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Egyptian Escapade


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With the van through the group of camels, Dee straightened out the wheel and stepped on the accelerator, causing the van's engine to whine in protest as the van speed away from the riders.  The young Englishwoman glanced in the rearview mirrors, just able to make out the riders swinging themselves around to try to continue the pursuit.


"Well, shall we just leave them behind, or did you want to try to just deal with them here and now?"  She called up to Erick, who was, thankfully, still up on the roof of the van.

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Erick holstered away the escrima sticks inside of his belt loops.  Dropping back inside the van and flipping comfortably into a seat in one fluid motion.  Immediately shutting the door after.  "Much as I like knocking out whackos.  No need to get into any unnecessary fights if we can just outspeed them."   


Minimizing the amount of danger they kept the professor in seemed prudent.  Besides, they had bigger fish to fry.  Unless the Doctor had something to do with their Crocodile King, they might as well not immediately jump on that grenade without cause.  "Not forgotten, ever living.  I'm still not sure what the whole point of this attack was."

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"<Kill the Infidel! Protect the King! Kill them and kill them until they die from it!>" yelled the riders as they whipped their camels into a flurry of activity. 


A few bursts of gunfire roared through the night, but the Van, beat up as it was, was in full working order engine wise. Dee had kicked it into shape back at the dealers. 


"<They are getting away! They must not find the King! His blood must be protected!>"


Then the Van sped into the desert night, and the cries fell away. 




Even with the pedal to the metal, it was another hour, nearly dawn, before the Van pulled up outside what looked like a concrete abandoned military base on the side of the Nile. It looked like a concrete abandoned military base because that was what it was. 


It would have been easy to miss, just dust, concrete, and a rusted and ineffective chain gate surrounding the perimeter, with an equally rusted lock. The only entrance appeared to be a predictably rusted and barred iron door, big enough for the Van, if it could be opened, that sat mere yards from the gentle lapping waters of the Nile. 

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Dee pulled the van to a stop a short distance away from the seemingly abandoned military base. "Wonderful, another bloody 'abandoned' relic from the Cold War." She commented, referencing the building where she and Erick had found Doctor Zero and the Sleeper in Russia during the incident at the Winter Games.

"So, shall we just pull on up and try to get the gate open to drive right on in? Or go off and park this behind some sand dune outside the fence?" The Englishwoman asked her two fellow passengers. For herself, she had misgivings about both options, although at least the van would be a bit closer if they took it inside with them.

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"If there was somewhere we could stash it.  I would vote that.  Looking around we're probably best off just taking this in."  Erick pointed out.  He didn't think the likelihood of running into the Doctor twice was high on the probable list.  But the future had surprised him before.  The cloak of patriotism had long been shed.  Despite the program's roots coming from the Cold War, Zero's actions had no political cause behind it any longer.


That fact alone made the likelihood of Government support to be limited.  Sure, there were the snipers.  And the frogmen.  Even the cultists were suspect.  But all factors seemed to be a loose coalition.  Not a large full fledged government force working against them.  This was of odd comfort.  As it set his expectations.

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"Well, there goes any semblance of stealth then."  Dee commented with a small smile.  "Although, I think stealth has pretty much been impossible since Cairo."


The young Englishwoman then started the van forward once more, guiding it down towards the main gate of the facility.  As she did so, Dee raised her forcefield once again, wanting to be prepared for the possibility that some hostile force was lying in wait for them.  Given the obstacles which had been thrown in their path thus far, she would be very surprised if the base was just empty, waiting for them to learn its secrets.

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The Van crashed through the perimeter fence like it was tissue paper. A testament more to the feeble rusted incompetence of the fence rather than the power of the beat up vehicle. 


Whilst dust kicked up, to catch the first rays of dawn, there was no other response. Just a quietness and coolness from the Nile. 


The only thing that caught Foreshadow and Synapses attention was...


"Children!" said Zaki, alerting Synapse, who had not needed alerting. 


Three scruffy children were laughing and playing by the riverside, throwing stones and splashing each other. 


Other than that, there was just concrete and the big corroded iron door in front of it. 

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"Well...I did not see that coming." Erick stared at the children.  The door should have been the real priority.  But, civilization wasn't exactly within walking distance.  What were they doing there?  "So...this is something different."


 In Foreshadow's career of expecting the unexpected, he had never been thrown for such a loop.  His first thought was that the place was turned into some sort of hidden commune.  And frankly he wasn't positive if he wanted the truth to that theory.  Especially as the theory could be completely wrong.


In a day full of frog people, cultists, and snipers.  Somehow children are the surprising part.  What does that say about my life?

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Dee had spotted the children playing by the riverside as she had rammed the gates open with the van. The sight did seem a bit out of place, but with her experience in other parts of Africa, it was not particularly surprising. "People often find shelter wherever they can, particularly where there is significant social and political upheaval." She said evenly in response to Erick's comment. "And that often means families. Children can be incredibly resilient and adaptive in the face of hardship."

The young Englishwoman pulled the van to a halt as she looked about the compound a bit more carefully. She rather doubted there were children just living out here completely on their own, which likely meant there were some adults somewhere here. But then again, it had been a rather unusual day thus far.

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Erick nodded.  It was logical to hear in that respect.  However, an abandoned Cold War era facility still seemed unsafe.  Regardless of the location it was not a time period in which equipment was properly maintained.  If anything inside still functioned any hidden community could be at risk.  Especially when it came to the Doctor's leftover equipment.


"Where do you think the parents of the Goonies are?"  Erick asked pointing to the iron door.  Letting his contemplation openly known to the other two inside the vehicle.  If they were near a city or village he might have suspected it was simply an abandoned location they enjoyed playing it.  As it were Erick had his doubts.

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The three children looked up as the Van pulled to a halt, and stoped throwing mud and water at each other. They looked vaguely malnourished, possibly beggars or orphans. They also looked a little scared. 


"<Who are you? We are just playing...>" said one tentatively, nervous. The other two tried to hide behind each other, effectively doing a little dance to see who would win that  fruitless contest. 


"<Nobody comes here! This is Crocodile kingdom!>" blurted the first nervous child. 


"<He is king of the Nile!>" added one of the children who had fallen over in a tangled heap with the other one as they danced to get behind of each other. 

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"Possibly, if their actual parents are even here." Dee replied as she climbed out of the van. The young Englishwoman moved over slowly towards the children, a smile on her face, in part because of the antics of the two trying to hide behind each other.

<"I can see that."> She replied to the comment that they had only been playing. <"My name is Dee.">

As they mentioned Crocodile King, Dee recalled the men on camels that they had encountered on the road here. <"So the Crocodile King rules here? Where can we find him? In there?"> She then asked, indicating the door to the building.

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"<The Croc King lives in there>" said the upright child, pointing to the rusted Iron door that sealed the Concrete lump that was the old cold war base. 


"<Except...he is not always in there>" said one of the tangled up kids on the ground. 


The first child, who was probably the oldest and probably the bravest and probably the wisest of the three, nodded, confidence growing. 


"<Everyone thinks this is just made up stories. But we have seen him, at night, swimming in the Nile. There is another way in...under the water...>" he suggested, pointing at the Nile itself and its still waters. 


"<Sometimes, we see men go in and out of the door, too!>" yelled the smallest kid on the ground, excited. 


On closer inspection, the rusted door, while irrefutably rusted, and irrefutably iron, did show some signs of being used. There was no apparent way in, but it could be opened from the inside, presumably. 


"<They give a special knock...>" suggested the last child, clapping out a rhythm of five beats. 

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Erick exited the an once the method of entrance was being discussed.  Their options were laid out by the children.  Learning the secret knock seemed the most prudent choice.  If the child that perked up actually knew it that was.  Dropping to one knee to the small child, Erick smiled before asking the all too important question.  "Do any of you know the special knock the adults use?"


Personally, I think we should swim it.  If there's constant traffic in the door I imagine it's harder to sneak around.  At least without waiting for someone to take their crazy cult robes off of.  Of course no one had said they needed to sneak around.  Erick just assumed it was the default assumption with creepy abandoned facilities in which a Crocodile King hung out.  You wouldn't happen to be able to make us an air bubble would you?


Erick could hold his breath for an impressive amount of time.  But that didn't mean he would gleefully be doing so.  Having personally swam through the Nile earlier in the day, Erick was not endeared to the idea of late night swims in its waters.

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"I believe one of them just gave us the rhythm for the knock."  Dee replied as she repeated the five beat clapping rhythm.  She then looked down at the children as she asked.  <"And where do you all live?  Nearby?  Or another part of this compound?">


At the same time, she gave a mental reply to Erick's comment about wanting to try the underwater entrance.  I think it might be better to avoid trying that way.  After all, given those frogmen things and the talk of this Crocodile King, something tells me we would be at a disadvantage down in the water.  Better to stick to where we are at least on even footing.

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The kids were less than forthcoming were they lived. Fingers on the ends of arms pointed south, vaguely, away from the Nile. One could only presume that it was in a less than wealthy part of the country; and given the political, theological, and economic crisis of the country, that was rather stiff competition. 


"<We just come here to play. Nobody else comes here>" explained the kids. 


Although it was probably a thrill, a dare, an excitement. Nobody came round here because of the stories of the Crocodile King. 

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"Right, that makes sense."  Erick said in reply to Dee pointing out the rhythm of the clapping.  He ha assumed it simply the child playing around.  His trepidation at entering from the front hadn't added.  if only because it was the expected entrance.  but, it was hard to argue against being out of their element in the other entrance.  Right, rather not drown via Crocodile King or Frogman.  Erick responded mentally while looking around.


It was easy enough to see why no one frequented outside of the clandestine society worshiping the Crocodile King.  It was the first bit of good news they had really receive.  Zaki would theoretically be safe waiting outside.  Just in case things did get hectic though, Erick did at least want the children to clear the area.


Reaching into his pocket Erick would reach for his wallet.  <"Than you for your assistance.  But, I think play time for today should come to a close.  How about instead you all go and buy something to eat?">

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The children needed little encouragement to take the money. And little encouragement to run away as fast as their little legs could carry them, arguing about what to do with the unexpected windfall. Tell their parents? Buy food? Buy Ice Cream? The choices were endless and the first option was sure to loose out. 


The sun was rising now, warming the Nile and the stones and the concrete. It was a beautiful sight, all else said, although driving through the night was a tiresome business, fuelled by adrenaline and excitement. 


Zaki looked most tired, at his age staying up all night took its toll on him. He had a slightly grumbled haggard look to his eyes. 


"Here we are then, just as I thought. And protected by some local myth. I would not be surprised if it was just that, a constructed myth to scare away those who would knock on door..."

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Dee gave the kids a small smile as they excitedly took the money Erick offered them and departed from the facility.  She was glad that they were away from the location, should things get dangerous with whatever was lying in wait in the old buildings.


"I would not be so sure to dismiss this a just local superstition."  Dee replied at the professors comments about the "Crocodile King" stories.  "Those frogmen things we ran into further up the Nile were real enough.  I see little reason to doubt that there could not also be some crocodile man-thing."


She took a few moments to look around the facility as she talked, looking for any signs of surveillance equipment that might still be operational.  As she did, she stated, "so, shall we knock?"  

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<"We should all just be glad he's not claiming to be Sobek.  Could you imagine an Egyptian god running around?  I'm sure that would be a strange sight.  Crocodile head and abs.">  Erick then made his way to the door taking a moment to consider the question hanging in the air.  Or more like, he was waiting to see if someone suddenly started attacking them before he attempted to enter.  As if to answer the posed query Erick pulled his arm back and attempted to go through the rhythmic knock hoping for the best.


<"Next time I'll bring a bullwhip and fancy hat.">  He openly joked

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Knock knock...Knock.........Knock....Knock


A simple enough percussive pattern, even for the unmusical. A slight scattering of rust ended up on Foreshadow's fingers. A resounding ring. A creak. 


A pause...


The door opened slowly, with two men behind it. Armed with Assault Rifles. Armed and Ready....A hail of bullets slammed from flashing barrels, crack crack crack crack....tearing into Zaki, Foreshadow, and Synapse...


But not yet. As the door started to open, grinding and groaning, slow and heavy, Foreshadow got a glimpse of the future, or one possible future...

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Would not be the first time someone claiming to be a god has been running around. Dee replied mentally as she moved over toward the door as Erick moved up to it to knock. The young Englishwoman surrounded herself with her telekinetic forcefiled in anticipation of possible trouble.

Glancing back toward Professor Zaki, she realized he was standing in possibly one of the worst places to be if whomever was inside the door proved hostile. "Professor, could you please move back over here and around the corner?" She stated, indicating a place around the corner from the entrance, and thus not immediately in danger should there be some lurking behind the door.

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Erick didn't fear gunfire not in the traditional sense of the word.  A bullet could do him in the same as any other person not running around with bulletproof skin.  He was entirely aware of his own mortality, but he was also more aware of the fact that first the bullet would have to hit him.  A task he would no sooner make as difficult as possible.  At least that was the prescient acrobat's view on all things involving sharp pieces of metal.


The problem was the professor, he couldn't rightly be expected to avoid a hail of gunfire.  So, he couldn't rightly prepare to flip out of the way. Turning around while the door moved to a slow grind, he would actively attempt to hurry the professor's movement to go along with Dee's reasonable 'get out of the line of fire' request.  <"Yes, let's just go and do that professor.">  As per the usual he would address Synapse mentally all the while. juggling a mental conversation with a vocal one being practically habit at this point.


Before the door's fully open, we might want to dive out of view ourselves.  I have a 'feeling' we have unfriendly company waiting for us on the other side.  And why give up the opportunity to catch them off guard?

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The door creaked open, screaming for some oil. Rust ground against rust. It must have been quite a push to open it. It was heavy and old, and probably beyond your average man. 


Behind, to Foreshadows lack of surprise, were two men holding submachine guns. They were dressed like the Camel Riders who had attacked them on the road, except now there was light (of sorts - a flickering set of bulbs in the windowless building) and they were close up. 


Predictably, they were wearing crocodile skins. 


Swords hung at their belts, short, sharp and curved. There eyes were wide, and fanatical. And they smelled bad. Not just unkempt, but with a peculiar greasy and livid smell. 

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As soon as the door had parted open far enough Foreshadow had re-positioned himself to pie around the corner.  Rolling forward he got directly in front of both men.  Pulling out his escrima sticks as he rose up.  Quickly he brought down his escrima sticks to knock the submachine gun out of the rightmost cultist to his position.  Not even retracting his arms back Foreshadow jutted the staves to the side twisting his arms so as to perform a stabbing motion with the top of the weapons.  Targetting the other cultist's firearm he expected similar success.


Unfortunately he only managed to pin the weapon against the door.  With the cultist managing to jerk back and free the weapon.  "These guys are stronger than they look."  Erick answered in English openly assuming they would not understand the discourse.  Though he mitigated the risk of stray fire hitting the professor momentarily (while not outright eliminating it) it became evident that their blades had equal potential for danger.

Edited by HG Morrison
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