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Everything posted by BlazingCoconut

  1. Zhu took a deep breath and nodded, falling into a mixture of English and Russian, <"no, it's fine. That just... surprised me is all! I thought you might have really thought that I wanted too... well you know. I mean, we've just met and you seem really nice, but I don't want you to think the wrong things about me. Back home the boys were mostly afraid of me because I was smarter than they were, so I'm not always sure if I'm doing something wrong. Social contexts are... difficult."> She wasn't kidding either, much of her knowledge of American culture... and to a lesser degree Chinese culture, even teen culture, was derived from watching movies. Which, had this been one, they would have made it to her room and there would have been some kind of accident where her clothes would have been removed in a very comedic way to highlight the awkwardness of the situation. That was something she hoped to avoid! Besides, while she thought Jack was pretty nice, having a boy as big as he was alone in your room was a little disconcerting. Which, that should have been her first thought before asking a strange boy to her room. This was likely a story that was not going to be relayed to her mother on their evening calls.
  2. <"I'm glad that you wi..."> her voice froze and she stammered with her face turning beet red, <"No no no! That wasn't what I meant at all! I thought you might like to see a room and I don't have the keys to empty rooms since I'm not a normal tour guide!"> She looked up at him mortified that he had gotten the wrong impression from her question and wondered what else she was going to bungle on this trip, <"Besides! My roommate is there... and she's really cool and would love to meet you! Really! It's very innocent, I mean other than a little mess that's all there is to it."> Near panic, she sent a message through her phone which was still in her pocket. Rev, please be in the room in five minutes! Please! I think I gave a giant Russian the impression I wanted to take him back to my room!
  3. She grinned, <"well... most of that I learned before coming here. Everything here is just advancing what I already knew... and up... coming up with more creative ways to use what I have already created. They have opened some thoughts for me that I don't know if I would have come up with at all. There are very smart people in here and my engineering classes have been incredible. They have toys that I really really want."> As they had been talking the pair had crossed through the commons area and just approached one of the residential blocks. The ivory covered building still had green peeking through the snow covering which accentuated the East Coast architectural charm, <"I can show you a room if you'd like? I am not sure if my room mate is there, but I think she would love to meet you anyway. Would you like that?">
  4. Getting hugged by Jack was kind of like being smothered by a large warm boa constrictor as her ribs felt like they creaked in protest even though the sensation was not altogether unpleasant. Still, it was a little disconcerting how easily he had lifted her off the ground as if she were no more than a scrap of paper. She made a squeaking noise from both the surprise and the air that was compressed out of her lungs and staggered a little when she was set down, trying to get her bearings back. So it took her longer to reply than it otherwise might have, especially given that she had noticed that he was a rather nicely put together boy! Although it wasn't really proper to think about or notice things like that when she had an official duty to attend to in his tour. Turning away to compose herself, she took a deep breath and again fooled with her hair before turning back with a big smile, <"I'm glad you liked it. So, yes... what was I saying? Oh... right, that's why I don't eat as much, I don't really have powers that need a constant supply of things to eat."> As she finished the sentence, her eyes trailed to the sandwich that would likely feed her for a week. As they walked away from the cafeteria, she took him through the union. She paused at some of the lounges and gaming areas, <"this is a pretty good area to come to in the evening. Although, there is always studying and homework to do. At least for me there is. Not everyone studies as much I think.">
  5. Zhu grinned, <"Oh no... I mean, I'm very happy with who I am. It's just that I can't shoot fire or fly or any of the things that most people can do around here. Besides, I have made some things which help too. They are my inventions."> She reached over to take his hand, looking up at his face to make sure that it was not a problem. Frankly her tiny hand was lost in the sea of his which caused her to giggle, but she concentrated for a moment and a small statue of a hammer and sickle started to appear with the Chinese stars flowing around and between it. It was a beautifully intricate piece that seemed to be made of some composite of metal and laminate. It took a moment to finally fully appear, but when it was done, she let go of his hand and stood back. With a grin, she said, <"Magic!">
  6. She waited while he made what was perhaps one of the largest sandwiches she had seen, and decided that a half a banana would suffice for her. It was probably a little much, but she had skimped on breakfast, so it shouldn't spoil her appetite for lunch later, "oh no, they don't mind. In fact I think they encourage students to eat frequently... and yes, that is the correct word. Metabolism." When he corrected himself on the word, she realized that English was still a bit of a challenge for him and switched over to Russian, which she spoke fluently, <"I don't have any real powers, other than being smart and I can talk to electronics remotely. But I've designed a lot of things that help me when I need them too. I'm very sorry, I should have switched to Russian earlier, I'm not really sure what I was thinking. Other than you were really really tall."> Tucking a stand of hair behind her ear, she flashed him a smile, <"I'm glad you can laugh. That's very important... sometimes, everything seems to serious that it's good to just let things out.">
  7. She laughed with him, which was a rather melodic light sound as she covered her mouth, "no, but it seems everyone has to work very hard for their abilities. I guess I don't have too." As she spoke, she paused at the entrance to the cafeteria, which while being in between breakfast and lunch, still had a reasonable spread of snacks, fruit, bread and lunchmeat set out for students who couldn't wait a few hours between meals, or those whose class load didn't line up with normal meal times. The room was spacious with comfortable family style seating, bright light, and long counters where all manner of foods could be served. "They have all sorts of variety and the cooks are quite good. If you are enrolled, you can eat as much as you need." "Upstairs, there's a lounge and places to relax or study. It's quite popular in the evening... and I don't think I'd starve for a while. I think I checked the other day and I was heavier than I wanted to be." While she was giving the guided tour she wondered about his choice of words. Friends denoted something more than acquaintance, unless it was a Russian idiom that she didn't know about. She resisted the urge to hack into his phone, and instead used the microseconds between pauses in their conversation to look up exactly what were the social moires of post Soviet Russia.
  8. If anyone was watching closely, Zhu's cadence paused ever so slightly as she considered what the very large boy beside her said. While she wasn't sure exactly what he meant, given the nature of the school, she could only guess. Without any knowledge of what he could do, the thought of him out of control frankly was terrifying. However, she pressed on and offered a quick prayer to whatever fates were looking down on them that she didn't have to experience it first hand. "I am sure that they can help... there are some amazing teachers here and the facilities are wonderful," she said turning towards the commons area. "So you have abilities too? There are a lot of students here who do." Then she quickly added, "we're going in the union, you can get food here. It's rather good and most of the students eat. A lot. I mean, I don't really, but it seems like most of them do."
  9. SFX couldn't believe it, she was sitting in Freedom Hall! In her wildest dreams, which, given that she played with nano technology, were pretty big, she never pictured herself here. The support staff had questioned her a few different times on the events and she had done her best to answer them as accurately as possible, describing everything that happened... including her gaffe at the start of the fight with Devil Ray. While she didn't really want to describe her abject failure to people who were practically her idols, it was important for them to understand exactly what happened. She had been looking at some of the pictures and accounting of their exploits as she heard the whisper of someone coming in. Turning, her jaw dropped as Phantom and Siren entered. She had been in Freedom City for a couple months, long enough to realize that heroes were more common. However, seeing these two sent tingles down her spine into her toes. For a moment, her concentration wavered and she issued some garbage commands into the botnet. Her image flickered a few times before settling back into the costume of the familiar hero. "Hello!" she said, her voice unfortunately choosing that moment to rise nearly an octave due to her excitement.
  10. Zhu looked at the hoodie, thinking it would probably be more like a dress on her than any sort of hoodie. For a moment she considered it, but while she had a little chill, it wasn't to bad. Although, Shanghai typically did not get below freezing throughout the year and her new home was certainly much more prone to bone shivering bouts of winter. "Thank you, but I have a jacket. It's just a bit windy and it went through my coat and perhaps through me was well! I'll be fine though...." Then she smiled and laughed, "besides, if I put that on, I might trip on the hem." As they walked, she pointed out some of the classrooms before finally asking, "what are you going to be studying?" Which was a little bit of a problem as every time she went to talk to him she had to crane her head up or just stare at his stomach. Of course, that wasn't the worst thing in the world, but being ogled wasn't something she was about to put anyone through.
  11. That was certainly unexpected! Zhu blushed surprised as her hand disappeared into his. Although his formal and warm gesture was also more than what she had learned to expect from the far less expressive Amercans. They were occasionally huggy, but never this. Giving him a warm smile, she recovered and replied, "thank you. I'm Alexa... and I'm supposed to take you on a tour. But, it's very nice to meet you. Are you going to be boarding here, or just taking classes?" As she spoke she walked out of the office onto the main grounds, shivering slightly in the January air as she pulled her jacket a little closer. It had just snowed over the past few days and the commons was covered with a thick blanket of snow making the New England brick architecture look particularly magical with a crystaline coating sparkling in the sun.
  12. 1/14/2018 Headmistress Office, Calremont Academy "So, how have you been settling in, Miss Xieng?" Miss Summers asked sitting behind the impressive wooden desk in her tastefully appointed office. Zhu smiled and nodded, "very well Headmistress. I like the school very much." "Excellent, that is something which we of course strive for. It's important that you both enjoy and learn. Believe me, the time will go fast and you may find very unique pressures which you have to face." As the third incarnation of the Raven she had first hand knowledge of what kind of pressures the young girl in front of her might encounter. Zhu was about to reply when a middle aged woman stepped in, "I am sorry for interrupting Miss Summers. However, your 10am is here. Mrs. Davydov and her son. Should I show them in." Miss Summers considered for a moment, "Alexa, would you be willing to do me a favor?" "Yes, ma'am. Of course," Zhu replied. "Excellent. We have a new student starting. I would like to discuss some things with Jack's mother in private. Would you be willing to show Jack around the campus?" Zhu paused, "I would... but I'm still very new here." Miss Summers laughed easily, "yes you are, but admin server you are currently monitoring has a map of the campus whic I'm sure you can find. Besides, it's Sunday and most students are still alseep I would imagine." Nodding, Zhu got up, her pleated skirt falling to her knees as she straightened her simple long sleeved top, "yes ma'am..." she said sheepishly as she had been peeking at some of the nearby computers. Smiling, Miss Summers continued, "let's just not make a habit of going places you shouldn't. Thank you Miss Xieng, I'm sure Mr. Davydov will be fine in your company. We'll talk again later to check on your progress." Stepping out of the office, she ran into a pair of legs. A very large pair of legs. Looking up she realized that it wasn't some kind of colossal leg statue, but they were connected to a person who loomed above her. She blinked a few times at the mountain of a boy before realizing that this must be Jack, craning her neck she gave him a smile, "oh! Sorry... I didn't see you. I'm not sure how I didn't. We're to take a tour of the facility... and... oh! I'm Alexa. Sorry. You have me out of sorts."
  13. "Stop a train?" she replied redundantly. "I... maybe? Probably not without wrecking it. I'm going to try to trigger the gates at least. It should help you keep the car there." With a growing sense of unease she found herself scratching her backside and shuddered hoping that this illusion's mannerisms weren't contagious. Not that there was anything wrong with people who worked in construction, but it just didn't seem like something that her mother would ever approve of. Although, in retrospect, almost nothing she had done tonight was remotely what her mother would have approved of. Focus! She needed to focus! Putting her mind to it, she finished the code for the license check and then put her mind to wresting control of the signal from whatever had taken it over. She didn't need to know who yet, that could come later. It was more important to get the gate down and get it down now!
  14. The ruined face underneath the mask was a horrific visage of transmuting flesh and open sores. SFX put a hand to her mouth to stop the sudden nausea she felt while looking at the half man half creature. Whatever had happened to him was terrible and she felt a mixture of fear and pity as she stared at him. Although, it wasn't enough pity that she didn't reinforce the bonds holding the armored figure to make sure he was completely secured. The bot net kept responding too her letting her know what was happening and allowing her to tweak things from time to time. She looked over at Aquaria, "what could cause that... surely not just wearing the suit? ...and I'm sorry for freezing up. I just couldn't make things work."
  15. Okay, I don't know if we started in rounds yet, but here is a computer check for when she can try to get the license plate. If it works you can let me know when she finds that out. Computers: 1d20+20 = 27
  16. As her mind slid into the railway controller it felt like jumping into a freezing pool on a hot summer day, something you thought you wanted to do, but in the end it was just uncomfortable. It didn't take her long to realize that someone had already tampered with the relatively simple device, which spelled trouble. It explained why the signals weren't ringing and the engineer might not even know anything was wrong. She started to check how it had been tampered with, but realized that likely didn't matter. Instead, she needed to find out who was in the armored car. "Rev! The train is coming and the signals are out and I'm not yet sure why!" she said, breathless, into her phone link making no pretense to alter her voice. All the while she was looking at the license plate of the car and trying to search the police databases to find out who it was registered too. They needed information and they needed it quick!
  17. Fantastic! Not that it was tampered with, but that someone rolls worse than I have.
  18. As Singularity and Devil Ray went down in a thrashing ball of arms and legs, SFX finally snapped out of her stupefaction and realized she better do something to help. The last thing that they needed was any sort of trick or sudden reversal of fortune to swing things the wrong way. Already Aquaria's dome was broken and SFX didn't fancy her chances against the trident without it. Collecting her wits, she concentrated on the bot net, calling up some prewritten routines and stitching them together as fast as her mind interface would go. COULD STATUS: Deployed, 32.5 million bots online. SENSORY CAPACITY: 99.6m. COMMAND INPUT> Call GroundWrapMk2{Designation: 3; Exception: *; Autonomy: 1; Source: Ground} Satisfied that she had remembered the basics of her OS, she watched as the ground seemed to writhe with small tendrils of pavement extending up and wrapping around Devil Ray's form. They shied away from Singularity and anyone else nearby as they insidiously worked to complete their task. She grinned knowing that the armored figure would be hard pressed to escape the cage she was building while Singularity continued to fight him. Now if only she could think of some kind of witty catch phrase. It just might, and that was a big if, offset how dumb she imagined she had looked a few minutes before.
  19. Right! I think we need to keep slowing him down. Snare 10 - Burst 50' Selective. So just aiming to take down Devil Ray. DC 20 Snare, but I don't think he get's a reflex since he's grappled! Yeah for teamwork!
  20. Doing two things. (1) Taking control of the switch if possible. (2) Checking to see if it's been tampered with. Control of the Switch: 1d20+10 = 11 Okay, this is getting silly as that seems to be all that I can roll. Using her HP to try again. Control of the Switch Mk2: 1d20+10 = 19 If that's enough to get into the switch, Computers to see if it's been tampered with: 1d20+20=29 *sigh* It's going to be one of those threads. Dice... they are not kind.
  21. Zhu thanked her lucky stars that the car had indeed approached from Rev's side. Her friend had such an easy going demeanor, she was sure that if anyone could pull off this stunt, it was her. She placed her sign to stop and tried to pay attention to both Rev and the now approaching train. She looked at it and wondered what exactly was going on. She didn't know a whole lot about trains, but everything that she did know was that there should be a lot of lights and gates and bells going off. At least in the distance. What she didn't know is if the voice was worried about the sedan, or if the voice was worried about the train. She pulled a little of the pavement out of place to make a holder for her stop sign, and quickly stuck it in the ground so that it hopefully would stop any of the southbound vehicles from crossing. Then, not wanting to be caught on the opposite side of the tracks she tried her best to saunter over across the street from Rev. She was pretty certain that she looked terrible in terms of any real saunter, but it would have to do. Especially because she was trying her best to hack the train signals and see why they were not triggering.
  22. Zhu quickly realized that open communication was needed. If they were going to play at closing a road down, then they had to work together for twenty to thirty seconds at a time. It helped if they said which car was the last through and if she didn't speak, then her basic waves were more than sufficient for the typical city traffic. "Yep, last car through was a White Van. I've got the rest stopped now. Let me know when you let the last one through coming back my way." All the while she was trying to keep an eye out for anything suspicious or our of the ordinary.
  23. "I'd whistle at you!" Zhu giggled back at Rev before taking a more serious demeanor, "lazy and slow. I don't think I've ever done lazy and slow. But I've seen enough movies with construction workers in it." She tried to walk around, even as she picked up her skirt and set it on the bench next to the road. No sense in having to do laundry already! "Well the car is coming from the north, so maybe you should take that side? I'll keep the cars from crossing over here." Rev's phone started to ring as Zhu continued to talk, "I'm calling you, just leave the line open and on Speaker. If something happens, shout and I'll hear you. Same goes for me. But let's hope we can just stop them until the train passes and then not have to deal with anything else." With a nervous sigh, she started to walk across the tracks, looking back to Rev on more than one occasion.
  24. Zhu nodded and looked around her, the lamppost would have to suffice as well as some of a bench from across the way. getting some schematics from the web, she quickly put her bots in motion as first the very standard yellow helmet appeared with another right on it's heels, followed by a pair of portable stop signs a few moments later. Satisfied with the items which had just slowly appeared, growing organically from seeming thin air, she considered, "I think I can do a little with my looks so people might believe that I actually worked for the city. Then all we should have to do is stop traffic for a little while and let the train pass. It's pretty simple, but I think it has the least amount of risk. What do you think and which side of the tracks do you want?" As she waited, she seemed to grow a few inches and gain about 50 pounds with far rougher clothes than the cute skirt she had been wearing. The illusion did it's job very well, although the clipping around the skirt was an issue which was soon remedied as it fell to the ground, leaving only the image of jeans and a flannel shirt behind.
  25. Zhu smiled, "you're smarter than you let on! Besides that, I think you have more common sense than I do." However, she did seriously consider the situation. "So. I'm a little worried about stopping an armored car. Someone might be using us to rob the car. Maybe they're on the train... or have some way to get it on the train." She looked over the intersection. "I think if we can delay it without damaging it, that would be good. The message didn't say anything about harming the car, just that we have to prevent it from crossing before the train. What if we set up a roadblock up the way a bit? Think you can impersonate a construction worker? I'm not sure I'd do a very good job of it."
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