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Everything posted by Razorback

  1. "I agree. I will meet you two at sunset tomorrow. If there is nothing else for right now, I will see you two then." With that, Slamdance went to the door, did a quick look to make sure no one was watching, and snuck out down the street. Once he was out of sight of the house, he moved at full speed to a local park to remove his gear, and proceeded to use his skateboard to get home.
  2. "I don't know if I have a problem with the threat of torture... but I do with torturing to get information. How does doing that make us any better than them?" Slamdance stood, watching his allies, to see how they would react. "We are supposed to be the good guys... the good guys don't kill... they don't steal... and they aren't supposed to torture people. That's what the bad guys do." Although he still had is mask on, the distress was evident in his voice. "You're beliefs are what they are, and mine are mine alone. But this sounds like the path to hell is paved with good intentions if I've ever heard it. We have to be above that."
  3. I have no problem with this style of gaming. Avenger is, actually, more in line with the type of character I would play normally. Slamdance is a bit of a take for me... the young, naive character who doesn't see things as morally ambiguous but is still sorting out the black and white in all the gray. Playing someone who doesn't get a lot of that is, for me with this character, is playing someone that try's to be the boyscout and has trouble with the ends justifying the means.
  4. Wow, missed the whole philosophy thread while I was gone.
  5. A little FYI: I'll be MIA after about 3pm PST today until Monday.
  6. Slamdance stood, shocked, for a second. 'That's not very heroic. I know these two have much more experience than me... and that he probably has something to do with what happened to Richie, and worse things will happen if we don't do something about it. But, do the ends justify the means? Do we have to sink to that level to win, is you can call it that?' He stood their waiting, hoping he didn't have to intervene against his allies.
  7. Dang nabit, 12. At least I don't have to roll sense motive, delay, blah, blah blah...
  8. "Nice to meet you." was his response as he extended his hand to help her up. "I didn't get a chance to go through your things. Maybe next time." He paused for a moment before continuing, "I hope you aren't offended but I'm pretty new to all this and I'm not quite ready to reveal... me to anyone." 'Of course, she could probably just read my mind... or force me to reveal it and make me forget.' Before she could answer he continued "My dad would call us very lapsed Catholics. I know about as much as you can while not paying attention in Catechism or watching The DaVinci Code." He paused again but continued on before she could say anything, "What do we do know? Can you get in contact with Avenger and find out what he uncovered?" While he waited for her to answer, he thought about what she said. If this were child's play, what would the real thing be like? 'I'm pretty sure I don't want to find out.'
  9. Sandro turned to look at the Vulture as Avenger removed his headgear. 'She's pretty hot' he thought before catching himself. 'Focus on what is at hand.' He watched as the Scarab collapsed, hesitating from helping her and helping the hobo. Avenger growled at him. He thought for a moment before answering "Make sure he's safe." He then turned to the hobo and spoke briefly to him, trying to make his voice sound gravelly and older "Once you are done here, you should go over to Southside. Near Cyrus and Adams. People there will help you out." With a quick nod to Avenger, he scooped up the comatose heroine in a fireman's carry took off as quickly as he could back to Richie's house.
  10. Well, he only received 10, so I guess the Notice of 24, which missed anyways, is moot. Will respond in IC to Avenger shortly.
  11. Whatever public high school that someone living in Bayview Height would go to. His father is a big believer in earning your way as opposed to having something handed to you, so no private school. He used to spend a lot of time with the Bayview Heights kids and in Hanover - where his father's business is - but lately he has spent more and more time down in Southside helping in soup kitchens and homeless shelters.
  12. Hey, Doc, is there a chance I may know him (roll a _____ to recognize?)?
  13. Ok, I think I've looked everywhere but I can't seem to locate how I apply the PP to Slamdance. I imagine it's something like 'I want to use it for XYZ' and wait for approval but I don't know where to ask. Help, please. -Razorback
  14. Slamdance is going to help the hobo, maybe to see if he needs any medical help.
  15. Sandro turns and gets ready to charge again as he realizes the melee is over. "I'll go check on the victim." he says. He walks over to where the hobo is still cowering, extending his hand while keeping his voice under control. "It's ok, this is over. Do you know why that... man and his dogs were chasing you? Seemed personal." He asked while waiting for the hobo to reach for assistance.
  16. Slamdance whizzed past the Vultureman as fast he could hoping that he had distracted the ominous looking guy. He heard Scarab direct the villain. Turning, he charged forward at one of the Hellhounds that had a grip of the dark avenger. As he blurred forward, head first like the proverbial ram, he lost visual contact with his target. It was enough for him to miss the fiend moving out of his line of attack as he almost stumbled in anticipation of hitting something solid. He spun back around trying to look menacing while not looking foolish. He hoped it worked.
  17. I take it he missed with an 11. If so, I will respond with as such in the IC.
  18. I believe it's Slamdance's turn... So, if he has enough room, he will make a slam attack on one of the dogs, the one closest to him. If he had 10-250ft for a normal attack, he recieved an 11 . If he had 500ft to make an accelerated movement, it would have an additional +2 for a total of 13. If he had neither the space nor angle to do this, he will move against the same dog for a normal melee attack, which has the same +2 bonus as his normal movement slam attack for a total of 11. Depending on which he does, I'll put my response up in IC. :D
  19. As Slamdance felt the invisible grip let go of him, he thought to himself 'I can get there first and cause a diversion'. He hit the ground, hard, trying to roll with fall with small grace. He felt the energy of the impact course through his body, washing away some of his fatigue. He ran past the guy that he assumed was the villian, trying to distract him so his two experienced partners would have a better opening against him.
  20. Slamdance is going to charge forward, but probably won't have enough space to take advantage of his speed, so he's going to move past the 'Vulture-man', about 10 feet in front of him, to draw his attention away from the other two.
  21. Hi Doc, yes. I'm about half way done with the clean up. -Razorback
  22. Well, Slamdance only got a 9 on his acrobatics roll. How high was it? The upside is, as long as he's not too high off the ground he should be able to absorb it. -Razorback
  23. So, does Slamdance need to make any rolls to land? If he fails, would he need to make a roll?
  24. Slamdance 'rolled' a 19. If he beats Scarab, he will delay until after her turn.
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