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Posts posted by Barnum

  1. I decided that I didn't want Supergirl hanging around while I'm gone, so I give you . . .



    She's my favorite, and her name is calendrically appropriate.

  2. I have written 7 complete children's books and about 4 partial stories. They are illustrated (by me) with actual photos that I've worked over in GIMP. They were written for my two little cousins, and they usually star them (my two cousins), their stuffed animals, our dog, a funny little character I created in GIMP, and other things around our house / neighborhood. It's mostly just silly stuff, but the kids can't get enough.

    The current favorite: Little Lamb's Tea Party

  3. Since I'm about to take off for the next two weeks, I won't be involved in the PP awards this month, but the Staff has things well under control. They are already working on this, but since the 1st falls on a Sunday, it may take a day or two for the awards to get tallied, the sheets updated, and the PMs sent. So please be patient.

    As always, once the PMs are sent, if you have questions or problems, post in this thread or PM Heridfel.

  4. "When it comes to 'interesting,'" Lady Liberty said, "Freedom City has always overachieved. But I'm glad you are find success in your mission here. And speaking of thatâ€â€"

    Lady Liberty was interrupted by the return of the intern. He placed a napkin on the table in front of the Emissary and set a glass on it, filled with Cherry Coke. "Anything else?"

    "No, thank you, Stuart," Lady Liberty said, and the young man excused himself. "And speaking of that," Lady Liberty continued. "How would you feel about making your cooperation with the Freedom League more permanent?"

  5. FYI, I leave Monday on my trip that is going to keep me away from the internet for about 10 days. Also, I'm not sure how much posting I'm going to get done Sunday. I can update tonight, tomorrow, and Saturday as needed.

  6. A brief search of the are turned up little they couldn't figure out already. The shoe they foundâ€â€which Ginny kept far away fromâ€â€was an identical match for the shoe she carried in the evidence bag. The bottle was empty. By the look of the label it was some kind of expensive imported beer. There was red lipstick around the top, but other than that the bottle was intact and evidence free. Tracks were difficult to find on the forest floor this time of year, so if the shoe's owner went off barefoot, they couldn't tell.

  7. With Maggot's attention successfully diverted, the swarm of nasty bugs attacking the smallest boy began to disperse. He coughed and spat the remaining insects out of his mouth and throat and gasped for air. He couldn't stand, so the poor kid began trying to crawl out of the battle zone.

    Mashin-kun crossed to the opposite corner of the street where the bright red fire hydrant was waiting for him.

  8. If it is fine with you, it is fine with me. Fire hydrant coming right up.

    That is just a move action, VM. You have one move/standard action left this turn.

    Also, you guys already know this but . . . I leave Monday for a trip that is going to keep me away from the internet for about 10 days. Also, I'm not sure how much posting I'm going to get done Sunday. I can update tonight, tomorrow, and Saturday if needed.

    You guys can keep playing without me if you like. Feel free to RP the three kids if you like. I don't mind at all.

  9. FYI, I leave Monday for a trip that is going to keep me away from the internet for about 10 days. Also, I'm not sure how much posting I'm going to get done Sunday. I can update tonight, tomorrow, and Saturday if needed.

  10. Ronin emerged onto the street, a cloud of thick smoke billowing out behind him. From the looks of things, rush hour was starting to subside. There were only a handful of pedestrians on the wide sidewalk and the traffic in the street was moving freely. The front entrances to both of the buildings that formed the alleyway were both facing this street, one to Ronin's left, the other to his right. The left-hand building was tall, like most of Freedom's downtown buildings. It was probably a bank or something like it. The right-hand building was older and not as tall, probably only 25 stories, probably a collection of office spaces for various downtown businesses.

    From behind Ronin could hear the soft sound of boots. The gunman were pursuing him through the smoke screen. He'd have to act quickly.

  11. Greeks. :D

    Yeah, but ironically Europeans in southern European countries have the lowest birthrates of any people/place in the world. Italy's Italian population is actually going to decline this year.

  12. "I think we have cherry coke somewhere around here, don't we, Stuart?"

    The young intern nodded. "Yes, ma'am. I'll bring one right down." The young man disappeared into the hallway.

    "So, Emissary, how have you been finding your time in Freedom City lately? Been keeping busy?" Lady Liberty smiled wryly. It had been a pretty hectic time for the supers in Freedom City lately.

  13. The trio entered the woods and followed the path for what felt like an eternity even though they kept checking their watches and could see that only minutes had passed. It was noticeably colder under the canopy of the trees, and a stale, sickly smell hung in the air. After about ten minutes of following the trail in a straight westerly direction (as best they could tell), Agent Colby noticed something up ahead on the path. It looked like a shoe and something else . . . a bottle maybe.

  14. You jinxed it! I've barely been able to make any posts here because I keep getting "taking too long to respond, connection timed out" messages.

    The outage(s) have reoccurred this morning. I have submitted a support ticket (again). We'll see what we get on this one.

    *crosses fingers*

    [Edit] We got nothing. As usual, they waited until the site was back online and then emailed me saying, "We have no problem accessing your site. It must be you."


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