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Earth Victoriana: Yanks in Tanks (IC)

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"Texas?" blurted Lord Steam down the antiquated phone in his Manor.

Antiquated the phone may have been, but it was actually able to connect to Earth Victoriana, an alternate dimension, direct to the office of "M", the capable director of the Ministry for Extraordinary Affairs.

The Texan Free States were the only parts of North America not under the British Empire, and a wild and unruly place they were too. Staunchly proud of their independence, freedom, and guns. Oh yes, they loved their guns just as much as their horses, drink, and gambling. It was a thoroughly uncivilised and debauched place.

Lord Steam thoroughly approved.

He had only been a few times. The British were not entirely popular, although Texas welcomed anybody. Anybody. It was virtually lawless, a throwback to the wild west, complete with Sherrifs. And of course, organised crime. The Vatican had tried many times to "convert" the wicked of Texas, and although religion was present in many forms, nobody paid much mind to the puritanical preachings. Texas was about fun.

The British Empire tolerated Texas quite well. But it was, well, unstable. So they kept their eyes on it, in a friendly and sometimes not so friendly manner.

And now, it seemed, trouble was brewing. The British Empire had the best weapons, ships, and zepplins in the world, thanks in part to their development of analytical engines. And they liked to keep their technological edge. Perhaps France, or Germany, could come close in industrial expertise.

But Texas?

Reports were coming out - souped up Gatling Guns, explosives, mortars...

And in the hands of the wild wild west...well, it was really wild there. Who knew what could happen?

This needed investigating. And there were very few able British agents who could blend into the "Yanks". And if that kind of firepower was floating about...

So M had called in Lord Steam, to see if "Earth Prime" could help out. Nobody wanted a bloody war in Texas, or worse, spreading to British Soil in America!

Lord Steam put down the phone. This might require some delicacy. And invites! to tea!

He put the post out to several heroes, to see who would come..

Your are Cordially Invited to Afternoon Tea at Steam Manor

Saturday, 3rd December

Dress: Smart

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Catalyst didn't know how this Lord Steam got her phone number (her alternate phone, a prepaid plan she used in costume), she didn't even know how she knew him. Printing out the text she looked at the address of this Steam Manor. After a quick web search she found it did indeed exist, and it was apparently very prominent. When she drove up to the front gates she saw immediately why.

Steam Manor was HUGE and also very very elegant. It was very very different then most of the surrounding houses, having a much more Victorian look. Her van sleek and white looked incredibly out of place as she drove up the drive to the front. As did the sunshine yellow hazmat suit. But then again, it did say dress smart, there was nothing smarter then her suit, if only because it was fire proof, and radiation proof. Though it was still a bit uncomfortable, hazmat suits were never made for comfort, but it was warm and Freedom was getting pretty cold so it balanced out.

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Kyle tapped the small invitation against his palm as his cab approached the gates of Steam Manor. He had noted the dress comment and found himself in a dark grey suit, hunter green dress shirt, a tie the same shade as his suit, and a pair of black shoes under a black winter overcoat and fedora. Reaching into his pocket he drew out his wallet to pay the driver, "Thanks," he glanced at the license displayed on the separator between front and back seats while passing the money forward, "Iwan. Keep the change."

Stepping into the December air, he mused to himself that at times like this, he wished his powers included some sort of super-human movement, flight especially. After dealing with a crook a few nights previous who had such an ability he'd reveled in the freedom, until nearly crashing into the river when the energy he'd siphoned away gave out.

Once the cab drove off he reached into one of the larger pockets and pulled out his mask, well, the one that matched the shirt he currently wore. One of several he'd picked up since starting to patrol his neighborhood.

He checked his smartphone as he began the walk up the long driveway and saw he was just on time. Reaching the door he knocked on the door and awaited an answer.

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The large oak door opened slowly, and first Kyle, and then Catalyst where welcomed inside by a very well dressed butler, with grey hair, and a lined but vibrant face.

"Welcome to Steam Manor" he said in a deep, clipped English accent... although the astute might p[ick up the very faintest Italian accent.

"Please do step this way" he said, showing both of the Guests into the hall, where Lord Steam was relaxing in an expensive smoking Jacket, puffing a cigarillo and reading a newspaper.

"Aha! my guests!" he cried, jumping to his feat and stubbing out his cigarillo emphatically. "Thankyou, Jaspers, that will be all for now, do let the other guest in when arrived!" he said, dismissing his butler. "And by way of Introduction, I am Lord Lucien Lockwood. Welcome to my meagre dwellings!"

"Please, take a seat...too cold to take tea on the veranda, so this humble little smoking room will have to do for now, Cigarette?" he said, politely offering his guests and ignoring the elegantly laid out tea and sandwiches for now.

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Catalyst spent her time, well gawking. No one could see she was gawking, the opaque lenses of her goggles hid her eyes and the small yellow cloth obscured her mouth. When she entered and saw Lord Steam she noted his elegant attire, but immediately turned towards the tea. She could smell it from here, she couldn't place the name without tasting but it definitely had the scent of something well made and very expensive. Also, there was not a tea bag in sight, that was a blessing. Good tea was so hard to find when people insisted on using the leftover components that were tea bags to save time. The expressions were hidden by her face and her movements might of looked a might intimidating (though that may of been because she had two pistols in her belt and a rifle strapped to her back as brightly colored as they were). She looked up at Lord Steam and thought it would be prudent that she lower the cloth obscuring her mouth so she could talk, and more importantly drink properly,

"It is very nice to meet you Lord Lockwood."

She followed behind politely taking a seat and removing her gloves as she did. She really didn't like eating in gloves. She had to stop herself for a second before going about sampling everything, it looked delicious,

"Though I might inquire, how exactly did you go about learning how to contact me? I'm not exactly well known."

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Kyle slipped out of his overcoat, folding it over his arm before he removed his fedora and followed the butler and the woman in the odd yellow suit. He had to keep himself from swiveling his head at everything in the room. The food and tea spread out left his stomach all but growling. At the offered cigarette he raised a hand in polite declination, "No thanks. I never cared for the stuff, too many toxins packed into one little thing you set on fire and then put in your face."

He glanced at the third member of their gathering. He did find the fact she was in what looked like a HazMat suit kind of odd but he'd covered enough heroes since getting his journalism degree to let it go without much worry, "She raises a valid point. I might not have been on that particular rooftop where you left the invitation."

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Starlight had received the message at work, hand-delivered from Langston Albright at the bottom of another pile of letters he had ordered her to distribute around the office. She hid in a supply closet to read it. The envelope had the Freedom League's symbol on it, the paper inside bore a strange devices she'd never seen before: two dogs, standing on a cogwheel, with a trumpet rising between them. The message itself was short and to the point, and she read it over several times before folding it away and returning to her job.

At the appointed time a cluster of bright motes of light swirled over the peak of Steam Manor, floating over and around the many crenelations and chimneys before seeping in through an open window. They passed through the interior walls and drifted into place above the tea set, rushing together and revealing the white-and-gold form of Starlight. She glanced around and down, drifting to a place on the carpet. She formed a mouth long enough to frown and say, "I was summoned here for a mission. I didn't think tea would factor into it."

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"Aha, another guest!" said Lord Steam excitedly as Starlight formed. "And tea, my dear lady, is always part of any adventure. Or at least any adventure worth having! please, take a seat. And a sandwich, if you care for one. The smoked salmon ones are particularly good".

Taking his own advice, Lord Steam poured some tea and helped himself to one of the salmon sandwiches, which were, indeed, rather good. A little dash of caviar helped the flavours.

"As to how I found you, it is all down to research and the application of the mind! and some young fellow helping me understand this in-ter-net thing. Very amusing little toy, that. Oh, and a hefty amount of money hiring people to do the boring work, of course. Still, it took some time to track down likely addresses for you. And I confess I sent more than three invites. Best to cover all bases and possibilities! Don't be alarmed, I didn't pry into your secret identities. I wanted the heroes in front of me!"

He took a look at Catalyst in her bulky hazmat suit. "Very smart dress" he commented without batting an eyelid.

"I have a few sweet delicacies for after, of course. Please, do enjoy yourself. Oh, and for that matter, introduce yourself to each other!"

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Starlight picked up one of the tea cups and examined it carefully, before pouring a bit of the hot liquid into it. She was aware that caffeinated drinks were often offered when relaxing, and that such apparently paradoxical behavior was often so ingrained as to be invisible to the host culture; but didn't this nation favor coffee as the caffeine medium, over tea?

Nevertheless, she held the cup as she spoke. "I am Starlight," she said simply. "I bear the power of the White Light; the power to heal and harm, the power to promote liberty and tear down tyrants." She debated in her head briefly for a moment, then added, "I also am... gifted with the ability of a more malleable form than most." To demonstrate, her body shrank slightly and her golden armor softened to tweed and cotton. In moments she was a mirror-image of their host. "As you can imagine," she continued, still speaking in her 'heroic voice,' "it can be useful skill when infiltration is called for."

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"Tweed and cotton!" said Lord Steam, nodding. "Spiffing! You might need a little more, er, style of course. This dimension does so lack it. But then again, so does Texas..." he mumbled to himself.

"And in any case, I should properly introduce myself. I have already given you my name, although I also go by the code-name of Lord Steam. I am the official ambassador to this dimension, Earth Colonial Independence, or Earth Prime as you call it, from the dimension you have termed Earth Victoriana. A most excellent dimension, if I do say so myself!"

He helped himself to another cup of tea.

"We discovered your dimension about a year or two ago. We have excellent relationships with your dimension, a lot in common, despite your erroneous decision to declare independence from Great Britain. You seem to have done quite well for yourselves, nonetheless. In any case, we share very similar values, truth, justice, the English way, and all that..."

"We have, on occasion, requested aide from the more...exceptional individuals in this dimension to help with the more...exceptional disturbances in our home dimension. A sort of hero-exchange programme, one might say. Our most frequent operative, Ms. Wendle, is unfortunately not available right now, so I have been asked by our government to seek out help from other quarters..."

He raised his tea.

"And invite them round for tea!"

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"It is very good tea."

Anyone who was astute enough to notice would see that Catalyst's plate was almost completely filled with each of the different snacks and that she was already refilling her cup on her own. She acknowledged the new arrival with a smile though and held her out hand for a shake as she finished pouring her tea,

"Hello Starlight, I go by Catalyst."

She looked over at the man in the fedora and offered her free hand to his as well,

"And I didn't get your name either, sorry I was a bit distracted."

After she finished the pleasantries she turned back to their host,

"So, you want us to assist you by traveling to another dimension? I would like to help out, but I'd like to know what this might entail."

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Kyle watched Starlight's transformation from pretty young woman into a doppelganger of Lord Steam, "Very handy indeed." A part of him called out in his mind to find out what that ability felt like but a few seconds of concentration kept his less pleasant nature in check.

Extending his hand and gently took Catalyst's in his own, "I go by Siphon," he replied, "It's a pleasure to meet you all."

While Catalyst talked he helped himself to some tea and some of the snacks laid out. Last time he'd seen such a collection of hors d'oeuvres, he'd been attached to an art auction conducted by one of the city's bigger galleries. And even then they weren't this delicious.

"Dimensional travel..., nothing's ever simple these days, is it?" he commented with a slight smirk.

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"Dimensional travel..., nothing's ever simple these days, is it?" he commented with a slight smirk.

"Indeed it is not" said Lord Steam, putting down his tea and pressing his fingers together.

These chaps should do he told himself.

"As for what this entails, the matter is a little delicate. Please do not get offended when I explain. In our dimension, northern america is a full part of the British Empire, and that includes votes, before you think it some enslaved colony. Yes, London is still the capital, I concede that point..."

"Southern America is a mish-mash of other colonies and uncharted rainforests. Spaniards have sunk their teeth into much of it, and they are little more than the official state of the Vatican. French have several territories too. And a few other places, some of which have declared independence. It all kind of works out down there, albeit in a rather second rate way. "

"Stuck in the middle is Texas. Or, to put it fully, the Texan Free State. Nothing against in personally, its just, how shall we say, a little...wild. The cowboys never died out there. Its unruly, hard drinking, gambling, dancing, and shooting from one border to the other with some equally wild Sherrifs who either enforce the law or corrupt it, and very often do both at the same time. We have diplomatic relationships with their president, although to be frank we never are quite sure how much authority and power he actually has, and to be blunt I am not sure how much he does either..."

He paused, assessing his audience.

"Quite different from here, you understand" he added.

"In any case, we have reports of some serious weapons there. Serious. And in that...unstable region, it could explode..."

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Catalyst listened quietly as she nibbled her way through about three sandwiches while he spoke. They were really very delicious, she could identify most of the ingredients and techniques though not the brand. Given, it was probably because she couldn't afford them because it was clearly some of the freshest she's had so far. She went back to the tea and took a long sip to wash down the food before she turned back to Lord Steam,

"So what do you want us to do, confirm the existence of said weapons? If they do exist, what do you want us to do with them?"

She set down her cup,

"You do understand you are sending us to the closest version of our own country you have in your dimension expecting us to what exactly? Seize the weapons for the British Empire? I understand why we may be a useful commodity as we have no actual claim in the world itself, but if I were to go and found a weapon as serious as you claim, what reprecussions would be in place were I to destroy it rather then to allow either country to have access to said weapons."

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"Exactly" replied Steam, nodding at Catalysts answer in genuine sympathy.

"But be clear, Earth Victoriana is not like here. There is no America over there - and to be honest, in many ways the nearest thing is the British Empire. Texas on the other hand, is more like your wild-west cowboy and Indian films I have seen. And not the rose tinted versions either. Throw in a bit of Mexican spice, add in the worst side of Industrialism, and round it off with the corruption of Las Vegas at its worst, and you have the Texan free states. Its free allright, in the same way that total anarchy is free..."

"But look, I understand your concerns, and patriotism. That's exactly why I asked you. You can blend in and act Texan better than me, and many of the British. And its a rough place, but you can handle yourself I'm sure..."

"So right now, you may ask yourself, why go?"

He paused slightly, and stroked his chin.

"Perhaps, in all honesty, there is nothing to be worried about. Texas has no intention of making war, as far as we know, only with each other. But the problem is not Texas the state, its the criminals and warlords in Texas. As I said, its a short train ride to Anarchy there. "

"And we don't actually know what's going on down there. Rumours, to be sure. Gatling guns that are equal to the best British Artillery, hell, perhaps better. Engines of war. Now, who is producing these? where are they going? Is somebody else preparing for war? Is Texas going to explode in civil war?"

"We don't need intervention - necessarily. We do need to find out why suddenly a relatively undeveloped chaotic little nation may have suddenly got its hands of a vast supply of cutting edge weapons and what the hell its going to do with it. As I said, the British Empire has no desire for war - any longer. Oh, certain states always prove an irritation, like Spain, and Italy, but war is never even on the menu. Trade and Industry are its concerns, and War is good for neither. Aside from that, I appeal to your humanitarian side - weapons of that calibre and that volume floating around mean human life in peril..."

He leant back, somewhat puffed.

"All of this might play out to be nothing. You have all displayed your heroic credentials here, at least if the papers are to be believed. So, whilst the British Empire will support and inform you, and, with your permission, you will be employed by them, something I advise, you are free to act as your own judgement dictates in the matter. Destroying said weapons certainly sounds an option, on face value. But the first thing to find out as what is going on. Then you can decide what to do about it. "

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Starlight shifted back to her heroic form, still holding the teacup stiffly. Catalyst made several points that were near and dear to her own heart -- not so much about American patriotism, but in regards to personal liberty. After all, the Light existed, in part, to bring freedom to the oppressed, not to help the oppressors! But Lord Steam's answer mollified it somewhat. "If there is a problem that we turn up," she said, "what are we expected to do? Go to a military agency on this other world? Come back here and report to you? Or should we use our discretion and deal with it?"

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"What are we expected to do? Go to a military agency on this other world? Come back here and report to you? Or should we use our discretion and deal with it?"

"There is only one answer" said Lord Steam "...use your discretion. You all have a track record of trustworthy judgement, so you have my full confidence. By all means, you are welcome to speak to M and the ministry, who will supply you with all you need and back you as much as they are able. But we can hardly enforce any decision on you. And your discretion is probably as good as ours. "

"We aren't out to crush Texas, we are out to stop Texas crushing itself, or doing something stupid. And by Texas, I don't mean necessarily mean their president or population, although that is possible, I mean one of the jumped up crooks running it who are only a few paces away from being a warlord. "

"Personally" he added "I quite like Texas. The saloons are quite a blast and the gambling excellent!"

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Kyle tensed at the thought of being used like some sort of mercenary wetwork agent. He relaxed a little when Lord Steam said it would be left to them to decide how to deal with the weapons in the alternate Texas. He did however feel that it wasn't his place to judge another world so long as peace was the prevailing condition.

"Gambling and booze huh? Sounds like my 21st birthday in Vegas."

Another question popped into Siphon's head as he listened. "Lord Steam," he started as he added a little sugar to his tea, "Just out of curiosity, how common are meta-humans in your dimension?" He looked a little uncomfortable under his mask but continued, "See, my powers are next to useless on non-powered folk."

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"Just out of curiosity, how common are meta-humans in your dimension? See, my powers are next to useless on non-powered folk."

"An excellent point" replied Lord Steam.

"They are, as far as we know, extremely rare. And not called meta-humans. Psychics, magicians, mystics, mentalists. These individuals pop up now and again, some of them just charlatans. The most powerful is William Blake, locked up in the tower of London - it seems he can virtually do anything. Raving mad of course, so almost totally useless. We keep him well fed and entertained, and he is at least not malign. "

"We have case reports of other individuals, transformed by science, like in your world. Electrified, magnetised, mad invisible. These things happen from time to time, not in an entirely desirable way, it should be added. "

"But yes, they are rare, to say the least. On the flip side, we have a huge amount of talented individuals who can construct the most extraordinary machinery. I don't know if you can copy that. Finally, of course, you have Starlight with you, who may wish to lend a hand, so to speak..."

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"I see... No offense Starlight but I'd rather not use my powers on you should trouble break out. I don't think any of us would want me weakening part of our dynamic. We'll just have to hope that any trouble we do find has some super-powered flunkies I can copy powers from," he explained, breaking for a sip of tea.

"You see, when I use my powers, it often causes lethargy in the subject. I once used my power against a petty criminal with wings. The wings I suddenly sprouted ruined my jacket and she passed out in midair. Barely kept hold of her before dropping her off at the nearest cop shop."

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"You see, when I use my powers, it often causes lethargy in the subject. I once used my power against a petty criminal with wings. The wings I suddenly sprouted ruined my jacket and she passed out in midair. Barely kept hold of her before dropping her off at the nearest cop shop."

"A handy little gift you have been blessed with" said Lord Steam, putting down his tea. "I leave its application to you, of course. Quite what is up in Earth Victoriana, Texas, I don't know. It is entirely possible what you have term a "Metahuman", or at least my dimensions equivalent, is behind the matter. But it is, at present, speculation and conjecture..."

He stood up and brushed off a solitary breadcrumb that marred his jacket.

"If you are all in agreement, and ready for an inter-dimensional trip, I think the time has come to introduce you to M...Any last questions? I won't be joining you, just directing you to his office. You have time to make any preparations you wish, of course, one thing I can say is that the clock is not ticking...as far as we know!"

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Well that certainly settled that. This was a mission in sorts, but they had the freedom they would usually have acting as individuals. The interests were aligned somewhat to the country sending them but it was not nessicary to appease there needs or to act on their behalf let alone in their best interests. It really was another day as a hero, investigation, and possible fighting. Catalyst felt a little bit less settled with the younger man, though at least she had no powers to speak of herself, it would not do to test such a powers results on someone normal.

It took a few minutes for Catalyst to get back to her van, she packed up a bag full of essentauls for the trip. Binoculars for one, packs of her different ammos, as well as a special addition of some small cans of thermite. She wouldn't use them for battle of course, but if there were weapons, thermite was excellant for a safe controlled burn that could punch right through and it was plenty stable enough to tote around. Also, several bottled waters and a packed lunch in a seperate lunch box. The wild west they were going to inhabit probably didn't have treated water after all.

When she came back up she waited in the same room as before with both bags draped over her shoulders,

"So, how will we be traveling, I really haven't ever had the opportunity to travel to another dimension so I'm a bit curious."

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"So, how will we be traveling, I really haven't ever had the opportunity to travel to another dimension so I'm a bit curious."

"It just so happens I have a direct portal to M's office..." replied Steam, leading the heroes out of the room and down some oak panelled corridors, all tastefully done up in a slightly quaint but stylish Victorian style.

Along the way he pointed out various portraits and items of interest, including a picture of his somewhat gruff father, the copper pipe tubing for delivering packages throughout the mansion, and what could only be described as a steam powered analytical engine, as they entered his workshop - full of all manner of functional but odd tools, and the faint smell of oil.

"Here we are" he said, opening up an iron and brass upright coffin. "It may not look like much, but it can transport you, one at a time..." he studied his employees "...or all three of you, at a push, to the Ministry of Extraordinary Affairs, London, Earth Victoriana. I understand M is anticipating your arrival..."

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"There is no reason to overstress the mechanism," Starlight said, stepping forward. "We may need to be retrieved as a group. It would not be good if the machine was broken merely sending us to our destination." She took a deep breath and stepped into the box, shrinking herself slightly to fit. "I shall go first. Whatever is on the other side, I believe myself most able to handle it and adapt to it." In the privacy of her own head, the heroine added, And I'm the one who would be least missed if she died.

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"Greetings and salutations!" said M as the three heroes trundled one after the other into an elegant wood panelled room, with leather topped table complete with resplendid ink pot and quill. A silver tray with teapot and mugs also lay upon the table.

M was a tall man, but rotund too. His hair was thinning but he had a certain dignity about him and was far from old. He looked perhaps late 40s., maybe 50. He was dressed in a fine dinner jacket. One thing was clear - his eyes fixed upon the heroes with intelligence and confidence.

"That rapscallion Lockwood sent you here? no doubt made a hash of the whole thing. Probably didn't even offer you tea!" he moaned, pouring out four cups of tea and passing them around.

"In any case, may I formally welcome you to our elegant dimension on behalf of his madgesty King Charles!" he bowed slightly, taking a sip of tea.

"Our resources are at your disposal. For starters, I have organised our fastest Zepplin to take you to America. It will still take a day to get there, but we have laid on some hampers and beer for the journey. Anything else we can offer, is yours. "

He sat down behind his desk, still holding his tea.

"You have our thanks for looking into this mess. I thought Earth Colonial chaps like yourself would be the ideal to look into this mess in Texas. Your reputations are sterling, from what I hear. "

He put his tea down and put quill to paper.

"Now, this choice is yours. If yo wish to independently inquire into the disturbance, I have no objection - indeed, you have my thanks. But if you wish, you could temporarily be employed by us in an official capacity. Which may come in handy, and comes with a nominal fee, of course, 12 gold sterling coins. My only suggestion is that this a group decision..."

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