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Everything posted by Warmonger

  1. Hehe why not. I should enjoy leaping from train to train.
  2. Hehe why not. I should enjoy leaping from train to train.
  3. Satisfied that Nightrival understood the gravity of the situation. Sen slowly sheathed his sword. His arm seemed to hesitate, but Sen forced it to comply overriding the blade's influence. "Yet Lee-Sama chose you to escort me. I am sure his faith in you is not misplaced." Sen siad. Surf a train? Sen puzzled. He did not understand the specifics but he certainly had an idea. "Alright then. Lead the way, be assured I can keep up."
  4. Satisfied that Nightrival understood the gravity of the situation. Sen slowly sheathed his sword. His arm seemed to hesitate, but Sen forced it to comply overriding the blade's influence. "Yet Lee-Sama chose you to escort me. I am sure his faith in you is not misplaced." Sen siad. Surf a train? Sen puzzled. He did not understand the specifics but he certainly had an idea. "Alright then. Lead the way, be assured I can keep up."
  5. Satisfied that Nightrival understood the gravity of the situation. Sen slowly sheathed his sword. His arm seemed to hesitate, but Sen forced it to comply overriding the blade's influence. "Yet Lee-Sama chose you to escort me. I am sure his faith in you is not misplaced." Sen siad. Surf a train? Sen puzzled. He did not understand the specifics but he certainly had an idea. "Alright then. Lead the way, be assured I can keep up."
  6. "Oh my," Dorian said in mock surprise. "There seem to be quite the number of pretty little things in this party. Dont you agree Giselle?" Dorian's eyes noted two pretty one girls tlaking in the corner, one in particular seemed to e quite exceptional. Giselle spoke in his ear. "A little young for you. Don't you agree Dorian?" He chuckled. Then he stopped and watched as another woman made a spectacular entrance. In a flurry of drama, she presented her check to Grant. She was quite ravishing. Dorian like this new rich hunting grounds. "She is almost as good at making a scene as you are." Dorian said. When Giselle didn't respond in her usual flippant manner Dorian turned to look at her. She was chewing her lip in concentration. "Whats wrong with you?" Dorian asked. "Thats Monica." She said distractedly. "I see, an old aquaintence then." Dorian said. "Thats Monica Mondsee, Dorian." She sounded exasperated, as if those four words should have knocked him off of his feet. "I want to go meet her." Dorian sighed. She tugged on his arm. "I want to go meet her now Dorian." Dorian felt a brief flash of irritation. This is what append when you took a spoiled brat with you anywhere. He took a sip of the champagne. "Very well then." Dorian replied. "Lets go." Giselle led him by the arm towards the Mondsees. Dorian noted with some amusement that she was strutting. When they reached the Mondsee's, Dorian spoke up. "I have to say Mrs Mondsee you certainly have a talent for big entrances."
  7. "Oh my," Dorian said in mock surprise. "There seem to be quite the number of pretty little things in this party. Dont you agree Giselle?" Dorian's eyes noted two pretty one girls tlaking in the corner, one in particular seemed to e quite exceptional. Giselle spoke in his ear. "A little young for you. Don't you agree Dorian?" He chuckled. Then he stopped and watched as another woman made a spectacular entrance. In a flurry of drama, she presented her check to Grant. She was quite ravishing. Dorian like this new rich hunting grounds. "She is almost as good at making a scene as you are." Dorian said. When Giselle didn't respond in her usual flippant manner Dorian turned to look at her. She was chewing her lip in concentration. "Whats wrong with you?" Dorian asked. "Thats Monica." She said distractedly. "I see, an old aquaintence then." Dorian said. "Thats Monica Mondsee, Dorian." She sounded exasperated, as if those four words should have knocked him off of his feet. "I want to go meet her." Dorian sighed. She tugged on his arm. "I want to go meet her now Dorian." Dorian felt a brief flash of irritation. This is what append when you took a spoiled brat with you anywhere. He took a sip of the champagne. "Very well then." Dorian replied. "Lets go." Giselle led him by the arm towards the Mondsees. Dorian noted with some amusement that she was strutting. When they reached the Mondsee's, Dorian spoke up. "I have to say Mrs Mondsee you certainly have a talent for big entrances."
  8. "Oh my," Dorian said in mock surprise. "There seem to be quite the number of pretty little things in this party. Dont you agree Giselle?" Dorian's eyes noted two pretty one girls tlaking in the corner, one in particular seemed to e quite exceptional. Giselle spoke in his ear. "A little young for you. Don't you agree Dorian?" He chuckled. Then he stopped and watched as another woman made a spectacular entrance. In a flurry of drama, she presented her check to Grant. She was quite ravishing. Dorian like this new rich hunting grounds. "She is almost as good at making a scene as you are." Dorian said. When Giselle didn't respond in her usual flippant manner Dorian turned to look at her. She was chewing her lip in concentration. "Whats wrong with you?" Dorian asked. "Thats Monica." She said distractedly. "I see, an old aquaintence then." Dorian said. "Thats Monica Mondsee, Dorian." She sounded exasperated, as if those four words should have knocked him off of his feet. "I want to go meet her." Dorian sighed. She tugged on his arm. "I want to go meet her now Dorian." Dorian felt a brief flash of irritation. This is what append when you took a spoiled brat with you anywhere. He took a sip of the champagne. "Very well then." Dorian replied. "Lets go." Giselle led him by the arm towards the Mondsees. Dorian noted with some amusement that she was strutting. When they reached the Mondsee's, Dorian spoke up. "I have to say Mrs Mondsee you certainly have a talent for big entrances."
  9. Alright using the Fear aura even though I turned it down to about +2 just enough to let night rival know its there.
  10. Alright using the Fear aura even though I turned it down to about +2 just enough to let night rival know its there.
  11. Alright using the Fear aura even though I turned it down to about +2 just enough to let night rival know its there.
  12. "Nightrival?" Sen tested the word. "...I see." He almost grinned. Was this what Mater Lee was up to? Training another generation of skilled warriors? Perhaps Lee wasn't squandering his talents after all. A man who could sneak up on Sen must be very skilled indeed. It made some sense. In a city like this the desire to put on a mask and battle criminals must be particularly difficult to resist. Japan had its costumed heroes but the Ryoshikage had never considered themselves as such. They were simply a clan practicing their ancient calling. Then Sen heard Nightrival's question. He was about to simply tell him 'no', but in revealing his double life Sen was now honor bound to give some fair warning. Locking eyes with Nightrival Sen spoke. "I am Kiyoshi Sen, son of Kiyoshi Kichigo of the Ryoshi Kage.In my country our clan are protectors of our people. We do not, however, stop theives or criminals we protect Japan from enemies far more sinister and dangerous: Demons." He add the last word with he gravity he was raised to treat it with. "And any other form that evil chooses to take." Sen Sed. "Four months ago my father disappeared on a mission to this country. The last place we knew he was headed was to this city. I have come to find him." Sweeping his coat open Sen grasped the hilt of the Muramasa. "This blade is a family Heirloom. It is the cursed blade Muramasa." Sen drew the sword. It hissed out from the scabbard. Anyone with an eye for such things could see that it was a finely made sword, the pinnacle of the Japanese sword. Yet there seemed to be a darkness within the blade, that just could not be seen. Sen channeled some of his Ki into the blade. The sword leapt to life. Both men felt their hackles rise as they could hear in their head, indecipherable whisperings and unguessable words that seemed to grate on their very souls.
  13. "Nightrival?" Sen tested the word. "...I see." He almost grinned. Was this what Mater Lee was up to? Training another generation of skilled warriors? Perhaps Lee wasn't squandering his talents after all. A man who could sneak up on Sen must be very skilled indeed. It made some sense. In a city like this the desire to put on a mask and battle criminals must be particularly difficult to resist. Japan had its costumed heroes but the Ryoshikage had never considered themselves as such. They were simply a clan practicing their ancient calling. Then Sen heard Nightrival's question. He was about to simply tell him 'no', but in revealing his double life Sen was now honor bound to give some fair warning. Locking eyes with Nightrival Sen spoke. "I am Kiyoshi Sen, son of Kiyoshi Kichigo of the Ryoshi Kage.In my country our clan are protectors of our people. We do not, however, stop theives or criminals we protect Japan from enemies far more sinister and dangerous: Demons." He add the last word with he gravity he was raised to treat it with. "And any other form that evil chooses to take." Sen Sed. "Four months ago my father disappeared on a mission to this country. The last place we knew he was headed was to this city. I have come to find him." Sweeping his coat open Sen grasped the hilt of the Muramasa. "This blade is a family Heirloom. It is the cursed blade Muramasa." Sen drew the sword. It hissed out from the scabbard. Anyone with an eye for such things could see that it was a finely made sword, the pinnacle of the Japanese sword. Yet there seemed to be a darkness within the blade, that just could not be seen. Sen channeled some of his Ki into the blade. The sword leapt to life. Both men felt their hackles rise as they could hear in their head, indecipherable whisperings and unguessable words that seemed to grate on their very souls.
  14. "Nightrival?" Sen tested the word. "...I see." He almost grinned. Was this what Mater Lee was up to? Training another generation of skilled warriors? Perhaps Lee wasn't squandering his talents after all. A man who could sneak up on Sen must be very skilled indeed. It made some sense. In a city like this the desire to put on a mask and battle criminals must be particularly difficult to resist. Japan had its costumed heroes but the Ryoshikage had never considered themselves as such. They were simply a clan practicing their ancient calling. Then Sen heard Nightrival's question. He was about to simply tell him 'no', but in revealing his double life Sen was now honor bound to give some fair warning. Locking eyes with Nightrival Sen spoke. "I am Kiyoshi Sen, son of Kiyoshi Kichigo of the Ryoshi Kage.In my country our clan are protectors of our people. We do not, however, stop theives or criminals we protect Japan from enemies far more sinister and dangerous: Demons." He add the last word with he gravity he was raised to treat it with. "And any other form that evil chooses to take." Sen Sed. "Four months ago my father disappeared on a mission to this country. The last place we knew he was headed was to this city. I have come to find him." Sweeping his coat open Sen grasped the hilt of the Muramasa. "This blade is a family Heirloom. It is the cursed blade Muramasa." Sen drew the sword. It hissed out from the scabbard. Anyone with an eye for such things could see that it was a finely made sword, the pinnacle of the Japanese sword. Yet there seemed to be a darkness within the blade, that just could not be seen. Sen channeled some of his Ki into the blade. The sword leapt to life. Both men felt their hackles rise as they could hear in their head, indecipherable whisperings and unguessable words that seemed to grate on their very souls.
  15. Thats is one of the things I wondered about. How much competition do I have. I made plans for the Freedom League but the Crime League, I might have to just kill them.
  16. Thats is one of the things I wondered about. How much competition do I have. I made plans for the Freedom League but the Crime League, I might have to just kill them.
  17. Thats is one of the things I wondered about. How much competition do I have. I made plans for the Freedom League but the Crime League, I might have to just kill them.
  18. Ironically enough I was planning on doing a presion break (much later in Magnus's career). I would be willing to fund one though I had planned to break out the entier Blakstone alla new Avengers.
  19. Ironically enough I was planning on doing a presion break (much later in Magnus's career). I would be willing to fund one though I had planned to break out the entier Blakstone alla new Avengers.
  20. Ironically enough I was planning on doing a presion break (much later in Magnus's career). I would be willing to fund one though I had planned to break out the entier Blakstone alla new Avengers.
  21. Startled Sen spins around his hand goign to his swordhilt. Only the familiar voice prevents him from drawing his blade on the stragne shinobi before him. "Who.." He begins. "Liam?" He asks.
  22. Startled Sen spins around his hand goign to his swordhilt. Only the familiar voice prevents him from drawing his blade on the stragne shinobi before him. "Who.." He begins. "Liam?" He asks.
  23. Startled Sen spins around his hand goign to his swordhilt. Only the familiar voice prevents him from drawing his blade on the stragne shinobi before him. "Who.." He begins. "Liam?" He asks.
  24. I don't know if I even needed to roll notice but I did anyway. I got 17 so I miss him. Also I just assumed he building wasn't taller than 360 feet which I think is how far Sen cna run. I don't have my stuff so I had to guess.
  25. I don't know if I even needed to roll notice but I did anyway. I got 17 so I miss him. Also I just assumed he building wasn't taller than 360 feet which I think is how far Sen cna run. I don't have my stuff so I had to guess.
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