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Everything posted by Warmonger

  1. http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1475560/ Damn tried to bluff him and rolled a 2 for a totla of 14. Hope he is a total dummy.
  2. http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1475560/ Damn tried to bluff him and rolled a 2 for a totla of 14. Hope he is a total dummy.
  3. http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1475560/ Damn tried to bluff him and rolled a 2 for a totla of 14. Hope he is a total dummy.
  4. Oh he is good[/i]. Dorian thought. Even I couldn't pull off an innocent act that good. "Oh," Dorian feigns surprise. "A little bird told me that your people were infact doing business." He took a sip of champagne to let that sink in. "Of course perhaps I misheard. Dorian managed to avoid staring but the scientist in him only wanted to take this fabulous contraption apart piece by piece. How could it talk and think so elegantly? Waht kind of AI did it use? Was it alive?
  5. Oh he is good[/i]. Dorian thought. Even I couldn't pull off an innocent act that good. "Oh," Dorian feigns surprise. "A little bird told me that your people were infact doing business." He took a sip of champagne to let that sink in. "Of course perhaps I misheard. Dorian managed to avoid staring but the scientist in him only wanted to take this fabulous contraption apart piece by piece. How could it talk and think so elegantly? Waht kind of AI did it use? Was it alive?
  6. Oh he is good[/i]. Dorian thought. Even I couldn't pull off an innocent act that good. "Oh," Dorian feigns surprise. "A little bird told me that your people were infact doing business." He took a sip of champagne to let that sink in. "Of course perhaps I misheard. Dorian managed to avoid staring but the scientist in him only wanted to take this fabulous contraption apart piece by piece. How could it talk and think so elegantly? Waht kind of AI did it use? Was it alive?
  7. Before Grant can depart Dorian puts himself in the way, so that grant would have to go through him to escape. "Dr. Grant it is a pleasure to meet you." The man blinks at Dorian. Dorian almost scowled. "Magnus," He says while extending his hand. "Dorian Magnus; Vulcan Industries." Dorian Looks at Emissary. "Ahh you must be the Emissary from Utopia, also a pleasure to meet you." He shakes his hand as well noting the inhuman strength that lay in that grip. "So gentlemen," He says with a massive grin. "How is business lately?"
  8. Before Grant can depart Dorian puts himself in the way, so that grant would have to go through him to escape. "Dr. Grant it is a pleasure to meet you." The man blinks at Dorian. Dorian almost scowled. "Magnus," He says while extending his hand. "Dorian Magnus; Vulcan Industries." Dorian Looks at Emissary. "Ahh you must be the Emissary from Utopia, also a pleasure to meet you." He shakes his hand as well noting the inhuman strength that lay in that grip. "So gentlemen," He says with a massive grin. "How is business lately?"
  9. Before Grant can depart Dorian puts himself in the way, so that grant would have to go through him to escape. "Dr. Grant it is a pleasure to meet you." The man blinks at Dorian. Dorian almost scowled. "Magnus," He says while extending his hand. "Dorian Magnus; Vulcan Industries." Dorian Looks at Emissary. "Ahh you must be the Emissary from Utopia, also a pleasure to meet you." He shakes his hand as well noting the inhuman strength that lay in that grip. "So gentlemen," He says with a massive grin. "How is business lately?"
  10. Ok made roll. Rolled 20 on attack plus POWer Attack. So now I'm at -5 Def.
  11. Ok made roll. Rolled 20 on attack plus POWer Attack. So now I'm at -5 Def.
  12. Ok made roll. Rolled 20 on attack plus POWer Attack. So now I'm at -5 Def.
  13. Sen ducked under the automaton's clumsy blow. He hissed a curse as he saw that the armor had resisted his blade's edge. He would never lose to a soulless tool. The blade seemed to squirm in his grip as cried for him to release his hatred. Sen whipped the blade around him creating a blur of silver. Anger swelled in his chest till it burst forth from his mouth in a loud shout as he launched himself recklessly at the armor. Again his blade was only a flicker of movement as it sunk again and again into the suit before him.
  14. Sen ducked under the automaton's clumsy blow. He hissed a curse as he saw that the armor had resisted his blade's edge. He would never lose to a soulless tool. The blade seemed to squirm in his grip as cried for him to release his hatred. Sen whipped the blade around him creating a blur of silver. Anger swelled in his chest till it burst forth from his mouth in a loud shout as he launched himself recklessly at the armor. Again his blade was only a flicker of movement as it sunk again and again into the suit before him.
  15. Sen ducked under the automaton's clumsy blow. He hissed a curse as he saw that the armor had resisted his blade's edge. He would never lose to a soulless tool. The blade seemed to squirm in his grip as cried for him to release his hatred. Sen whipped the blade around him creating a blur of silver. Anger swelled in his chest till it burst forth from his mouth in a loud shout as he launched himself recklessly at the armor. Again his blade was only a flicker of movement as it sunk again and again into the suit before him.
  16. Ok am I still in melee range I want to try hitting him with a feint then attacking. If you fail a feint attack, and count as having a flat defense does autofire get added damage or does it only get it's regular bonus.
  17. Ok am I still in melee range I want to try hitting him with a feint then attacking. If you fail a feint attack, and count as having a flat defense does autofire get added damage or does it only get it's regular bonus.
  18. Ok am I still in melee range I want to try hitting him with a feint then attacking. If you fail a feint attack, and count as having a flat defense does autofire get added damage or does it only get it's regular bonus.
  19. Ok I am pretty sure I hit him but I used All out attack for a -2/+2 trade off if I can, figuring in Autofire.
  20. Ok I am pretty sure I hit him but I used All out attack for a -2/+2 trade off if I can, figuring in Autofire.
  21. Ok I am pretty sure I hit him but I used All out attack for a -2/+2 trade off if I can, figuring in Autofire.
  22. Sen sees the suits of Armour begin to peel themselves off the wall. He doesn't even miss a beat as he blade whistles out of his sheath and he dives towards the nearest armor. This is the sort of thing he has faced almost daily. He dashes towards the suit keeping low. At the moment before the strike he springs up his katana flashes in several arcs of metal as his blade slices into the suit's chestplate.
  23. Sen sees the suits of Armour begin to peel themselves off the wall. He doesn't even miss a beat as he blade whistles out of his sheath and he dives towards the nearest armor. This is the sort of thing he has faced almost daily. He dashes towards the suit keeping low. At the moment before the strike he springs up his katana flashes in several arcs of metal as his blade slices into the suit's chestplate.
  24. Sen sees the suits of Armour begin to peel themselves off the wall. He doesn't even miss a beat as he blade whistles out of his sheath and he dives towards the nearest armor. This is the sort of thing he has faced almost daily. He dashes towards the suit keeping low. At the moment before the strike he springs up his katana flashes in several arcs of metal as his blade slices into the suit's chestplate.
  25. Dorian watches a moment before he turns away. Quite an intriguing Woman, on second thought quite an interesting family. He begins to smile. "Yes I believe we shall at that." He mutters to himself. "See Dorian?" Dorian turns to Giselle. "I told you you you would want to meet her." She sighs and fishes around in her hand bag and takes out a small makeup mirror. Dorian's eyes begin scanning the room. He notices the two young girls that he had spotted earlier that night. "Dorian I'm going to see if i can get into her next show." Perfect. Dorian thought. he watched as she walked away after Mrs. Mondsee. Dorian began to move towards the two young ladies, when he notices a new development. He watches as the strange metallic creature that calls himself the Emissary begin talking to Grant. So my tip was right, the Utopians are in bed with Grant. he was a little surprised that Grant was conducting business out in the open. He changed direction and began moving towards Grant. Business first.
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