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Chaos in the Streets (OOC)


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Stesha goes on 2. She's very busy, you know.

Busy doing this:

Emotion Control 13 (Feats: Progression [Area] 9, Subtle, Drawbacks: Full Power, Extras: Area [Targeted, Cloud, Stationary], Duration [Continuous], Selective, Flaws: Action [Full], Limited [Calm], Sense-Dependent [Olfactory]) [35PP]. DC23 Reflex save to cover your nose, DC23 Will save to resist being Calmed, 13-mile radius (enough to cover the entire city if you let it loose near the center).

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Nightmares check (DC5): 4. Woot! Z starts with 2 HPs.

Initiative for Zephyr: Car 54, where are you?.

Unless I say otherwise, please assume that Z's taking a Free Action every round to take 20 on a Notice check against her surroundings, hitting DC25. Please also assume that she is constantly cycling back and forth between her own Normal Vision, and the Infravision and Ultravision provided by her Device, and that she is comparing the Time Sense within the Device to her own.

Her Visual Concealment power is currently set to the "total concealment while moving" AP.

Her Time Control AP is currently set to the Rapid Attack AP, which she uses to simultaneously incapacitate any criminals in the area, taking 10 (DEF 25) on any attack rolls against Minions.

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54 - Zephyr - Unharmed - HP x2

18 - Sage - Unharmed - HP x1

13 - Freedom Angel - Unharmed - HP x6

9 - Robin Cross - Unharmed - HP x2

2 - Fluer - Unharmed - HP x5

EDIT: Working on getting everything else up, so consider this a WIP

Ok, Freedom Angel, Robin and Fluer all get a Fiat HP for their respective effects not being the automatic win button. Each one of them should have won the day. :argh:

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Zephyr activates her default array power, giving her Speed 20 and Quickness 20. She easily catches up to the car, and takes 20 on a Craft (Mechanical) check to take the wheels off in a fraction of a second as a Free Action. She keeps her Concealment up until the very end, when she drops it to give the driver a stern talking-to.

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So it looks like Z's up next, but we're out out specific hazards and subplots. Geez, should I just make a general crowd-control post, make something specific up myself, or did you want to get another IC post in at the top of the next round before any of us go again?

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54 - Zephyr - Unharmed - HP x2

18 - Sage - Unharmed - HP x1

13 - Grue Lancer - Unharmed

13 - Freedom Angel - Unharmed - HP x6

9 - Robin Cross - Unharmed - HP x2

2 - Fluer - Unharmed - HP x5

AA have a HP for the setback. So yeah, totally a bunch of alien shapeshifters in the crowd who are gonna start messing things up. As of right now however, only the one has made their appearance known.

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