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Posts posted by Semi-Autogyro

  1. Myrmidon is actually immune to fear effects as well. Might of missed it in his build, but it's in his super-soldier container under the immunities listing.


    Anyways, HP to gain Take-down Attack again, giving him 2 ranks total.


    He moves over to the group of mooks and starts getting his hands dirty. He all-out power attacks the them using his unarmed damage, +5 to DC, -5 Def (His total def for this round is a +5 now.)


    Taking 10 on them due to their mook nature, that's +20 attack to hit them and a  DC 28 Tough save they need to make if it does hit. With Take-down attack 2, and his enhanced foot speed, he should be able to do a fair impression of a human threshing machine. (Mook chivalry! Thanks for standing close together!) I'll put up an IC post once you tell me the results of his attack.

  2. John was idly keeping pace with Giang when his internal threat warning radar went off, causing teen to scan his surroundings. He saw the fear response the man caused his companion as she went on the defensive almost immediately. The clone also noted multiple incoming hostiles judging from the movement of the crowd. They were ignoring him, so it appeared that their target was Miss Giang. Unacceptable. Unable to armor up with this many witnesses, he surveyed his options and came the conclusion that they needed a distraction...

    He could do that.

    "MEIN GOTT! THOSE MEN HAVE GUNS!" He bellowed, playing the part of a hapless tourist and gesticulating wildly in the direction of the men pushing through the crowd towards them. Turning his attention back to Giang, he mouthed 'run' and prepared to use the onset of chaos to thin out their attackers.

  3. Politicians. The clone hero mentally scoffed, the word positively dripping with scorn.


    Myrmidon steeped forward and addressed the senate, not caring for pleasantries or addresses.

    << What benefit would this being a fabrication bring to us? As impartial outsiders we merely wish to prevent casualties, but it is not our decision to make. Act on the information, which was freely given, or do nothing. Realize that if your hubris clouds your judgement and you choose the path of inaction, the burden of what is to come will rest squarely on your shoulders for not taking even minor precautions. >>


    He turned his helmet to face the Princeps Septissmerus. << I am certain that your Frumentarii would at least have some evidence corroborating this, but it is apparent you will not trust to word of any outsider. >> He gestured to the others and Kazra as he made his wait to the sentate exit.


    << We do not need an escort. We will see ourselves out. >> He intoned, as he brushed past the praetorian guards in the entrance with causal disdain.

  4. Myrmidon looked on dispassionately as the former human turned against his captors. As far as he was concerned, this provided an ample distraction for the pair to go about sabotaging the base. Inclining his head back towards Blodeuwedd, << We need to act now, if we want to make use of his distraction and escort these people to safety. >>


    Turning his attention back to the detainees, he asked them << How many of you are in there? Do you have any injured or other casualties that we should be aware of? >>


    With any luck, they could covertly get these people to safety before the SHADOW troops dealt with the rampant cyborg.

  5. Thankfully, John was able to stop himself from scoffing audibly at the frankly inane idea of hunting and gathering as he silently waived off the offer of a MRE. He was not hungry yet and he would prefer to get his food himself as he knew that inspecting food for alteration or tampering in a first greeting situation like this would not be ideal. In any case he needed far less food than most people, and would eat later after getting the lay of the land and finishing the tasks requested of him.


    The teen was content to quietly observe sitting on the outskirts of the group, his alertness ratcheting up a notch at the mention of superhuman mercenaries. John scanned the camp, an awkward pause after Giangs' response before he realized that there had been a question directed at him. "I did not volunteer. My presence here is more the results of a suggestion as to what to do after I graduate with my limited skill set. As for the international work, I am no stranger to it, but not in a humanitarian aid fashion." He stated truthfully, as circumventing SHADOW was more important to him than international politics and its associated ilk.

  6. John had helped the remaining members of DI off the helo before turning his attention back to the welcoming committee. Ah. I see. The clone hero thought as they were greeted by Mark Lucas who John knew to be a former Claremonter. More relevant to the situation at hand was his status as a UNISON agent, which meant that this trip was probably the Headmasters way of pointing out some applicable career choices after he graduated this May. He knew Giang personally, but the others were pretty much unknown quantities outside of reputation or what he could ascertain during the trip.


    When the Blue Jay had practically vaulted out of the helicopter, it was not much of a surprise to John as she had greatly reminded him of a caged animal during their long flight. The humanoid cheetah being twitchy was a given as well, but he did not expect the odd visceral reaction to Edge or the biting response to Blue Jay. Ignoring that, he shook Marks' hand firmly and repeated to motion with the lieutenant. "Sirs." He said simply and moved off to the side, his attire and bearing making him look more like a hired mercenary than a student. 

  7. Cube, Myrmidon is a publicly known hero but avoids the press like the plague. What information there is on him typically is major things like the Day of Wrath where he worked with the Freedom League Auxillary, or the Archville incident where he rallied together a makeshift milita to drive the Deep Ones back into the ocean. Everything else is mainly rumor-mongering (except that he DOES tend to be around or know about things when SHADOW is involved).


    As for his fellow Claremonters, John is the weird senior exchange student from Germany who doesn't seem to have any family or they never show up. They might know a little about his abilities if he has trained or fought with them, but for the most part he keeps to himself.

  8. John looked to be watching the countryside pass by from his his position with his legs hanging out of the door of the helicopter where normally the door gunner would sit. The senior Claremonters' thoughts were elsewhere, namely wondering why exactly he was in Africa of all places on a mission humanitarian aid of all things. Still, Headmaster Summers had seemed adamant that John go, even pointing out that he did not want to have to order John into taking the mission. John had grudgingly accepted, lamenting the fact that he could not just take the direct route and fly there himself. His repeated attempts to arrive on location faster during the journey were either waived off or not taken seriously.


    So here he was, in Africa of all places, on a mission of mercy. The clone nearly scoffed out loud at the inanity of those words, not that they would be noticed over the twin turbines of the helicopter drowning out most of the other noises. He was not in his armor, seeing as this was not a combat mission but was wearing his ubiquitous sunglasses, and his day to day wear of militaristic styled clothing. Plus trying to sleep wearing a helmet always gave him neck cramps.

  9. Her companion waved off her apology. "You will find in time that with our other jobs provide ample opportunities to go very many unusual and esoteric places. To be perfectly honest, I tend to remember people over places."


    John glanced around as they walked, taking in his increasingly colorful and loud current surroundings as they got to outskirts of the celebration. The clone looked a bit wary and confused, which was likely due to the amount of people and the unfamiliar area. "So...what does one exactly do at this type of New Years' Festival? Is it like the western celebration where it seems to devolve into drunken revelry on purpose or is it a proper holiday like Oktoberfest?"

  10. John analyzed the evidence at hand, mentally collating and sorting it to form an effective battle plan. "The large sauropod with the glowing eyes is likely their 'jade snake'. The temple of Saturn likely is just that, a roman temple dedicated to the titan in question which as Princess Kazra has pointed out is directly in their path. If we halt that, we throw a spanner into the works of their plan." The clone hero was sorely wishing for a map or satellite coverage of some sort at the moment.


    Realizing that he had the local equivalent, he turned to Kazra. "Is there any large bodies of water or rivers between the herd and the city? Or any other terrain features that could corral or be used as a barrier of sorts?"

  11. John was not expecting her to stop, so he turned to face Giang after she had fallen behind. "Yes. I was invited to participate in a tournament they were hosting, along with Morgan, Vicki and other selected heroes that met their criteria. In my case that was surviving an impromptu fight with one of the celestial handmaidens. However, the tournament was disrupted when multiple yao guai attempted a coup by gorging themselves from the pure chi that flowed from the Seat of the Pellicuid. I fought alongside Sun Wukong and Guan Yu, in a hastily thrown together taskforce to repel the invaders. Ultimately, we succeeded." he had looked around before telling Giang this, as discretion was needed.


    "If you would like I could make some queries about traveling to Tian, as I would like to visit acquaintances I met there the first time." He nodded, and gave her a smile. "If I had to be honest, you do remind me of the handmaidens of Tian. Silk hiding steel."

  12. "Indeed." He stated as his companion explained the history of the event, as the pair crossed a back street. John started to hear the rapidly closing sounds of people in celebration, his augmented senses making sure they were heading toward their destination. "Well, in my experience half of that legend is true." The clone shot Giang a quick glance as they rounded a corner to the next block  "Explosives tend to disagree with most living things, mythological status irregardless.  My experience with your culture before today is from required reading from texts such as I Ching or the Thirty-Six Stratagems, and a trip to Tian. Which is more an amalgamation than cultural specific."  


    "Due to my unfamiliarity, please do not hesitate to provide translation or explanation when you think necessary. I am unfortunately not a polyglot." He could probably find some linguistic software in his combat armor, but he was attending this function as his civilian ID.

  13. John tried to make their ride interesting by generally taking the scenic route, including taking the Centery Bridge across the bay. The ride did give hime time to think, especially as to why he had accepted Giangs' invitation. At first he had thought it was yet another case of one sided attraction, but she had displayed none of the warning signs that he had mentally cataloged from those previous experiences. So he had accepted her invitation, and was looking forward to the experience. He had researched the celebration a little, mainly as a precautionary measure.


    He pulled off his helmet, his hair looking none the worse for wear.  "I found that I personally prefer the freedom of a motorcycle over an automobile. But they both have their advantages." John said candidly, storing both the helmets in the motorcycles saddlebags. He followed alongside of Giang easily as she explained the nuances of her cultures way demarcating the passage of time. "Fascinating." he chimed in. "It is very unlike the Western Zodiac which is rather disassociated with the Julian calender. But it is intriguing that there are both twelve signs and twelve animals, which probably is not a mere coincidence."

  14. "I could teach you how to drive one later, if you would be interested" He said as they walked over to his bike. "I have to give you some instruction regardless, for both our sakes." He spent the next five or so minutes show her where to put her feet and hands, how to handle corners, where to avoid touching the motorcycle, and ways to indicate if she needed to get his attention while at speed.


    He strapped his helmet on and slung a leg over the motorcycle, supporting the weight of the machine easily. Moments later the engine roared to life along with John shooting her an amused look from behind his sunglasses. "Saddle up, I believe is the correct terminology in this case." John waited for her to get on and get properly situated before gunning the engine and taking off to to their location.

  15. A few minutes later John walked out of his dorm, wearing a bomber jacket unzipped over his t-shirt and jeans. In his hands he was carrying two motorcycle helmets, one akin to a world war two era German stahlhelm with the other a more modern version. He spotted Giang and made his way over to where she was waiting, his pace as exact as an metronome.


    "Good evening, Miss Giang. I would like to thank you again for inviting me to see an aspect of your cultural heritage, I hope for today to be rewarding for for both of us." He held out the modern helmet to her. "We can take my motorcycle, but I must insist on you wearing proper protection."


    He gave a nod over in the direction of the student section of the parking lot. "Shall we go?" John had already memorized the route and was pleasantly surprised to find it was not too far from where he was talking sword lessons. He was sure that Mister Espadas would not mind his leaving his bike in the dojos' parking area for a few hours.

  16. John did not like engaging in pointless battles, but he realized that the doctrine of 'acceptable losses' was and never would be taught at Claremont. << Very Well. Miss Cerys, you and I will focus on the sorcerer. Theoretically when he is taken out the binding magic should go too. Mister Subito, you and Princess Kazra are to engage the other serpent people. Miss Giang, I would like you to make sure that none of our opponents escape. If they try to run, subdue them or corral then back towards Mister Subito. >>


    Within moments his compound bow was in hand complete with an arrow nocked and ready to go. << Time your attacks after Cerys and I have ambushed the sorcerer, the confusion that it creates should help in your favor. >>

  17. "Depends on what type of self destruct. Could be as simple as a fuel air explosive, or it might be something more esoteric like a necrotic pulse or the like. If either of us can disable the other commander, there should be no one with high enough clearance to activate it." He opted to pick up the staff and toss it to Blod. She was more of an expert in these things after all.


    Myrmidon then gave her a look that could only be described as quizzical confusion at the statement. "The enemy of my enemy is my enemy's enemy. No more. No less." he stated akin to a mantra. "Regardless, we need to make haste."

  18. John frowned and retrieved his smartphone from where it was clipped to his belt. "My apologies. I have been recently spending most of my time in the campus sub-levels helping to locate potential security loopholes and there is limited to no cellular reception. Regardless, I would be honored to join you for dinner tonight." He locked his phone and put it back on his hip. "While Miss Kristen is font of information irregardless of its source, she did not inform me of your identity. While I typically maintain a passing acquaintance with most campus personalities, I will freely admit that in this case that information was given to me due to my direct involvement in recent events."


    The teen held his hands up in a placating gesture. "That aside, please do continue. I have no wish to distract you from your sparring, Miss Shade, unless if you want my observations. Though I am not a devoted practitioner of the blade, merely utilizing it as a tool not an art." He looked around for an out of the way spot to park himself.

  19. Myrmidon Data Log XIII-217
    Type: Audio/Video Record
    Subject: LACUNA Suit Subroutine testing
    Timestamp: ***Data Expunged***

    Location: ***Data Expunged***


    The video shows an large, structurally reinforced room covered with various scorch marks, small craters, and carbon scoring. There is a slight warp to the image, as if it is being filmed behind some sort of protective glass. Myrmidon walks in from behind the camera, and faces it.


    "This is a documentation of the capabilities of the LACUNA suit." He gestures at his uniform.  "The base suit has four modes, or subroutines as I will refer to them. The default mode uses the suits neural interface to adapt the suit to various hazards the wearer might face in the field. My research indicates that this mode is remarkably similar to a exosuit prototype that was stolen from a Japanese defense firm two years ago." The suit begins altering itself, reflective plates of red and silver forming across its surface, with tubes running underneath them. A luminescent yellow liquid begins circulating throughout the suit. Seconds later the transformation is complete, the formerly matte black suit replaced by what looks like form-fitted ceramic armor. "I have just mentally commanded the suit to adapt to provide protection versus high temperatures." He turned to address someone who was off-screen. "You may fire when ready." A second later, Myrmidon is hit by what appears to be a flamethrower for a period of thirty seconds. When the flame subsides it shows that Myrmidon has not moved, his armor is glowing white hot while flaming rivulets of napalm streamed off the armor and onto the floor. "As you can see i am unharmed, while staying quite comfortable. Theoretically, this resistance would even allow up to full immersion in magma."


    The following hour of the video is continued battering of the hero under laser, firearm, and other typical dangers a hero might face in the field. Apparently that list included falls from terminal velocity. "I am sorry that I could not procure a test site that would feasibly allow that test." the helmeted hero apologized to the camera. "Though if I am correct, I believe the suit could handle orbital re-entry and its respective hazards." He walks off-screen and the camera cuts off.


    The camera comes back on, still behind the protective casing. This time, Myrmidon is against the far wall. "In the cases where there is no time to reconnoiter and adapt to a battle, the LACUNA suit has a dedicated armor function. Much of it seems adapted from the failed Laufpanzer research project attributed to roboticist & weapon designer Dr. Ferron 'Rusty' Oxford AKA Doc Oxide, a known SHADOW sympathizer." As he spoke, the armor started to bulk up, forming overlapping segmented sections of a dark grey metallic material. "The added weight of the armor is rendered negligible through the use of servomotors and an under-armor conductive weave that prevents liquids and gases from penetrating." Myrmidon lifted up his arm, showing the dark under-armor that showed at his shoulder joint. "In addition, the exterior armor is made of an impact hardening material, which significantly reduces the chances of a lucky hit causing excess trauma." He gestured to something offscreen, and the camera moved to look a table with an assortment of weapons. "This armor is rated to anti-vehicle scale weaponry, which would typically be overkill on a single man. Typically."


    The camera panned back to the helmeted hero, as he was bombarded by veritable fusillade of firepower. It was capped off with what looked like a 20 mm cannon round impacting center-mass, the kinetic transfer of energy enough to knock him prone. A few seconds passed before the figure regained his feet, dusting off the chips of masonry that had fallen on him. "Of course one would still need to take adequate precautions, but the ability to ignore most small-arms fire would help in my normal fieldwork." Myrmidon makes a slashing motion across his neck, and the video stops.


    A few seconds follow, and the camera snaps back on. Judging by the appearance there was no more protective screen. Myrmidon this time is already on camera. "Next up is the stealth functions of the suit, which is remarkably similar to the Geisterjäger armor that SHADOW has employed in the field for the last few years." The armored hero appeared to shimmer as if a mirage, before fading completely. "Testing has shown that while effective at stopping visual and acoustic detection, this cloaking effect still remains penetrable by radio imaging and olfactory sensors, not to mention of no use versus mental scrying. Though for basic infiltration it is superior to most alternatives." As the bodiless voice spoke, the camera cycled through various imaging modes to no avail. Myrmidon popped back into the frame, three feet away from his previous position. "The last subroutine is the flight mode, which has been documented by numerous Freedom City media outlets.


    The suit changed again, into something resembling a wing-suit with a streamlined jetpack integrated into the suit. "Flight speed can easily exceed the sound barrier. This setting appears the only in house research applied to the suit, though it takes some cues from the cancelled Valkyrie experimental bomber by 'surfing' on its own sonic wake termed 'compression lift' which allows for extended flight at supersonic speeds, AKA super-cruise." The wing-suit and the jetpack retracted back inwards. The video cut to local media channels recordings that had picked up images of him in flight, mostly grainy ones during the night. There was one in broad daylight that was tagged Jan. 15 2013, and gave the best look at the suit in action. After a few minutes of these clips, it cut back to the stark facility with Myrmidon once again in front of the camera. "That concludes the base demonstration of the LACUNA suit. Due to the adaptable nature of the suit, I will probably discover or create more subroutines for future use. Myrmidon out." The image goes dark.

  20. Myr uses Skill Mastery on Stealth for a 31 total, and will activate his 'Cloak Subroutine' - Concealment 6 [All Visual & Auditory] (Drawback: Action [Move] -1, PF: Close Range) + Super-Movement 1 [Trackless]

  21. John was headed out of the locker rooms, having finished his daily workout regimen and was headed outside  when he heard someone that had not been on campus for some time in one of the rooms. Changing his destination, he caught the tail end of a conversation and rounded the doorway. He gave a nod to Mali and Katherine before smiling at Etain. "Good evening, ladies. Had I known you would be on campus, Etain, I would have further delayed my training." The smile changed into a bemused smirk. "But it seems that you have found a sufficient challenge regardless."


    He moved to an out of the way corner. "Do not mind me. It is a seldom pleasure to watch competent sparring." He raised an eyebrow at the wooden safety sword in Etain and Kats' hands. "Well, instructional sparring. You should take advantage, Miss Shade. Etain is a superb sword-mistress, one of the best you are likely to encounter." 

  22. Ignoring the scenic vistas in favor of keeping focused on the mission, the Claremonter had spotted the group of serpent people nearly the same time as Kazra, even being the rearguard. Kneeling within the shadow of a tree, Myrmidon surveyed the group of serpent people while weighing their various options. He was hesitant to attack this group as he did not know the extent of the force composition of his current foes. Additionally, even if they did capture one of them and was able to coerce it into talking there was no guarantee that they could understand it. He doubted seriously that it was a common tongue at the very least. A second glance at their force makeup and Myrmidon had a good grasp on their current situation.


    << One moment. >> the statement was quiet, but forceful. << They are gathering materiel for another strike. Note they do not carry provisions, so they will be likely taking their spoils back to their base of operations. If we shadow them they will likely lead us to our objective themselves, sparing us from searching for it. >> At this point Myrmidon was sorely wishing that his classmates could use sign language. << Taking out this party would likely make our opponents wary, even if it was denying them some forces when they fail to report back. As for interrogating one, chances of it being or having viable and/or understandable information is minimal. >>

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