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Not Using the Z-Word: IC


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Mid-day in the bustling heart of Freedom city and everything is right with the world. Citizens bustled back and forth on errands, or simply enjoyed the fine weather on the weekend. For a few brief hours everyone forgot about drug wars, the walked dead, and super-powered plots to take over the world.

The peace was broken, though, when a woman's scream rang out across the air. She raced through the park, upsetting several late-season picnickers as she went. Irritation turned to fear, though, and chaos spread as the woman's attackers appeared. They were all men, dressed in tattered street clothes and lab coats. The had been white, black, Hispanic, and Asian, but not their skin was a pale, pasty shadow of its former self, or else discolored by a sickening green growth.

The men moved forward slowly, their gait awkward, their mouths fixed into an open hole as they moaned and howled, stalking towards their prey. Despite he relative speed advantage, several civilians were in immediate danger from the lurching horde. Some had fallen and were apparently unable to stand again, while other had burst through bushes or dodged around heavy trees in their flight only to run headlong into another group of shamblers. If someone didn't help them soon, these civilians were in for a gruesome death.

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Freedom City never caught a break it seemed. If it wasn't one thing, it was another. Vivian had been quietly sitting with her back against a tree, knees pulled up to her chest in her comfiest pair of jeans and a sweatshirt reading a book and minding her business. All she wanted to do was continue reading, but the gods themselves forbid, it seems.

Vivian quickly stashed her book in her bag, and scrambled to her feet. She ducked into one of the nearby public restrooms. Many who saw her would think she was running to hide. But she knew better...

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Suzaku sat in the park meditating peacefully, eyes closed, slowly coming to realizing a spiritual euphoria few have ever dreamed possible...


... Aaaaaaand then he snaps out of it with a start as people around start screaming.

"Wha-what the... so close... so close to spiritul enlightenment... sigh."

Reaching over he grabs his hat, and does some quick stretches to prepare himself.

So glad I decided to wear my hero outfit for my afternoon meditation... so so glad...

With that he runs as fast as he can, toward the screaming, hoping to get there before anybody gets hurt...

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It's so nice to take a day off and relax once and a while.... Don smiles at the thought. It had been a rather hectic month, with the second generation designs for the generators coming along nicely, with the alpha tests in 2 weeks. If things go well, we'll have the beta tests in a month, a full workup in the next three, then we'll be ready to sell to the world! All in all, it looked to be a good year for HAT!

His peace was interrupted, however, by the screams. Ok, what now? Robotic chickens that breathe fire? Mutant poodles the size of SUVs? A nutcase with a Doomsday© Laser? Shaking his head, Don gets up to see what was the latest threat to Freedom City...only to stop short at the sight of the rotting shamblers.

...Zombies? Really? Is this a prank or some sort? Are we being punked? I mean, I can accept that there is a such thing as the supernatural, but still...Zombies? In the middle of downtown? Shaking his head again, he quickly takes cover behind a bush, sticking around just long enough for him to put up his barrier! He then takes to the sky, and Dyne is ready to kick some rotting rear!

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