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Upstairs at Monty's - October (IC)


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"Oh I have a hammer down zere, don't you vorry." retorted Atlas micheviously. Ordinarily, Atlas wouldn't have said anything like that, but for some reason, he just wanted, no, needed to, when Grim got that look in her eye. He was so distracted that he put in quite a few more chips than he wanted to, but didn't notice until it was too late. Thankfully he still had his pocket kings.

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Colt already had a bad hand. He was lucky he was already planning on skipping out on the rest of the hand, or that look on Grim's face might just have made him bet.

"Reckon strip poker wouldn't be no fair. Ya c'n jus' keep makin' clothes outta thin air!" Colt remarked as he tossed his cards into the center.

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"Oh I have a hammer down zere, don't you vorry."

Grim wrinkles up her nose and laughs. "From what I hear, everything is big in Mother Russia." She takes another peek at her cards, then picks up a few chips and starts slowly stroking them across her lips, seemingly deep in thought.

"Reckon strip poker wouldn't be no fair. Ya c'n jus' keep makin' clothes outta thin air!"

The beautiful shapeshifter gives Colt a playful wink, then carefully stacks five dollars in the pot, one chip at a time.

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"I take it from ze way you keep peeking under zere you see somezing you like." comments Atlas, trying to play it cool. Internally however, there's a bit of a struggle. "OK. OK. Dude, you have to focus here. Concentrate. Concentrate... Not on her! Think manly thoughts. Ok. We got cards. Cards are good. Poker. Better, better. We got good food. And we got booze. And babes. Dammit! Back to square one. Somehow, Atlas got enough brain cells to work in unison long enough for Atlas to call.

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"Alright, vat do you have?" says Atlas as he leans forward, and matches her bet. It wasn't about the money any more, it had been a nice night, and it was a good time to go for broke. Beside he had a good hand at this point. That, and he couldn't keep his wits about him long enough to pay much attention. If this kept up his was going to lose all his chips anyways.

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"Alright, vat do you have?"

The yong shapeshifter looks at Atlas, peeks at her cards again, and then starts shaking her head and laughing.

"See, I just totally screwed myself; this is what happens when you use your powers for evil."

She flips over her pocket cards, two sevens, and rubs her face.

"A pair of hockey sticks, and I have learned my lesson; I think my face might be as red as yours, Atlas." :oops:

Her head drops into her crossed arms, and she waves goodbye to the last of her chips. "Bye kids, have fun with Uncle Atlas! Be sure to write!" She sighs deeply, then rests her chin on her arms.

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"Well, I reckon ya just gave him a perty big stack o' chips there, Grim!" Colt slurred, "Least the man's got'a fightin' chance, now." Colt patted Grim on the head to console her for her loss.

Turning his full attention on Atlas, he downed what was in the rest of his glass. "Next hand?" He asked, raising his eyebrows, and leaning with his left elbow on the table and his right hand on his right knee.

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"" shouts Atlas in Russian as he flips over his Kings. He doubted his luck would hold out against the cowboy, but hey, celebrate victories while you've got them.

"Zere, zere." said Atlas comfortingly. "I vill make sure to give zem a nice home. Eizer zat or blow it on booze, you never know. In Soviet Russia, money spends you."

Atlas held up his hands. "Before ze next hand, zere is somezing important ze must do." He digs in his bag for a moment, and pulls out a very small bottle of vodka, the tippy top shelf stuff. 'Ve must share a drink in honor of a fallen comrade."

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'Ve must share a drink in honor of a fallen comrade."

Grim smiles and nods, chin still on her arms. "Everything's better with airline vodka." Sitting up, she quickly downs her drink (which leads to a rather hilarious set of facial expressions), and then holds out her glass of ice. "Hit me!"

Once the Russian is done pouring, she looks wth rather exaggerated melancholy from Atlas' pile of chips to Colt's, and then finally to the great bare expanse of table where her chips used to be; still working her 'Big Eyes' mojo, she does her best to look like a wet puppy, though to be fair she's showing her hand a bit for comedic effect.

"Uh, can one of you guys spot me five dollars? I don't have a lot of cash, and my cat needs her cancer shot..." :(;) :roll:

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Atlas chuckles as he downs his own shot and observes Grim's odd expressions; he himself having drank it like a small glass of water. He pours her another glass, and himself another one as well. "Spot you five bucks da? Hrmm. Vell... zere vas mention of strip poker a moment ago... I'm just saying." says Atlas impishly.

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"Well alright." Colt finally broke down, "Reckon I can't say no to a face like that." and with that he tossed a $5 chip over to Grim's part of the table. "Don't spend it all in one place, now."

"Thank you, kind sir!" :love:

Grim leans over to give Colt a quick peck on the cheek, and then thankfully stops abusing her glamour ability. She gets change for the chip and then enthusiastically drums the table a few times.

"Okay, from here on out, I'm strictly above board, except for the lying part. Now who's dealing?"

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"Hey now," Colt responded to the assault with a hand wave, "I ain't the type ta be takin' advantage..." Colt reached for the deck of cards and began shuffling for the next hand. A quick glance at the clock told him that if they kept up all the banter, he might only have to sit two more hands before he was able to cash out.

Colt gave a smile as he bridged the cards and looked over at Grim making change. "Besides, the little lady asked so nicely."

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Grim shakes her head and holds her hands up between the two 'gentlemen'.

"Boys, boys! For your information, the 'little lady' was being a shameless hussy and a little tease; normally I can resist the temptation to abuse what God gave me, but if I get a little lit, all bets are off."

She takes a sip of her rum and Coke and sighs with satisfaction. "Ahh! Sorry I'm not as wasted as you'd like me to be, Atlas. Now, deal those cards, my good man!"

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"Yes ma'am!" Colt replied, and then started shooting cards across the table. Two to each of the players.

"Place yer bets, Gentlemen an' ladies!" Colt looked down to see his cards. He got excited for just a split second when he saw an AQ. He did, however manage to hide it pretty well as he placed enough chips to match the blinds. He remained silent as he sipped more of his drink and watched his opponents.

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"Place yer bets, Gentlemen an' ladies!"

Grim checked her cards, and saw the five and trey of Spades; a long shot, but there could be a straight in her future, or a flush or even (gasp!) a straight flush, though that was probably a bit far-fetched. For a moment, she imaginged herself in the Old West, using her feminine wiles and conjured cards to make a small fortune travelling from saloon to saloon.

Yeah, and probably end up shot full of holes. :roll:

A ghost of a smile flickered across her face, only to be filed away behind her blank but pleasant mask.

Crap. Well, maybe I can use that little slip for something.

She kept her bet conservative, for now.

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Samael studies his hand for a moment, pondering what exactly to do. He finds however that his brain has been replaced with a jar of molasses. He tries to concentrate on something for a moment to get his brain back into working order, so he stares at his own nose for a moment. After doing nothing other than look stupid for a moment, he tosses a few chips in to match Grim's bet with a shrug. "Vin some, lose some, get confused by all."

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Even while intoxicated, Colt could remember how to play a poker hand. The game was practically rote to him after all these years. With a monster hand off the start, you raise. That much was just common sense. Still... With newer players, it could be safer just to play it slow.

Colt glanced back and forth between his opponents. He noted Grim's slip of expression, but knowing the shape shifter and her powers, it could have meant anything. It could even have been intentionally deceptive. Hold the horses a moment. He thought That girl'd have trouble bluffin' her way out'a a paper bag. Leastways in'a poker game. She couldn't'a meant it. 'Er could she?

Atlas's pained expression equally threw him for a loop. Either 'e's just plum crazy, 'er 'e doesn't know what's goin' on't all.

Equally confused, Colt silently decided to match the bet on the table and turn the Flop over. He shook his head dejectedly at his inability to read his opponents.

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Atlas leans in to look at the cards collected in front on him and to get a better look at the flop, he had a hard time telling the clubs from the spades when he leaned back. Yeah, he had to lay off the booze if he wanted to be able to drive home any time soon. The flop did nothing for him so he just checked, seeing what the others would do. He still had a chance at a straight, but not a good one.

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