...well...they are dimensional pirates and raid other dimsensions for the resources they can't provide themselves. Their flying ships look like they've stepped out of Earth's viking times after being allowed to stew in the mind of a fantasy author of some repute as they attack people with swords, bows and magic.


Otzar was a natural loving the life of a raider, enjoying slipping in stealing what he could get and slipping back out, fighting was fun and death something seldom thought of. Dara was different he was more introverted and interested in pursing the magical connection between his family and the living steel. His mother, a powerful sorceress and more than a little power hungry, encouraged this as there were secrets she could not get to because her bloodline was not as pure as that of the King and his children. Dara had to undergo his rites of passage and participated in his fair share of raids once he reached his first century but he hated the stealing, killing and fighting although he displayed more than a little talent for it he just didn't want to get taken away from his studies because his mother made him think he was learning things to lead to the betterment of the Uithuan Elves.


Of course it was all a plot, and when Dara uncovered the secret to growing the living steel trees, a strange power source that converted seemingly normal trees to living steel and was somehow tied to the Uithuan Royal bloodline his mother moved. Encouraging him to study it further and find ways to control it for those with..well..less royal blood like her. Her husband became aware of her plot, or at least part of it, and divorced Reta but was unaware of how polticially connected she had become. He couldn't exile her without a civil war springing up and couldn't deny Dara's skill at manipulating the power source and the trees so a kind of cold war ensued where his father and mother warred for control of him all while Etun was trying to feed Otzar every scrap he could find of Dara's work so he could use it too.


Dara, a little naive even at 200 years of age, figured the power source and he were the problem and that the land of Uithuan would be happier if he departed did what he thought was best. He stole the power source and fled into the other dimensions, for the last 120 years he has been leaping from dimension to dimension hiding the power source and looking for a world with enough 'static' to hide the power source from the prying spells of the King and his mother. He has finally found it, or so he thinks, on planet Earth. The planet itself seems to hum with a similar resonance to that of the power source and hides it better than anywhere else it resides in his dimensional home hidden in the folds of the dimensions around Earth invisible from all the Elven eyes looking for him..at least for now as he slipped from Dimension and dimension he learned that not all people and races were as bad as his own, and once he got to Earth he learned that there were heros, many of them, and he had the skills necessary to fight evil, as long as his family never found out. With all the static they'd be fine.


Personality & Motivation:

Dara prefers time alone with his studies but more and more he has been driven out, first into the world of war and raiding by his race, then by his father and mother into the world of politics and plotting and finally by his decision, motivated by his mother, to steal the power source and flee. He is stubborn and focused but has lived in a darker society most of his life so he is aware of, and happy to use, cunning and guile to achieve his goals. Right now he has to find away to make sure the source stays hidden and his family stays away from the relatively peaceful people of Earth.


Powers & Tactics:

Dara prefers to observe from the shadows first, using his speed and concealment to get into positions to watch what is going on as he travels around Freedom City. His ability to impersonate almost anyone with his Torc allows him to get close to the planners, and brainiacs who put together the evil plots, plans and doomsday devices and then he has the right weapon to end their plan everytime. A bow for range, a sword that can cut through anything, a rain of shuriken shaped slivers of metal to wear down the biggest crowds of minions and a spear that can weaken his toughest opponent. All while he's magic keeps him out of range and healthy enough to keep on fighting.


Power Descriptions:

Spear of Drannach:  it's length of living steel crusted with runes of silver, gold and blue, a black and red leather handhold sits in the center covered in gold and silver runes and seems to fit in Dara's hand almost as if it's part of his body, when he is in battle the living steel seems to almost flow like liquid as the weapon changes from spear, to sword and bow, normally when not in battle he carries it in it's star thrower mode which is essentially just the black and red leather handle with enough of an opening for the storm of slivers of living steel to whir out and makes it the most compact for carrying. The spear glows with a dull red length as it absorbs the life force of those Dara fights, the sword seems almost ordinary if not for the almost microscopic silver and gold runes that run along the very edge, making that edge sharp as anything in creation. The bow, recurved steel arms, fires living steel arrows that bend int he air to find their target, the silver shiruken released on the storm of stars bend in the air curving towards the places that Dara wishes them to go. All of them leave traces of their magic behind in the wounds they cause, making them heal ever so slowly defying magical means of healing.


Armor of Anath Raema: Armor is made of leather, died black and worn over a black gambeson that flows down to his knees, red runes are scribed on the lames of the black leather, a pair of black leather bracers with living steel worked into the leather in the shape of a tree in them, the living steel is covered in fine golden runes that allows Dara to manipulate the magic within as needed for his defense. Soft black leather boots and pants complete the ensemble with red highlights, blue and silver runes in place to place where he has enchanted the armor or clothing. The metal bands in the wrist are used to deflect bows and the magic enables him to survive in any climate and, more importantly, shift his fighting style to suit his foe.


Torc of Seraphon: A dulled platinum Torc wraps around the back of his neck, two dragons meeting in the center, the one with sapphire eyes, the other with onyx, many, many small runes decorate the surface of the torc. Most of them are much, much older than the runes on Dara's other equipment and seem almost faded by use, but is simply the affect of the lacquer made from living steel painted over it to allow Dara to continue to add more magical runes to it and enhance it's considerable power even further although, only three new runes have been added thus far, one right at the back of his neck and one behind each of the dragons heads that meet at his pale throat. At it's most basic the torc's magic absorbs some of the force of the blows, leaving glowing runes crackling just above the source of the impact when the rune behind the back of his neck glows it covers changes his shape making him look like any humanoid he can imagine. The rune behind the onyx eyed dragon doesn't glow, it seems to absorb light as it hides him from sight and hearing of almost anyone who wishes to find or hunt Dara. Finally the rune behind the sapphire eyed dragon glows when he reaches into his dimensional storage to retrieve something or send it into storage.

Runic Tattoos: Along his neck, arms, chest back and legs he has golden, silver, red and blue runes that glow when he has magic flowing through them. Gold and silver glow as he knits his flesh and bones back together, getting him ready for yet another battle. The red and blue, more often glowing, allow him to move faster than many horses and leap 60 feet high in a single bound, add to that his ability to run straight up walls and always land on his feet and he is a mobile warrior indeed....and not a single track is left behind as he runs.


Royal Blood: Dara's bloodline is steeped in magic, his blood allows him to control the trees of living steel and the weapons and artifacts made of living steel. It is also very interesting to anyone researching magical things, needing something to control or alter living steel and generally anyone with any skill in Knowledge (Arcane Lore) or Cosmology.


Mama knows best: A powerful sorceress, politician Reta has manipulated the Elven court for ages, and although at the moment she has what she wants, the power source out of the hands of the Uithuan  bloodline and in the hands of her son she's been grooming for just this reason it all fell apart when Dara ran away. She searches for him, even as she tries to prepare politically for when she finds him and brings him back to take the throne of Uithuan so she can manipulate it from behind the scenes. Her agents scour the dimensions for signs of her son and where he has hidden the power source.


Daddy's boy: Etun is also looking for him, but has settled on the fact that if he can lock up Dara to provide his brother with information on the living steel it would suit him very well. He's agents are also looking for Dara, perhaps with a little less subtlety as they wish to kidnap him and the power source, preferably without the old Queen knowing.


Brotherly love: Otzar has seen a more direct way to solve the problem. Kill Dara and his problems are resolved or so he thinks. With that in mind he has hired many and multiple bounty hunters to run through the dimensions looking for Dara and kill him...although Otzar's resources are far less than Etun and Reta he still has a fair amount of sway and has been in more dimensions than most...his minions reach is long.


Mystical Power Source:  The power source in question is in fact sentient, although no one is aware of it, and is also manipulating Dara, it has plans for Freedom City of it's own. The problem is it thinks in centuries rather than minutes and it's plans are slow and subtle as it tries to arrange whatever mystical meeting it has planned on the planet it has finally landed on.


I'm an Alien, an illegal Alien: Although he has managed to manufacture a disguise for himself he fits very badly on Earth. He has little to know understanding of the vast bureaucracy that is a government and even less understanding of the technology that surrounds him now providing the static he sought. He regularly struggles to navigate the needed systems to obtain things legally, or even shop at a mall or use a cellphone.

Abilities: 0 + 10 + 6 + 0 + 4 + 0 = 20PP
Strength: 10 (+0)
Dexterity: 20 (+5)
Constitution: 16 (+3)
Intelligence: 10 (+0)
Wisdom: 14 (+2)
Charisma: 10 (+0)

Combat: 12 + 8 = 20PP
Initiative: +17
Attack: +6 Base, +12 with the Spear of Drannach Array
Defense: +10 (+4 Base, +5 Dodge Focus, +1 Defensive Bracers), +2 Flat-Footed (+5 When using Defensive Roll)

Grapple: +11
Knockback: -5 (-7 when using Defensive Roll option in Array)

Saving Throws: 3  + 6  + 3  = 12 PP
Toughness: +10 (+3 Con, +7 Protection) (+15 When using Defensive Roll option in Array)
Fortitude: +6 (+3 Con, +3) (+7 When using Defensive Roll Array)
Reflex: +11 (+5 Dex, +6)
Will: +5 (+2 Wis, +3) (+6 When using Defensive Roll Array)

Skills: 120R = 30PP

Acrobatics 8 (+13)

Bluff 8 (+8)

Concentration 8 (+10)

Diplomacy 8 (+8)

Escape Artist 8 (+13)

Intimidate 8 (+8)

Knowledge (Arcane Lore) 8 (+8)

Knowledge (Cosmology) 8 (+8)

Language (Native: Elven, English) 1

Notice 15 (+17)

Search 8 (+8)

Sense Motive 8 (+10)

Slight of Hand 8 (+13)

Stealth 8 (+13)

Survival 8 (+10)

Feats: 15 PP

Blind Fight

Elusive Target

Evasion 2

Grappling Finesse

Hide in Plain Sight

Improved Initiative 3

Instant Up

Power Attack

Move by Attack

Quick Draw

Uncanny Dodge (Vision)

Equipment 1


Equipment: 1PP = 5EP

Dimensional Pocket Home - Seraphon's Humble Hideout - 5 EP

  • Toughness 10 +1 EP
  • Tiny -1 EP
  • Sealed - Pocket Dimension, dimensional travel for others than the owner of the Torc +1 EP
  • Library +1 EP
  • Living Space +1 EP
  • Power System +1 EP
  • Magical Laboratory +1 EP


Powers: 4 + 1 + 16 +16 +8 + 8 = 53PP

Super Senses 1 (Elven Senses; Danger Sense (Hearing), Ultravision, Hearing Accurate, Extended Range (Hearing) 4 PP (Racial Ability)


Immunity 1 Immunity (Aging) 1 PP (Racial Trait)


Runic Tattoos  8 (15 PP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 1) [16 PP] (Elven Runic Magic)

  • BE: Healing 7 (Extras: Action (Standard Action);Flaws: Self Only; Feats: Persistent) [15 AP]
  • AP: Super Movement (Speed 3 [50 MPH, 210 ft per round], Leaping 4 [x25 (250', 125', 60')], Wallcrawling 2, Safefall 1, Trackless 1) [15 AP]


Device 5 (Spear of Drannach; 25 PP Container; Flaws: Easy-to-lose; Feats: Restricted: Elven Blood) 16 PP (Magical Item)

Weapons Array 10(20 PP Array; Feats: Alternate power 2, Accurate 3) 25 DP

  • BE: Damage 8 (Spear of Drannach; Feats: Extended Reach) linked Drain (Constitution) 10 (Feats: Extended Reach) [20 DP]
  • AP: Damage 8 (Sword of Kelthrai; Extras: Penetrating 10; Feats: Precise, Incurable) [20DP]
  • AP: Blast 8 (Bow of Uraithen; Feats: Homing, Improved Range 3 [800' increment, 800' range]) [20 DP]


Device 2 (Torc of Seraphon; 10 PP Container; Flaws: Hard-to-lose) 8 PP (Magic)

Magic Array 3.5 (7 PP Array; Feats: Alternate Powers 3) [10 PP]

  • BE: Protection 7 [7DP]
  • AP : Morph 3 (Infiltration Masks; Any Humanoid Feats: Clothing affected) [7 DP]
  • AP : Concealment 6 (Fade into the Shadows; All Visual 4, All Hearing 2; Flaws: Blending; Feats: Close Range) [7 DP]
  • AP : Dimensional Pocket 1 (Dimensional Storage; Feats: Progressive 5 [5000lbs]) [7 DP]


Device 2 (Armor of Anath Raema; 10 PP Container; Flaws: Hard-to-lose) 8 PP (Magic)

Shield 1 (Defensive Bracers) 1DP


Immunity (Heat, Cold, Poison) 3 DP


Array 2.5 (5 PP Array; Alternate Power 1) [6 DP]

  • DBE: Enhanced Trait 5 (Dodge Focus 5)
  • DAP: Enhanced Trait 5 (Defensive Roll 2, Enhanced Constitution 2, Will Save +1)



Drawbacks: (-0) + (-0) = -0PP


DC Block

ATTACK              RANGE      SAVE                           EFFECT
Unarmed             Touch      DC 10 Toughness                Damage

Spear of Drannach    +5ft      DC 18 Toughness                Damage linked

                     +5ft      DC 20 Fort Save                Drain linked

Sword of Karathrai  Touch      DC 18 Toughness                Damage, Penetrating 10, Incurable

Bow of Uraithen      800'      DC 18 Toughness                Damage, Homing



Totals: Abilities (20) + Combat (20) + Saving Throws (12) + Skills (30) + Feats (15) + Powers (53) - Drawbacks (0) = 150/150 Power Points

Edited by Fox
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Don't forget Defensive Roll is +2 Toughness per rank by our house rules. 


Immunity 1 (Elven Meditation; Immunity (Aging, Sleep, Thirst/Starvation) Flaws: Limited: Must meditate for an hour each day for it to work) 1 PP (Racial Skill) - this...doesn't seem right, mechanically? 


I'd say dig up 2 PP to boost that, or just put half rank on some of them.

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Okay changed the Defensive Roll 5 to Defensive Roll 2, Enhanced Con 2, Will Save +1 so same points but improves my fort and will save by 1 as well when using that array.


Chopped out Sleep and Starvation/Thirst and just had him immune to aging because he's 300+

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Mostly math and notation stuff here, nothing huge, though pay special attention to that Spear.



The Defensive Roll option in your caps-swinging array will apply to the character's Knockback, so you'll want to note it there.



You should adjust your notation for the arrays; the 'D' at the front of 'DBE' and 'DAP' stands for 'dynamic', which is a more expensive type of array power that lets you have multiple 'slots' active at once. Since you're buying only normal Alternate Powers, though, you want just 'BE' (or 'BP', for Base Power) and 'AP', not 'DBE' and 'DAP'. The Tattoos are already correct in this regard, so just copy the formatting down to the other arrays.


A grouping of feedback on the Spear:

  • An easy-to-lose device costs 3pp/rank; 5 ranks would be 15pp, not 18, unless you buy additional feats or features on it. I note that you have Restricted on the Array, though - did you mean to have that up on the Device itself, as Restricted usually only applies to Devices? That still wouldn't bring it up to 18pp, but it'd be closer.

  • The weapon array inside the spear should probably be Array 10, if it provides 20pp for its powers.
  • It's also over-budget as written; with only one rank of Alternate Power, you could only have the base effect and a single other power; if you want three alternate powers, plus the base power, you'd need to buy Alternate Power 3. Even as-written, though, it's also 1pp over-budget (20pp to the array powers, plus 6 feats).
  • Double-check the cost of the sword power in the array; I count 19DP, not 20. Which is fine, and still within your budget - you don't have to spend every single point of an array slot's budget - but it's worth updating the cost while you're in there to make future edits easier.
  • Throwing weapons should generally be a ranged power with the Reduced Range drawback, not melee powers with Extended Reach; the latter's more for things like polearms and whips, which are still melee attacks.


Device 2 (Hard-to-Lose), like the Armor, would cost 8pp, not 4pp.



Double-check the Powers math (and anything else you adjust) after making changes; right now you list 50pp in the Powers section, but 54pp in the final tally, and with the above feedback they may both end up needing fixing.

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@Avenger Assembled

So made the changes Fox suggested to the formating.

Moved Restricted to the cost of the array where it should have been which made it 16PP total device,, this gave me two PP I need to work with.

Removed the 'thrower' from the weapons array and put the right number of feats in, added incurable to the sword to make it the full 20 points.

Corrected the numbers on the armor device and then re-added everything.

Used the two PP to add extended range to the elven senses, for his hearing, and put the extra point into skills to bring Notice up to the Level cap max at 15

Should be good to go now.

Edited by Tarrakhash
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