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Everything posted by Warmonger

  1. I've made my intended move. Dow we wait to see what happens or kick the door down :bat: < style?
  2. Following Nightrival to the door of the house Sen couldn't help but feel a little puzzled. Was this it? Some how he had expected soemthing a little grander. Who was this Adrian Eldricht anyway? What was he to to my father? His father had never been the sort to encourage a lot of questions. Walking up the door Sen placed his hand on the knocker. Dark whispers filled his mind as the Muramasa came to life. IT was just like when he had gone to Master Lee's dojo. The blade recognized something. Before he banged the door he turned to Nightrival. "what do you know of this Adrian Eldricht?"
  3. Following Nightrival to the door of the house Sen couldn't help but feel a little puzzled. Was this it? Some how he had expected soemthing a little grander. Who was this Adrian Eldricht anyway? What was he to to my father? His father had never been the sort to encourage a lot of questions. Walking up the door Sen placed his hand on the knocker. Dark whispers filled his mind as the Muramasa came to life. IT was just like when he had gone to Master Lee's dojo. The blade recognized something. Before he banged the door he turned to Nightrival. "what do you know of this Adrian Eldricht?"
  4. Following Nightrival to the door of the house Sen couldn't help but feel a little puzzled. Was this it? Some how he had expected soemthing a little grander. Who was this Adrian Eldricht anyway? What was he to to my father? His father had never been the sort to encourage a lot of questions. Walking up the door Sen placed his hand on the knocker. Dark whispers filled his mind as the Muramasa came to life. IT was just like when he had gone to Master Lee's dojo. The blade recognized something. Before he banged the door he turned to Nightrival. "what do you know of this Adrian Eldricht?"
  5. Dorian took another sip of his drink. A ghost huh? Quite some stones on that one. Dorian decided he had to see this. The problem with being a ghost, is that they were already dead.
  6. Dorian took another sip of his drink. A ghost huh? Quite some stones on that one. Dorian decided he had to see this. The problem with being a ghost, is that they were already dead.
  7. Dorian took another sip of his drink. A ghost huh? Quite some stones on that one. Dorian decided he had to see this. The problem with being a ghost, is that they were already dead.
  8. "I'm in the business of creating the future." Dorian made a bow as he spoke. "Or if we were to get crass, I make weapons Mrs. Mondsee." Dorian watched as Seth began his tirade. Oh my quite a mouth on that one. He turned back to Monica. "Your son has your flair for the dramatic as well, I suppose he plans to take up the family business; I can see him on the bench now. I hope he sees the danger in being a hero though." Dorian said. Quite full of himself when he can count on mommy and daddy, but I wonder what would happen out in the real world? Even though Dorian had to admit that was quite an astute move, it showed some promise.
  9. "I'm in the business of creating the future." Dorian made a bow as he spoke. "Or if we were to get crass, I make weapons Mrs. Mondsee." Dorian watched as Seth began his tirade. Oh my quite a mouth on that one. He turned back to Monica. "Your son has your flair for the dramatic as well, I suppose he plans to take up the family business; I can see him on the bench now. I hope he sees the danger in being a hero though." Dorian said. Quite full of himself when he can count on mommy and daddy, but I wonder what would happen out in the real world? Even though Dorian had to admit that was quite an astute move, it showed some promise.
  10. "I'm in the business of creating the future." Dorian made a bow as he spoke. "Or if we were to get crass, I make weapons Mrs. Mondsee." Dorian watched as Seth began his tirade. Oh my quite a mouth on that one. He turned back to Monica. "Your son has your flair for the dramatic as well, I suppose he plans to take up the family business; I can see him on the bench now. I hope he sees the danger in being a hero though." Dorian said. Quite full of himself when he can count on mommy and daddy, but I wonder what would happen out in the real world? Even though Dorian had to admit that was quite an astute move, it showed some promise.
  11. Dorian valiantly fought the urge to grin and settled for a simple smile. Why you old coug- "Monica Mondsee. I'm Giselle Alexandrie," Giselle answered before Dorian got a chance. "I was in Versace Fall 2006, I absolutely adore you." She all but squealed. Dorian resisted the urge to roll his eyes. "Dorian," He said simply as he took her hand. "Dorian Magnus. I assure you the pleasure is entirely mine." He turned to his date. "You already know my companion, and yes she does in fact adore you." Just then Liam's words were heard by everyone present. "And what would they say in Spain about that?" He indicated in the direction of the outburst.
  12. Dorian valiantly fought the urge to grin and settled for a simple smile. Why you old coug- "Monica Mondsee. I'm Giselle Alexandrie," Giselle answered before Dorian got a chance. "I was in Versace Fall 2006, I absolutely adore you." She all but squealed. Dorian resisted the urge to roll his eyes. "Dorian," He said simply as he took her hand. "Dorian Magnus. I assure you the pleasure is entirely mine." He turned to his date. "You already know my companion, and yes she does in fact adore you." Just then Liam's words were heard by everyone present. "And what would they say in Spain about that?" He indicated in the direction of the outburst.
  13. Dorian valiantly fought the urge to grin and settled for a simple smile. Why you old coug- "Monica Mondsee. I'm Giselle Alexandrie," Giselle answered before Dorian got a chance. "I was in Versace Fall 2006, I absolutely adore you." She all but squealed. Dorian resisted the urge to roll his eyes. "Dorian," He said simply as he took her hand. "Dorian Magnus. I assure you the pleasure is entirely mine." He turned to his date. "You already know my companion, and yes she does in fact adore you." Just then Liam's words were heard by everyone present. "And what would they say in Spain about that?" He indicated in the direction of the outburst.
  14. Sen watches as the agile Nightrival takes off an begins a series of acrobatic maneuvers to place himself on the building across the street. With a grin Sen sprints forward and leaps through the air and lands on the roof in a single bound. He tucks his body as he lands as he almost didn't make it. Sen follows him keeping pace despite Nightrival's far superior aireal gymnastics. Sen channels the his Ki into his legs allowing him to leap vast distances easily going form rooftop to rooftop. The two men flow like water across the skyline. When Nightrival springs from the roof unto the awning Sen jumps of and lands on the sidewalk. A few citizens gawk but most barely have time for that as the two men are gone in almost a blur. Sen vaults clear over the fence and lands in the gravel. He turns his head as he hears the train coming. He watches as Night rival scrambles up the sign and waits for the train. As the train goes by the agile shinobi jumps unto the moving train. Rather than follow him Sen takes off sprinting as hard as he can parallel to the train. He manages to keep up with the train at speed, but it slowly starts to edge past him. As the cab that Nightrival is perched on begins to catch up Sen gathers strength under his legs and vaults high into the air to land on the car barely sticking the landing sticking the landing. He nearly stumbles but manages to keep his footing. He hears his blood rushing in his ears and his heart is hammering against his chest but he can't help but grin wide. He turns to Nightrival. "Ha. Not bad, at all."
  15. Sen watches as the agile Nightrival takes off an begins a series of acrobatic maneuvers to place himself on the building across the street. With a grin Sen sprints forward and leaps through the air and lands on the roof in a single bound. He tucks his body as he lands as he almost didn't make it. Sen follows him keeping pace despite Nightrival's far superior aireal gymnastics. Sen channels the his Ki into his legs allowing him to leap vast distances easily going form rooftop to rooftop. The two men flow like water across the skyline. When Nightrival springs from the roof unto the awning Sen jumps of and lands on the sidewalk. A few citizens gawk but most barely have time for that as the two men are gone in almost a blur. Sen vaults clear over the fence and lands in the gravel. He turns his head as he hears the train coming. He watches as Night rival scrambles up the sign and waits for the train. As the train goes by the agile shinobi jumps unto the moving train. Rather than follow him Sen takes off sprinting as hard as he can parallel to the train. He manages to keep up with the train at speed, but it slowly starts to edge past him. As the cab that Nightrival is perched on begins to catch up Sen gathers strength under his legs and vaults high into the air to land on the car barely sticking the landing sticking the landing. He nearly stumbles but manages to keep his footing. He hears his blood rushing in his ears and his heart is hammering against his chest but he can't help but grin wide. He turns to Nightrival. "Ha. Not bad, at all."
  16. Sen watches as the agile Nightrival takes off an begins a series of acrobatic maneuvers to place himself on the building across the street. With a grin Sen sprints forward and leaps through the air and lands on the roof in a single bound. He tucks his body as he lands as he almost didn't make it. Sen follows him keeping pace despite Nightrival's far superior aireal gymnastics. Sen channels the his Ki into his legs allowing him to leap vast distances easily going form rooftop to rooftop. The two men flow like water across the skyline. When Nightrival springs from the roof unto the awning Sen jumps of and lands on the sidewalk. A few citizens gawk but most barely have time for that as the two men are gone in almost a blur. Sen vaults clear over the fence and lands in the gravel. He turns his head as he hears the train coming. He watches as Night rival scrambles up the sign and waits for the train. As the train goes by the agile shinobi jumps unto the moving train. Rather than follow him Sen takes off sprinting as hard as he can parallel to the train. He manages to keep up with the train at speed, but it slowly starts to edge past him. As the cab that Nightrival is perched on begins to catch up Sen gathers strength under his legs and vaults high into the air to land on the car barely sticking the landing sticking the landing. He nearly stumbles but manages to keep his footing. He hears his blood rushing in his ears and his heart is hammering against his chest but he can't help but grin wide. He turns to Nightrival. "Ha. Not bad, at all."
  17. Dorian doesn't buy it, he raises an eyebrow quizzically. "Of course," he says. "How rude of me, the pros never reveal their secrets." Dorian Leaned back into his chair. His guard brought Sammy his drink. "Ahh you've heard of me then," Dorian seems pleased. "Glad to know my PR department is doing something right." "I ask because I am trying to decide if your a genius or a fool." Dorian said. "How you managed to pull it off with everyone watching is rather genius." He holds his hand up to ward off any pleas of innocence. "But you would have to be a fool to think that they plan to let you leave on anything but a stretcher." "I don't believe in luck, Sammy. Only preparation and skill. Luck, is like a beautiful woman." As he said this Dorian put his hand on Stacy's cheek. "Not difficult to find when everything is going your way." She took a sip of her drink while watching him. "But it just up and vanishes the moment you are down." Stacy frown as see tried to figure out if he was still talking metaphorically or not. "What about you Sammy?" Dorian asked.
  18. Dorian doesn't buy it, he raises an eyebrow quizzically. "Of course," he says. "How rude of me, the pros never reveal their secrets." Dorian Leaned back into his chair. His guard brought Sammy his drink. "Ahh you've heard of me then," Dorian seems pleased. "Glad to know my PR department is doing something right." "I ask because I am trying to decide if your a genius or a fool." Dorian said. "How you managed to pull it off with everyone watching is rather genius." He holds his hand up to ward off any pleas of innocence. "But you would have to be a fool to think that they plan to let you leave on anything but a stretcher." "I don't believe in luck, Sammy. Only preparation and skill. Luck, is like a beautiful woman." As he said this Dorian put his hand on Stacy's cheek. "Not difficult to find when everything is going your way." She took a sip of her drink while watching him. "But it just up and vanishes the moment you are down." Stacy frown as see tried to figure out if he was still talking metaphorically or not. "What about you Sammy?" Dorian asked.
  19. Dorian doesn't buy it, he raises an eyebrow quizzically. "Of course," he says. "How rude of me, the pros never reveal their secrets." Dorian Leaned back into his chair. His guard brought Sammy his drink. "Ahh you've heard of me then," Dorian seems pleased. "Glad to know my PR department is doing something right." "I ask because I am trying to decide if your a genius or a fool." Dorian said. "How you managed to pull it off with everyone watching is rather genius." He holds his hand up to ward off any pleas of innocence. "But you would have to be a fool to think that they plan to let you leave on anything but a stretcher." "I don't believe in luck, Sammy. Only preparation and skill. Luck, is like a beautiful woman." As he said this Dorian put his hand on Stacy's cheek. "Not difficult to find when everything is going your way." She took a sip of her drink while watching him. "But it just up and vanishes the moment you are down." Stacy frown as see tried to figure out if he was still talking metaphorically or not. "What about you Sammy?" Dorian asked.
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