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Everything posted by Warmonger

  1. Dorian watches a moment before he turns away. Quite an intriguing Woman, on second thought quite an interesting family. He begins to smile. "Yes I believe we shall at that." He mutters to himself. "See Dorian?" Dorian turns to Giselle. "I told you you you would want to meet her." She sighs and fishes around in her hand bag and takes out a small makeup mirror. Dorian's eyes begin scanning the room. He notices the two young girls that he had spotted earlier that night. "Dorian I'm going to see if i can get into her next show." Perfect. Dorian thought. he watched as she walked away after Mrs. Mondsee. Dorian began to move towards the two young ladies, when he notices a new development. He watches as the strange metallic creature that calls himself the Emissary begin talking to Grant. So my tip was right, the Utopians are in bed with Grant. he was a little surprised that Grant was conducting business out in the open. He changed direction and began moving towards Grant. Business first.
  2. Dorian watches a moment before he turns away. Quite an intriguing Woman, on second thought quite an interesting family. He begins to smile. "Yes I believe we shall at that." He mutters to himself. "See Dorian?" Dorian turns to Giselle. "I told you you you would want to meet her." She sighs and fishes around in her hand bag and takes out a small makeup mirror. Dorian's eyes begin scanning the room. He notices the two young girls that he had spotted earlier that night. "Dorian I'm going to see if i can get into her next show." Perfect. Dorian thought. he watched as she walked away after Mrs. Mondsee. Dorian began to move towards the two young ladies, when he notices a new development. He watches as the strange metallic creature that calls himself the Emissary begin talking to Grant. So my tip was right, the Utopians are in bed with Grant. he was a little surprised that Grant was conducting business out in the open. He changed direction and began moving towards Grant. Business first.
  3. http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1473827/ Yuck! 6
  4. http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1473827/ Yuck! 6
  5. http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1473827/ Yuck! 6
  6. Dorian laughed at her teasing. "I daresay its been a while since someone trivialized my life's work in such a manner. I believe the last person to speak like that was my mother." Dorian Said. "As a man I have a god given right play with toys, just like young women continue to play dress up." Dorian glanced a t Seth. "A musician? I would never have guessed he seemed so quite until a moment ago. I wouldn't call it through the mud Mrs. Mondsee. After all if you cant use the power that your family has accumulated over their life time to embarass your enemies then what is the point?"
  7. Dorian laughed at her teasing. "I daresay its been a while since someone trivialized my life's work in such a manner. I believe the last person to speak like that was my mother." Dorian Said. "As a man I have a god given right play with toys, just like young women continue to play dress up." Dorian glanced a t Seth. "A musician? I would never have guessed he seemed so quite until a moment ago. I wouldn't call it through the mud Mrs. Mondsee. After all if you cant use the power that your family has accumulated over their life time to embarass your enemies then what is the point?"
  8. Dorian laughed at her teasing. "I daresay its been a while since someone trivialized my life's work in such a manner. I believe the last person to speak like that was my mother." Dorian Said. "As a man I have a god given right play with toys, just like young women continue to play dress up." Dorian glanced a t Seth. "A musician? I would never have guessed he seemed so quite until a moment ago. I wouldn't call it through the mud Mrs. Mondsee. After all if you cant use the power that your family has accumulated over their life time to embarass your enemies then what is the point?"
  9. Sen steps into the gloom eyes looking around.looking around. The Muramasa is silent now, as is the hallway that they enter. Sen's hand goes to the hilt of his sword as the two men go deeper into the home. Sen would have sworn that the place could not be this big looking form the outside. There was only one explanation: sorcery. Sen had dealt with dangerous sorcery all his life. Though this seemed less hostile than what he had grown accustomed to.
  10. Sen steps into the gloom eyes looking around.looking around. The Muramasa is silent now, as is the hallway that they enter. Sen's hand goes to the hilt of his sword as the two men go deeper into the home. Sen would have sworn that the place could not be this big looking form the outside. There was only one explanation: sorcery. Sen had dealt with dangerous sorcery all his life. Though this seemed less hostile than what he had grown accustomed to.
  11. Sen steps into the gloom eyes looking around.looking around. The Muramasa is silent now, as is the hallway that they enter. Sen's hand goes to the hilt of his sword as the two men go deeper into the home. Sen would have sworn that the place could not be this big looking form the outside. There was only one explanation: sorcery. Sen had dealt with dangerous sorcery all his life. Though this seemed less hostile than what he had grown accustomed to.
  12. Sen shrugged. He picked up the knocker and banged on the door. The noise sounded ominously loud.
  13. Sen shrugged. He picked up the knocker and banged on the door. The noise sounded ominously loud.
  14. Sen shrugged. He picked up the knocker and banged on the door. The noise sounded ominously loud.
  15. Dorian watched in shock as it seemed pandemonium exploded in the casino. One minute Sammy seemed to be walkign into a assured beating the next, he was strolling out the door. He felt Stacy's fingers digging into his arm. "Oh my God Dorian, what in the world was that?" She asked. Dorain stared at Sammy's dissapearing back. "I don't really know." I guess having lots of luck is a skill in itself. He picked up his cell phone and dialed one of his men in the limo. "Jason, there is a man walking out the front of the Casino. Give him my card and tell him if he wants to make triple what he did today give me a call sometime." Dorian clicked the phone shut. Then he turned to Andrew. "I think I need another drink."
  16. Dorian watched in shock as it seemed pandemonium exploded in the casino. One minute Sammy seemed to be walkign into a assured beating the next, he was strolling out the door. He felt Stacy's fingers digging into his arm. "Oh my God Dorian, what in the world was that?" She asked. Dorain stared at Sammy's dissapearing back. "I don't really know." I guess having lots of luck is a skill in itself. He picked up his cell phone and dialed one of his men in the limo. "Jason, there is a man walking out the front of the Casino. Give him my card and tell him if he wants to make triple what he did today give me a call sometime." Dorian clicked the phone shut. Then he turned to Andrew. "I think I need another drink."
  17. Dorian watched in shock as it seemed pandemonium exploded in the casino. One minute Sammy seemed to be walkign into a assured beating the next, he was strolling out the door. He felt Stacy's fingers digging into his arm. "Oh my God Dorian, what in the world was that?" She asked. Dorain stared at Sammy's dissapearing back. "I don't really know." I guess having lots of luck is a skill in itself. He picked up his cell phone and dialed one of his men in the limo. "Jason, there is a man walking out the front of the Casino. Give him my card and tell him if he wants to make triple what he did today give me a call sometime." Dorian clicked the phone shut. Then he turned to Andrew. "I think I need another drink."
  18. Oh hey I just realized that I never gave him like a card or anything. My original plan was to write down my name on a business card and to tell Sammy if he brought the card back to me I wouold give him ten times what he had won that night. Then I was oging to put the card in the floor managers shirt pocket on the way out, and tell the guy that Sammy was a known conman here to rob the place. Ha but this works too.
  19. Oh hey I just realized that I never gave him like a card or anything. My original plan was to write down my name on a business card and to tell Sammy if he brought the card back to me I wouold give him ten times what he had won that night. Then I was oging to put the card in the floor managers shirt pocket on the way out, and tell the guy that Sammy was a known conman here to rob the place. Ha but this works too.
  20. Oh hey I just realized that I never gave him like a card or anything. My original plan was to write down my name on a business card and to tell Sammy if he brought the card back to me I wouold give him ten times what he had won that night. Then I was oging to put the card in the floor managers shirt pocket on the way out, and tell the guy that Sammy was a known conman here to rob the place. Ha but this works too.
  21. I've made my intended move. Dow we wait to see what happens or kick the door down :bat: < style?
  22. I've made my intended move. Dow we wait to see what happens or kick the door down :bat: < style?
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