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Posts posted by Semi-Autogyro

  1. Giang guess had been correct, as Johns' head snapped up when he heard his name called out. "Good Morning, Frauleins." He pushed up a pair of wraparound sunglasses and gave the pair a lazy wave that was at odds with his personality, but not his attire. The clone hero was wearing a Hawaiian shirt in an rather eye-watering shade of pink coupled with a set of board shorts and surfer shoes. "I do apologize for my abrupt appearance without warning you first, but something has come up that could not be disseminated over normal communication lines."


    He stood and stretched with a yawn, which both of the women saw him use as a means looking around to see if they were being watched. Once satisfied he fished the keys out of his pocket. "Sorry. I am still operating on Hong Kong time. I can take your luggage and can pull around to the front while you wait for Miss Malis' plane to disembark. Once on the road I will gladly chauffeur you ladies to whatever destination you require and answer the questions you most certainly have." A beep signaled the trunk opening automatically, the lid moving upward to reveal what was undoubtedly Myrmidons' armor and associated accouterments in a large duffel bag already secured.


    "Regardless of everything else, it is nice to see the both of you again." John said to them with an honest smile.

  2. Myrmidon was currently holding a tablet PC in one hand and a stylus in the other as he had been drafting a rudimentary plan of attack. The JSDF was kind enough to give him the layout of the scientific vessel to which he was grateful. They had also requested that the creatures be subdued non-lethally at this point in time, which made things a bit more difficult on their end. Still, he knew from experience that his teammates could and would easily adapt to the situation, barring the need for any subversive tactics which tended not to work when Thalia had all the subtlety of a brick to the face. But it was a straightforward assault in this case: take out the shark-men and secure the vessel and the hostages.


    So the best plan of attack would be a simple pincer maneuver. He would have the others attack head on, while he would sweep and clear the ship from the other side. Once that was done, it would be time to focus on the rift which was not his area of expertise and he would pass the reins to his capable teammates. "If their physiology is like normal terrestrial sharks, aim for the eyes, gill slits, or other sensory organs to maximize damage and disorient them." He said aloud while glancing at the other ship, his helmets' heads up display forwarding him more pertinent information. "I have an idea on how we can board the vessel, however." He flipped the tablet around so the others could see.

  3. Myrmidon had been unable to add to the discussion as he was more concerned about the Atlantean soldier currently bleeding out on him. Field surgery was never pretty and John was positive that were the Atlantean a normal man he'd probably die of sepsis even though he had stopped him from bleeding out on the floor. The clone finished up the last of the stitches and rechecked his handiwork. The man would live, but sport what was likely to be an impressive scar later on.


    Grabbing a towel from his medical kit to wipe off his hands, he stood up and tossed the blood soaked cloth to the side as he fished out a pair of industrial strength zip-ties to secure the unconscious Atlanteans. He paused for a second before ripping apart a clean towel and gagging the two men as well. "These men can be secured in the pressure hatch and the casualty can be moved to the Deep Sinker as he is stable at the moment. I'd put them all under guard, as a precaution." The clone hero stated to the group before facing the Marine leader.


    "It is inconceivable with the information present that you think you can secure this vessel, Captain Sparrow. Unless you and your men are somehow immune to what both Lady Temperance and Miss Tsunami have identified as semi-sentient water with malignant intentions." Myrmidon gestured at the two dead marines. "To which these dead men rather prove that point. Spreading out only invites you and your men to be picked off or subsumed individually. As my colleague has said the bigger issue is that this vessel and whoever is operating it needs to be destroyed or rendered inert before it reaches wherever it is headed. Sooner rather than later."

  4. Power attacking for 2, Unarmed suit damage DC 25 with Takedown Attack.

    Taking 10 on the attack for a +18, DC 27 total for both of them, which SC told me in chat the pair were down with that.


    Medicine Check, Skill Mastery, with masterwork medical kit for a total of a 20.

  5. Myrmidon had started moving a split second after the two began attacking their leader. Half a heartbeat later, he had jumped forward and grabbed onto the study metal construction of the ceiling and used that momentum to launch himself at the pair. Twisting his upper body he delivered a split kick into the face of the mind controlled men, feeling and hearing the signature crunch of a broken nose as they met unconsciousness scant seconds later when his attack slammed them headlong into the far wall. Luckily Atlantean armorsmithing proved to be equally as tough as their thick skulls, their helmets sparing them from further cranial damage but not from being knocked insensate.


    Satisfied the pair were down, Myrmidon turned his attention on the wounded leader and began mentally triaging the patient as he reached for his field medic kit.

  6. I'm not rolling for the Atlanteans notice/search because he was more focused on hostilities than making those rolls. Okay, Myrmidon will aid another on Tsunami succeeding automatically on the DC 10, and with his teamwork 3 giving her a +5 to a roll. I figure this would be him physically causing them to have a gag reflex by force of some sort making it easier for her to extract that water. If it works, that is.

  7. Myrmidon had not joined in the diplomatic snafu that had happened because his inclination was to put everyone down except his teammates and sort of the mess afterwords. This is exactly why he had confronted the Captain Gomez on the surface and this had just confirmed his suspicions rather pointedly. Still, he made no movements as the two sides confronted each one another other than being ready to launch a preemptive strike before true stupidity broke out. Luckily for all involved, cooler heads prevailed and discourse instead of a firefight broke out.


    He finished pocketing a spare pistol magazine from one of the bodies when Giang informed him and Lady Temperance of the subverted nature of the Atlantean troops, which tactically had mental alarm bells going off in his mind. Good thing that wearing a mask let him speak without betraying the fact he was speaking or who he was speaking to as he responded quietly back to the pair. "Forcible extraction or dessication might be required to break it then." I'll assist on your mark, Tsunami. Lady Temperance, would you warn the Princess as she might see this as an attack on her people." Myrmidon turned and did a quick series of military sign language gestures at Captain Grimes that stated: Enemy. Compromised. Wait.

  8. Myrmidon


    July 18th, 2:20 AM Local Time

    Hong Kong, People's Republic of China


    Unexpected Patronage


    Myrmidon released the unconscious triad boss, allowing the body to drop heavily to the floor that was littered with the rest of his men. Yet another dead end, the clone thought as he let loose a rare sigh of annoyance. What information the man had was either wrong or purposeful misinformation, not to mention at the end he was gibbering any sort of information that he thought might appease Myrmidon who had kicked down the door to his penthouse suite after fighting his way up the skyscraper.


    The sound of clapping snapped him out of his reverie, as he turned toward the sound hand on his sword. The sight that greeted him made him pause, namely a woman in a military-style uniform reclining on a trio of insensate Triad enforcers like she was a queen on a throne. “Oh John, you always bring me the best violence!â€


    The ensuing silence was only broken by Myrmidon cocking his head slightly and uttering a confused sounding “What?â€


    If the woman had heard his query, she either ignored it or deigned it as unimportant as she stood and lightly brushed off her skirt. Helpfully, this allowed the clone to parse this unusual circumstance to try and make some sense of the situation. One, the woman most definitely was not here before or during the altercation, either visible or invisible as he had made a thorough sweep of the premises. Second, she knew his civilian identity, which wasn’t common knowledge outside of a few select people that mainly resided in Freedom City.  Certainly none he knew about here in Hong Kong. Third, her uniform matched no known military force or mercenary company he was aware of. The unit patch of simplified clock face at midnight also was unknown to him.  Finally, he knew he had never met her before. That didn’t exclude her hiding her identity, but he could not shake the odd feeling of familiarity.


    “Still, it wouldn’t kill you to snap a few necks now and again. It’s kind of a waste not using the full extent of your training.†She gestured at the bodies before turning to face him. “Still, this was an inspired piece of work, so I had to at least show that some people have an appreciation for your talents.â€


    “Thank you for your patronage.†He deadpanned, his hand still wrapped around the hilt of his sword, “Explanation now, please.â€


    She gave him a look like he was being particularly dense, as she blithely countered with “Really, John. You of all people should know who I am.“


    “My current working theory is some sort of mystical entity. Possibly extraplanar or extradimensional, with an odd proclivity to have me under their personal surveillance.†At this she laughed.


     â€œYou’ll figure it out eventually. Once you do, it will seem obvious.†She turned and surveyed the room again, nodding in appreciation. “Hmm. I should at least give you something for your performance.†The woman rubbed her chin in thought. Myrmidon warily let go of his sword, seeing as the woman was not an enemy, but keeping alert just in case.


    “Aha!†the woman said, along with a snap of her fingers that sounded more like a rifle report. “Advice! I can give you that!†A slightly manic grin crossed her features, causing the clone hero to warily back up a step.


    “No offense, but I fail to see what advice you could offer me that I would value. If you know me as well as you seemingly do, then you know what I want. Kantor. Dead.†Myrmidons tone was one of finality.


    She shot him a pitying look. “Can’t. Not my place to interfere. But that brings up my advice: You should know that you’re going about that all wrong.â€


    He practically bristled at that. “What pray tell is the right way, then?â€


    The woman sighed, rolled her eyes and jabbed him in chest with a surprisingly sharp blood-red fingernail that he felt even with his armor.  “Look. I understand where you’re coming from so you don’t need to get snippy with me.† He was going to interject before being silenced by another gesture with said finger ordering him to be quiet. “This is something you cannot do alone, no matter how you go about it. You are hamstringing yourself being stubbornly unwilling to seek assistance.†She again jabbed him again with her finger as if emphasizing the point.  Ow. That one actually caused a damage indicator to light up in his helmet.


    “The others have no understanding of what they would be getting into.†He wanted to keep his friends far away from SHADOW as possible. It was not their fight.


    “Then explain it to them, or swallow your vaunted pride and talk to the ones that are aware.  You are just one man, regardless of your skill going against an entire organization. Even you cannot ignore the disparity.â€


    While to point was true, he glowered at the woman underneath his helmet. “Who? AEGIS? Go to the people that originally wanted to vivisect me to reverse engineer advanced cloning techniques and then shanghai my mental conditioning to become their own shadow operative. Nothing could possibly go wrong with such an alliance.â€


    “Sarcasm, how droll.  I will point out their mistrust was when you were an unknown quality; you have done much to eliminate a vast amount of suspicion of yourself. You’ve proven yourself many times over.†The woman helpfully pointed out.  "John, no soldier has ever won a war singlehandedly. I should know. You fight for the simple reason that you want others to have the basic right of self-determination, something that means more to you than any fealty to nation, religion, or cause.  As long as you keep that, does it matter how you go about achieving your objectives?â€


    “No.†She was right.


    “Then my advice is to change your tactics, soldier.†She placed a friendly hand on his shoulder as she gave him a wan smile. He caught the familiar scent of blood, smoke, and ozone that seemingly surrounded the woman like perfume. "Oh, and by the way, he might know where that shipment you're looking for is."  She nodded at something behind him, which he turned to face. One of the triad enforcers had regained consciousness and now had a SHADOW manufactured hyper-blaster leveled at him. The weight of the womans' hand disappeared of his shoulder and he knew he was alone again. Well then, back to work.

  9. Myrmidon looked around before crouching next to the body of the armed soldier, plucking the handgun out of dead fingers rigid with rigor mortis. He ejected the magazine and cleared the slide, catching the brass that was still in the chamber out of midair with practiced ease. "9 Millimeter, three rounds spent with ten left in the magazine. He must have been retreating to this position looking for an escape, firing defensively when he was cornered and then taken down." The clone stated, holding up the caught brass one in his left hand followed by pointing at two other 9mm casings shining dimly from the floor from the sparse lighting with his right.


    "One hit, two missed with impacts there and there." His right hand shifted to aim at two chest height deformations in the wall. "Absence of blood spatter or pooling so his target was either wearing a vest or immune to small caliber rounds." He rifled through the two corpses pockets looking for ID or other clues. "No bullet wounds on the other body which means something or somebody else was here." After he was done searching the corpses, he slid the magazine back into the pistol and flipped the safety on before sliding it into an unused holster on his armor.

  10. Myrmidon hits the search check with an 18, along with ridding his sensors of sonar and keeping darkvision on [2/5 PP used]. He'll also take the handgun and any extra magazines on the bodies, while also going through their pockets for more clues.

  11. A few minutes later Myrmidons' voice came over their commlinks. "It appears to be armed with an device I have not encountered before, which means it more than likely to be built for a specific, specialized purpose." Through the audio you could hear the ambient noise the spidermech producing filtering in.


    "With the vehicles size taken into consideration as well, we are probably looking at a damage capability of city-grade devastation or greater. Though I do not know what it would be targeting from this area. Princess Thaelia, this is your bailiwick. Do you know of anything nearby that could be the target of this vessel?" Myrmidon at this point was contemplating disabling the weapon right now and sorting out the who and the why later, as devices and vehicles such as this were seldom used with good intentions.

  12. SC, Myrmidon is going to try and figure out if this is a research vehicle or some sort of military vehicle. Quick once over for hatches, weapons, view ports...whatever looks important.


    Skill Mastery on his Notice for 22 total. Also, activating his cloaking subroutine so he doesn't get shot at off for poking around mechaspider.

  13. Myrmidon grimaced underneath his helmet as he watched the metal behemoth moving across the ocean floor. it was definitely a manned vehicle of some sort, but if it was carrying weapons or what sort of crew it had was yet to be ascertained. Switching his comms to active, he sent a quick statement to his current allies.


    "I am going to reconnoiter the unknown vehicle for places of entry and armaments. Will report back." The others could see his outline start to fade as he approached the massive spidermech only to lose sight of him in the inky blackness between the lights of the spider and the phosphorescence of nearby sea life.

  14. Myrmidon stood at ease waiting for the captain to finish his counter arguments before nodding once in acquiescence. "I understand and appreciate your candor, Captain."


    "I was not originally part of this endeavor, my presence here being a courtesy to a friend. But that does not stop me from wanting the whole picture, or at least your version of it. No or bad intelligence can kill as easily as a bullet or knife." He said as he gestured idly at the Marines' weapons.


    "I do not mind observers or lack of trust, but rigid adherence to protocol is not always a good thing." The super-soldier grasped a nearby railing. "For the record, I am always willing to fight and bleed alongside people like you and your men regardless of their issues with people like us." He glanced over at the heroines. "I am going on ahead." With that he vaulted over the railing followed seconds later by the splash as he entered the water.

  15. John secured his helmet into place as it sealed the the suits atmosphere off with a slight hissing noise. As soon as that was completed he started the procedure for the suit to rig for deep submerge, namely flooding the suit with a oxygen rich liquid perflurocarbon while a membrane oxygenator was connected to his respiratory system. A few seconds later he was breathing liquid oxygen before he noticed the boarding marines, then quietly turning to face Captain Gomez.

    "Captain Gomez, is there a reason a squad of marines is being assigned alongside of the four of us? I am not questioning their skill, only their orders and utility. They cannot operate outside of the the vehicle, let alone make a difference with their torpedoes in any manner that any one of us could provide normally. So I am asking you, Captain, if they have orders or intelligence that we are not privy to. Furthermore, whose orders will they follow should we be cut off from the surface?"

    The statement was delivered in a monotone from the Myrmidons external comm, but there was an unmistakeable point the clone hero was driving home: secrets have no place if you wanted his assistance and compliance.

  16. John had his helmet tucked under his right arm as he listened to the captains' report while reading the official reports. He had not been present at the first encounter with the spectral pirate, not to mention this was somewhat out of his area of expertise but he found he really could not say no when Giang needed help that he could supply. Besides, arms dealers ranked lower on the threat scale than eldritch privateers. Canting his head slightly he picked up the sounds of the helicopter that had dropped them off onto the Luther returning back to Lonely Point naval station back in Freedom City. He waited for the others to talk before adding his observations.


    "These readings are too fast moving to be a normal biologic contact. If it was a foreign vessel, it would be likely that the SOSUS sonar array would have picked up some sort of signal. Furthermore the average depth here is beyond crush depth for most submersibles barring deep research vehicles. I can operate at that depth, however."


    What the cloned super-soldier did not mention was that much of his arsenal would be rendered useless underwater.

  17. ADVANCED TRAINING by Thevshi




    Various updates and edits to bring up his history up to date, including removing and editing complications.


    Note: Edited per Thevs' suggestions.



    Move 2 SP from Acrobatics +9 (+17), to +7 (+15)

    +1 SP to Drive +3(+11), +1 SP to Pilot +3(+11)

    Change ranks of Demolitions +3 to Swim: total +3 (+11)

    Change Language(Russian) to Language (Galactic Standard)


    Buying 3 Skill Ranks: 3 PP

    +4 Drive: +7(+15)

    +4 Pilot: +7(+15)

    +4 Swim: +7(+15)


    Feats - Buying 5 Feats: 5 PP


    Skill Challenge 2: Simultaneous Task [Evasive Maneuvers while Attacking]

    Skill Mastery (Drive, Knowledge [Technology], Medicine, Pilot)

    Quick Change

    Wealth 1 [Wealthy]




    Remove Masterwork Demolitions Kit. [+1 EP]

    Remove Selective, & Insidious from Commlink per equipment rules [+2 EP]

    Adding Lock-Release Gun [1 EP], GPS Reciever [1 EP], and Geiger Counter [1 EP].




    Change Super-Senses 6 (Direction Sense, Distance Sense, Darkvision, Radio, Ultra Hearing) [6 PP] in armor to: Variable Power 1 (Any Power, 5pp pool; Extra: Action [Move] +1, Flaw: Limited [super-Sense Powers Only] -1) [6 PP]


    Remove Feature [internal Compartments], Flight Subroutine, Quick Change Enhanced Feats from armor [+3 PP], Remove Power Feats: Indestructible and Disguised from Armor. [+2 PP]

    Replace with Enhanced Feat 3 (Environmental Adaptation [High, Low, and Zero Gravity]) [3 PP].


    Remove Enhanced Feat: Second Chance (Saves vs. Emotion Effects). Immunity (Fear Effects) and Power Feat: Regrowth from Super Soldier container [+3 PP]

    Buying Immunity (Emotion Effects) [5 PP] into Super Soldier Container; Buying Speed 2 [2 PP] (Speed 3 Total) with 2 APs off of BP:Speed - Leaping 3 [1 PP] & Swimming 2 PF: Environmental Adaptation (Underwater) [1 PP]  = [9 PP]


    Hopefully my math should check out.


    Player Name: Semi-Autogyro
    Character Name: Myrmidon
    Power Level: 14 (215/215 PP)
    Trade-Offs: +2 Defense, -2 Toughness
    Unspent PP: 0
    Progress To Gold Status: 65/90
    Bronze Reward: Equipment 8/15 for Myrmidon

    In Brief: SHADOW prototype clone super-soldier turned hero.

    Alternate Identities: Johann "John" T. Schmidt "Smith"
    Identity: Public
    Birthplace: SHADOW Complex AA12, Clone Tank RC-1207
    Occupation: Freelance Security Consultant
    Affiliations: Claremont Academy (former student), Irregulars (former member)
    Family: None, Genetically Modified Overshadow [Wilhelm Kantor] Clone

    Age: 7 (DoC: May 6th, 2007)
    Apparent Age: Mid 20's
    Gender: Male
    Ethnicity: Caucasian
    Height: 6'6"
    Weight: 225
    Eyes: Blue
    Hair: Blonde

    Bodycast: Ivan Drago (Dolph Lundgren, Rocky IV)

    Voicecast: Joshua Graham (Keith Szarabajka, Fallout: New Vegas)


    Like the man he was cloned from, Myrmidon would be considered an ideal poster boy for the Reich. Tall and solidly built, he is far lighter on his feet than his frame would suggest. Working in his professional capacity as a security consultant he favors dark suits with clean lines. In his off hours, preferring to wear simple and rugged clothing that usually came from the nearby military surplus store. His combat uniform is an amalgamation of his past and present – The LACUNA (Lightweight Adaptive Combat & Utility Nanoforged Armor) suit he wears has a distinct SHADOW heritage as due to it being a working field prototype that he forcibly repossessed from his former handlers. The featureless helmet seamlessly integrates with the armor making while making a call back to his roots as a faceless SHADOW minion. In addition, it has the effect of obscuring his voice, requiring a comm-link to communicate which others.

    Power Descriptions: According to the non-damaged files Raven retrieved from the SHADOW complex, Myrmidon was designed to make a peak physical and mental specimen of the normal SHADOW clone. Unlike most replica troopers this variant stock was also intended to be completely autonomous, possessing a near perfect duplication of Kantors' memories and experiences minus redactions necessary to prevent rampancy. The integrated DNA had numerous effects from heightening senses, boosting cellular regeneration, and optimizing bodily functions ranging from caloric intake to lactic acid degradation. With continuing SHADOW mental programming, flash learning, and physical training; the project scientists had succeeded in created a terrifyingly effective super-soldier prototype that would only improve with time.

    History: Clone designation RC-1207 was extracted from a SHADOW research base by Raven and Daedalus as the only surviving prototype clone of what was termed Project: MARATHON, which itself was an offshoot of the Project: MIMIR. Said clone used advanced techniques for faster gestation and stable mutations compared to older model SHADOW clones. This new clone was designed to be an peak physical specimen utilizing numerous other genetic templates that were introduced to the clones during initial gestation from numerous sources such as psions, magicians, and other pre-existing meta-humans in SHADOWs' employ. If this worked, it would vastly improve the combat performance of SHADOW replica troopers. The endgame scenario of the project was to give Overshadow the perfect container for his consciousness. Luckily, Raven and Daedalus destroyed the SHADOW base and extracted the sole surviving clone and all related information that could be salvaged.

    The unique nature of the clone prevented its outright destruction by the Freedom League. Daedalus, by using data found at the SHADOW complex found that the cloning process was incomplete and needed to be finished in order for the clone to fully develop. When given the green light to proceed, the immortal inventor added further social conditioning in lieu of the standard SHADOW indoctrination programming in hopes of giving the clone free will. He was wildly successful in removing most, if not all of the programming. The clone proved intelligent and physically superior, but still only had a basic grasp of social concepts and interaction. At this point Duncan Summers suggested enrolling him at the Claremont Academy to allow him to develop the necessary skills to reintegrate into society under the alias Johann Schmidt, anglicized to John Smith.


    John spent two years at Claremont before graduating with honors, having made numerous friends and acquaintances in addition to firmly proving his allegiance to all of his naysayers. He worked well solo and as a team player, from the day to day interaction with his friends on the Irregulars to impromptu field team-ups with other heroes. After graduating he spent a few months looking at his options before deciding to become a freelance security specialist, applying his training and expertise to clients that needed someone like him. This has formed more cordial relations between him and government agencies such as AEGIS and their like. He is currently pursing a degree via the internet in Military Science as he is rarely in one place long enough to settle down. Over the past year the jet-setting hero has been spotted worldwide as he pursues his career and making sure SHADOW keeps to its namesake.


    Personality & Motivation: John is a terse, introverted, and direct young man. That being said, he does enjoy new experiences and meeting people. He views using his abilities for good as a sort of balance to the misdeeds of his genetic donor, and is adamant that he will not be used like that ever again. John does have long term plans and goals, but he prefers to take things as they come at him as befits his 'focus on the present mindset'.  He is a very, very driven (some have called him intense) individual who gives 110% in all situations: from his hobbies to fieldwork. He is openly friendly and polite, but still remains wary of others (especially scientists) outside of his social circles.

    Powers & Tactics: Myrmidon was created and trained to be an soldier and operative without compare. His innate knowledge of tactics allows him to easily read any combat situation, making coordination of allies or maximizing and exploiting enemy weaknesses second nature. His LACUNA Suit modes allow unparalleled versatility on the battlefield, affording him multi-role utility and capabilities. His training is focused on asymmetric warfare, infiltration, and elimination techniques. John is a combat pragmatist first and foremost never subscribing to the idea of a fair fight, and is willing to use underhanded tactics if he has to. However, he prefers to analyze a situation before going in hot if at all possible to ascertain any advantage he can garner. Once in the thick of things he favors ending a fight as quickly as possible utilizing his brutally efficient combat style, not holding back regardless of the opponent.

    A Man Chooses, A Slave Obeys: Myrmidon has vowed not be subjugated in any manner ever again and will fight till the bitter end in situations where he or others are chained/restrained/or controlled against their will.
    Cold Professional: Having been mentally conditioned to be the perfect soldier, Myrmidon fully comprehends by the harsh realities of war. As such, he is willing to contemplate and potentially use methods that are frowned upon by the vast majority of the heroic community. This rings especially true when and where it concerns SHADOW; the normally taciturn Myrmidon displays that he possesses other aspects of Wilhelm Kantors' besides just his appearance, namely Overshadows' legendarily frosty demeanor and temper.
    Sins of the Father: Overshadow/SHADOW enemies tend to be his enemies until aware of who/what Myrmidon exactly is, and the same applies in reverse for allies of Overshadow/SHADOW. Due to this, Myrmidon most definitely gets off on the wrong foot with any heroes/people that know what Overshadow/Shadow Clones look like under their masks. Furthermore, Myrmidon possesses first-hand experience and classified knowledge of SHADOW and its various assets. Because of this SHADOW has declared him a wanted fugitive, so he attempts to keep as low of a profile as possible, deferring his contributions and preferring to remain anonymous versus the spotlight.

    Abilities: 16 + 16 + 16 + 10 + 0 + 0 = 58 PP
    Strength: 26 (+8), 41 Carry Capacity
    Dexterity: 26 (+8)
    Constitution: 26 (+8)
    Intelligence: 20 (+5)
    Wisdom: 10 (+0)
    Charisma: 10 (+0)

    Combat: 20 + 20 = 40 PP
    Initiative: +8; +21 w/ Knowledge [Tactics]
    Attack: +10
    Grapple: +21
    Defense: +10 (+10 Base, +0 Dodge Focus), +5 Flat-Footed
    Knockback: -5

    Saving Throws: 2 + 2 + 7 = 11 PP
    Toughness: +10 (+8 Con, +2 Tough)
    Fortitude: +10 (+8 Con, +2)
    Reflex: +10 (+8 Dex, +2)
    Will: +7 (+0 Wis, +7)

    Skills: 100 Ranks = 25 PP
    Acrobatics 7 (+15) Skill Mastery
    Drive 7 (+15) Skill Mastery
    Knowledge [Tactics] 16 (+21) Skill Mastery
    Knowledge [Technology] 5 (+10) Skill Mastery
    Languages 3 (English, Galactic Standard, German [Native], Sign Language)
    Medicine 3 (+8, +10 Masterwork Medical Kit) Skill Mastery
    Notice 12 (+12) Skill Mastery
    Perform [string Instruments] 3 (+3, +5 Masterwork Instrument [Guitar])
    Pilot 7 (+15) Skill Mastery
    Search 5 (+10)
    Sense Motive 7 (+7)
    Stealth 13 (+21) Skill Mastery
    Survival 5 (+5, +7 Masterwork Survival Kit)

    Swim 7 (+15)

    Feats: 27 PP
    Accurate Attack
    All-Out Attack
    Benefit 2 (Use Knowledge [Tactics] to Feint & Trick, as Move Actions)
    Benefit (Use Knowledge [Tactics] for Initiative Checks)
    Defensive Attack
    Equipment 0 (+10 Bronze Reward)
    Hide in Plain Sight
    Luck 2
    Masterful Tactics (Use Knowledge [Tactics] to spot ambushes & avoid feints)
    Master Plan 2 (Use Knowledge [Tactics] for Master Plan checks)
    Power Attack

    Quick Change
    Rallying Cry
    Set Up

    Skill Challenge 2 (Simultaneous Task [Evasive Maneuvers while Attacking])
    Skill Mastery 2 (Acrobatics, Drive, Knowledge [Tactics], Knowledge [Technology], Medicine, Notice, Pilot, Stealth)
    Take-down Attack
    Teamwork 3

    Wealth 1 [Wealthy]


    Equipment: 10 PP = 50 EP

    Arsenal (12+7) = [19 EP]
    Damage 3 (Extra: Range +1, PFs: Mighty x5, Subtle) [12 EP]

    Nano-Ceramic Blade: Damage 4 (PFs: Improved Critical x1 [19-20], Improved Sunder, Mighty) [7 EP]


    LACUNA Suit Integrated Equipment (2+1+1+1+1+1) = [7 EP]

    Enhanced Comm-link (Camera/Cellphone/Digital Audio Recorder/PDA/Video Camera)  [0 EP]
    Aural Dampers (+5 to Saves vs. Audio Dazzle Effects) [1 EP]
    Filtration Scrubbers (+5 to Saves vs. Olfactory Dazzle Effects) [1 EP]
    Flash Goggles (+5 to Saves vs. Visual Dazzle Effects) [1 EP]

    Armored Gauntlets & Greaves: (as Masterwork Brass Knuckles [+2 to Unarmed Damage]) [2 EP]

    Masterwork Flashlight [0 EP]

    GPS Reciever [1 EP]

    Geiger Counter [1 EP]


    Utility Gear (4+3+2+1+1+1) = [12 EP]

    Corrosion 1 (PF: Precise) [4 EP]
    Radio Scrambler: Obscure 6 (Radio; Flaw: Range [Touch] -1, [250 ft. Radius]) [3 EP]
    Masterwork Handcuffs (+5 DC to removal checks [DC 30 Disable Device / DC 40 Escape Artist]) [2 EP]
    Masterwork Medical Kit (+2 to Medicine Checks) [1 EP]
    Masterwork Survival Kit (+2 to Survival Checks) [1 EP]

    Plasma Cutter:

    Lock-Release Gun [1 EP]


    Miscellaneous Equipment (1+1) = [2 EP]

    Super-Senses 1 [Time Sense (atomic watch)] [1 EP]
    Smartphone[0 EP]

    Masterwork Guitar (+2 to Perform [string instruments] Checks) [1 EP]


    Vehicle (0) = [0 EP]

    Compound Bow:

    Powers: 24 + 36 = 60 PP

    Descriptors: Genetic, Training, Technology

    Device 6 'LACUNA Suit' (30 PP Container, Flaws: Hard-To-Lose -1, PFs: Restricted [sTR/DEX/CON 25+]; Drawback: Noticeable [suit alters itself to mimic adapted & alt. capabilities] -1) [24 PP] (Technology)
    BP: 'React Subroutine' - Adaptation 2 (Extra: Controllable +1) [14 PP]
    AP: 'Cloak Subroutine' - Concealment 6 [All Visual & Auditory] (Drawback: Action [Move] -1, PF: Close Range) + Super-Movement 1 (Trackless) [1 PP]
    AP: 'Armor Subroutine' - Enhanced Feat 1 (Ultimate Save [Toughness]) + Immunity 2 (Critical Hits) + Protection 0 (Extra: Impervious 10) + Super-Strength 0 (PF: Bracing) [1 PP]

    Enhanced Feats 3 (Environmental Adaptation [High, Low, & Zero Gravity]) [3 PP]
    Immunity 5 (High Pressure, Radiation, Vacuum, Suffocation Effects) [5 PP]
    Variable Power 1 (Any Power, 5pp pool; Extra: Action [Move] +1, Flaw: Limited [super-Sense Powers Only] -1) [6 PP]


    SHADOW Super-Soldier (35pp Container [Passive, Permanent]; PF: Innate) [36 PP] (Genetic, Training)

    BP: Speed 3 (50 MPH / 500 ft. per Move action) [3 PP]
    AP: Leaping 3 (x10 distance; 180 ft. run/ 90 ft. stand/ 45 ft. high) [1 PP]

    AP: Swimming 2 (5 MPH / 50 ft. per Move Action; PF: Environmental Adaptation [underwater]) [1PP]

    Enhanced Feats 3 (Eidetic Memory, Tough x2) [3 PP]
    Immunity 12 (Aging, Emotion Effects, Environmental Cold & Heat, Disease, Fatigue Checks, Poison) [12 PP]
    Immunity 2 (Sleep, Starvation & Thirst; Flaw: Limited [Half Effect] -1) [1 PP]
    Regeneration 5 (Recovery Bonus 1 [+9], Disabled 1 [5 hours]; PFs: Last Stand, Persistent) [4 PP]
    Super-Senses 4 (Auditory [+Extended (100 ft. Notice Increments)], Danger Sense [mental], Uncanny Dodge [mental], Visual [+Extended (100 ft. Notice Increments)]) [4 PP]
    Super-Strength 3 (+15 Str to Carry Capacity [Effective STR 41], +3 Str Checks) [6 PP]


    Drawbacks: -6 PP

    Vulnerability (Mind Control; Frequency: Uncommon, Intensity: Moderate [x1.5 DC]) [-2 PP] (SHADOW Mental Conditioning)
    Vulnerability (Mind Reading; Frequency: Uncommon, Intensity: Moderate [x1.5 DC]) [-2 PP] (SHADOW Mental Conditioning)
    Vulnerability (Possession; Frequency: Uncommon, Intensity: Moderate [x1.5 DC]) [-2 PP] (SHADOW Mental Conditioning)

    DC Block:

    ATTACK                              RANGE               SAVE                       EFFECT
    Armored Gauntlets & Greaves         Touch DC 25         Toughness (Staged)         Damage (Physical)
    Compound Bow                        Ranged DC 23        Toughness (Staged)         Damage (Ballistic)
    Nano-Ceramic Blade                  Touch DC 27         Toughness (Staged)         Damage (Slashing, Piercing); Crit 19-20
    Plasma Cutter                       Touch DC 11         Fortitude (Staged)         Drain (Toughness)
                                        Touch DC 16         Toughness (Staged)         Damage (Energy)
    Unarmed                             Touch DC 23         Toughness (Staged)         Damage (Physical)

    Abilities (58) + Combat (40) + Saving Throws (11) + Skills (25) + Feats (27) + Powers (60) - Drawbacks (6) = 215/215 Power Points

  18. Myrmidon busied himself with intertwining the sorcerers fingers together, afterwards applying a goodly amount of gaffing tape to bind the casters' hands. << If you care to share that history, then I will listen. >> He said, as he gagged the man from speaking with more tape before applying the more normal plastic cuffs to the arms and legs.


    When Giang mentioned not being able to attend the things he wanted to he paused, unnaturally still before standing and folding his arms as he faced her. << No. Never let someone or something compromise who you are. There might be another incident like this yes, but you are now aware of your pursers intent and presence. As long as you take precautions, you can limit the impact of their interference or even seize the initiative and take the fight to them. If you are concerned about others, then tell them. No one should dictate your freedom of choice other than yourself. >>

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