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The Dreamer


The white rabbit that had led the pair to safety checks his pocket watch as Blackstaff spots him. Oddly enough it looks to be ticking backwards, and quite quickly at that. Looking harried, their small escort ducks his way through a door only just large enough for his body, leaving the pair alone in the small, wooden floored room they have entered. The only decoration is a small round table, upon which sits a key and a small bottle with a note saying 'drink me'. Across the room is a larger door, one sized for humans. Atop it's frame is somehow perched a cat, who grins down at the pair.


The Dreamer looks concerned and confused as she takes in the details of the room, having briefly spotted the white rabbit before it fled, before clapping eyes upon the cat. She pales before speaking, "Christopher, something is very wrong here. I think it sounds be best if we depart, with haste."

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  • 3 weeks later...



Blackstaff blew out a breath and nodded at Dreamer’s assessment.

“An excellent idea.”

He looked down at her.

“Is is okay if I put you down?”

He asked, giving her time to conjure one of her constructs before turning his attention to the rest of the room.

He glanced at the door the rabbit exited out of, then at the larger one.approaching the larger door his eyes flickered to the table as he passed it. He made no move to pick up any of its contents yet.


He looked up at the cat before cautiously reaching out to rest the handle.

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  • 2 weeks later...



The Dreamer was glad that Christopher was in agreement, watching in every direction with suspicion as she conjured a wheelchair before Blackstaff placed her into it.


From some unseen hollow in the walls Blackstaff can hear a small high pitched voice and the voice of the rabbit. They seem to be trying to be quiet, but failing. 

"She is not Alice! You brought her too early you dolt!"

"She was in danger! The Jabberwocky had to protect her. If she dies she will never be Alice!"

"And now she knows that Wonderland is here! It was bad enough that The Carnifex was trying to stop us but- "

"But now she can try to stop Wonderland? No one is stronger than Alice. Even if she wanted-"


The sound of the argument is drowned out as the grinning Cat speaks. "Oh dear, going so soon? It's nearly Tea Time."


The Dreamer stiffened in her chair as the cat spoke, her mouth working soundlessly before clicking shut as she wheeled up to the wizard's side, eyes bright with worry. 

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Blackstaff wasn’t sure what exactly to make of the snippet of argument he heard. But he did hesitate a moment at the door as the Cat spoke.


“If it's all the same to you, I think we’ll pass on the tea.”

He replied and glanced back to see Dreamer beside him. Then, readying his magic just in case he needed it, he tried to open the large door.

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  • 2 weeks later...



The grinning Cat offers no rebuke or resistance as Blackstaff opens the door, stepping out into a busy street, far too busy for the time of night that they had entered from. People take little notice of the pair as they walk past, the crowd simply flowing around them while from the doorway the cat speaks once more. "Be safe Christopher, and you Adrianna. I do hope you know where you're going." The Cat then faded away until naught but a grin remained in the air for several long moments.


The Dreamer slowly let out a cloudy breath, face paler than normal. She turned to face Blackstaff, a weak smile on her lips. "Thank you for your help Christopher. I think if you had not been there that man would have gotten the better of me. To say nothing of... the later occurances."

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  • 2 weeks later...



The wizard glanced around for a moment. Something wasn’t sitting right with him, but he could put a finger on it just yet.

He spared the fading cat a look before it vanished completely. Obviously it knew his name, since it had to be one of Dreamer’s constructs…right.


He looked at Andrianna and tried to give her a reassuring smile.

“No need to thank me, damsels in distress are a weakness of mine.”

He chuckled wryly.

“Besides, I wouldn’t say we’re completely in the clear just yet. We should keep moving.”

Blackstaff didn’t want to know if the thing attacked them would appear in the middle of a busy street.


He glanced around again, looking for something he recognized, something to use as a landmark, before starting off in what he hoped was the direction back to his car. Then, he could get her back to his office and its wards.

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The Dreamer lets out an amused huff at being referred to as a damsel in distress, but does not disagree with the statement. "Perhaps I should dream a suit of armour and lance for my chivalrous protector. Sir Daye has a nice sound to it." Her smile fades a little at the reminder that they might still be pursued, and she follows him quickly. 


It does not take Blackstaff long to orient himself, being accustomed to the streets of the city. The small room had let out several streets over from where their flight had led them, and it takes nearly ten minutes to reach the car, but the pair are unaccosted during their travel, although many pairs of eyes follow them, many seeming to recognize the 'Christmas Spirit'.


Upon arriving at his vehicle, Blackstaff would notice an oddity, his dashboard claiming the time to be nearly two hours earlier than when they had been confronted.



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Blackstaff chuckled at Dreamer’s comment.

“A kind offer, but I’ll decline.”

He gave her a kind smile.

“I’ve had a few close calls with kights of the courts, recently. The fae can be rather touchy sometimes.”

He joked as the two arrived at his car, an old 4-door from the 90’s.

While mostly blue, the front hood was white and one rear door was primer gray. Both hubcaps on one side were missing and the two on the other side didn’t match.


He opened the door for Dreamer, offer help if she wanted it. His eyes though, kept scanning for their attacker.

Climbing into the driver’s seat he dug out the keys, but then hesitated. His eyes fell on the little clock set into the dashboard.

“That, can’t be right.”

He half mumbled.


Had his magic messed with the clock? Or had…

He glanced at Dreamer unsurely, then shook his head. There was no possible way they had really gone back two hours without him noticing that much magical influence… right.


He ignored the doubt as he started the car, intent on getting Dreamer to safety.

Edited by Spacefurry
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