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Blind Man's Bluff (IC)

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After stepping over Rock's attempt to slam into it, the Hunter mecha turned back toward the massive hero, a plasma blade extending from its main weapon arm as it stepped back toward Rock. As it approached, the Hunter swung its arm down, the plasma blade cutting into Rock’s stoney hide.


A bit further off, the crew of the Khanate dropship managed to drag the unconscious form of Justicar Gor'an onboard the transport.


To the south of the town, the group of Khanate troopers dropped off by the dropship continued to move steadily toward the center of town, firing as they approached. A hail of blaster fire erupted around Eclipse, as ten of the troopers zeroed in on her. Bit of stone were blasted off the fountain she had taken cover behind, but even with some of the troopers trying to set up shots for a few of the others, Eclipse managed to remain behind cover and avoid any incoming fire. The troopers seemed to have wised up some, as they were spread out such that she would likely only be able to catch a couple in any wide area shot.


The other group of Khanate troops continued moving toward the house where the Thuarian delegation and their bodyguards had taken cover, returning fire on the bodyguards who had been shooting out the widows and doorway. Two of the Thuarian’s went down, though how badly they were injured was difficult to tell as they fell out of view.

Then the Thuarian's returned fire, hitting five of the Khanate troopers. One of those hit went down, apparently out of the fight. Another fell to the ground as well, but seemed ready to get back up, while several others were hit, two had the blast graze their armor, not injuring them, while another had a minor wound and continued moving forward.

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Talisyn had some choice words when she watched two of the guards go down - not kind words, but choice words. More than a few of them.


She broke cover, cloak and hair alike billowing as she shot toward the troopers with only her own (admittedly boosted) speed and reaction time to save her from any return fire. Which, if that wasn't enough, she could hopefully heal back from. "I'm going to be so hungry after this," she muttered, snapping off a bolt of energy at one of the troopers to get their attention - and then louder, "You've learned spacing! Let's teach you to aim!"

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Hovering in the air, Star Khan looked about the battlefield for a moment. The Hunter he had been engaged with was back up, but some distance behind the one currently engaged in melee with the rocky mercenary that had delt with Gor'an. Eclipse was engaging the troops approaching from the south, and to the northwest, the dropship had just loaded the unconscious Gor'an aboard.


Deciding the Hunter could wait for the moment, Star Khan turned slightly toward the dropship bringing both hands up as he fired a powerful blast of energy at the vessel. The blast struck the dropship, causing further damage to it, but still failing to cripple it. A scowl came over the young Khan's face as the dropship's engines began powering up to liftoff…

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  • 2 months later...

The superheated energy weapon sunk into the part of Rock’s shoulder that would have been shaped by a clavicle in a being with a conventional skeleton, immediately liquifying stone and turning moss into acrid smoke. The mercenary glanced at the seemingly grievous wound from the corners of his eyes and let out a gravelly scoff. Rearing back he let loose a haymaker toward the articulated joints of the Hunter’s nearest leg… and nearly tripped over his own feet as he was snagged by the plasma blade still lodged in his shoulder.


Flailing to regain his balance, he jerked his arm to try to free himself but with the blade embedded several centimetres into already cooling stone he found himself jerking about in an awkward tug of war.


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