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Everything posted by Kavos

  1. Hmm i hadn't considered that, and it would actually be the easiest and best way to do it. Unfortunately I believe Freedom PbP has a general rule of not allowing Veritable power's such as gadgets. (I believe it is because most of the games are player driven, and so therefore it make's it can cause complications for the GM's who just help out in the game rather than running it.) But thank you for the suggestion :D
  2. Ember nods in understanding. “I know what you mean, getting around can be a pain, I had to ‘borrow’ a boat to get out here. And even getting around a city can be tough without a mode of transport.†Ember says, his tail flicking in a more relaxed manner, although its movements still indicated Ember was alert. Sighing Ember looked around briefly. “I should probably head back, I have some stu….†Suddenly Ember sneezed, wiping his nose on the back of his paw he continued, “excuse me, I’ve been sneezing all month and I have no clue why… Anyway I have some stuff I need to do before the meeting.†Holding his freshly slimed paw at Icarus, “It was nice meeting you, maybe well run into each other again?†Ember says, oblivious to anything wrong with taking a snot covered paw. Than in a flash Ember run’s off, leaping of the edge and of a few walkways closer to the water Ember lands in a nearby boat, starting it’s engine Ember waves back for a second before heading off to the distant coast and Freedom City…
  3. Ember looked at the metal man, hesitant to move toward him. “Most people call me Ember.†Ember says, with a faint smile at Icarus’s air freshener comment. “I’m glad you showed up, I was pretty sure he was getting ready to bench press me… well once he was able to get hold of me that is.†Looking around suddenly, “You wouldn’t happen to have to time do you? I have an appointment I need to be at launch?†(I’d assume it’s sometime early morning, around 2-5am, from what the demon been getting up to at riverside)
  4. Ember covered his nose with is paws as the demon left, looking to Icasus, “Great, it’s going to take a month to get that smell out of my nostrils.†Ember says with a look of despair on his face.
  5. Ember looked at the demon and shrugged, “People, Items, Artifacts. What ever pay’s well.†Ember says his tail swinging back and forth on the floor behind were he crouched. For a split second it looked like Ember was going to sneeze again but he managed to suppress it.
  6. Ember lowered himself to the ground until his hands were touching the ground. This was much more interesting than when the demons questions were aimed at him. Despite appearing to be relaxed, Ember still kept his body tight and ready to spring away at any second. Ember than sneezed…
  7. Ember was about to make a run for it when the sound of the stranger arrived. His ears picking up and focusing on the location of the footsteps and the breathing. Ember growled silently to himself…. Armor. Ember had never liked armored people; he’d never really liked heroes or villains who used technology for power. In Ember’s eyes Technology was a crutch for magic. Looking back at the demon Ember wasn’t sure what to make of him. Ember doubted he would win in a fight against the massive demon, not to say the demon would be able to hit Ember, but Ember doubted any of abilities would harm the demon. Hopefully with this new arrival some of the demon’s anger would be deflected but just to make sure Ember decided to answer some of his questions. “I’m a Hunter.†Ember said, hoping it was enough to appeases the demon for now, as for it’s other question, Ember didn’t know what made him a villain at least not compared to this demon.
  8. Again with each step the demon stepped towards him, Ember took a step back. His fox like nature overriding his human side. Thinking for a second as demon taunts him he finally responds to the demons question. “I’m cute and furry.†Ember says standing fully upright and poking his tongue out at the demon.
  9. Kavos

    The Ember Paw

    I ran into a strange man today. He seemed to have knowledge about ancient artifacts, I’m going to give him a picture of the text’s in this journal; maybe he’ll be able to help me translate it. I have another meeting with the man tomorrow at lunch. I may also receive a job, as help for his antiquities business. Not exactly something I particularly care about, but it will get me close to a lot of magical artifacts, possible ones that may help me unlock my full power. In any case I’ll be able to keep an eye on this stranger… Jos. Tonight Foxfire is going to head out. There’s something that’s been nagging on my mind since I arrived and its time to go find out what it is. Tomorrow after my appointment with Jos, I should track down a local mystic. Maybe than I’ll get some answer’s to Foxfire’s problems with his nose.
  10. Ember instinctively took a step back as the demon took a step towards him. “I…I am me?†Ember says tilting his head to slightly to the side before sneezing again. Ember frowned at himself; he really needed to see a mystic about that. “I’m no thug or werefox neither.†Ember says his gums lifting slightly to reveal a row of very sharp and remarkably clean teeth for a fox. Ember’s paws seem to light up, faint flames could be seen dancing around his paws, but the fox’s mannerisms were anything but hostile.
  11. Instinctively Ember jumped back, jumping a good ten feet in the air and another ten feet away from the hulking demon. The small Fox for the most part appeared as an ordinary English red fox, albeit with a humanoid body. The other things that were strange about this particular Fox were the head of long black hair. And the strange fur paten covering his chest that rapped over his shoulders and appeared to go down his back as well. A pare of black long shorts that went down to his knees. A large bushy red tail tipped in black fur with a white outline flared out, in a defensive posturing. Looking at the large demon Ember seemed to smell the air for a second before sneezing. His blue eyes scanning the demon, “What’s a Kitsune?†Ember ask’s his voice quite but a hint of a grown could be heard.
  12. Hmm yep, since shui has no way to track Icarus. Anything happen for here of is that it for this storyline?
  13. As Icarus vanished the water around Shuis body froze. Even the water that made up his eyes seem to freeze for a split second before melting again. Shui growled, he had no way of following the stranger, who was obviously no hero. Shui could travel to most part’s of the world, as long as it had water, unfortunately for Shui he had no way of knowing exactly were the stranger had teleported too. For all Shui knew he could be on the other side of the planet by now. Angry and out of options, the draconic ice mask broke apart along with the rest of the ice around Aaron’s body. Quickly lowering the icy platform he was standing on. Aaron was left some alone, some ware in Southside. His mother wasn’t going to be too happy about this… Array: 40pp – Water Control (D): 40pp – Blast (D): 00pp – Strike/Nauseate (D): 00pp – Create Water (D): 00pp – Current Control (D): 00pp – Obscure (D): 00pp – Snare: 00pp – Air walking(D): 00pp – Insubstantial (D): 00pp – Healing: 00pp – Force Field (D): 00pp
  14. Sirius says goodbye to Jos. Not particularly sure on the man but he could be useful in unlocking the journal’s power, if any. Tapping his head Sirius was really getting annoyed with a buzzing that had started since he got of the plain. Sighing he made his way home. Once he arrived he quickly closed the blinds of the apartment, and took of his shoes, no sense in destroying a pair if he didn’t have to. Taking his cloths, he ran his a finger along the currently dormant tattoo. At his slightest touch the tattoo began to flare up, seeming to glow an inner fire. Than waves of agony ripped across Sirius’s body, his bones cracked and reshaped, his skin exploded with fur. Than finally the pain subsided the transformation complete. Grabbing another pare of pants, one more suitable for swift action, he changed, making extra caution with his tail. Looking in the mirror the Ember quickly fussed up his hare, there were only three parts of him that never changed, his hair, his eyes, and the tattoo. The tattoo now appeared to be a rather odd grouping of black fur, giving the illusion of a picture. Once he was adequately happy with his appearance Ember went to the window, checking to make sure no one was watching, he leaped out and headed for the harbor… a sneeze the only sign of something out of the ordinary.
  15. Ember shut down the engines of the boat he had ‘borrowed’ to get to this strange place. He had felt the strange tugging ever since he had gotten of the plane that very morning. Sneezing as he tied the boat up to a mooring ramp Ember frowned, he had been sneezing like this for the past month and it was driving him mad! Thankfully it was only his Fox form, which seemed to have this problem… for now. As Ember reached the top of the ladder a man wearing white robes greeted him. Green etched in gold filament adorned the stark white robes; Ember recognized the robes to be the same his Druidic ancestor’s wore during some of their ceremonies. “Welcome to the Arena…Foxfire†The man, said, his face hidden under a large think hood. Ember’s eyes went wide, nobody but his family knew the true name of the fox. “Who are you? How do you know that name?†Ember growled, instinctive taking a step back. “I am Legend, the caretaker of the Arena.†His hands moved towards a ramp behind him that led deeper into the mass of the oilrig. “All your questions will be answered inside†Legend says, as he fiddle’s with a ring. Suddenly the tugging sensation stopped, and Ember felt like himself again. Sniffing the air, Ember slowly stepped forward. His nose tingling with all the smells, and the desirer to sneeze again, but other than that Ember could not smell any malcontent on behalf of the Legend man. Slowly Ember entered the Arena.
  16. Sirius nods. “That would be acceptable.†Looking around Sirius points to a small café. “How about there tomorrow twelve o’clock, I’ll bring a photo and we can discus our options.†Sirius says, still watching the stranger. Ultimately Sirius didn’t trust him, but than at the same time whom could he trust. Sometimes to get thing’s done one must take a step of faith…
  17. Shui begins to slow down, as he does the water around his feet pans out and becomes a flat disk, Freezing as it comes to a stop a few feet away from Icarus. Water flowed around Aaron’s head, forming the head of an Asian dragon, “Why did you run?†Shui asked, his voice sounding like that of a young teen, but echoes off a powerful waterfall could be heard within it. “Are you a Hero? If so why did you take that object and for what purpose?†Shui asked water flowed along his hands molding and flexing with primal power. Despite this Shui however maid no threatening moves, simply stared at the armored man his glowing water eyes shimmering behind the eye slots of the watery dragon mask. Array: 40pp – Water Control (D): 40pp – Blast (D): 00pp – Strike/Nauseate (D): 00pp – Create Water (D): 00pp – Current Control (D): 00pp – Obscure (D): 00pp – Snare: 00pp – Air walking(D): 00pp – Insubstantial (D): 00pp – Healing: 00pp – Force Field (D): 00pp
  18. Sirius nods as he listens to Jos, “I am interested in the job although we would need to sit down to discuss the finer points, I am no collage student after all, I just look younger than I am.†Sirius says dismissing the matter with a flick of his hand. When Jos makes mention about Gaelic artifacts Sirius’s eyes narrow. So he did see the journal… although something is off, he’s no caper, and he doesn’t appear to be a mystic. I’ll have to tread lightly. “It’s funny you mention that, how is your knowledge of ancient Gaelic text?†Sirius hand falls to his pocket, but doesn’t retrieve the book. “You see I happen to come about an object that has some… rather special properties. Unfortunately I cannot decipher the text. It is a strange and very ancient form of Gaelic.†Sirius says eyeing Jos carefully
  19. “It is good you are not hurt.†Sirius says, “Yes, I actually only arrived here yesterday. Quite a marvelous city.†Sirius says as he looks around at the buildings. “Quite different than Ireland." Sirius’s ears pick up when Jos tells him about his job, “Now isn’t that a strange twist of fate. I have recently began to explore a career in, how do you say? Especially rare antiquities.†Sirius says, tilting his head slightly to see if Jos gets his drift. Perhaps this strange may be of use, with his help I may be able to begin decoding the older entries of the journal, that is if he understands magical apparatus and even if he does not, he may be able to at least narrow down the time period of the original text, which would help immensely in finding someone who can translate it.
  20. :D That goes for Sirius as well, and the real twist of the matter is nobody knows exactly how much information is held in the journal. It may hold many powerful secrets of the Vulpes family recipes for rabbit stew :bunny: :bunny: :shock:
  21. Sirius looked at the stranger, a streak of worry ran down his spine, had he seen the book? Looking at the man, Sirius extended his hand to the man, “I am fine? You’re the one who fell to the ground are you all right?†Sirius asked, his voice strong with an Irish accent. He would play this cool, the stranger may not have noticed the book he certainly hadn’t noticed Sirius. “Names Sirius, Sirius Vulpesâ€Â
  22. Sirius looked up at the night sky smiling as he absorbed the rays of light from the moon. He had one thing to be thankful of, at least he wasn’t a wolf otherwise he’d be announcing his presence to every hero in the city. He would have to go hunting soon; his tattoo had been burning all day. A sign the fox was getting agitated. At that thought Sirius couldn’t help but make a faint chuckle. The fox and his himself were the same person; there was no split personality or other subconscious. He was the Fox just as the Fox was Sirius. Perhaps long ago when the Foxfire had first possessed his ancestor they were two individuals, but over the centuries both beings had merged into one body, one mind, one spirit. Sirius hand moved to his pocket, and retrieved a small tattered leather-bound book. In the night-light the book glowed a soft red color, a dead give away of its magical nature. A Fiery emblem marked its cover; the same emblem appeared of Sirius chest, shoulders and back. This small book held the secrets of his family’s legacy. Shortly after his ancestor had joined with the fox, he had created a journal utilizing a drop of his foxfire blood. The result had been this book. Magically enchanted it was indestructible, could never run out of pagers, and it would always return to the Foxfire. A minor artifact that Sirius had gotten the night his Foxfire blood awoke. The journal had appeared in a flash of fire beside him after his transformation had been complete. Unfortunately for Sirius only the last few generation’s entries were readable, the ordinal entries were written in a long dead language, in which Sirius had yet to find a suitable translation for. Sirius sighed, the amount of magical knowledge those first generational chapters must hold within them would be great. Quickly Sirius closed the book, and placed it back in his pocket. It was too public to be reminiscing and daydreaming about magical power, someone could of spotted the book, and anyone learned enough in magical artifacts would know what it was…
  23. Shui sighs this isn't working. "Come on I just want to talk for a second!" he yells towards Icaris. If he doesn’t respond soon shui thinks, I'll have to take more immediate action. Using his blast ability, Shui utilizes short low powered bursts to help him navigate the city buildings, in his attempt to stay with Icuras. Array: 40pp – Water Control (D): 29pp – Blast (D): 02pp – Strike/Nauseate (D): 00pp – Create Water (D): 00pp – Current Control (D): 00pp – Obscure (D): 00pp – Snare: 00pp – Air walking(D): 09pp – Insubstantial (D): 00pp – Healing: 00pp – Force Field (D): 00pp
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