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Doktor Archeville (PL 12/15) - Dr Archeville (Orichalcum)

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[floatr][/floatr]Players Name: Dr Archeville

Characters Name: Doktor Archeville

Power Level: 12 (15) (250/250PP) *

Trade-Offs: -4 Attack/+4 Damage, or +2 Att/-2 Dmg w/ "Combat Mind"; -2 Defense / +2 Toughness

    Doktor Archeville is, at default, PL 12 in Combat, but PL 15 in Skills & HQ features. However, a combination of his Enhanced Mind APs, Gadgets ad Inventions can bump him up to PL 15 for Combat. At this higher PL, his trade-Offs are -5 Att/+5 Dmg, or -1 Att/+1 Dmg w/ "Combat Mind."

Unspent PP: 0
Progress to Orichalcum+: 186/210
    Bronze: Equipment 15 for this character.
    Silver: Minion 15 for Dead Head.
    Gold: 3rd char slot, for Protectron.
    Platinum: Equipment 1 for this character, 1 for Dead Head, 5 for Protectron; 8 unspent.
    Impervium: Free
    Orichalcum: Free

Original character sheet (04/2008-06/2011) here.

This sheet to be used 06/2011-07/2012.

Third character sheet (08/2012-Present) here.

In Brief: German Omnidisciplinary Scientist with a gravity-manipulating Belt and an "Electromagnetic Screwdriver," trying to use his Science! for good, partly to undo the evils his grandfather did (and to undo the evils he 'himself' did).

Alternate Identities: Viktor Heinrich Archeville

Identity: Public

Birthplace: Schönwald im Schwarzwald, Baden-Württemberg, Germany (West Germany at the time of his birth)

Occupation: Scientist, Philanthropist, CEO of ArcheTech

Affiliations: ArcheTech (CEO and Majority Shareholder*), The Claremont Academy (Donor), Franklin D. Roosevelt High School (Donor), Freedom City Public Libraries (Donor), Freedom City University (Donor), Freedom College (Donor), Freedom League (Member since January 2010), Freedom Medical Center (Donor), Freedom School for the Arts (Donor), Hanover Institute of Technology (Alumnus, Donor, Recurring Guest Lecturer), The Interceptors (Founder, Secret Backer/Director), Joseph Clark High School (Donor), McNider Memorial Hospital (Donor), Providence Asylum (Donor), Technische Universitat Manchen/Technical University of Munich (Alumnus, Donor), Trinity Hospital (Donor), numerous other hospitals and universities in Germany, the European Union, and North America (Donor)

Family: Cynthia Bauer Archeville (Mother, Deceased); Varick Heinrich Archeville (Father, Deceased); Verrill Herman Archeville (Paternal Grandfather, Deceased); more here.

Age: 34 (DoB: June 1977)

Apparent Age: 25

Gender: Male

Ethnicity: German

Height: 5'10" (1.78 meters)

Weight: 151 lbs. (68.49 kg)

Hair: Golden Blonde

Eyes: Rhine Blue

Description: Archeville's strong Aryan features would've made him a prize nab for the Nazi Party, had he been born forty years earlier. His alabaster skin, thin and imperial nose and lips, and cheeks cut of marble make for a regal face. His eyes are Rhine-blue & carry the wolf's glare, and his hair is silky and golden, falling down past his shoulders; he speaks (and occasionally sings) with a rich tenor voice. Though he is 34, he looks to be only about 25, having aged at roughly half the normal pace since he turned 16.

Archeville usually wears sturdy black rubber-soled boots, khaki pants (black or dark blue), a short-sleeved dress shirt (usually solid red, blue, green, or purple, made from transgenic spider-goat silk), and his white lab coat. He still gives some consideration to his appearance, wearing clean, pressed clothes and keeping his hair neat and tidy. He stands 5'10" (1.78 meters) and weighs 151 pounds (68.49 kg).

Of late the Doktor's genial nature has taken a more somber tone, as he has become haunted by past failures and plagued with guilt, but he tries to maintain a positive face and not let the general public see just how deeply shaken he has been by all that has transpired.

Power Descriptions: His force field glows with a soft blue-gray light, flaring brighter when resisting an impact. When he teleports, gravitational distortions at his departure and arrival points play hob with the inner ear of bystanders, giving them all a brief flash of vertigo; he appears to collapse in on himself (as if swallowed by a black hole) when teleporting from somewhere, and to explode out from a pinpoint when teleporting in. His Electromagnetic Screwdriver makes a wide range of buzzing noises, and the 'barrel' at the end glows with all sorts of colors; it is covered in the same 'circuit patterns' as his Gravimetric Belt.

History: Son of a madman. Grandson of a Nazi super-scientist war criminal. Trying to do good, both for his family name and for his homeland, all while struggling with his own inner demons. Came to Freedom City for education, returned home to Europe and worked as a hero for a few years, then returned to FC. For more detail, read his FC PbP Wiki page.

And then it all went horribly wrong as the supernatural evil from beyond reality slumbering within him, which had been slumbering in his past thirteen generations of ancestors, awoke with a terrible fury. But the heroes rallied, and the day was saved, with little loss of life, but much loss of trust.

Out of his guilt for all that happened, and a desire to focus on making amends to those he could, his company ArcheTech (and the orbital station ArcheStern and the super-sub Fjölnirskraft) was ceded to Miss Americana and the Scarab (via the Rhodes Foundation), to be returned to him if and when the three of them feel he has adequately atoned. In addition, Scarab and Phantom erased the knowledge of all heroic secret identities from his mind, and Dragonfly and Miss Americana did to same to his computer systems; regaining this knowledge will have to be done the hard way, by regaining the trust of the heroes.

Personality & Motivation: Archeville now works to redeem not only his family name but his own name as well. Though the world believes his company and technologies were taken over by an outside invader (which is partially true), and assume the heavy guilt he feels is from a failure to properly secure it, those who know the real story -- who are, for the most part, the ones 'he' betrayed -- are having a much harder time forgiving him. And he, of course, is his own harshest critic. So he throws himself more and more into charitable and heroic acts which he hopes will lead to atonement, paying little attention to the increased stress this places upon his already-strained mind.

In an odd way, Archeville is more alone now than ever: when the pseudonatural influence was separated from him, so was the 'Other,' the split in his personality he had labored under most of his life. (The truth is that it was not a true split personality, the Other was an 'interface' the pseudonatural entity used to study and later interact with the world, both based on and feeding Archeville's darker, baser impulses.) Now that voice is gone, and Viktor Archeville is alone with his thoughts for the first time.

Archeville still engages in a professional rivalry with other high technologists, and still distrusts magic, largely because it is something he does not (and perhaps cannot) understand. He reserve his more intense hatred, though, for the mystical practitioners and entities that are decidedly inimical to mankind & reality (like the thing that had been in his family line for so long, and those who worship such pseudonatural beings).

Update: As of March 2012, Archeville's "shoulder daemons" are back, though now they are A] a lot more of them, and B] all ultimately answering to his core/primary personality, which is that of a determined man trying to make good in the world.

Powers and Tactics: Once the pseudonatural influence was torn away, Archeville was left with a far diminished mind, though his intellect and skill with scientific and technical matter was still world-class. After revisiting some earlier projects, he devised a replacement for the mystical enhancements to his mind, consisting of nano-scale self-replicating bioceramic structures based on neural networks. These nanites not only replaced his prior enhanced mental capabilities, but added new ones: he can detect radio signals, and "technopathically" interface with computers and other machines. The nanite enhancement is not limited to his brain: others bionanites constantly patrol his body, mitigating the effects of certain exotic body- and mind-altering effects, and repairing severe trauma at an accelerated rate.

Archeville is a mathematician even in combat. He analyzes every possible permutation of an opponent's moves and profile almost instantly, and adapts to exploit weaknesses and apply his own strengths to their best effect. (See the 2009 Sherlock Holmes film for examples.)

Archeville has interwoven his nigh-ubiquitous lab coat with various metallic and polymer threads that diffuse incoming energy, including kinetic energy. His Gravimetric Belt (utilizing both antigravity and contragravity technologies) enables him to fly and can generate a very potent protective force field. The flight system can be set to allow him to teleport (via short-lived micro-wormholes) or stabilize him against unwanted movement, and the force field can be modulated to it can either cloak him from all forms of detection, or disperse his atoms to render him intangible. The Belt also has a constant low-level field providing full life support. The Belt's abilities have been weakened due to the loss of certain rare and irreplaceable components; he has compensated for this in part by installing better overload compensators, so that overloads (such as from potent attacks) do not shut down his protective field totally.

For a time he wielded an elektromagnetische pistole ("electromagnetic pistol") which could unleash potent and lethal blasts of any form of electromagnetic energy (gamma rays, hard x-rays, soft x-rays, extreme ultraviolet, near ultraviolet, visible light, near infrared, moderate infrared, far infrared, microwaves, and radio waves/television), but he used the parts from it to both upgrade his gravimetric belt and construct his very versatile elektromagnetische schraubenzieher ("electromagnetic screwdriver"), which can harness the energies of the electromagnetic spectrum for a wide variety of effects as well as interface with and alter or improve the function of most forms of technology.


Enemies: Assorted supervillains from Germany and the rest of the European Union, as well as ones in America. In particular, Doc Otaku, the Power Corps, and White Knight all have it in for him, as do Captain Knievel, Havoc, and Malice.

Fame: Doktor Archeville is a very public figure, and has been for over a decade. Going out can be difficult for him: fans can make tempting targets for unscrupulous villains, and detractors can pop up at the most inopportune of times.

Hatred: Archeville has a dislike of magic users and other supernatural beings (viewing them as at best ignorant people using metahuman powers, extraterrestrial technology, or something similar which they do not fully understand, and at worse as someone willingly using such techniques but purposefully hiding it behind superstition and fear to deceive others), but outright hates entities that are decidedly inimical to human life and sanity (like pseudonatural entities).

Jobless Millionaire: After the ArchEvil event, Doktor Archeville ceded control of ArcheTech (and with it ArcheStern and Fjolnirskraft) to Miss Americana and Scarab (via the Rhodes Foundation), until such time as he could be trusted with them. Until then, Archeville may only use them as much as any other superhero.

My Own Worst Enemy: Archeville's divided has caused him no end of trouble, and continues to do so from beyond in the form of caches of ultra-tech devices and mutagenic compounds spread throughout the world, waiting for some unscrupulous person (or innocent victim!) to find them.

Obsession: To say Archeville is obsessed with science and technology is like saying the Sun is warm and the oceans are damp. He is the tinkerer, always pushing the hardware to the limit and beyond, always MacGyvering toasters into heat beams, with both an unwavering childlike wonder at the scientific miracles inherent in everyone and everything around him, and an unrelenting optimism that scientific discovery ultimately makes the universe a better place to live in.

Reputation: Many people still remember the name Archeville, for his grandfather, the Nazi super-scientist. And several of Freedom City's heroes know the evils Viktor (albeit under the influence of his Other) did do.

Responsibility: Membership in the Freedom League and his personal relationship with Fulcrum would be enough for most, but Archeville is devoting much of his time to healing/repairing everything (and everyone) he harmed. At the top of this list are the Interceptors, who were stung worst of all by 'his' actions.

Rivalry: Archeville has a friendly rivalry with most other battlesuit and gadgeteer superheroes, and many battlesuit and gadgeteer supervillains see him as the one to best.

Secret: Archeville's pseudo-Multiple Personality Disorder was not widely known, nor is the extent of his involvement in the ArchEvil events.

Abilities: 0 + 0 + 0 + 14 + 8 - 2 = 20PP

Strength: 10 (+0)

Dexterity: 10 (+0)

Constitution: 10 (+0)

Intelligence: 40/24 (+15/+7)

Wisdom: 34/18 (+12/+4)

Charisma: 22/8 (+6/-1)

Combat: 16 + 12 = 28PP

Initiative: +15/+7

Attack: +14 melee in Melee mode/+14 ranged in Ranged mode/+8 base

Grapple: +8, +14 in Melee mode

Defense: +10/+8 (+6 Base, +2 Dodge Focus, +2 Shield), +3 Flat-Footed

Knockback: -13/-9/-4/-0

Saving Throws: 4 + 5 + 3 = 12PP

Toughness: +14/+14/+4/+0 (Impervious 12/4/4/0) (+0 Con, +4 [4] Labcoat, +10 [8]/+10 [0] Gravimetric Belt [standard/Cloaked or Intangible])

Fortitude: +10/+4 (+0 Con, +6/+0 Gravimetric Belt, +4)

Reflex: +5 (+0 Dex, +5)

Will: +15/+7 (+12/+4 Wis, +3)

Skills: 152R = 38PP

Bluff 0 (-1, +3 w/ Attractive; +6/+10 w/ Enhanced Cha)

Computers 14 (+21, +27 at HQ or with Electromagnetic Screwdriver.; +29/+35 w/ Enhanced Int) SM

Craft (Chemical) 14 (+21, +27 at HQ or with E.S.; +29/+35 w/ Enhanced Int) SMUE

Craft (Electronic) 14 (+21, +27 at HQ or with E.S.; +29/+35 w/ Enhanced Int) SMUE

Craft (Mechanical) 14 (+21, +27 at HQ or with E.S.; +29/+35 w/ Enhanced Int) SMUE

Craft (Artistic or Structural) 0 (+7, +13 at HQ or with E.S.; +16/+21 w/ Enhanced Int)

Diplomacy 5 (+4, +8 w/ Attractive; +11/+15 w/ Enhanced Cha)

Disable Device 14 (+21, +27 at HQ or with E.S.; +29/+35 w/ Enhanced Int) SM

Disguise 0 (-1, +5 at HQ; +6/+12 w/ Enhanced Cha)

Gather Information 0 (-1, +5 at HQ or with E.S.; +6/+12 w/ Enhanced Cha)

Investigate 5 (+12, +18 at HQ or with E.S.; +20/+26 w/ Enhanced Int) SM

Knowledge (Earth Sciences) 9 (+16, +22 at HQ or with E.S.; +24/+30 w/ Enhanced Int)

Knowledge (Life Sciences) 9 (+16, +22 at HQ or with E.S.; +24/+30 w/ Enhanced Int)

Knowledge (Physical Sciences) 9 (+16, +22 at HQ or with E.S.; +24/+30 w/ Enhanced Int)

Knowledge (Technology) 14 (+21, +27 at HQ or with E.S.; +29/+35 w/ Enhanced Int) SM

Knowledge (Any Other) 0 (+7, +13 at HQ or with E.S.; +15/+21 w/ Enhanced Int)

Languages 6 (Arabic, English, French, German [Native], Mandarin, Russian, Spanish)

Medicine 6 (+10, +16 at HQ or with E.S.; +18/+24 w/ Enhanced Wis) SM

Notice 5 (+9, +15 at HQ or with E.S.; +17/+23 w/ Enhanced Wis)

Perform (Oratory) 9 (+8; +15 w/ Enhanced Cha)

Search 0 (+7, +13 at HQ or with E.S.; +15/+21 w/ Enhanced Int)

Sense Motive 5 (+9; +17 w/ Enhanced Wis)

Stealth 0 (+0; +16 w/ Cloaking Field)

Feats: 28PP


Beginner's Luck

Benefit 5 (Membership [Freedom League], Status [CEO of ArcheTech], Wealth 3 [Filthy Rich])



Dodge Focus 2

Eidetic Memory

Equipment 0 (+16 [80EP] Veteran Reward)

Improvised Tools



Luck 5

Master Plan

Quick Draw

Skill Mastery 2 (Computers, Craft [Chemical, Electronic, Mechanical], Disable Device, Investigate, Knowledge [Technology], Medicine)

Speed of Thought

Ultimate Effort 3 (Craft [Chemical, Electronic, Mechanical] checks)

HQ: 54 EP

Utility Belt: 25 EP

54+25 = 79/80 = 1 EP Unspent

    49 + 5 = 54EP

    Archeville's Array of HQs (45 + 4 Alternate HQs = 49ep)

    HQ no.1: Haus von Archeville (Doktor Archeville's Hanover Home) (45/45ep)
    Location: Hanover, Freedom City, USA, between the Albright Institute and ASTRO Labs.
    Appearance/Details: See here and here.
    Size: Gargantuan/Small (Skyscraper/House-sized); Toughness: 20 (Imp 15); Features: Combat Simulator 2 (Attacks & Realistic Illusions), Communications, Computer, Concealed (appears to be a Small house), Defense System no.1 (Blast 13 [PFs: Affects Insubstantial, Variable Descriptor 2 {any technological}], +15 to hit), Defense System no.2 (Snare 14 [PFs: Affects Insubstantial, Variable Descriptor [cables/wires, goop], +15 to hit), Dual Size, Fire Prevention System, Gym, Infirmary, Laboratory, Library, Living Space, Personnel, Pool, Power no.1 (Communication/Comprehend; as Power x3), Power no.2 (Enhanced Feats & Skills; as Power x2), Power no. 3 (ESP/Comprehend; as Power x2), Power no. 4 (Impervious Toughness), Power no. 5 (Regeneration), Power no. 6 (Super-Senses; as Power x2), Power no. 7 (Teleport), Power System, Security System x6 (DC 45), Self-Repairing, Think-Tank, Workshop. Cost 4+3+38 = 45/45ep.

    Power no.1: Communication 10 (audio, radio and visual; Extra: Area [entire globe and the Moon]; PF: Selective, Subtle) and Linked Comprehend 4 (languages 4 [can transmit & receive multiple languages simultaneously, voice and text]) ("Communications Override") [22*3 + 8 = 74/90p]

    Power no.2: Enhanced Skills 162 (+6r to Computers, Craft [Artistic], Craft [Chemical], Craft [Electrical], Craft [Mechanical], Craft [structural], Disable Device, Disguise, Gather Information, Investigation, Knowledge [Arcane Lore], Knowledge [Art], Knowledge [behavioral Sciences], Knowledge [business], Knowledge [Civics], Knowledge [Current Events], Knowledge [Earth Sciences], Knowledge [History], Knowledge [Life Sciences], Knowledge [Physical Sciences], Knowledge [Popular Culture], Knowledge [streetwise], Knowledge [Tactics], Knowledge [Technology], Knowledge [Theology and Philosophy], Medicine, Notice and Search; Useable By Others) ("Cutting-Edge Equipment, Masterful Libraries, Pattern Recognition Software, and Uber-RSS Feeds") [42/60p]

    Power no.3: ESP 10 (all senses, 200,000 mile range [entire planet, as well as satellites in orbit]; Extras: Duration [sustained], No Conduit; Flaw: Medium [cameras for visual, microphones/listening devices for auditory and radio, chemsniffers for olfactory, pressure sensors for tactile, etc.]; PFs: Rapid 5 [x100,000], Subtle) and Linked Comprehend 2 (languages; understand and read all) ("Sensor Tap, with Instant Translation") [56+4=60/60p]
    Rapid 5 combines with Dok's Quickness 6 to get Quickness 21/Rapid 7 [x10,000,000]

    Power no.4: Impervious Toughness 15 (force screen; Sustained Active effect) [15/30p]

    Power no.5: Regeneration 12 (Recovery +9, Recovery Rate: Injured 1 [20 minutes], Staggered 1 [20 minutes], Disabled 1 [5 hours]; Extras: Affect Others, Area [General, Burst, 60ft radius]; Flaws: Limited [Others]; PFs: Regrowth, Selective) ("Arzthelferin") [26/30p]

    Power no.6: Super-Senses 50 (Accurate, Analytical, and Extended 2 [1,000 ft. increment] on all Radio senses [10]; Radius for all Visual senses [2]; communication link 6 [with Archeville's electromagnetic screwdriver, Archestern, Fjölnirskraft, and two ArcheTech facilities {the corporate HQ in Freedom City, and the Berlin facility}] [radio] [6]; tracking extradimensional awareness [radio] [2]; tracking detect energy [radio] [2]; detect metahuman/mutant powers [radio] [1]; detect technology [radio] [1]; detect time [radio] [1]; infravision [1]; low-light vision [1]; microscopic vision 4 [4]; acute analytical precognition [Flaw: Only for predicting macro-scale trends and behaviors] [mental] [3]; radio (with accurate, this is also radar) [1]; analytical scent [analytical and acute for olfactory {i.e., gas chromatographs & chemsniffers}] [2]; trace teleport [radio] [1]; extended tremorsense [accurate extended {100 ft. increment} ranged touch {i.e., seismographs & motion detectors}] [3]; ultra-hearing [1]; ultravision [1]; x-ray vision [Drawback: not through lead] [3]) ("Oodles of Sensors and Analytical Equipment") [10+2+6+2+2+1+1+1+1+1+4+3+1+2+1+3+1+1+3 = 46/60]

    Power no.7: Teleport 10 (200,000 miles; Flaw: Limited [only to any Arche-Tech facility, ArcheStern, Fjölnirskraft, and Haus von Archeville]; PFs: Change Direction, Progression 6 [10 tons of cargo]) ("Schwarzschild Wormwole Aperture Producer") [17/30p]
    Note: since the teleporters do not have the Accurate extra, they can only send people to places where the user's own accurate senses (enhanced by the ESP and Super-Senses of the HQ) can perceive, in addition to only being able to send people to a few select spots. And since most of his long-range sensors are Radio-based, then if, say, the Freedom City ArcheTech HQ is in an Obscure (Radio & Visual) effect, that will block any of his teleporters from evacuating anyone from or sending anyone to that place (and he'd need to go in personally).

    HQ no.2: ArcheTech Facilities (41/45ep)
    Location: Worldwide. Corporate HQ is in Hanover, Freedom City, USA.
    Appearance/Details: See here and here.
    Size: Large; Toughness: 15 (Imp 10); Features: Animal Pens, Communications, Computer, Defense System no.1 (Snare 14 [PFs: Affects Insubstantial, Variable Descriptor [cables/wires, goop], +15 to hit), Defense System no.2 (Stun 9 [Extra: Range/Ranged; PF: Sedation], +14 to hit), Dock, Fire Prevention System, Garage, Gym, Hangar, Holding Cells x2 (Nullify Metahuman/Mutant Powers 15, Toughness 20), Infirmary, Laboratory, Library, Living Space, Personnel, Pool, Power no.1 (Enhanced Feats & Skills; as Power x2), Power no.2 (Enhanced Skills/Others), Power no.3 (ESP/Super-Senses), Power no.4 (Impervious Toughness), Power no.5 (Regeneration), Power no. 6 (Super-Senses; as Power x2), Power no.7 (Teleport), Power no.8 (Teleportal), Power System, Security System x6 (DC 45), Think-Tank, Workshop. Cost: 2+2+36 = 41/45ep.

    Power no.1: Same Enhanced Feats & Skills as at Haus von Archeville. [2+41=43/60p]

    Power no.2: Enhanced Skills 72 (+6r to Computers, Craft [Chemical], Craft [Electrical], Craft [Mechanical], Craft [structural], Knowledge [Current Events], Knowledge [Earth Sciences], Knowledge [Life Sciences], Knowledge [Physical Sciences], Knowledge [Popular Culture], Knowledge [Technology], and Medicine; Useable By Others; PFs: Progression 10 [up to 2,500 users simultaneously]) ("ArchTech Databases & Equipment") [18+10=28/30p]

    Power no.3: ESP 4 (visual and auditory, 1 mile [entire interior of building & adjoining parking lots/decks]) and Super-Senses 13 (accurate for auditory senses [motion detectors], acute radius detect metal [radio sense], infravision, radio, ultra-hearing, ultravision, x-ray vision [Drawback: not through lead]) ("Sensor Net") [12+12=24/30p]

    Power no.4: Impervious Toughness 10 (force screen; Sustained Active effect) [10/30p]

    Power no.5: Same Regeneration as at Haus von Archeville. [26/30p]

    Power no.6: Same Super-Senses as at Haus von Archeville, plus 4 additional Communication Links. Communications links with Archeville's electromagnetic screwdriver, Archestern, Fjölnirskraft, Haus von Archeville, and six ArcheTech facilities [the corporate HQ in Freedom City, and five other facilities with similar areas of focus.] [52/60p]

    Power no.7: Same Teleporter as at Haus von Archeville. [17/30p]

    Power no.8: Teleport 6 (600 feet/20 miles; Extras: Duration [sustained], Portal; Flaw: Others Only; PFs: Change Direction, Easy, Progression [Portal Size] 2 [25ft x 25ft]). [28/30p]
    Note: Portal is a +2 Extra because it's basically Duration (Instant to Concentration) & Affects Others + Self (+1). But the HQ itself can't pass through the portals it creates, thus, the Limited (Others Only) Flaw becomes viable.

    HQ no.3: Fjölnirskraft ("Fjölnir's Power/Strength") (42/45ep)
    Location: The Pacific Ocean.
    Appearance/Details: See here and here.
    Size: Gargantuan; Toughness: 20 (Imp 15); Features: Communications, Computer, Defense System no.1 (Blast 9 [Extra: Penetrating; PFs: Improved Range 1 {225 ft. increments}, Progression 1 {25 increments}; max range ~1.0 miles]; +15 to hit), Defense System no.2 (Paralyze 9 [Extras: Alt Save {Fortitude}, Range {Ranged}, PFs: Improved Range 1 {225 ft. increments}, Progression 1 {25 increments}; max range ~1.0 miles]; +15 to hit), Defense System no.3 (Stun 8 [Extra: Range {Ranged}, PFs: Improved Range 1 {225 ft. increments}, Progression 1 {25 increments}, Sedation; max range ~1.0 miles]; +15 to hit), Dock, Fire Prevention System, Hangar, Infirmary, Isolated, Laboratory, Library, Living Space, Personnel, Power no.1 (Communication/Comprehend; Power x3), Power no.2 (Additional Limbs/Concealment/Elongation/Swimming), Power no.3 (Enhanced Feats & Skills; as Power x2), Power no.4 (ESP/Comprehend; as Power x2), Power no.5 (Impervious Toughness), Power no.6 (Super-Senses; as Power x2), Power no.7 (Super-Strength), Power no.8 (Teleport), Power System, Security System x6 (DC 45), Self-Repairing, Workshop. [4+3+36 = 43/45ep]

    Power no.1: Same Communication/Comprehend as at Haus von Archeville. [74/90p]

    Power no.2: Additional Limbs 4 (8 tentacles fore, 2 midships; "Manipulatory Tentacles"), Concealment 4 (all auditory and all radio; PF: Close Range; "Anechoic Radar Absorbent Coating"), Elongation 8 (1,000 feet; Flaw: Only for Additional Limbs; "Manipulatory Tentacles"), and Swimming 6 (100 mph/87 knots; PF: Subtle; "Magneto-Hydrodynamic Propulsion System") [4+9+4+7=24/30p]

    Power no.3: Same Enhanced Feats & Skills as at Haus von Archeville. [2+41=43/60p]

    Power no.4: Same ESP/Comprehend as at Haus von Archeville. [51/60p]

    Power no.5: Impervious Toughness 15 (force screen; Sustained Active effect) [15/30p]

    Power no.6: Same Super-Senses as at Haus von Archeville, but replace precognition & trace teleport (-4 ranks) with accurate and extended 2 for ultrasonic hearing (i.e., extended 2 [1,000 ft. increment] sonar). [46/60p]

    Power no.7: Super-Strength 15 (effective Str 75) [30/30p]

    Power no.8: Same Teleporter as at Haus von Archeville. [17/30p]

    HQ no.4: Archestern ("Arche-Star") (45/45ep)
    Location: Geosynchronous orbit (approximately 22,000 miles above sea level) over South America.
    Appearance/Details: See here and here.
    Size: Colossal; Toughness: 20; Features: Communications, Computer, Defense System no.1 (Blast 12 [PFs: Improved Range 3 {1,200 ft. increments}, Progression 3 {100 increments}; max range ~22.7 miles], +15 to hit), Defense System no.2 (Move Object 13 [tractor beams, Str 65; PFs: Indirect 2, Subtle], +15 to hit), Fire Prevention System, Gym, Hangar, Infirmary, Isolated, Laboratory, Library, Living Space, Personnel, Power no.1 (Communication/Comprehend/Flight; as Power x3), Power no.2 (Universal Translator; as Power x2), Power no.3 (Enhanced Feats/Skills; as Power x2), Power no.4 (ESP/Comprehend; as Power x2), Power no.5 (Move Object/Gravity Control; as Power x2), Power no.6 (Regeneration), Power no.7 (Super-Senses; as Power x2), Power no.7 (Teleport), Power System, Security System x6 (DC 45), Self-Repairing, Workshop. [5+3+37 = 45/45ep]

    Power no.1: Same Communication/Comprehend as at Haus von Archeville, and Flight 2 (25mph; "Positional Adjustment Jets"). [74+4=78/90p]

    Power no.2: Comprehend 4 (languages; Extras: Affects Others, 10,000-ft. Burst Area [entire satellite]; PFs: Progression 8 [2,500 ft. per rank]; Drawback: Comprehend takes time to process and assimilate entirely new languages into the translation matrix; "Near-Universal Translators") [16+8-1=23/30 points]

    Power no.3: Same Enhanced Feats & Skills as at Haus von Archeville. [2+41=43/60p]

    Power no.4: Same ESP/Comprehend as at Haus von Archeville. [51/60p]

    Power no.5: Move Object 10 (artifical gravity; 50-to-5,000-ft. radius, Str 50, Hvy Load 12 tons; Extras: Area [burst], Range [Perception], Selective Attack; Flaw: One Direction ["up" and "down"); PFs: Precise, Progression 6 [500 ft. per rank radius], Subtle). [48/60PP]

    Power no.6: Same Regeneration as at Haus von Archeville. [26/30p]

    Power no.7: Same Super-Senses as at Haus von Archeville, minus tremorsense (-3 ranks), add extended 2 for all radio and extended 4 to visual sensors (total of extended 4 for all radio and visual senses, for 100,000 ft. [18.9 miles] increment). [55/60p]

    Power no.7: Same Teleporter as at Haus von Archeville. [17/30p]

    HQ no.5: Nichtuberall ("Not Anywhere") (41/45ep)
    Location: Top Secret
    Appearance/Details: See here.
    Size: Medium (House-sized); Toughness: 20; Features: Communications, Computer, Concealed x7 (+40 to DC), Fire Prevention System, Gym, Infirmary, Isolated, Laboratory, Library, Living Space, Personnel, Power no.1 (Concealment/Enhanced Feats/Skills), Power no.2 (Enhanced Feats/Skills/Flight; as Power x2), Power no.3 (ESP Dimensional; as Power x3), Power no.4 (Nullify Insubstantial), Power no.5 (Obscure), Power no.6 (Regeneration), Power no.7 (Super-Senses; as Power x2), Power System, Sealed, Security System x6 (DC 45), Self-Destruct, Self-Repairing, Workshop. [1+3+39 = 42/45ep]

    Power no.1: Concealment 4 (all mental and radio; PFs: Close Range, Selective) and Enhanced Feats 1 (Hide in Plain Sight) and Enhanced Skills 20 (Stealth +20) [10+1+5=16/30p]

    Power no.2: Same Enhanced Feats & Skills as at Haus von Archeville, and Flight 2 (25mph; "Positional Adjustment Jets"). [2+41+4=47/60p]

    Power no.3: ESP 14 (all, 2 billion miles [can reach Earth]; Extras: Duration [sustained]; PFs: Dimensional 3 [any dimension tech-based ESP could reach, such as parallel dimensions and the Zero Zone], Rapid 5 [x100,000], Subtle) [79P] and Linked Comprehend 4 (Codes 1, Languages 3 [Read/Write/Speak/Understand All Languages]; Drawback: Comprehend takes time to process and assimilate entirely new languages into the translation matrix) [7P] [79+7=86/90]
    Rapid 5 combines with Dok's Quickness 6 to get Quickness 21/Rapid 7 [x10,000,000]

    Power no.4: Nullify 4 (all Insubstantial effects; Extras: 400-ft. Burst Area [entire HQ], Duration 3 [Continuous], No Save; Flaws: Range [Touch]; PFs: Progression [Area] 4, Subtle) [29/30p]

    Power no.5: Obscure 7 (mental and radio, 500-ft. radius [entire HQ]; Extras: Duration [Continuous], Selective Attack; PF: Subtle) [29/30p]

    Power no.6: Same Regeneration as at Haus von Archeville. [28/30p]

    Power no.7: Same Super-Senses as at Haus von Archeville, minus the Communications Links and tremorsense (-7 ranks), add extended 4 to all visual sensors (100,000 ft. [~18.9 miles] increment) and extended 2 to all radio senses (total extended 4/100,000 feet [~18.9 miles] increment). [51/60p]

    5 EP contributed to Interceptor's Communal Equipment

    Coming Soon!

    Free: Cell phone, Digital camera, Digital audio recorder, Flashlight

    Archeville's "Utility Coat" (16+9=25ep)
    Detailed here.
    BE: Blast 10 (assorted explosives; Extra: Area [General, Burst, 30-50-ft.-radius]; Flaws: Action [Full], Unreliable [5 uses]; PFs: Progression [Reverse Area] 4, Triggered 2, Variable Descriptor [anesthetic gas, cold, concussive force, fire, shrapnel]; Drawback: Reduced Range [5 100-ft. increments]) {16/16EP}

    AP: Blast 3 (throwing discs; Extra: Autofire [5]; PFs: Mighty, Ricochet 2, Variable Descriptor [bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing]; Drawback: Full Power, Reduced Range 1 [5 30-ft. increments]) {14/16EP}

    AP: Corrosion 4 (PFs: Precise, Variable Descriptor [acids or cutting torch]) {14/16EP}

    AP: Dazzle Auditory & Visual 6 (flash-bangs; Extra: Area [General, 30-ft. Burst]; Flaw: Unreliable [5 uses]; Drawback: Full Power, Reduced Range 1 [5 60-ft. increments]) {16/16EP}

    AP: Dazzle Visual 6 (pepper spray; Flaw: Range [Touch]; Drawback: Full Power) + Linked Stun 6 (pepper spray; Drawback: Full Power) {5+11=16/16EP}

    AP: Obscure 3 (25-ft. radius, Visual + Olfactory Senses, smoke pellets; Extras: Independent, Total Fade; PFs: Ricochet; Drawback: Reduced Range 1 [5 30-ft. increments]) {15/16EP}

    AP: Paralyze 6 (paralytic darts; Extras: Range [Ranged], Secondary Effect; Flaws: Unreliable [5 Uses]; Drawbacks: Full Power, Reduced Range 1 [5 60-ft. Increments]) {15/16EP}

    AP: Snare 4 (Extra: Autofire, Linked [Trip]; PF: Variable Descriptor [steel-wire bolos or quick-hardening glue-goo]; Drawback: Reduced Range 1 [5 40-ft. Increments]) {11/16EP}

    AP: Strike 5 (a veritable armory of weapons; PFs: Extended Reach 2, Improved Critical 2, Improved Disarm, Improved Trip, Mighty, Split Attack, Variable Descriptor [bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing]) {14/16EP}

    AP: Stun 6 (stun bomb v2; Extras: Area [General, 30-ft. Burst], Range [Ranged]; Flaw: Unreliable [5 uses]; Drawbacks: Full Power, Reduced Range [5 60-ft. increments]) {16/16EP}

Powers: 4 + 8 + 8 + 45 + 29 + 6 + 22 + 1 + 1 = 124PP

Comprehend 2 (languages 2 [understand all, read all]) [4PP]

Cyberkinetic Container 1.6 (8 points) [8PP]

Comprehend 2 (electronic 2 [speak to, understand]) [4PP]

Datalink 2 (100 feet, radio; PF: Machine Control) [3PP]

Super-Senses 1 (radio) [1PP]

Device 2 (Armored Labcoat v1.1.2, 10PP, Flaws: Hard-To-Lose) [8PP]

Dimensional Pocket 1 (100 lbs; Flaw: Grapple Required) [1PP]

Immunity 2 (Cold Environments, Hot Environments; Flaw: Limited [1/2 Effect]) [1PP]

Protection 4 (Extras: Impervious; Feats: Subtle; Drawbacks: Weak Point) [8PP]

Device 11 (Gravimetric Belt v1.1.5.e, 55PP; Flaws: Hard-To-Lose; PF: Restricted [Only usable by those with a +15 or better Knowledge {Technology} bonus]) [45PP]

Gravitic Defensive Systems 8 (16 points; PFs: Alternate Power x2) [18PP]

BP: Enhanced Fortitude 6 {6pp} + Impervious Toughness 8 (note: Sustained Active effect) {8pp} + Shield 2 {2pp} {6+8+2=16/16PP}

    With his Labcoat, Toughness is +14 (Imp 12), Defense +10 (+4 flat-footed), Knockback -13. Defensive PL 12.

AP: Concealment 10 (All Senses; Flaws: Blending; PFs: Close Range, Hide in Plain Sight, Selective; Drawback: Action 1 [Move]) {12pp} + Enhanced Skills 16 (Stealth 16 [+16]) {4pp} {12+4=16/16PP}
    With his Labcoat, Toughness is +14 (Imp 4), Defense +8 (+4 flat-footed), Knockback -9. Defensive PL 11.

AP: Insubstantial 4 (Incorporeal; Affected by Gravitic & Magnetic Effects; Flaw: Distracting; PFs: Subtle; Drawbacks: Action 1 [Move]) {16/16PP}

    With his Labcoat, Toughness is +14 (Imp 4), Defense +4 (+4 flat-footed), Knockback -9. Defensive PL 9.

Gravitic Movement Array 8 (16 points; PF: Alternate Power) [17PP]
BP: Flight 7 (1,000 mph / 10,000ft [~1.9 miles] per Move Action; PFs: Instant Up, Move-By Action) {16/16PP}

AP: Teleport 6 (600ft per Move Action, 20 miles per Full Action; PFs: Change Direction, Change Velocity, Easy, Turnabout) {16/16PP}

Immunity 9 (Life Support) [9PP]

Protection 10 ('force field'; PF: Subtle) [11PP]

Gadgets 4 (Elektromagnetischer Schraubenzieher ["Electromagnetic Screwdriver"], 20PP Variable Power, Any Power, Multiple Powers At Once; Extras: Action [Move]; Flaws: Easy-To-Lose 2; Feats: Restricted [Only usable by those with a +15 or better Knowledge {Technology} bonus]) [29PP]

    [*:33al4ufi]Blast 20 (Flaws: Action [Full Round] or Unreliable; PFs: Accurate [+10 Attack], Variable Descriptor [any electromagnetic]; Drawbacks: Reduced Range 2 [2 200-ft. increments]) (EM Spectrum Blast, Biggest [PL 15 w/out Ranged Combat Mind]) {20/20}
    [*:33al4ufi]Blast 16 (Flaw: Action [Full Round] or Unreliable; PF: Variable Descriptor [any electromagnetic]; Drawbacks: Reduced Range 2 [2 160-ft. increments]) (EM Spectrum Blast, Bigger [PL 12 w/out Ranged Combat Mind or PL 15 w/ Ranged Combat Mind]) {15/20}
    [*:33al4ufi]Blast 10 (PF: Variable Descriptor [any electromagnetic]; Drawbacks: Reduced Range [5 100-ft. increments]) (EM Spectrum Blast) (EM Spectrum Blast, Standard [PL 12 w/ Ranged Combat Mind]) {20/20}
    [*:33al4ufi]Cold, Electrical, Fire, Light, Magnetic, Microwave, or Radiation Control 10 and associated APs as alternative settings (electromagnetic manipulation; Cold & Fire = infrared) {20/20}
    [*:33al4ufi]Drain Dexterity 15 (Flaw: Limited [people in battlesuit or with cyborg limbs]; Extra: Total Fade) (mobility systems overloader) {15/20}
    [*:33al4ufi]Drain Toughness 12 (Extras: Affects Objects, Linked [blast], Range [Ranged]; Flaws: Limited [Objects], Limited [Electronics]) [12PP] and Blast 12 (Extra: Linked [Drain]; Flaws: Limited [Objects], Limited [Electronics]) [6PP] (Electromagnetic Pulse Blast) {12+6=18/20}
    [*:33al4ufi]Drain Toughness 12 (Extras: Affects Objects, Area [burst, General], Linked ; Flaws: Limited [Objects], Limited [Electronics]) [12PP] and Strike 12 (Extras: Area [burst, General], Linked [Drain]; Flaws: Limited [Objects], Limited [Electronics]) [6PP] (Electromagnetic Pulse) {12+6=18/20}
    [*:33al4ufi]Enhanced Datalink 0 (Extra: Area 2; PFs: Rapid 3 [x1,000], Selective, Subtle) {7} + Enhanced Datalink 4 (total Datalink 6 [20 miles]; Extra: Area) {8} (city-wide computer overrider) {7+8=15/20}
    Rapid 3 combines with Dok's Quickness 6 to get Quickness 15/Rapid 5 [x100,000]
    [*:33al4ufi]Enhanced Datalink 2 (to Datalink 4 [1 mile]; Extra: Area) {4pp} + Enhanced ESP 2 (to ESP 4; all senses, 1 mile; Extras: Action [Free], Duration [sustained]; Flaw: Medium [machines]) {10} (Enhanced "Ghost in the Machine") {4+10=14/20}
    [*:33al4ufi]Enhanced Flight 7 (to Flight 14 [250,000 mph / 2,500,000 feet {473 miles} per Move action]) (Maximum Overdrive) {14/20}
    [*:33al4ufi]Enhanced Skills 12 (+6 Notice, +6 Search) and Super-Senses 11 (analytical for all vision [2], extended for all vision [2], distance sense [rangefinder], infravision, ultravision, x-ray vision) (Goggles Do Something Useful) {3+11=14/20}
    [*:33al4ufi]Enhanced Skills 48 (+6 to any 8 skills that his home HQ can help with) plus Super-Senses 1 (communication link with home HQ & perfect tools) {12+1=13/20}
    [*:33al4ufi]Enhanced Teleport 0 (Extra: Accurate and Portal on the 6 ranks of Teleport from his Belt; PF: Progression 2 [25-ft. portal]) (mass transit mode) {20/20}
    [*:33al4ufi]Enhanced Teleport 4 (adds to Teleport 6 from his Belt for a total of Teleport 10 [1,000 feet/Earth to Moon]; PFs: Progression 4 [2,500 lbs. cargo]) {12/20}
    [*:33al4ufi]Power Control 15 (Flaw: Limited [Only technological powers]) (universal remote) {15/20}
    [*:33al4ufi]Shield 6 (deflecting lightsaber) {6} and Strike 11 (lightsaber; PFs: Improved Crit 2) {13} {6+13=19/20}
      Defense 16/Toughness 14, Melee Attack 14/Damage 11 (16 w/ Sneak Attack) = PL 15

    [*:33al4ufi]Strike 20 (Flaw: Action [Full Round] or Unreliable; PFs: Accurate [+10 attack], Extended Reach, Improved Crit 2, Split Attack, Variable Descriptor [any electromagnetic]) (Elektromagnetischesäbel, Grösstes/Electromagnosaber, Biggest [PL 15 w/out Melee Combat Mind]) {17/20}

    [*:33al4ufi]Strike 16 (PF: Improved Critical 2, Variable Descriptor [any electromagnetic]) (Elektromagnetischesäbe, Grösser/Electromagnosaber, Bigger [PL 12 w/out Melee Combat Mind]) {19/20}

    [*:33al4ufi]Strike 11 (PFs: Extended Reach, Improved Crit 2, Split Attack, Variable Descriptor [any electromagnetic]) (Elektromagnetischesäbel, Grosses /Electromagnosaber, Big [PL 15 w/ Melee Combat Mind]) {16/20}

    [*:33al4ufi]Strike 5 (PFs: Extended Reach, Improved Crit 2, Split Attack, Variable Descriptor [any electromagnetic]) (Elektromagnetischesäbel, Standard/Electromagnosaber, Standard [PL 12 w/ Melee Combat Mind]) {10/20}

    [*:33al4ufi]Super-Senses 12 (analytical for all radio, extended for all radio, tracking for all radio; detect electromagnetic radiation 3 [radio], detect physical objects 3 [radio]) (tricorder) {12/20}

    [*:33al4ufi]Super-Senses 6 (analytical extended tracking detect technology 3 [radio]) (teach scanner) {6/20}

    [*:33al4ufi]Super-Senses 6 (penetrates concealment detect metal 2 [radio]) (metal detector) {6/20}

Immunity 12 (aging, immutability [effects that alters your traits, including-but not necessarily limited to-Boost, Drain, and similar trait effects, as well as Transform and other alteration effects used as attacks], own powers; Flaw: Limited [1/2 effect]) [6PP]

Nanotech Enhanced Brain Container 4.4 (22 points) [22PP]

Enhanced Quickness 4 (to Quickness 6 [x100]; Flaw: Limited [Mental Tasks]) [2PP]

Nanotech Enhanced Brain Array 8 (16PP Array, Feats: Alternate Power x5; Drawbacks: Action [Move]) [20PP]

BP: Enhanced Intelligence 16 (to 40 [+15]; Erhöht Intellekt/"Enhanced Intellect") {16/16PP}

AP: Comprehend 1 (Languages 1 [speak Any Languages]) {2PP} + Enhanced Charisma 14 (to 22 [+6]) {14PP} (Linguistische Analyse und Erhöht Gegenwart/"Linguistic Analysis & Enhanced Presence") {2+14=16/16PP}

AP: Enhanced Datalink 0 (adds to Datalink 2; Extra: Area; PFs: Rapid 2 [x100], Selective, Subtle) {6pp} + Linked ESP 2 (all senses, 100 feet; Extras: Action [Free], Duration [sustained]; Flaw: Medium [machines]) {10pp} (Geist in der Maschine/"Ghost in the Machine") {6+10=16/16pp}

Linked powers all share Power Feats, so the ESP shares the Rapid and Subtle from the Datalink. The Rapid from this combines with Dok's Mental Quickness 6 to get Quickness 12/Rapid 4 (x10,000).

AP: Enhanced Feats 16 (Attack Focus [Melee] 6, Improved Crit [unarmed] 2, Improved Disarm, Power Attack, Sneak Attack 4, Takedown Attack 2) (Anatomisches Wissen/Anatomical Knowledge) {16/16PP}

Melee Attack +14, Unarmed Damage +0, +5 w/ Sneak Attack.

AP: Enhanced Feats 16 (Attack Focus [Ranged] 6, Improved Aim, Improved Ranged Disarm, Precise Shot 2, Ricochet, Throwing Mastery 5) (Berechnung der Winkel und der Vektoren/Calculating Angles & Vectors) {16/16PP}

Ranged Attack +14, Damage +5 w/ any thrown object, +8 w/ Throwing Discs.

AP: Enhanced Wisdom 16 (to 34 [+12]; Erhöht Bewusstsein/"Enhanced Awareness") {16/16PP}

Quickness 2 (x5 [Quickness 6/x100 w/ Nanotech Enhanced Brain]; Flaw: Limited [Mental Tasks]) [1PP]

Can Take 20 on a Computer check to Write a Program (normally 1 hour) in 36 seconds/6 rounds.

Can Take 20 on a Knowledge check (normally 1 hour) in 36 seconds/6 rounds.

Can Take 20 on a Notice check (normally 1 minute) in 0.6 seconds/free action.

Can Search a 100-ft. diameter area (normally 5 minutes) in 3 seconds/1 action. Can Take 20 on that same Search (normally 100 minutes) and do it in 1 minute.

Regeneration 1 (disabled 1 [5 hours]) [1PP]

Drawbacks: -0PP

DC Block

Unarmed Melee DC 15 (20*) Toughness Damage; Crit 18-20 w/ MCM
Acids/Cutting Torch Melee DC 14 Fort Drain Toughness
DC 19 (24*) Toughness Damage
Bolos/Glue Ranged DC 14 Reflex Snare
Explosives Ranged DC 20 Reflex Area
DC 25/20 Toughness Damage
Flash-Bangs Ranged DC 16 Reflex Area
DC 16/13 Reflex Blinded & Deafened
Paralytic Darts Ranged DC 16 Fort Paralyze
Pepper Spray Melee DC 16 Reflex Blinded
DC 16 Fort Stun
Stun Bomb Ranged DC 16 Ref Area
DC 16/13 Fort Stun
Throwing Disc Ranged DC 18 Toughness Damage
w/ RCM DC 23 Toughness Damage
Thrown Items, RCM Thrown DC 20 Toughness Damage
Weapons Melee DC 20 (25*) Toughness Damage

Blaster I Ranged DC 35 Toughness Damage
Blaster II Ranged DC 31 Toughness Damage
Blaster III Ranged DC 25 Toughness Damage
EMP Blast Ranged DC 22 Fort (or Ref) Drain Toughness
DC 27/22 Toughness Damage
Lightsaber I Melee DC 35 Toughness Damage
Lightsaber II Melee DC 31 Toughness Damage
Lightsaber III Melee DC 26 (31*) Toughness Damage
Lightsaber IV Melee DC 20 (25*) Toughness Damage

RCM = Ranged Combat Mind
MCM = Melee Combat Mind
* Damage w/ Sneak Attack from Melee Combat Mind

Or by Gadget or Invention

Abilities (20) + Combat (28) + Saving Throws (12) + Skills (38) + Feats (28) + Powers (124) - Drawbacks (0) = 250/250 Power Points

Skills Notes: With his mind set to Enhanced Charisma (the default when he's interacting with people), and without using his home tools/Screwdriver, he's at +16 on Know (Earth/Life/Physical Science) and +21 on Computers, Crafts (Chem/Elec/Mech), Disable Device, & Know (Tech). This puts him slightly ahead of Daedalus (the Hank Pym/Tony Stark expy) on Computers (+18) and Life Sci (+14), almost equal on Crafts (+20), DisDev (+22), and Tech (+22), but noticeably behind on Phys Sci (+22).

With his home tools/Screwdriver, Dok is at +22 on Know (Earth/Life/Physical Science) and +27 on Computers, Crafts (Chem/Elec/Mech), Disable Device, & Know (Tech). This puts him equal to Daedalus on Phys Sci, and at least 5 points ahead on everything else.

Sample Power Stunts for Enhanced Mind 8 (16PP), Gravitic Defensive Systems (16PP), Gravitic Movement Systems (16PP), and Mental Quickness 6 (3PP) can be found here.

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Behold, your new Mast- Doktor! Quite a lot's been tweaked, enough to submit as an entirely new sheet (though I did put in a link to the old one).

I did leave his 5 EP contribution to the Interceptors' Brownstone on the sheet; I'm still not sure what his relationship's going to be with the team.

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