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Everything posted by JackDaniels

  1. Introduction Give a two or three word description of yourself. (Describe your character's concept.) Gold Badass Superhero Do you have any nicknames, street names, titles, or nom de plume? Golden Guardian ain’t my real name. So yea. What is your full birth name? Willian M Thorn Where do you live? Freedom City Why do you live there? Cause I’m a super hero. What do you perceive as your greatest strength? I never quit What do you perceive as your greatest weakness? I never quit Physical Traits How old are you? (Chronological age as well as age category.) Uhm Seventeen? What is your sex? Male What is your race? Human How tall are you? Around seven feet haven’t measured. How much do you weigh? Don’t know, pretty heavy though What is your general body type, frame, bone structure, and poise? Built like a stone monster truck. What is your skin colour? Gold What is your hair colour? No Hair. What is your hair style? No Hair. Do you have any facial hair? No. What is your eye colour? Gold How attractive are you? I’m a big gold stone statue man, What do you think!? What is your most distinguishing feature? Look above. Do you have any scars, tattoos, or birthmarks? No. What is your handedness (left/right/ambidextrous)? Right Do you resemble some currently known person? Me? What kind of clothing do you wear? Just these patriot shorts. Do you wear makeup? Hell no. What sort of vocal tone do you have? Gruff. History Where is your homeland? America Are you aware of its history? Eh.. Not really. Are you patriotic or a social outcast? I’m a patriot What are your opinion of home? Best country in the world, god bless. Where is your home town? Illinois Are your real reasons for becoming an adventurer different from what you tell others? No, no one’s asked. How far would you go to keep such secrets from being revealed? What would you do if the truth became known? Huh? What do you fear would occur if the truth became known? What? Do you have any particularly high or low ability scores? I’m strong.. I’m really really strong. How have these scores affected your life so far? Been easier to carry stuff. What about your race, growing up were you in the majority or a minority? Majority, now I’m a bit of a minority.. Did this impact your outlook in any way? Nope, I’m still a good guy and I’m still human stone or not stone. How do you feel about other races? You mean aliens? Haven’t met any. Were there any traumatic experiences in your early years (death of a family member, abandonment, orphaned at an early age)? Yea. Briefly describe a defining moment in your childhood and how it influenced your life. When my dad left me when I was born.. Didn’t have a dad after that. What stupid things did you do when you were younger? Not sure probably a bunch of things. Which toys from your childhood have you kept? Toys? What toys? Why? What do they mean to you? If you didn't keep any, why not? What did you do to them all? I guess I had a football, but it popped and I didn’t get another. Do you have any deep, dark secrets in the past that may come back to haunt you? No. Are you who you claim to be? Yes. Do you have any sort of criminal record? No. How do you view the heroes/legends of your country? As heroes. Family Who were your parents? I only have one parent, and she is a no good drunk. Were you raised by them? If not, then why didn't they and who did raise you? No, I raised myself mostly. That and Reverend Samson What was her standing in the community? What in our trailer park? I guess she was one of the drunk ones. Did your family stay in one area or move around a lot? Heck my mom never made it farther then the liquor store down the street. How did you get along with their parents? Not well.. How would your parents describe you? Answer this in the voice of your mother, then in your father's. I can’t slur that much and I don’t know who he is. Do you have any siblings? If so how many and what were their names? How did you get along with each of your siblings? No. What was your birth position in the family? Only child. List all current knowledge of family locations, spouses, children, birth dates, schooling, and any important incidents that only you and they might remember. Mom’s in her trailer park last I checked a few years ago. She had brother who’s in jail somewhere no kids or wife. Don’t know where my Dad is who he’s related to. My grand parents on my mom’s side don’t talk to her and I don’t know where they are. My Ma is 44 and she has a high school degree. Do you stay in touch with them or have you become estranged? No we ain’t in touch. Do you love or hate one member of the family in particular? Hate’s a strong word. Is any member of the family special to you in any way (perhaps, as a confidant, mentor, or arch-rival)? No. Are there any black (or white) sheep in the family (including you)? In a two person family their can’t really be. If so, who are they and how did they "gain" the position? … Do you have a notorious or celebrated ancestor? No. If so, what did this person do to become famous or infamous? No. Do you try to live up to the reputation of your ancestor, try to live it down, or ignore it? No. Do you ever want to have a family of your own someday? No. Would anything change your mind on this issue and if so, what? Don’t know probably not. What type of person would be your ideal mate? A stone woman..? Relationships Do you have any close friends? If so, who and what are they like? Not really. What is the history of their relationship(s) with you? Huh? Do you currently have a best friend whom you would protect with your reputation or your life? No. If so, who are they and what caused you to feel so close to them? What would have to happen for you to end this relationship? … Do you have any bitter enemies? Not really. If so, who are they, what are they like, and what is the history of their feud with you? … Have you defeated them before? … How might these enemies seek to discomfit you in the future? … Which person(s) or group(s) are you most loyal to? The innocent. Who is your most trusted ally? I don’t really have any. Who do you trust, in general? Not sure… Who do you despise and why? I despise criminals and the corrupt. Name seven things you dislike in others. Addiction, Greed, Corruption, Abuse of power, Hate, Apathy, Evil Is your image consistent? Don’t know. Do you deliberately present yourself differently in different situations, and how? I’m always me. What would you die for? … That’s a hard question. And I really don’t know. What is the worst thing someone has done to you? So many bad things, I can’t even begin to judge what’s the worst. What is your general reaction to an attractive member of the opposite sex who let you know they are available? I don’t have one, never happened. How do you get along with others of the same adventuring class? What? Have you lost any loves? No. How did you handle the situation (short & long term)? … Who would miss you should you go missing? I am missing. How close are you to your superhero companions? I’m not part of a team. What do they not know about you? I don’t know, they don’t exist. Are you a member of any house, guild, organization, or church? What is your level of involvement? Yea I’m Christian. Personality & Beliefs Do you, or did you, have any role models? Reverend Samson Do you have any heroes or idols, either contemporary or from legend? Centurion was my Idol Did you ever become disillusioned with former heroes or idols? If so, why and what were the circumstances? No never. When did you decide to become an superhero? When I got super powers. Why have you chosen to risk your life as a career? Because it’d be wrong if I didn’t, god gifted me with them to help humanity and if I just slacked that of then what hell am I good for. What do you expect to get out of being an adventurer? What, if anything, would make you stop adventuring? I don’t really know what to expect, and nothing. Do you have any dreams or ambitions? If not, why? Yea.. That one day people like me won’t be useful any more. That the world won’t need super heroes. What are your short term goals (what would you like to be doing within a year)? Kicking bad guy ass. What are your long term goals (what would you like to be doing twenty years from now)? Kicking more bad guy ass. If these goals seem at odds with each other, or with your dreams, how do you reconcile the differences? Do you have any great rational or irrational fears or phobias? If so, what are the origins of, or reasons behind them? I don’t like the night.. I wouldn’t call it a fear but I’m weaker then. How do you react when this fear manifests itself? I suck it up. What are your attitudes regarding material wealth? I don’t need it. Are you miserly with your share of the wealth, or do you spend it freely? What wealth? Do you see wealth as a mark of success, or just as a means to an end? Neither. How do you generally treat others? Ask them. Do you trust easily (perhaps too easily) or not? No.. I’d say I don’t rust easily. Are you introverted (shy and withdrawn) or extroverted (outgoing)? Average? Are you a humble soul or blusteringly proud? I’m proud. You got a problem with that? What habits do you find most annoying in friends? Ask me when I get some. What are your most annoying habits? I got plenty lets not bring them up. Is there any race, creed, alignment, religion, class, profession, political viewpoint, or the like against which you are strongly prejudiced, and why? Evil people, criminals, communists. What is your favourite food? When I ate it was chili hot dogs. What is your favourite drink? When I drank it was mountain dew. What is your favourite treat (desert)? When I at it was spicy lollipops. Do you favour a particular cuisine? Not anymore. Do you savor the tastes when eating or "wolf down" your food? I have to say back in the day, I wolfed it down. Do you like food mild or heavily spiced? Spicy. Are there any specific foodstuffs that you find disgusting or refuse to eat? Disguting? Yes. But I generally ate what I was given being I didn’t know when a meal would be next. What are your favourite colour(s)? Red White and Blue... Is there any colour that you dislike? Black Do you have a favorite (or hated) song, type of music, or instrument? I don’t listen to much music.. But I like the violin If you have a favorite scent, what is it? The morning. What is your favorite type of animal? Don’t have one. Are you allergic to any kinds of animals? No. Is there anything that enrages you? Check the ‘What I dislike’ question Is there anything which embarrasses you? Yea. Do you enjoy "roughing it", or do you prefer your creature comforts? Roughing it for me would probably be camping in a volcano.. I don’t breath eat sleep, weather doesn’t bother me. Creature Comforts? I don’t get tired. Do you worship anything? God Are you devout or impious? Don’t know what those words mean. Do you actively worship and proselytize or do you simply pay lip service? I don’t got to church every Sunday but I don’t just pay lip service. What lengths would you go to defend your faith? It matters, I guess if you were trying to destroy Christianity everywhere I’d try and stop you. Was your faith influenced or molded by anyone special? Reverend Samson Do you belong to a dominant church, or an independent church, cult, or sect (and is the group accepted, frowned upon, or considered heretics)? I guess dominant. Will you kill? Not willingly. When did you decide (or learn) that you would? I don’t think I’d kill. When do you consider it okay to kill (under what circumstances)? It isn’t When do you consider it wrong to kill (under what circumstances)? All the time. What would you do if someone else attempted to (or successfully did) kill under your "wrong" circumstances, what would be your reaction? Swift justice. What if it were your enemy? They would be. What if it were your friend? … They wouldn’t be my friend for very long. What if the opponent were not in control of their own actions (under duress, charmed, dominated, possessed)? Then.. It’d be forgivable. What would you do if something were stolen from you? Get it back. What would you do if you were badly insulted publicly? Suck it up. What would you do if a good friend or relative were killed by means other than natural death? What do you mean.. Like a car crash? I’d mourn and move on. What is the one task you would absolutely refuse to do? There’s a lot. What do you consider to be the worst crime someone could commit and why? Murder. How do you feel about government (rulers) in general? Why do you feel that way? I feel good about it, the people are the government. And I like the people Do you support the current government of your homeland? Yes. If so, how far are you willing to go to defend the government? If not, do you actively oppose it? Pretty far. What form of government do you believe is the best (democracy, monarchy, anarchy, aristocratic rule, oligarchy, matriarchy) and why? Democracy. Everybody gets to choose who is the government, more freedoms. Do you have any unusual habits or dominant personality traits that are evident to others? Yes. If so, describe them and how you acquired them, as well as when they might be more noticeable and what causes them. My sense of morals, I was born with them and growing up it only enforced them. It’d be more noticeable when someone offends them. Do you have any unusual or nervous mannerisms, such as when talking, thinking, afraid, under stress, or when embarrassed? No. What is your most treasured possession? My pants? If your life were to end in 24 hours, what 5 things would you do in those remaining hours? Keep on fighting bad guys. Nothing would stop that. Career & Training Where and how were you educated? Chicago and not good. Who trained you in your superhero class(es)? Myself. What was your relationship with your teacher(s)/mentor(s)? Uh.. Good. Is this person or institution still in existence? Yes. Were you a prize student or did you just barely pass? I was the prize student who just barely passed. Look at your skills. How did you acquire them (especially the unusual ones)? Found a magical little statue in my yard, and then picked up how to fight. Have you ever done anything else for a living? No. How do you function in combat (maneuvers, weaknesses)? I’ve been compared to a brawler. I toss my strength around until they break. Weakness? Like I’d tell you. Have you ever received any awards or honours? No. Is there anything that you don't currently know how to do that you wish you could? Yea. Are you envious of others who can do such things in a good-natured way or are you sullen and morose about it? I don’t know what any of those words mean.. So no comment. Lifestyle & Hobbies When not patrolling, what is your normal daily routine? It is my daily routine. How do you feel and react when this routine is interrupted for some reason? That’s why I do it. What are your hobbies when you are not patrolling or training? I occasionally catch a drive in movie. What do you do for relaxation? What things do you do for enjoyment? What interests do you have? The drive in movie theatre sometimes I sit up in the trees watching it. How do you normally dress when not in your superhero costume? Normal is my super hero costume. What do you normally wear in bed at home? What bed? What do you normally wear in bed while adventuring? What bed!? Do you wear any identifiable jewelry? No Where do you normally put your weapons, magic items, or other valuables when you are sleeping? In imaginary land where I sleep. What morning or evening routines do you normally have? Kick ass, and Kick ass. Do these change when you are patrolling. No. Travel: how do you get around locally? I fly. Do you have a Last Will and Testament? No. What does it say? Nothing. Miscellaneous What would you like to be remembered for after your death? Being a good guy. What kind of threat do you present to the public? None, I’m on their side. If your features were to be destroyed beyond recognition, is there any other way of identifying your body? Probably by the one of a kind stone I am. As a player, if you could, what advice would you give your character? Speak as if he/she were sitting right here in front of you. Use proper tone so they might heed your advice... Get an education and you aren’t the only super hero.
  2. The Golden Guardian had been doing his patrol when he glimpsed something flying threw the air and smashing into a small bank in downtown Kingston. Hurrying his flight he zoomed over to the entrance floating majestically in the smashed doorway golden energy around him. “Hey you!†He shouted sticking his arm out, pointing towards Tyranny Eagle. “No need to go bananas punk…" He said with a sly smirk on his face cracking his knuckles. Initiative!!
  3. That sounds good. Did you have any ideas, or should we come up with something?
  4. Will Thorn golden all american super hero, he had recently arrived in Freedom City.. An early morning with the sun shown bright the city still quiet. He smirks gliding over the streets on his first patrol as the sun let down absorbing it, feeling extra strong. "Mommy look it's a golden statue man with american flag boxers.." Said a small boy pointing up into the sky. "Uh-huh." Replied his mother relatively unimpressed. And then Will spotted something from down below.. A horrible monster was crawling up from the sewers.. Just in time.. He thought slowly gliding down letting his golden aura fade dropping a few feet onto the black concrete. The slithering monster slowly made it's way out of the sewers. It was the size of a large man with horrible tentacles covering it's mouth and pale purple skin. One arm was a long octopus tentacle the other was a barbed lobster claw. His legs were two very different sizes. "Holy unholyness.." He said under his breath. He approached it sticking a hand up calmly. "How's the morning there? Looking for directions to Claremont Academy?" He said with a serious tone, back in chicago nothing like this would ever happen.. But here who knows maybe this guy is a regular.. "GAHAGLA-UUUUGRAK KILL!" Or maybe not.. The hideous sewer creature lashed out with his tentacle wrapping around Golden Guardians arm's and torso twisting him up. SHLRIK It tightened it's sick grip on him only for a second as he roared pushing his arms up breaking the grip immediately. "That's it.. Screw catchphrases, I'm just gonna punch you." He says menacingly making a strong fist summoning up a golden aura and charging two hundred and fifty miles an hour delivering a upper cut to the monster, he heard a loud CRACK as the sewer creature was flung a hundred feet in the air. Chasing after him flying as fast as possible he got right behind it, he heard a squeek of fear from the creature as he grabbed onto it's shoulders. "Welcome to freedom city ~punk~." With the strength of a man who can pick up half a city block he chucked him down at the street, the monster giving a long scream before hitting the ground. CRUNCH Golden Guardian dropped from his flying mode and landed stumbling forward to the thing it's unconscious body laying there. Turning around ready to take off again he slapped his hands together dusting them off. "And that's how you take care of b- A tentacle wrapped around his ankle attempting to pull him not moving him he slowly turns around. "A fighter hu.." Turning around he was face to face with ten of these creatures, slobbering aggressive ready to kill. "GRAGAGAGUUUL DIEEEEEEEEE"! One of them shouted pointed a tentacle forward slime dripping of the end. "Now this is going to be a loong day..." He said, the Golden Guardian cracking his knuckles and lowering his knees getting in a fighting stance.
  5. Bites from Avenger? He's welcome to try, but I don't think he'll like chipped fangs.
  6. After some chats with the guys in chat who seem much more knowledgeable in the system then me I'd like to drop Speed 3 as well as the super strength PF 'Bracing' and I'd like to add an array power to Flight the power being Immovability 10. I'd also like to change my regeneration flaw to be 'Daytime' instead of 'Sunlight' and also add Super strength 3 flaw Needs Daytime to represent being stronger during the day. Thanks in advance.
  7. Just got Golden Guardian approved and if anyones interested in a thread or interested in him being in a thread or have thread ideas that could possibly involve him I'd love to hear them. He's flying brick super heroic super hero, and I'm not very picky about what he's involved in(If you couldn't tell). Also I'm curious trying the combat system out since I haven't really played with it that much.
  8. Changed the name a few cosmetic things and made him more golden age. And gave him a way to heal damage... Regeneration Flaw: Source (Sunlight)
  9. After long thought out characters that ended up being to complicated or not fitting I ended up going with something simple which seemed fair giving my lack of experience with writing and online roleplaying. Players Name: JackDaniels Power Level: 10 (150/153pp) Trade-Offs: -3 Attack +3 Damage -3 Defense +3 Toughness Unspent PP: 3 Characters Name: Will Thorn Alternate Identity: Golden Guardian Height: 6' 10" Weight: 620 Pounds Hair: None Eyes: Gold Description: A extremely large, wide shouldered, poweful chested, bald man with chiseled muscles. He appears to be made of entirely of golden colored rock. It's not clear how old he is with a inhuman proportioned body and gold stone skin. His costume is simply a pair of american flag basketball shorts, feeling weird wearing shirts and shoes and being a patriot it all comes together, he's a bit il-proportioned for regular people clothes anyways and he'd end up paying a bit too much in replacements being the broke as hell super he is. It's not like he can have a secret identity anyways being the only golden stone man in Freedom City. History: Will born in 1992 was born to two construction workers in chicago Illinois. Born a regular baby he was abandoned by his father, he was raised by his mother in their small trailer in a trailer park. When he was thirteen years old playing in the backyard he came upon a small golden colored rock human figurine that was half burried in the dirt upon picking it up he was transformed, His skin became rock hard and he became super strong basking in the sun he felt powerful as he absorbed it's rays. His mother was shocked and scared, after her husband had left so many years ago she had taken up hard drinking and shortly after lost her job. She didn't know what to do with him, He was always a dreamer not a violent kid but always hoped he'd be on the side of the heroes fighting monsters, he was passionate about it and after receiving the powers didn't show up for school he spent all his time practicing trying to learn the extent and attempting to gain control over his powers. It wasn't before long when he attempted to save a family from a burning building with beginners luck he stopped the building from collapsing and rescued them. The paper spoke of a Golden Guardian. After that he became Chicagos protecter, though their were already street vigilantes there didn't seem to be any prime threats to Chicago. Where as in Freedom City supervillains and superheroes clashed daily. When he was seventeen he made the decision and moved to freedom city. Most of his days he spends patrolling, with out a need for basic human necessities he is pretty much consumed by the job. There's always crime to be fought and things to be protected. A bit obsessed, if being a super is Will's work then his work is his life. Personality & Motivation: A heroic kid with good intentions, if not slightly misguided and over zealous, He's super hero on the inside and out and extremely passionate, seeing the world in purely black and white. He doesn't believe in doing bad things for the greater good, believing there's always a option, always a right. Stealing to feed your family is still stealing, killing to save lives is still killing. He has non lethal policy trusting the government and police to detain criminals after he's caught them. He speaks his mind for better or worst and isn't very diplomatic. He is also semi uneducated not even with a full middle school education, feeling he didn't need to make use of the subjects being taught and he learned better by himself, but it's true. He hadn't heard of Claremont Academy and the chicago school system wasn't very suited to teach him. Lucky for him he's self motivated and driven, and learned to control his powers by himself. Will Thorn doesn't have any friends or aquantinces he just works, it's always on his mind the current problems and threats and it weighs him down. Not many people can relate to being a super hero and even super heroes can't relate to being made out of stone. One of the reasons he came to Freedom City even though he'd never admit it was to meet more people like him, though at the same time as his work dragging him down it carries him and gives him a purpose.. He just doesn't have balance. Powers & Tactics: Super strong and super tough. He has a brawling style of combat using purely strength and all his skill is just focused into throwing his weight around. Golden Guardian is made out of a super stone, so he doesn't need to breath, eat/drink or sleep, Even his organs are made up of this golden stone. His legs are incredibly strong able to run inhuman speeds. He is also able to fly gathering energy together to propel himself threw the air. He seems to have a natural connection with sunlight healing in it and absorbing it's light. His tactics usually just include hitting things until they break, if facing a stronger opponent he tries to go on the full offensive to take them out before they get him. Complications: Stats: 18pp Str: 36 (+13) Dex: 10 (+0) Con: - (-) Int: 10 (+0) Wis: 14 (+2) Cha: 8 (-1) Combat: 6+12 = 18pp Attack: +7 Unarmed, +5 Melee, + 3 Ranged Grapple: +28 Defense: +7 (+3 flat-footed) +6 Base Defense +1 Dodge Knockback: -11, -24 w/ Bracing Initiative: +0 Saves: 6pp Toughness: +13 (Impervious 10) Fortitude: Immune Reflex: +2 (+0 Dex, +2) Will: +6 (+2 Wis, +4) Skills: 16r = 4pp Climb 2 (+15) Notice 2 (+4) Intimidate 4 (+3) Knowledge Streewise 2 (+2) Sense Motive 4 (+6) Swim 2 (+15) Feats: 11pp All-out Attack Attack Focus Melee 2 Attack Specialization Unarmed Diehard Dodge Focus Fearless Improved Grab Improved Grapple Improved Sunder Power Attack Powers: 95pp Flight 5 (250 mph / 2,500 feet; Flight/Surrounds himself in golden energy making him able to fly) [10] Immunity 30 (Fortitude effects [selfsustained/Made of super stone]) [30] Protection 13 (Stoneskin/Made of super stone; Extras: Impervious 10) [23] Regeneration 10 (+10 Recovery [+5 Bonus total]; Flaws: Source Sunlight -1; PFs: Persistent, Regrowth, Diehard) [8] Speed 3 (50 MPH / 500 feet; Sprint/Super strong legs) [3] Super-Strength 8 (effective Str 76; Light Load: 125 Tons, Medium Load: 250 Tons, Heavy Load: 400 Tons, Maximum Load 800 Tons, Push/Drag: 2000 Tons; PFs: Bracing, Countering Punch, Groundstrike, Shockwave, Thunderclap) [21] Drawbacks: 2pp Noticeable (Protection) [1pp] Wealth: Impoverished [1pp] DC Block: ATTACKS: SAVE DC: DAMAGE TYPE: Unarmed 28/Toughness Bruise Costs: Abilities (18) + Combat (18) + Saves (6) + Skills (4) + Feats (11) + Powers (95) - Drawbacks (2) = 150/153pp
  10. Good point, if it's not a problem I think I'm going to be trying my luck again making another character different hopefully better. Maybe even a villian. Not sure yet thanks for the time spent on the character though. Please archive or delete or whatever you do to a character app that won't be worked on any further.
  11. I'll have to update it with more character info to fill in the details about his life in freedom city, but also I was wondering if you had a problem with the character mechanic wise. I've never played M&M even though I've read the book threw an threw, and I was trying to make him a tough as hell biker. Do you think i went overboard? Edit: Just updated him tell me what you think. Changed his personality history and added a explanation of his lifestyle.
  12. Alright I took off the PFs for Regeneration, figure I'll gain some PP eventually.
  13. Alright I updated the skills so they should be correct.
  14. Can you outline which skills are off? The way I did them (which I thought it was how I was suppose to do them) Was Name Skill Rank (+Stat Mod). And I do have impervious at 13. But I can boost it breaking PL caps according to house rules. So I have boost 4 to ad 2 ranks of protection with impervious. Since it's four pp
  15. Players Name: Jack Daniels Power Level: 10 Tradeoffs: -2 Attack +2 Damage -3 Defense +3 Toughness Unspent PP: Characters Name: Brock Valor Alternate Identity: Height: 6' 10" Weight: 380 Pounds Hair: Brownish-Red Eyes: Brown Description: [a more detailed account of what they look like, including what any noticeable powers look/sound/smell like.] Brock is a giant of a man, almost seven feet tall and the literal definition of brawny. He's not all muscle but more so the perfect mixture of muscle and fat, and he holds his weight extremely well, barrel chested is a chosen word to describe him. Brock is quite hairy his brownish red hair covering him, he also has a thick beard that at his chin has been braided mostly covering his serious face accompanied by a stern glare from his brown eyes, he has wild long hair that's been tied into a pony tail mostly patted down by a skull bandana. He wears typical biker attire a thick leather jacket over a dark blue shirt and heavy leather pants and black boots. With his red hair and bushy beard he looks like he has a lion's mane. History: Brock was born 1974 to a sergeant in vietnam and a homemaker. He grew up in a strict military home and his father expected him to be a soldier like his old man, but brock had enough with military discipline and decided hell with college and bought a old 84 harley davidson when he was 18 and decided to ride out to figure out what he was put on this earth to do, he was six foot ten and already strong as all hell with out trying during his high school days he was the best linebacker in his region and was going to get a college scholarship and go pro but he decided that wasn't for him. Getting involved with a biker gang he found brotherhood in till he found out what they were really about, he looked for brother hood and he found a group of criminals that were part of the reason he was looked down upon by society. So he told them he wouldn't get involved with what ever they were doing and he rode out once again by himself. About then when his mutant powers were starting to pick up it was 99 when he was buying a fifth of Jack Daniels in a boston liquor store when some psycho came in with a fully automatic rifle and started shooting up the place Brock though he was dead but when those 7.76 rifle rounds bounced off him like was was made out of super-steel, taking action he wasn't one to let this psycho get his way he ripped the gun out of his hand accidently crushing it grabbed him by his collar and tossed him out the wide panel windows into traffic. He didn't mean to kill the guy but no one didn't say he didn't have it coming. Worried about himself and any government agents who have a hate-on for super powered bikers he got on his harley and drove right out of there now he was figuring out why he spent his life wandering around with out a place he was a superhero even if he might not look like it. Left riding across country again this time with a purpose he helped folks along the way breaking down criminal organizations and corruption since bullets bounced off him ten years of on the road he landed in freedom city, his whole life seemed to be heading up to this point, this city full of villians with superpowers much more dangerous then the average criminal he knew he was strong even for a meta-human but he lacks experience in dealing with super powered threats most likely thinking he can just use his brawn and brawl tills someone goes down. Once he got to the city he rented out a very cheap very bad apartment on the southside. Personality & Motivation: Brock while he may looks like a drug pushing biker has a hard set of morals of black and white that took a long time to set in stone, he's serious about taking care of business which leaves much to be desired in his social life and how he treats people, with all good intentions he can come off as a biker with a hatred for criminals even if he would go far out of his way to save lives. He prefers not to kill bad guys infact will try not to but he doesn't break down into tears every time a killer falls off a building and gets what was coming. The jail system seems to work fine to him, Everyday the scum he deals with he deals with he understands where the silencer is coming from but continues to look down upon him because at the end of the day he's not some murderous vigilante out for vengeance he's a hero. LifeStyle: Brock lives in a three room small apartment in the bad part of southside, he gets in in the early mourning and leaves at odd hours of the night. He always is late on his rent only saved by pulling together loose cash from criminals who won't miss it, his social life is meager and depressing often at the end of a night of long work when the sun just rises he downs a few bottles 135 proof whiskey to get a buzz. Since he just settled down in freedom city he's still trying to figure out the criminals here and superpowered foes, in his free time beyond trying to find superpowered criminals he thrashes local muggers and has taken it upon him self to especially rid the city of biker gangs as he find them a personal offense. Complications: Stats: 52pp Str: 34 (+12) Dex: 12 (+1) Con: 36 (+13) Int: 10 (+0) Wis: 10 (+0) Cha: 10 (+0) Combat: 28pp Attack: +8 Grapple: +20 Defense: +16 (+13 flat-footed) Knockback: -13 (-15 when boosted) Initiative: +1 Saves: 8pp Toughness: +13 (+13 con, Impervious) (+15 Impervious when boost) Fortitude: +13 (+13 Con, +0 Save) Reflex: +1 (+1 Dex, +0 Save) Will: +8 (+0 Wis, +8 Save) Skills: 28r = 7pp Climb 0 (+12) Craft Mechanical 4 (+4) Drive 6 (+7) Intimidate 4 (+4) Know Current Events 4 (+4) Language 1 (Spanish) Notice 7 Sense Motive 2 (+2) Swim 0 (+12) Feats: 12pp Accurate Attack All-Out Attack Chokehold Defensive Attack Equipment 2 (Motorcycle) Fearless Improved Grab Improved Grapple Improved Sunder Power Attack Takedown Attack Powers: 4+13+26 = 43pp Boost 4 (Protection 2 [Extra]) [4] Impervious Toughness 13 [13] Regeneration 26 (Bruised 3, Unconscious 3, Injured 6, Staggered 6, Disabled 8; PFs: None [26] Drawbacks: 0pp DC Block: Unarmed -- DC 27/Toughness -- Damage Costs: Abilities (52) + Combat (28) + Saves (8) + Skills (7) + Feats (12) + Powers (43) - Drawbacks (00) = Total Cost 150
  16. Hey everyone, I'm Jack Daniels
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