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Posts posted by RocketLord

  1. GM


    The moment they are all in the room, 








    Everything around them breaks into a rainbow kaleidoscope of color.


    Rushing around them, moving at breakneck speed.


    Everything and nothing all at once.


    A barrier that breaks the wall between worlds.


    Falling into the great nothing, falling into the great everything.


    And then they land, hard, crashing down onto a floating platform in the middle of the rainbow space. Remains of the Goodman Building, from before it became the Atomic Tower, floats around them, platforms within and outside reach. 


    Before them, a short distance away, there is half a woman. The left half, to be precise. Her young blonde hair floats in space. Her face is locked in a scream. She is unmoving, frozen in time and space, and yet, there is a definite sense that she is struggling, that she is stuck. Stuck between this realm and her own.


    She is not alone.


    By her side, floating in the kaleidoscope of color, there is man shaped beings that are not men. They are hard to look at, a shimmering absence and presence, a distortion in time and space. It is difficult to count them, it hurts to look at them for too long, beings that are both empty and full, like they exist in more than 4 dimensions, drawing in the rainbow light around them.


    One by one, they turn.


    And the young woman screams. 


    A single word escapes her frozen lips.




    The group of explorers stand alone. 


    And the strange human shaped holes in this world between realities turn towards them.


    Welcome to Z-Space



    Taking a step to the side, Stormcrow spins his staff to deflect the blow from the Legion duplicate, but he isn't really paying attention right now. His attention is all over the battlefield. Paper is doing fine, but the prolonged fight is starting to take its toll on everyone, especially Nightscale and Ghule.


    "Back each other up! We need to find the prime duplicator! Paper's got the right idea, take down their leader before he gets to the rest of them!"


    Get a quick overview of whatever else is going on... the Star Khan is still helping, at least. 

  3. Spaceman


    He doesn't even care. Whatever that thing is, it doesn't even care about what Parker is doing. It doesn't even distract him. He has to do something different. Just hitting it with enhanced strength won't do it.


    "Do you think that anyone here will stop fighting?" he asks. Focus. Don't just try to hurt things, expand, use his powers. Use his head.


    "Why are you this desperate to get your hands on Lawrence? And if you're this powerful, then why do you need to put on a show like this?" 


    He reaches out and touches the barrier, placing his hand on it. Break it. Pour all his power into it. Millions of tiny pint point explosions all across it, pulling and pushing it in all directions, weaken the space that connects it. 


    "We won't let you take him."

  4. Well, not sure if Parker can hear Vueriz since he's over by the entity already, but he will stunt to get this Blast power off his Space Control Array (minding that his current base attack bonus for this thread is +8)


    Damage 8 (Extras: Autofire, Penetrating; Feats: Affects Insubstantial 2, Indirect 3, Variable Descriptor 2 [Space Manipulation]) {31/32}


    And rolling to attack the barrier with that, essentially trying to break it down by manipulating the space in the barrier to weaken. Since it's stationary, no attack roll, but full Power Attack for +5, to DC30 + however much you want to add from Autofire and Penetrating in case of Impervious... or adding it to the combo, however you want to play it!

  5. GHOST


    Yeesh... that snake alien is tough. Just absolutely tanking when he tries to scramble their entire nervous system, and going straight for Patriot too... can't have that!


    "Right here, Patriot!!" 


    He rushes out of the floor next to her, flying straight towards the snake alien, passing a hand through it, to, hopefully, actually do some damage this time.


    "Lay it on me, boss lady!" he calls out as he swerves around, flying back to Patriot's side.

  6. Archer II: 0 Posts + 1 Titanium post = 1 Posts = 1PP

    Cool Drugs (0)

    The Sword, the Gold, the Arrow (0)


    Ghost: 1 Posts + 0 GM/Titanium post = 1 Posts = 1PP + 1PP [Guide Point] = 2PP

    Ghosts and Grimalkins: Family Matters (0)

    Written in the Stars (1)


    Rex Atom: 0 Posts + 1 GM = 1 Posts = 1PP

    A Journey Into Mystery (0)


    Spaceman: 1 Posts + 0 GM/Titanium post = 1 Posts = 1PP

    Deviations (0)

    Mind And Matter (0)

    Only Monsters Left Alive (0)

    Never Was (1)


    Space Ranger III: 0 Posts + 1 GM posts = 1 Posts = 1PP

    Aphelion (0)


    GM: 1 GM posts = 2 posts

    A Journey Into Mystery (1)

    Deviations (0)

    Ghosts and Grimalkins: Family Matters (0)

    Mind And Matter (0)

    Oh No, There Goes Tokyo (0)

    Operation Ares (0)

    Power Vacuum (0)

    Survival Class: Survival in the Hereafter (0)


    Titanium Characters

    Forever Boy: 0 Posts

    The House of the Caged Sun (0)


    Stormcrow: 1 Posts

    Dance Beneath the Stars (1)

    It is Black and It’s Hollow and It’s Cold (0) 

    Oh no, there goes Tokyo! (0)

    Power Vacuum (0)

    Teenage Dream (0)


    GM posts:

    1 GM posts to Rex Atom

    1 GM posts to Space Ranger III

    Titanium posts:

    1 Titanium posts to Archer II


    Guide point: 1PP to Ghost

  7. Sheet should be finished, aside from backstory needing to be written out instead of just being in a note form. Any thoughts, anyone want to try to check the math?



    Power Level: 10

    Effective Power Level: 8

    Power Points: 150/150PP
    Unspent Power Points: 0
    Trade-Offs: No Offensive, Defensive switch between TOU+4/Def-4, TOU+0/Def+0 and TOU-4/Def+4


    In Brief: Happy-go-lucky shapeshifter hero!

    Catchphrase: "Let's Bounce!"

    Theme: Welcome to the Show - Britt Nicole


    Alternate Identity: Matilda 'Mattie' Hopper aka Bouncin' Mattie
    Birthplace: Rumblefall, Kansas

    Residence: Claremont Academy, Freedom City

    Base of Operations: Claremont Academy, Freedom City
    Occupation: Student

    Affiliations: Claremont Academy

    Family: Jonathan 'Johnny' Hopper (Father, born 1982), Veronica 'Ronnie' Hopper (Mother, born 1983), Samantha 'Sammie' Hopper (Sister, born 2011), Duke Hopper (Paternal grandfather, born 1945)




    Age: Born May 23rd, 2008
    Gender: Female
    Ethnicity: Caucasian

    Height: 5’6’’, but variable
    Weight: 120 lbs., but variable
    Eyes: Brown, shapeshifted purple when in heroic identity
    Hair: Black, shapeshifted purple when in heroic identity


    Mattie is a slim and athletic young woman with short black hair big brown eyes. She usually wears loose clothing in bright colors, preferring shorts and t-shirts. She is almost always smiling and enthusiastic.


    As Bounce, Mattie generally wears a formfitting purple costume with white details and lines on her sides and chest. Using her shapeshifting abilities, including shifting her eye and hair color to purple, changing her hairstyle and shifting her features enough that no one should be able to recognize her as Mattie. While her costume is usually consistent, it changes along with Mattie and can quickly change in both design and color. 




    • Grew up in small town where everyone knows everyone, regular happy and well liked girl
    • Small meteors fall on the town, empowers people, Mattie gets her powers and becomes Bouncin' Mattie, keeping the peace
    • Mostly deals with small time things, feuds where someone suddenly finds a meteor and gets powers, then decides to solve a family feud or do something illegal but slightly silly. Everyone knows everyone, so Mattie finds them and stops them. Most serious stuff is out of towners coming in and trying to find the meteors or do other things, only for Mattie to stop them
      • A recurring bad guy tries to steal from the local store, only to be stopped every time, being all chummy with Mattie when he does
    • Callie Summers sends Stormcrow to figure it out, he finds her, offers her a place at Claremont, entire town sees her off
    • She comes to Freedom and Claremont, where it's suggested she doesn't use her name as her super hero name, so she becomes Bounce instead of Bouncin' Mattie. Having a secret identity is very novel and exciting!
    • Got a bit of a big city shock and is bit naive about super heroing, but really wants to do her best



    Mattie is an enthusiastic and outgoing young woman, who just wants to use her powers and abilities to help others. She is friendly and talkative, and while she genuinely only means well, her constant talking and jokes can be annoying to some. Mattie honestly just wants to be friends with everyone around here.


    Unused to the city life, both in terms of regular life and super heroics, Mattie can sometimes come off as naive, even if she is a quick learner. She is generally not happy about the greater violence than what she is used to, and meeting more genuinely evil rather than misguided opponents, actual villains, instead of what was mostly just petty squabbles back home in Rumblefall, and she can at times feel overwhelmed by the situations she now faces. Still, she is flexible, and it seems clear that she will adapt, given enough time.


    A genuine hero at heart, Mattie nonetheless still has a lot to learn.




    Mattie's powers appear somewhat cartoony at first, like she has a rubber body that she can shift to anything. She can stretch her body, completely shift it into other forms and configurations, grow wings, become a plane or car, grow claws, turn her hands into drills, grow armor plates, shift her appearance to that of anyone real or imagined, grow additional limbs, put herself back together when hurt, and just about anything else she can think of. Owing to her unique physiology, she is incredible resistant to any kinds of physical damage, and she can easily shift her form to either make herself sturdier or quicker moving, becoming harder to hit. Even Mattie doesn't quite realize the depths and limits of her powers. So far, there is nothing she has tried to do that she haven't been able to do.


    In combat, Bounce tends to rapidly shift her form, stretching to hit enemies from afar and try to keep everyone that she can safe. She will become whichever form or shape that finds most useful, or just the most fun, for a given situation.




    Advocating Against the Advocates: One time, a group of bikers rolled into Rumblefall and caused trouble. Their leader had some kind of demonic powers, but Mattie took care of them, saving the day as usual. Too bad that they were part of the Devil's Advocates, and now that Mattie is in Freedom City, the rest of the gang might come looking for her. The GM can award Mattie a Hero Point if they make the Devil's Advocates appear to cause trouble for Mattie, or have their hatred of her escalate a situation.


    Country Mouse: Mattie's from the small town Rumblefall in Kansas, where she mostly dealt with local super hero stuff, which was rarely anything beyond petty squabbles among the sometimes suddenly empowered townspeople. As such, she can sometimes be overwhelmed by the brutality or sheer evil she might face in Freedom City, giving her pause while she adjusts.  If this happens, the GM can, for instance, affect Mattie with the Dazed condition in combat or give her a setback in a social situation and, in turn, give her a Hero Point.


    Naive: Calling Mattie naive is maybe a bit harsh, but she at least always wants to believe the best about everyone, or at least until she figures out if they are bad guys. The GM can make Mattie automatically fail a Sense Motive check or other social check and be tricked by a bad guy, giving her a Hero Point in return.


    Rubber Body: Mattie's body is decidedly inhuman, seemingly composed of a sort of rubbery substance. While she appears to have all the organs and bones that one would expect, this seems to be subject to the shape that she chooses for herself. Any medical examinations, even as simple as checking for vitals, can be very difficult, even more so if Mattie is in a non-human shape. The GM can award Mattie a Hero Point if  her powers makes it difficult for others to help her with medical issues or other issues related to her body.


    Secret Identity?: Back in Rumblefall, everyone knows everyone, and there were no need for Mattie to keep a secret identity. Now that she's in Freedom City, that obviously has to change, but despite being told to do so and having her powers that easily lets her hide her identity, Mattie isn't always the best at keeping her secrets. The GM can award Mattie a Hero Point if her actions in fumbling her secret identity worsens a situation. 




    4 + 4 + 4 + 2 + 0 + 6 = 20PP


    Strength: 14 (+2) 
    Dexterity: 14 (+2) 
    Constitution: 14 (+2) 
    Intelligence: 12 (+1) 
    Wisdom: 10 (+0) 
    Charisma: 16 (+3) 




    6 + 8 = 14PP

    Initiative: +6 (+2 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative)
    Attack: +3 Base, +8 Melee (+3 Base, +5 Attack Focus [Melee]
    Defense: +4 (+4 Base), +2 Flat-Footed, Bouncy Shape +8 (+4 Base, +4 Dodge Focus), Fluid Shape +12 (+4 Base, +8 Dodge Focus)
    Grapple: +16  (+3 Base Attack, +5 Attack Focus [Melee], +2 Strength, +6 Elongation)
    Knockback: Fluid Shape -2 (4/2), Bouncy Shape -4 (8/2), Sturdy Shape -6 (12/2)




    4 + 4 + 6 = 14PP


    Toughness: Fluid Shape +4 (+2 Con, +2 Protection), Bouncy Shape +8 (+2 Con, +6 Protection), Sturdy Shape +12 (+2 Con, +10 Protection)

    Fortitude: +6 (+2 Con, +4)

    Reflex: +6 (+2 Dex, +4)

    Will: +6 (+0 Wis, +6)




    44R = 11PP


    Acrobatics 8 (+10)

    Diplomacy 7 (+10)

    Escape Artist 3 (+5)

    Gather Information 7 (+10)

    Medicine 5 (+5)

    Notice 10 (+10)

    Search 4 (+5)






    Acrobatic Bluff

    Attack Focus [Melee] 5

    Improved Initiative 1

    Luck 2

    Takedown Attack 2




    6 + 10 + 10 + 12 + 2 + 27 + 13 = 80


    All powers have the descriptors Mutation, Physical and Shapeshifting unless otherwise noted


    Elongation 6 (250 ft.) [6PP] (Descriptors: Elongated Girl)


    Immunity 20 (All Non-Lethal Physical Damage; Flaws: Limited [Half Effect]) [10PP] (DescriptorsPhysical Resistance)


    Malleable Body Array 4 (8DP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 2) [10PP] 

    BP: {4 + 4 = 8/8PP} (DescriptorsBouncy Shape)

    Enhanced Feat 4 (Dodge Focus 4; Total Defense +8) [3PP]

    Protection 4 (Total Toughness +8) [3PP]

    APProtection 8 (Total Toughness +12) {8/8} (DescriptorsSturdy Shape)

    APEnhanced Feat 8 (Dodge Focus 8; Total Defense +12) {8/8} (Descriptors: Fluid Shape)


    Morph 4 (Any form with same mass; Diguise +20) [12PP] (DescriptorsShapeshifter)


    Protection 2 [2PP]


    Shapeshift 3 (15PP Variable Power, Any Power, Multiple Powers At Once; Extras: Action 2 [Free][27PP] (Descriptors: Megamorph)

    Sample powers


    Bounce!: Leaping 4 (Leap x25) [4PP] 

    Bulk Up: Super-Strength 4 (Heavy load: 1.4 tons) [8PP]

    Expand Out: Adds (Extras: Area [General Burst] 8 (40 ft. radius) to Shapeshift Array [8PP]

    Go With the Flow: Insubstantial 1 (Fluid) [5PP]

    Grow Armor: Impervious Toughness 8 [8PP]

    Grow Wings: Flight 3 (50mph, 500 ft./rnd; Drawbacks: Power Loss [Wings]) [5PP]

    Multi-Armed: Additional Limbs 3 [3PP]

    Multi-Armed Hits: Adds (Extras: Autofire 8 ) to Shapeshift Array [8PP]

    Pull It Together: Healing 4 (Extras: Action [Standard], Total; Flaws: Personal; Feats: Persistent, Regrowth) [14PP]

    Sharp!: Adds (Extras: Penetrating 8 ) to Shapeshift Array [8PP]

    Sticky Body: Super-Movement 3 (Wall-Crawling) [3PP]

    Swing Arms: Speed 3 (50mph, 500 ft./rnd; Extras: Linked [Super-Movement]) [3PP] + Super-Movement 1 (Swinging; Extras: Linked [Speed]) [1PP] [4PP Total]

    Big Form: Growth 12 (Gargantuan: +24 STR, +12 CON,  -4 Attack/Defense, +12 Grapple, -12 Stealth, +6 Intimidation, 32 ft. tall, 141,000 lbs., 20 ft. space, 15 ft. reach, +15 Carrying Str) [36PP] + Reduced Strength 16 [-16PP] + Reduced Constitution 12 [-12PP] + Enhanced Feat 4 (Dodge Focus 4) 36-16-12+4 = [12PP]

    - Notes: Reduces attack by -4, increases DC of Unarmed and Shapeshifted Strike by +4. Total grapple: +28. Heavy load: 2.08 tons

    Small Form: Shrinking 12 (Diminutive; +4 Attack/Defense, -12 Grapple, -6 Intimidation, +12 Stealth, 6-12 inches tall, 0.25-1 lbs., 1 ft. space, 0 ft. reach, carrying capacity 1/4 normal; ExtrasNormal Strength; FeatsNormal Movement, Normal Toughness) [24PP] + Reduced Attack 4 [-8PP] + Reduced Defense 4 [-8PP] 24 - 8 - 8 = [8PP]

    - Notes: No changes to Attack, DC or Defenses. Total grapple +10. Heavy load: 44 lbs.


    Shifting Strikes Array 5.5 (11PP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 2) [13PP]

    BP: Damage 6 (Feats: Improved Critical 2, Mighty, Variable Descriptor 2 [Any shapeshifting]) {11/11} (Descriptors: Shapeshifted Strike

    APSnare 8 (Extras: Engulf (+0); Flaws: Range [Touch]; Feats: Obscure Senses 2 [Sight, Hearing], Reversible) {11/11} (Descriptors: Wrap-Around)

    AP: Stun (Flaws: Action [Full]; Feats: Improved Critical 2) {10/11} (Descriptors: Massive Strike)











    Attack bonus


    Touch, 250 ft.

    DC17 Tou (staged)



    Shapeshifted Strike

    Touch, 250 ft.

    DC23 Tou (staged)


    +8, Crit 18-20


    Touch, 250 ft.

    DC23 Ref (staged)

    Fail: Entangled
    >5: Bound and Helpless


    Massive Strike

    Touch, 250 ft.

    DC23 Fort (staged)

    Fail: Dazed
    >5: Stunned

    >10: Unconscious

    +8, Crit 18-20


    Totals: Abilities (20) + Combat (14) + Saving Throws (14) + Skills (11) + Feats (11) + Powers (80) - Drawbacks (0) = 150/150 Power Points

  8. GM


    Tracy smiles approvingly at Michael when he shows his interest, and, with some reluctance, lets go of him to shake Michael's hand. "Ah, still learning all the bureaucracy myself. Mom usually takes care of that, but I guess somebody will have to take over the family business when somebody is more busy playing super hero." She looks at Parker with a rather pointed look, before sticking out her tongue and turning to Daniel and Iris. 


    "But you two! You gotta be the telepathic twins, right? Right?" She sounds excited. The science is clearly her passion. "So, the idea here is that we're trying to set up telepathic communication. Like a phone or a headset or something like that, but with telepathic communication instead of having to talk. Quicker, easier, hopefully wider range, but not easy to figure out." She smiles, and holds her hands out to the twins. "Which is where you come in. We need to get some data, see what happens when you use your powers, but can you tell me something about yourselves first? Like, what are your powers like? Do you know how they work? Did you get them in some kind of accident, were you born with them?" She is talking fast, going a million miles an hour. 

  9. GM


    "Don't be too happy about explosions and world wars, Mr. Botez," Doctor Macedon mentions as she starts running towards the explosion. "My grandfather told me that a group of students got sent back to the second world war to fight nazi super villains once." She pauses and grimaces. "I don't want that to happen again."


    Carmen soon finds the source of the explosion of flying statue that almost hit her. In the middle of the park where she passed by before, that is now a large crater, with a woman with short white hair dressed in a blue costume with a gold chest plate and white cape lying on her back. She appears to be barely concious, her costume torn showing bruises and scrapes underneath.


    Meanwhile, the rest of the group is reaching the source of the explosion, at the edge of the park in the city. Several costumed individuals, all wearing rather futuristic costumes, are on the ground or in buildings, while a group of men and women in uniforms with black legs, dark grey shirts and red markings showing two jagged S symbols on the chest. They are all heavily armed and seem to be regrouping.



    "Hey, we both know you'd be the one complaining complaining first if you got me in the face," Charlie quips in response to Bernie's own poor dear quip.


    Taking a step back, he bows to Vik and Bernie with a flourish.


    "Well, guess I'll referee then. Everyone fighting over me again, been a while since that happened."



    Connor ignores the man's pleading. Kids or no kids. They'll be better off without someone like this man taking care of them. The city government probably won't be much help, but this way, they won't be mixed up with drugs again.


    The way that the albino has started to tremble is concerning, though...


    "What's he doing?" 


    Instinctively, he reaches for another arrow. A steel mesh snare, something that should hopefully be able to hold him, in case he acts up.

  12. GM


    The Katanarchist almost growls as they pulls back for another strike. There is something animalistic about the sound, something not quite human about the sound.


    They don't have much chance to do anything, before Neko strikes with her naginata. The moment that it connects, the illusory weapon causes the ninja to flinch and stop, like it was a real weapon. They don't even have the time to respond.



    The new ninja is moving fast. Seems better than the others. Their leader, maybe?


    Whatever the cause, they go straight for Neko, and she recognizes him, calling him Katana's dog. Right, backstory development it is.


    While she prepares a burning naginata, Charlie throws a ravenrang right past the ninja's face, drawing attention long enough to distract them from their next strike.

  14. Yes, you were up @Avenger Assembled, and sorry about delays this month.


    Stormcrow is gonna use Aid to Neko to give her higher Defense against the Elite Ninja, since you don't need a bonus to your attack roll: 20, that's +5 Defense for Neko on the next attack.


    I assume that you will hit once the Elite Ninja approaches, so he's hit by the readied action, for a DC25 Will Save vs. Damage: 19, Bruised and Dazed, which means @Spacefurry is up while the ninja clears the daze.


    As noted below, there are no ninjas visible on the ground, but 4 in the rafters and the Elite Ninja in melee with Neko.


    28 - Stormcrow - 7HP - Unharmed

    27 - Elite Ninja - Bruise (x1)

    24 - Paper - 4HP - Unharmed

    23 - Multi-Girl Dupe - Bruise (x1)

    17 - Ninjas - Minions - 10x Defeated, none visible on the ground, at least 4 in the rafters (under effects of Obscure)

    17 - Multi-Girl - 2HP - Unharmed

    9 - Neko - 1HP - Unharmed

  15. That gets everyone:

    Soldiers saves in order, last ones being the ones already affected: 14 13 17 11 27 19 16. That ends up with 5 being paralyzed and 2 being slowed

    Doctor Deviation: 19


    Give me an IC @Thevshi, then I'll follow up with Spaceman


    28 - Experimental Soldiers x7 - 2 slowed, 5 paralyzed

    21 - Timeout - 1HP - Unharmed

    20 - Spaceman - 2HP - Unharmed

    19 - Gamma Buzz - 0HP - Unharmed

    9 - Doctor Deviation - Unharmed, Slowed

  16. Forever Boy




    The Forever Boy's face lights up in a bright smile, one that Mz. Grue and Shooting Star will probably notice is just a tiny bit too wide, edging just into the uncanny valley.


    Whatever he thinks of Tun's situation, of the artificial life that she is living, he decides not to comment on it, and it does not show on his face. 


    "Oh, we shall do much more than fight!" he declares. "Put us in, coach", he continues, in a Brooklyn accent, before returning to his own voice. "And then we'll give you your story! Thrills, twists and excitement!"

  17. GM


    The Scarecrow, despite its threats, has been passive until now. That all changes the moment that Haven swings his fist. It eyes seem to focus on the trail of orange sparks, almost transfixed by them, before it moves to strike, thrusting a clawed hand out towards Haven.


    It misses, flying through the digital air where Haven's head was the moment before, but not even close to reaching him.


    By now, the lion is cowering behind his bar, his tail barely sticking up, while he mumbles "Oh no oh no they're coming they're coming..."

  18. On 4/14/2024 at 12:19 AM, Thevshi said:

    The duplicate only gets an 18, so picks up a bruise.

    Bernadette will move back to attack one of the ninja backstage. Would she be able to Take 10 to hit (which would result in an 18), if so, DC 27 toughness save.


    Yes, she can take 10.

    The ninja can't make that save, so one more ninja down.


    28 - Stormcrow - 7HP - Unharmed

    27 - Elite Ninja - Unharmed

    24 - Paper - 4HP - Unharmed

    23 - Multi-Girl Dupe - Bruise (x1)

    17 - Ninjas - Minions - 9x Defeated, none visible on the ground, at least 4 in the rafters (under effects of Obscure)

    17 - Multi-Girl - 2HP - Unharmed

    9 - Neko - 2HP - Unharmed

  19. GM


    "We should all stick together, Miss Vueriz," Dr. Macedon quickly says, before any of the other students get away from her. She frowns as she looks around. It doesn't look anything like any of the stories that her grandfather had told her about going through the Magic Mesa, or the one time she had gone through it herself. "I'm sorry miss O’Connell, but I've only been through here once before, and we never really found out what happened, but we obviously did it because..." She turns and looks behind them. The cave they came through has closed. "... Yep, it's gone. It should open once we do whatever needs doing. The one time I got through this I got back to the 80'es, this looks a bit more advanced."


    She pauses and looks around. The park they are in seems eerily empty. They can't see any other people anywhere.


    "I don't suppose any of you kids got any powers that'd be useful for tracking down the last member of our little crew?"


    Carmen is as alone as the rest of her group, but she is too far away to see or hear them, even with her advanced senses. It is strange to see a park this empty, even at night, but then again, everything here is very different.


    The silence is broken by a horn, like an air raid alarm. She barely has time to react before an explosion cuts through the darkness not far from her. Statues like the one of Golden Star that she is standing comes flying through the air, apparently made from a material able to withstand the explosion. One lands right next to her, only barely missing. It is a woman that looks like she is dressed like the Raven.


    Further away, the rest of the group sees and hears the explosion, even if it is far more faint.

  20. GHOST


    Carrie stops in her tracks when she hears the voice behind her and then spins around, looking up at the woman that's barely a head taller than her with a questioning look, then looks at her father with a somewhat unsure expression.


    Casper looks back with a half smile and shrugs, before Carrie turns back to Lynn.


    "Carrie." She is obviously holding back, sounding reserved. "You're my dad's friend, right?" 

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