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Everything posted by Aoiroo

  1. Well it was rather, short and quiet. Given, she really sort of figured it was most the most could expect, it was after all just a ride home. They were just going a reasonable speed in a bad neighborhood, to her rather small appartment, and the reality of it seemed to hit home. But still, she had still ridden with Midnight on a really cool bike so it counted for something. As it slowed to a stop she climbed off slowly as not to fall because dispite the pills and reasonable driving, some slight sickness was setting in as she switched from bike to solid ground. Taking a few steps back she gave him another once over in the light of the streetlight right in front of her appartment complex, and something seemed off. She didn't let the thought bother her for more then a few seconds before saying, "Thanks for the ride."
  2. Following the hands with her eyes she looked up from the mirror to the woman who was maybe just a little shorter then herself. She took into account a few things as she looked at her, the hair color, eye color, mostly though she noted that talking about the mirror she was probably Robin Cross, the store owner. "No, I don't like coffee, and I've read once that magic coffee has some side effects after." Letting out a breath, she reached into her bag before glancing around the store. There was no one else there, but she was also looking for cameras since she did actually have an illegal substance, even if she wasn't exactly sure about it. "I'm actually looking for some consulting on something I happened to come across." Reaching into her purse she let out a breath as she felt the plastic under the skin. Pulling it out, she held the rolled up and sealed zip lock bag within a larger zip bag of Zombie Powder in her grasp out to the woman, "I was able to research about the standard effects and uses of this, but I've heard, well that there are some deeper dangers associated with this."
  3. The shop was very appropriately named, Cross' Roads, a place of passing when someone had to make a choice. Entering the shop itself would be a rather interesting choice, even if she couldn't see very much from the outside the painted windows, she could already tell that it was a rather eclectic store in general. The ad for it in the phone book certianly was, she was quite tempted to call and ask if it was real or not, but given the city she lived in and her own unique qualities she figured she at least owed the owner of this shop the benefit of the doubt. Besides, it probably won't be the strangest place she's been to in her many years of living in Freedom. Well she was right that it wasn't the strangest, in fact hearing the bells overhead that jingled as she went in made it seem for a split second like a normal store, that feeling quickly passed however. The store had a large collection of, well things, books for one thing, of course she expected books, the other things were things that she might of seen or expected in other places, or in different various stores but not all in one place. There were rat tails in a bin, books set in different sections on various subjects, and just random things on display which she guess might of been ingredients for some ritual or something. The thing that caught her interest was a glass casing that held a few items. In it there were things like the skull of a bird, a particularly nasty looking dried scorpian, a hand held mirror with glass of the deepest black and a coil of rope that was coiled and braided with a silverly thread were among a couple of them. The walls were also very well decorated with things, but they didn't catche her interest as much as the things behind the glass. Looking down into it, she seemed to always move towards the mirror which wouldn't reflect an image back at her even if it shined back light just fine. In of itself, it caught her attention so much so that she didn't notice the approach of the store's only other inhabitant.
  4. She had her notepad out by now and started to write down the fabrics she was picking out. She let out a half sigh at the last part, "Something you have to understand, is that the only reason I don't have to charge so much is because this isn't an actual profession. You're normal tailors have to increase the costs because of the fact that they have stores to run, things like rent, paying additional help, making large machines, manicuans it cost money and as such adds charge to the product. Plus, this isn't what I really want to do. I mean I enjoy doing it to some extent, but it's not something I'd do for more then a hobby, or in your case a favor. Tailoring is among other things, a service industry, the customer is always right which I just can't agree with. The customer is not always right in fact they are rarely aware of just how hard some jobs are. Like food industry, I ordered my sandwich EXACTLY how I wanted it after I looked at the menu, some people will order off the menu and assume that it won't have certian things on it without asking and then get pissed off at the waitress or the chef for making them what they ordered. Your pretty good about the fact that you know that you don't know everything about this and you tell me what you want, but for every good customer there is a butthead waiting around thinking that just because they're paying you means that you are automatically a mind reader and will get everything they request absolutely right without details. Now for food, that's okay because some things don't take long to make, but for tailoring, alterations and tweaking over and over can take hours of work trying to remake an image your customer just is sure of, or that might just be impossible in the time frame they expect it in." Reaching down she picked up her hot chocolate and blew on it lightly before taking a sip, "By the way, I'm not going to have these done all at once, you'll probably have a couple of weeks between each outfit since I do have other jobs besides this, mostly temp work, deliverying groceries and some work in the Theatre District. I think I actually have a catering gig because one of my friends is going out of town and needs a replacement. But yeah, I think I'll make the Sari and the jeans first, get those to you maybe two weeks. The SKs I can make a week at a time, and I can get you a good jacket by the end of October. The scarves and hat I can estimate a five to six week waiting period if I ask my mom about them tomorrow. She likes to start making these things for me and my sister every couple of years, plus of course the Evil Ems so that can effect the overall time. Though if I say you're willing to pay for them, it might give her some insentive because she loves having some extra cash around November especially. I wonder which mall we're hitting up this year for Black Friday this year."
  5. Silhouette Mad Max (35) Earth Victoria: The Brit Machine (16) Shadows In the Night (1) Dinner and a Tailor (8) Bazaar Investigations (12) Bleeding Ink (12) Mistaken (16 PC, 3 GM) A Flower Of A Different Color (8) 35+16+1+8+12+12+16+2.5+8=110.5 Vignette Changeling New Kid On Campus (19) Bindings and Contracts (4) Champagne Shenanigans(5) 19+4+5=28 Vignette Hell Q
  6. Aoiroo

    Mad Max (IC)

    If the sudden movement didn't tip her off, then the appearance of red lights in the corner of her vision did. She honestly half expected to be shot at, or to hear a blaring alarm, instead however, she heard a girl. Her voice came out commanding and confident, and of course threatening, probably with whatever was in that bag of hers, Sil however not being completely daft didn't come out immediately. Right around the corner she pressed herself against the wall flat as a shadow and peered around the corner at the girl. She didn't look happy certianly, but she also wasn't very threatening looking. The girl was probably just around Sil's height with blonde hair and dark blue eyes. Though not sickly, she was rather thin, and pale and sort of reminded her of how Allison looked whenever she was sick, which was strung out and generally sleep deprived. This probably didn't make what was in that bag any less dangerous, or make her trigger finger on it any slower, but she didn't really look like any villians she knew. Actually she sort of looked like a strawberry, but strawberrie's don't generally have places this nice or the gull to threaten someone in said place. Letting out a breath she went over her options, Let's see, running away, in this place, probably a security system, plus this chick has a bike. Fighting, no, that's not good either, half those gadgets are made for fighting and even if she just a plain old pistol in that bag I'd be screwed, which left. "Okay, you got me." Sliding off the wall and in full dimensions she held her hands up as she rounded the corner. She tried something like a helpless look, but through her full face mask there was no expression, it didn't cover up the sound of her sigh though. "You're right, I did pick the wrong warehouse, given, I didn't think I'd find a place quite like this inside a warehouse." She was very tempted to ask if the drug cartel she was looking for was the one next door, but there was still the slight possibility of her involvement in it.
  7. Aoiroo

    Mad Max (OOC)

    You know, if she isn't wearing her visor she get's a hero point. Let's see, she has one for luck already. But yeah, Gather Info check with Well Informed feat, And fail, 6
  8. Walking back she gave Grim a once over at the new attire before looking at her watch, "It is very nice looking yes, the lace really compliments your features but you might want to keep it toned down a bit more. If we go to that rally, which we really probably should since it might get out of hand, you'll want something a bit less delicate. Plus, your with your adversion to iron, maybe a material like wool or something a bit thicker then lace might be better. How does that work anyway, is it through touch, or just proximity?" Reaching into her purse, she pulled out a note book and and a pencil and started to flip through the pages as she started to doodle. "I was actually thinking about that, please don't make more silver out of thin air like that, you depriate its value that way. If you want to help the poor while you're here, those sandwiches you made will never lose their value." As she continued to scribble she took a few minutes to erase some things before tearing out the page, and handing over a picture of some standard boots, darkly shaded trousers under a lighter shaded long sleeve collared shirt, a long jacket, and a old style cabby cap to the man in the blue costume. "If you don't mind taking a commission, I'd prefer muted colors, browns and greys, and the jacket to be made out of wool since it is quite cold out here."
  9. Aoiroo

    Mad Max (OOC)

    Sil rolling for stealth as she sneaks around Dragonfly's base. 13
  10. Aoiroo

    Mad Max (IC)

    Okay, definitely not empty. Flattened against the door here eyes gazing out, Sil tried to bring in everything at once. This place might of been at one time empty, but it certianly wasn't just a warehouse now as it was just, a house. Sure, there was a lab table, and several other things that screamed lair, but there was also stairs, a small kitchen she could see in the distance. She could feel it very clearly that she hadn't just broken into a warehouse or even a lair, she had just more or less waltz into someone else's home. The awkwardness crept over her as she tried to survey it a bit more. Just a bit from the door she had slid under, she could partially see the hunched figure of someone in a computer chair. Did that person live here? Why was that person living in a warehouse, okay, well not a warehouse, it was almost definitely like a headquarters or lair. Still, it was a curious place to be living, especially in Greenbank, which probably led to one question, heroe or villian? Well, maybe that wasn't the real question, after all she did sort of come uninvited, still she moved a little bit against the wall and out of sight to get a good view. If it was a villian after all, she could report it's location to the authorities or something, if it was a hero, well she'd probably just leave. It was awkward enough with her being here. Walking against the wall in the lab area, she glanced over some of the creations, they didn't look all that pleasant, mostly weapontry, given that didn't mean they were evil. The lot of it was pretty sophistocated though, so much so that it was all beyond her grasp of technological know how. Probably a sign that I should leave.
  11. Aoiroo

    Mad Max (OOC)

    Out of Character thread for Mad Max.
  12. Aoiroo

    Mad Max (IC)

    The nights had been getting longer, and there was nothing natural about it. Even as the chill of Autumn set in while the sun was giving way to shortening days, it seemed that the darkness didn't even wait for it to sink below the horizon anymore. It was about seven, maybe a half hour until night fall, and Sil had already taken out three dealers on the streets she normally prowled, and things weren't going to get much better. Something in the market was changing, because they weren't slowing down and she doubted she was the only one throwing a wrench into their sales by night. In fact, it seemed that they were replacing the dealers and moving their product better then ever, dispite the effort of the street level heroes. It was quite frustrating, because it meant that just treating the symptoms wasn't going to bring them down anymore. Some investigating had to be done, and the only way to do it was to hit them straight at the source. Greenbank was not an area Silhouette liked to roam often even in costume, but it was in fact the source of her current drug problems. The drug scene in the Fens was something that almost went without saying, but usually it was kept in the area because of the amount of cheap housing. Anything being outsourced was automatically classified bad news, especially if the dealers had the gull to expand their territories into possible mob owned areas. She also didn't like that she simply didn't know the area as well as she knew the Fens in general. Walking along the warehouses, she kept to the shadows and was often against the walls, not that it mattered, there was absolutely no one around. It was eery really, usually she saw someone around. Reaching into her pocket she skimmed at the poorly written on crumpled paper with the address. Glancing around she moved a little more before finding a door to the particular building it supposedly indicated, Maybe I should get a GPS? Sighing, she glanced at the door quietly then at the address. This might of been the wrong place, but it couldn't hurt to look. Turning flat, she slipped under the bottom of the door and into the supposedly abandoned warehouse.
  13. Carrie watched with a sigh as the sledgehammers were off with there bribes. She took a few seconds to watch them vanish into the distance before she looked at the group around her and then at the machine. Her eyes especially met with Cannonade who was still missing his helmet. Well, one problem solved, a million more to come. This is clearly not over if rallies are still being held for this anti-industry movement. Turning from Cannonade to Edge and Grim, she said, "I think it would be a good idea if we tried to blend in a bit better from now on. You can keep your faces covered if you like, I personally don't care about what's under the masks, but staying dressed as you are will be troublesome in the long run for the both of you since I doubt those workers will keep there mouths shut about the 'faeries that have come to smash the ind'stry' and the gifts they give." Letting out another sigh, she turned and headed over to Ms. Wells who had been rather quiet during the whole incident, "Well, we stopped the luddies or whatever it is you called them from making it worse, but the machine still looks pretty busted up from the trip over. Do you have an estimate about how long it might take to fix it?"
  14. Looking down the alley at the mugger, Carrie was tempted to reach for her duct tape to bind him before she left, but she decided against it when he assured her that they were in fact on there way. Unlike a random woman from the Fens, they were probably more prepared to answer an established heroes calls. Getting a closer look at the bike, she admired the detail and design all set in the dark metal and curves, in fact she was so enticed from the design she almost missed it when he spoke again, "Huh," Looking up from the bike to him, she glanced at it before rewinding and processing what it was that he said. After a few moments she sort of stood there, on the outside it looked like nothing, on the inside she was screaming praises to how lucky she was and how cool this was. However, for many reasons including years of self disipline about the fact that she was living in a city with heroes and several years of convincing herself they were in fact just normal people helped her to not let this show in her voice as she said, "Thanks." Walking over to the bike, she stopped for a second before remembering something. Reaching into her pocket she pulled out the small box that she opened and slipped some ginger pills into her palm. Dry swallowing them and waiting for a moment she let out a breath before finally getting onto the bike. This was probably one of the coolest things she had ever ridden and she was not going to ruin the whole thing by getting motion sickness. She waited on the bike for a second before she remembered that she hadn't told him anything about where they were going, "I live just a little west from here near 70th street. If you go left after about five blocks it should come up on the right."
  15. "I'll keep the preference for more loose clothing in mind when I get around to making the jeans." Sitting back for a second she thought about it for a second, "Actually, I probably could make you a sari. The only real trouble I'd have is the fabric snagging, but it's not terribly complicated a design, just a simple under dress with some drappery. I could actually have that done first if you'd prefer. It'd be a nice thing to wear to events I'm sure, I'll have to buy the fabric for it of course since I don't have enough of one particular fabric to make one and you generally don't make sari's through patchwork. Jeans however I'll probably do something like that for a few pairs, it adds such a nice visual effect. As for the salwar kameez, that's plenty doable as well, especially the scarves," She reached for the book and flipped to a fabrics page, "Choose some of the fabrics you'd like, maybe some complimentary colors and I could probably make you one or two full SKs with what I have already." While she let her look through the book, her hot chocolate came, and she proceeded to scoop up the whip cream with her spoon and eat it while she let the drink cool to non scolding levels of hotness. "For some fall wear, I could probably make you some button up, and large neckline sweaters that sort of hang off the shoulders a bit. Some nice dark colors to go with your complexion would be pretty good and it should fit well with the rest of your wardrobe as well. If I ask, my mom could probably knit you a hat, given you'd have to pay her not me. She can knit just about anything, though she can't crossaise for beans, that's my cousin's Pat's job. When she got pregnant she did it all the time, I'm surprise she didn't crossaise a full crib for that little thing, she had done just about everything else."
  16. Carrie waited for a second to listen and decipher what exactly it was they were saying before walking over to them herself, "I'm sorry to butt in, but what you're saying doesn't make any sense. I'd like to say first off that this particular machine has absolutely nothing to do with you guys losing your jobs in the first place. It's just a fancy steam carriage for petes sake, the only thing it's putting out of work are the horses." Glancing over at the contraption she let out a breath, "Second off, the advancement of industry doesn't mean the lack of need for human workers, far from it. After all, it's you workers who build the machines in the first place. Those machines need parts, a lot of which are too small and delicate to be crafted by other machines, they also need someone to take care of them, to repair them. If you can learn how to work the machines, how to keep them running because they will break if you give them the time and the chance, you can make yourself tons more money then your old jobs." Taking a breath, she glanced down at the sledgehammers before saying, "You can't bring about change by simply breaking things, you have to make change by adapting too it. With what your doing now, your old bosses can just point at you and call you ruffiens and have you locked up at Scotland Yard."
  17. Technology roll for Carrie looking over the condition of the machine they're talking about. 21 Diplomancy roll for Carrie trying to talk some sense into the guys with sledgehammers. 15
  18. Okay, so Carrie is Sickened, which means minus 2 on all attack rolls and saves.
  19. Okay, that makes sense. I haven't done much as far as situations that involve complications, I'll look up sicken when I'm back at my computer and add a mechanical problem like a drop in defense or reflex rolls because she's dizzy still or something like that for the Hero Point.
  20. Okay, does that mean I roll for Con now?
  21. Carrie is just a bit sick after dimensional travel. Also, do I get HP because she's out of costume?
  22. Laying face first in the snow wasn't a sensation she'd of thought of feeling at the end of September, given, it wasn't the most unpleasant feeling she was having. In fact, even the fact that she probably had a large purple spot on her back the size of Alaska according to how very sore it was wasn't either. The sensation that bothered her the most was the sudden filling of her throat with bile that she was only holding back because of the fact that she had yet to lift her head from the snow. She waited for a minute while her body was deciding whether the sudden cold was a good thing or bad thing before she rolled over and threw up. Glancing around still a bit dizzy, her gaze met the figure of in blue presenting two kids some sandwiches, which the thought of food made her even sicker. Hearing Ms. Wells moan she pushed herself up more to meet the gaze of the guys with the sledgehammers. It took some effort, but she pushed herself onto her feet and hurried over to Ms. Wells side, "Who are they, and are you alright?"
  23. Roll 16, Carrie is bruised(probably on the back).
  24. Looking from the pixie to the man in the jacket she looked up at the machine. Dimensional travel, she had never tried it before, but now was an opportunity. What would it accomplish though, going to some strange dimension with this person who may or may not be able to come back, what would it do. What harm would there be was the real question, and the answer there could be a lot of harm but no one here seemed to realize it. Was it because they were super heroes that they had confidence, or maybe they didn't understand what was happening. Actually it might of been both, no one else even bothered questioning the woman, Am I really the only one here who has any idea what this woman hopes to accomplish? Sighing, she let out another sigh as the thoughts came back, but one thought rung strongly, What would happen if I didn't go? Looking at the others she knew it was slim, but sometimes one person could tip the scales, even if they weren't exactly suppose to know she could do anything, she had to something at least, not doing anything was a choice she no longer made. "It's fine if you have a lap to sit on right?" Climbing quietly onto the machine, she sat herself onto the chair and looked at the other three, If this is the only way I can help, it'll be something at least.
  25. Well it would probably be more mid September since it's probably starting to get chilly.
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