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Posts posted by Ecalsneerg

  1. A shadow flitted across the rooftops; ducking behind chimneytops and diving across alleyways. The Arrowhawk stalked across the boardwalk, one thought in mind. It had an appointment to keep.

    Dropping from the roof in front of Lenny in a crouch, he quickly rose to his feet. "What do you need, Lenny?"

  2. Oooooh... it's that big dude. And he wants to see my ship. Isn't cleanliness a school rule? Oh, flip. "Um, sure, yeah. It's stored in the trees near the parking lot, if you just want to follow me," said Chris, as he pondered if the Pitchoo needed to follow school rules on school ground.

    He took the remote out of his belt and pointed it at the door on the side of the sleek green craft. "Now, before we enter, could we bear in mind that I am a teenager with a large flying ship. Cleaning hasn't really been on my mind..." The door beeped and the hatch folded downwards, revealing the cream interior to be strewen with clothes, CDs and pizza boxes. However, the control panel on the ship was mostly unobstructed, as was the floor space in front of a glowing blue-green holographic projection on the wall. "Ta-da?"

  3. "Yeah, I've got seatbelts," mused Chris, pulling on his orange goggles. "Let's go flying," he said, throwing the remote cartwheeling up into the air, snatching it on the way down and pressing a button to light up the control panels. He threw a pile of... stuff... off of a seat and disentangeld the seatbelt from a pair of jeans.

    "Let's make Old Man Summers ticked off," he grinned happily, settling into the swivel chair at the controls.

  4. Arrowhawk seems to have several mistakes on his sheet.

    He is listed as having 158 pp spent at the top of the sheet, but 157 pp at the bottom. From the adding, he seems to have 157 pp. However, he has 8 pp spent on saves, but is listed as having spent 9 pp, dropping his cost to 156 pp. So, in summary, I'm not sure how much he currently has spent or how much he has to spend.

    Could someone help me fix him up here? :love:

    also, I noticed several people have elaborated more heavily on their complications, so I thought, "If it helps the refs give me Hero Points..."


    Hatred/Obsession (organised crime): The mob killing several students when he was at university led to John Fraser becoming the Arrowhawk. They've also consistently tried to kill him over his crime-fighting career. Thus, his hatred of them makes it difficult for him to trust someone who has been too heavily involved with the mob in the past, regardless of whether they still retain that connection. The obsession has also distracted him from other things like a love life, friends, family, work and in general anything beyond being Arrowhawk.

    Honour (won't use guns): Firearms sicken Arrowhawk. He refuses to sink to the level of criminals by using one, and condemns openly those who use them, even if they are his allies. This has become a larger problem since his move to America, where the police carry guns, a fact he is not used to and believes to be wrong. Arrowhawk is psychologically incapable of using a gun despite knowing how to, and would be unable to use one to defend himself even if he had no other choice.

    Rivalry (Bowman): In past trips to Freedom City, Arrowhawk established a friendly rivalry with the Bowman, and each frequently seek to out-do the other in archery and close combat skills. However, despite this deeply competitive attitude, both deeply respect and trust the other.

    Secret (identity): John Fraser is characterised differently from Arrowhawk by being a lot more quiet and submissive than the aggressive, forceful vigilante. To allow himself privacy and a measure of a social life (should he ever use that option...), he keeps the two identities apart and doesn't wear any of his costume on his person besides a bullet-proof vest.

    Arrowhawk is also at risk at running out of arrows, but this should rarely happen except in protracted battles where he can expend large numbers of them, or in remote areas where he is unable to replenish his supplies.

    Updated by MBCE

  5. Arrowhawk -- would be contacted by Lenny, an informer in the Boradwalk area. They had contact before so it makes sense that he contacts the hero.

    Well, as a peak-street level veteran, he's probably got more (off-screen) informants by now. ;) I figure he's probably the best way for me to get involved though as Hawky is more into mobsters than gang warfare.

  6. I thought it was worth pointing out that Invisible Castle has disabled comments on non-registered users due to spamming. However, the board rules here ask for comments on your rolls which now require you to register. Thought it was worth saying in case some of you, like I, hadn't got around to registering an account. It's worth doing so, anyway.

  7. "The original Raven eh? You make it yourself?"

    "Yeah, I took the materials I used in the geckosuit and made 'em black. Already had a utility belt too. I'm assuming you made yours, I remember you're into all that theatrical stuff?"

    Then a strangely high-voiced loa came over to the two of them and greeted them. "'sup, Darian?"

  8. The book says that:

    Once the invention is complete, it is good for use in one encounter, after

    which it breaks down or runs out of power. If the character wishes to use

    the invention again, there are two options. The first is to spend the necessary

    power points to acquire the Device power and make the invention

    a part of the character’s regular traits; in this case, the new device can

    be used like any other. The other option is to spend a hero point to get

    another one-encounter use out of the invention. Each use costs an additional

    hero point, but doesn’t require any further skill checks.

  9. Yeah, knew that was a bad idea. Time to use my fabled silvery tongue! "Here's the thing, I genuinely don't remember too much about it. I know when I was in the building I got jabbed by a syringe, then nothingness. Next I know I was lying crashed into a hillside regrowing my hand from a stump. The whole incident is very hazy."

    Rolled 18 + 13 in chat, as invisible castle was down. Darian's +0 Sense Motive can't beat it.
  10. "Erm... yeah, I probably could find the building again. But odds are it might've been emptied. You see, when I went there the place was... sort of abandoned. And maybe... just a maybe, I don't remember too good... there was some yellow police tape on the doorways. So, might be empty now, yeah."

  11. Chris emerged from the bathroom dressed in a black costume with a domino mask and cape designed to look like the 1960s Raven. He deliberately swirled the cape around dramatically as he walked into the gymnasium. For effect, y'know. Oh dear god... the monster mash? Noooooooooooooo!!!

    Chris mingled with the few people who'd turned up this early in the party. "Hey." "How you doing?" "Looking gooood, ladies!" "Hi, dude." "Now that outfit's in bad taste. Shame on you." "No, I'm not dressed as a woman."

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