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[IC] Fight the Power


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Well, that should give me an hour, maybe two. 


Time was pressing.


Silently, baseball bat in one hand, second rate sneakers on feet, hood over head, he scuttled to a window. Wasting no time, he turned his head, and swung like he was a pro. The window quickly caved in. There was no more alarms to sound - and perhaps the alarm might even have obscured the noise. He couldn't count on that, but he could hope. 


A quick second to scrape the glass remains from the window with the bat, and he dove through, landing in a roll and springing to his feet. He did not even wait to see if had been seen. Either he had, or he had not. All he could do now, was run as fast as he could...

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 It all went by in a flash. The glass scattering everywhere, propelled outwards with enough force to probably do some nasty damage. Some nasty damage, which, in this case, it most likely did. Just as the bat hit the window, one of the officers passed by in front of it. But by the time Synth had realized that, it was already too late. He was already mid-air, diving through the window, managing to tackle the already injured officer, who was by now screaming out in pain.


Still, Synth managed to land just fine, and was back on his feet in no time. He hadn’t managed to completely avoid the glass shards, and he could certainly feel them on his hands. Still, he had not time to lose. He was ready to run, when he saw a flashlight nearing behind him. “Police! Hands up and get on the ground!” “Now!”

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Synth (as ?)




He could feel blood on his hands, both literally and metaphorically. Shattered glass tended to do that. 


"Sorry" he mumbled, awkwardly, feeling stupid even as the words came out of his mouth. 


He was in no mood to fight the police, even if he pulled every punch. The police did a difficult job for little reward. They were fine men (and women), at least, by and large. Whilst he was not chained to the law himself, he was full of respect for those that kept it. 


And now, he was about to get shot. 


Not if I can help it!


Instead, he charged away, weaving left and right, to the next building, this time putting all his energy into a jump, straight up onto the roof of a second story rather crumbling building, which looked like a dry cleaners. A bit of masonry fell away as he clawed himself on to the roof, but he was lightning fast with his reflexes. 


*Swedish for "Darn!"


Edited by Supercape
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By the time the first bullets left their chambers, Synth had already created a fair amount of distance, the officer’s flashlight barely managing to keep up. Which in turn destabilized the shot, and meant the bullets went wide. The injured officer had also grabbed his sidearm, but he wasn’t a better shot by any degree.


Synth got lucky with the buildings close-by. A large trash container gave him enough height to reach the rooftops in a single jump, and from there it was easy going. Even if, as he jumped towards the next roof, he could make out police radio chatter from the two people who had shot at him.


“Officer injured. Meta on the run, northbound, rooftops. Requesting back-up!“


Synth continued to run either way. The police seemed to be more concerned with what had happened on the bridge, with Synth only making out a single set of sirens coming in to pursue him. Or try to, as it was easy enough to avoid them once he’d created some distance and was able to change directions unseen.

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Going from bad to worse!


Despite the flush of exhilaration, running across the roofs of freedom city, the main thought running through his brain was the deteriorating situation. He cursed his foolishness. Now that he had displayed non-human powers, the stakes had been raised. Back up would not be a few cops with guns, but trained agents, or MAX armour. 


And he wasn't even a crook!


Lamentations later, he decided. 


Instead, he continued sprinting and running. The rooftops would surely end soon, but the ground would do fine now he had cover. He dived off, landing easily. He thanked fortune for the relative darkness, although nowhere was truly dark in Freedom City. 


There was, however, one way out he could see. 


He sighed. 


He threw off his clothes, which would mark him. Stark naked, he took in a deep breath and threw himself back into the river, diving hard and fast to the depths, down, down, and down further...

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Swimming in the river naked actually was a trend in Freedom City, one whose popularity waxed and waned irregularly, without any real indicator why. Synth could count a few reasons why it wasn’t the best of ideas right now. Mainly the fact it was cold. Sure, he could handle it. Rather unpleasant, on the other hand, was the current, which was a fair bit stronger than he’d expected from the river, as well as the occasional animal or plant.



Still, the river was probably deep enough to avoid being spotted. And it went through large parts of Freedom City, so finding a new place to get out would be possible. And after a few minutes of diving, he did. But was another store really a good option? There weren’t many ways of getting in. Perhaps he could instead find something else?



And then he saw it. Under the bridge he had just passed through. A group of old men, all probably in their fifties at least, all asleep, sheltered from the rain.

Edited by olopi
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With his muscles like this, drawing little oxygen, he could hold his breath for several minutes with ease. Even so, he stretched it longer, just to give him an edge. So coming up for air, he gasped mightily, almost coughing. The current might not have helped. 


His nose caught the men before his eyes did. Gentlemen of the street, he supposed. 


Slipping onto the shore, dripping wet, he took a look at the men. 


How can I steal from the most disposed of the city! There are some things....


He shook his head. 


...I cannot do! no matter what reason tells me is reasonable!


No, taking clothes from old men seeking shelter under the bridge from the rain. I cannot!


"Er...excuse me, could you spare a blanket?" he asked, politely as was possible in such a strange scene. He was not shy by nature, what with his upbringing, but even he felt a flush in his cheeks. 

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The men did not react to Synth showing up out of nowhere, they all were fast asleep. And even when he closed in, there was no reaction, not until he began to speak. And even then, only one woke up, and he wasn’t particularly awake just yet.



The man slowly stretched his arms, then looked at Synth, and instinctively moved away just a bit. He spoke, with a gruff voice, one that had clearly seen better days. Still, it wasn’t unpleasant to listen to.


“What happened to you? Of course. Here, take this. “


He grabbed the blanket that he was currently wrapped in, unwrapped it, and held it in his hand, extended towards Synth. Beneath, he wore what appeared to be an old, torn sweater and some jeans, at least a size too big, both knees also torn. And he wasn’t even wearing shoes, as Synth realized now.


“I’ve got a few newspapers here, those should keep me warm. You can’t walk around like that. “

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"Got kidnapped. Some crazy scientist wanted meat to experiment on" answered Synth, covering himself with the blanket. "Streets aren't safe, I tell you"


He looked at the man and wondered what his story was. Down and out, or more to it?


"I got lucky and made a break for it. Got chased, got unlucky, had to punch his lights out. Not that he didn't deserve it, the scum. Still, ends up with police looking for me now. What am I going to tell them? I got captured as a human guniea pig? huh...." 


Still...I can't steal this man's clothes. Look at him!


"What's your story? Catch one too many bad breaks?" he asked, still thankful and touched by the man's generosity even in adversity. I owe this guy...he realised, resolving to pay him back. 


"And whats with this gang? Unity in numbers?"


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The only reaction Synth’s first statement got was a raised eyebrow. These people probably heard a lot of stuff each day. Still, the man didn’t seem to fully believe it. Not that he mentioned it again, instead gladly switching to answering Synth’s question.


“Oh, that’s a long story. Shouldn’t bother you with it, not all that interesting. But, if you really want to *cough* know, I ended up dealing with the wrong people, and it escalated from there. Still, I got what I have. It’s cozy enough,  *cough* right?”


The man had by now taken in a different position, his feet now better covered, and all around more compact, as he began to layer sheets of newspaper across him to serve as a blanket. Then, he looked towards the other men, all seemingly sleeping, and nodded.


“Could say that. One of the few places in the area *cough*  that are safe, somewhat warm, and free. Not much of a gang, just people who end up in the same place and get to know each other. “

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"Well, you have my thanks" said Synth earnestly. "For what its worth. But know this, if I can help you, I will. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow. But I will find you, and I will help you"


"But right now, I don't even have a shirt on my back. And I need to get somewhere, try to stop...well...stop what nearly happened to me. And I don't have much time. But I can't run around Freedom City like this. Tends to attract a bit of attention. Do you know where i could...ah....liberate something to wear?"


Again, breaking the law. Admittedly a minor demeanour, and born out of necessity. He was not exactly averse to it, but it gave him a prickly sensation on his skin, even so. Laws were the pillars of civilisation, and, as frequently erroneous as they were, he could not help thinking anarchy would be a horror beyond even the most brutal of laws. As rationale as his course was, he could still perceive the gnawing at his soul. 

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The man just continued to look a bit surprised at what Synth said. Judging by his expression, he didn’t want anything more to do with it all than what he’d already gotten involved in. Which, truth be told, was probably a fair judgement at the moment. When asked about clothes, he backed up a bit more.


“Uh. Dunno, don’t really get involved in that stuff too much. Most of the stuff down here is houses, but if you keep walking down that road, there’s a small mall and some other stores. Clerks are pretty nice people usually. But don’t ask me, I don’t do that stuff. Saw what it does to those places, no fun. “


By now, at least two others had woken up from the talking. They both looked at Synth, then turned around on their sides, doing their best to act like they were ignoring the situation.

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"I can't thank you enough" said Synth, sincerely, dripping wet in the dark. 


"Before I go, I want you to know that I won't forget your help. Even when you have been knocked down by misfortune, you still help"


Or perhaps because of your misfortune...


He recognised the bridge, of course. Even drove a shift down this route collecting garbage. Of course, they didn't check under the bridge. Well, that would change. He would check up on the bridge community from now on. See what he could to help. 


Society has failed them. In the land of wealth, the unlucky are crushed. Disgusting...


He felt loathing for the callous country, and warmth for the people residing in it. 


Diffusion of responsibility! explained the memories of the scientists, quoting psychology at him. 


There is more to it than that. Something rotten in the sweetness...


He shook his head. 


"I must go and get something to wear" he told his new friend. "Ill check up another day, maybe not this face. But I will try and help if I can. They call me Synth" he said, honestly. 


He turned to go, and gave a turn of his head back to the man. 


"What do they call you?"

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The name of Synth made the man listen up. Perhaps there was more to this encounter than he’d first assumed. He looked around, at the others, and then back at Synth walking away.


“Thank you, Synth. That’s appreciated. I am just Terry. Ask anybody around here, and they’ll know me. But don’t let them hear I told you where to get clothes! Now, I should sleep. Don’t want to wake up anybody else. Good luck with whatever you are planning. “


And with that, the two parted ways. Synth went to finish what he’d started, while Terry and the other people below the bridge went back to sleep. The blanket didn’t do a great job at protecting Synth from the rain, or at keeping him warm. But that, fortunately, wasn’t as big a deal as it was with most people. He could endure this. But he’d probably still get in trouble if anybody saw him.

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Nowhere was dark in Freedom City, not with ambient street lighting everywhere, glowing neon flowers. 


But it was still night, and a cloudy, rainy night at that. Fortune was on his side in that regard. But he was wet and even tired, for even Synthetic men needed sleep. But that, he could not afford. He had to find that lab before the scientist wrangled his way out of handcuffs, literally or metaphorically. And besides which, if he slept he would revert back to his transculent, albino form which was far from easy on the eye. 


So he scuttled through the semi darkness and drizzle, till he found the cheapest store he could with the cheapest security system. Even the worst clothes and shoes would do. Anything but his current state of dress. 


And then, back to the lab. It was not far....

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And after a quick hit-and-run, Synth was back in the business of being fully clothed. It had been an old dollar store, nothing that looked like it’d miss a set of clothes. And he’d even gone the way to open the door in a non-desctructive way. And wearing an old button-up, a pair of slacks, and an (almost certainly fake) fur coat, Synth made his way back towards the lab. It wasn’t a great disguise, but it was the first thing he could grab once he spotted a security camera.   


The way to the lab took a few minutes, but after a short walk, Synth arrived back there. From the front it was a lot more flashy. A dedicated research facility, one most likely rented out to a variety of companies judging by the silhouette of a sign by the building’s entrance. As Synth approached it, he passed a few non-descript cars standing in conspicuous positions too many, and seeing a few flashlights coming from the area in front of the lab only increased his suspicion….

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The clothes might not fit, but the face does. 


If anybody was still here, hopefully he could pull it off. 


But better be prepared. 


His initial plan had been to march up boldly, but it seemed something was up, and he needed to find out what it was first. So, he ducked into the shadows behind foliage and ornament, starting with an unusual avant garde concrete statue of debatable artistic merit. 


His keen senses alert, he crept forward to the flashlights, eyes, and more importantly ears, open. Was this the police? or something else. Clearly the lab had some private security, and they were no pushover either. He still winced at the thought of those cattle prods. But the police would make this more complicated...



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Synth decided to take it slow. Only small steps, ears pricked. There was too much for this to be a full coincidence. He slipped into the shadows, all the while continuing to approach, just taking a longer way around. He began to hear some things, things that didn’t mean any good.


“Yeah, big thing apparently. MAX are on standby. “


“Ugh, seriously? I’ve got a date tomorrow. Let’s hope this gets called off, I need some sleep.”


“You’re an Agent, this is part of our job. Besides, if our intel was right he-“


And then, that was interrupted by a car driving by next to Synth, making enough noise for him to miss the last part of the exchange. The voices came from somewhere closer to the lab. Perhaps it was a rooftop, or maybe they were in an alley? It was difficult to tell from this distance.  But even now that he’d gone down and taken a different street, Synth could still see black vans. They were parked far apart, never more than two or three within view. But they were there.

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Max Armour? At least its not here already...


But even being on alert was a serious problem. He had never personally seen MAX armour in person, but he knew enough to know that they packed serious artillery. 


And an agent was here? Perhaps there was more than one player involved. Had AEGIS become entwined in the whole rotten business? If so...


Not for the first time, Synth wondered about "coming clean" and revealing himself to the official agencies. But he did not trust them. Particularly, if the truth be told, he did not trust America. Of course, the bulk of the world was worse, and often far worse, but America reeked of capitalism. Which was admittedly effective but also brutal by nature. And that sat uncomfortably with him. 


And besides which, SHADOW was always in the shadows. 


He slunk away, not wishing to engage the agents (or worse). He circled the building, looking for a back door...or any type of entrance that was not the obvious front door!

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With these situations, it was better to be a tad too careful, so the circling took a while, as Synth made sure to stay out of sight, and to make it not look too obvious. There weren’t any black vans or other vehicles here, it looked a lot more like the usual FC night. Still, there seemed to be a lot of people located around the building, as Synth picked up some radio chatter or loud breathing every once in a while. There always was the top of the building, which almost definitely had an entrance, but there only was one building of similar height in the area, and even with Synth’s powers, the jump would definitely be pushing the extent of his reach.


Then, from the distance, Synth spotted the alley where the chase had begun. The entire street was empty, not a single person or vehicle. And so was the door leading into the building. Closed, but unguarded on the outside. And even the trash bags Synth had landed in when he missed his jump still were there, as he’d left them.

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Is the building empty?


Empty or not, he was going in. Even if there was no easy way. 


He considered the options. Whatever the risk, the roof would be the optimal option as far as he could see. The door, whilst unguarded, would in his judgement be likely rigged with alarms and locks well beyond his capabilities. Possibly worse, given the scientists willingness to use violence as his tools. 


So instead, he made his way up to the top of the nearest building of similar help, leaping and swinging with fluid grace up the fire stairway like a monkey. Perhaps someone would hear the clanging metal, but he aimed to be gone in a moment. 


At top, he scanned the other buildings roof, and estimated the distance...



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Sneaking up the building took some effort. Some people were close by, so there was a certain risk of getting spotted. A small risk, all things considered, and Synth certainly knew how to navigate his way around them, but there was some tension. He moved before anybody would suspect anything, and even the most paranoid of them all would only ever have spotted a hushing shadow. If even that.


From the top of the building, Synth had a pretty good view on the surroundings. There were a few more vans he hadn’t spotted, bringing the count up to ten. There were at least seven people located all around the area, plus however many were hiding. Whatever was happening, this wasn’t a small-scale operation, especially not this late at night.


The distance to the lab was risky. A full jump could probably make it most of the way. Emphasis on most. It wasn’t certain to carry him across. Unless …


By changing around a few muscles, Synth managed to get that important extra bit of strength, and with enough run-up, Synth leaped from the roof’s edge, sailing towards the lab’s roof. He landed only a few feet removed from the edge, stopping right before some of the metal vents. Which, if he forced his way into them, could have offered another way in…


The roof was nothing special. Large vents, running around a small skylight that dropped into what, from a quick glance, appeared to be a corridor. And, of course, a simple access door. Currently locked.

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Synth stopped for a moment to catch his breath. His muscles had coiled and were sprung tight. He could feel cramp coming on, from the effort and the shock of landing. 


He was not inclined to rearrange his muscles that way again. 


The vents however, well that was just what he had been hoping for. It looked like a squeeze even for him, but he could do it. 


Once again, he concentrated on his tendons and muscles, changing the synthetic nature of their composition to soft, elastic. Whilst still maintaing his strength, he seemed to sag slightly. 


Still a little wobbly from the jump, he poked his head into the vent. If his head could fit, then the rest of his body could, although joints and bones would dislocate. Like a tube of toothpaste, he squeezed himself down the vent. With a bit of luck, the important stuff would be on the higher levels, so not far. His aim was to find anything laboratory shaped...

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The uppermost level seemed to just be offices. Offices, break rooms, and corridors, to be precise. But not the things Synth was looking for. As he made his way through the building’s vent system, he soon reached the next-lower level, which also seemed to mainly be made up of offices. But, after some time he came by a small area, the walls and floor in white tiles, with that smell of industrial cleaner. Perhaps it was a lab, but the only thing visible in the room was a sign for “Rosey Research”. Which, most likely, wasn’t the thing Synth was looking for.


The next minutes of descent revealed the building’s layout. Each floor so far had been a mix of offices and, with each level, more and more lab areas. So far, all the ones Synth had spotted were part of Rosey Research, as clearly indicated by a sign. Not the company he was looking for right now. This continued on for some time longer, until, a few floors down, perhaps 5, he saw the sign of Knight and Williams Research.


The lab itself was full of microscopes, with labelled drawers and cabinets arranged in the room. It was, however, too dark to really figure out what they were about.

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Even synthetic eyes needed light. 


And let there be...


Synth pressed the light switch. 


In a sense, it would not be a total loss to be found. He was wearing the face of what was, if not the head scientist here, then at least someone far up the pecking order. Albeit wearing less than appropriate clothing.


If there was a lab coat to be found, that would be the first thing to grab. 


And then...time to look down some microscopes, see if he - or, more accurately, the bubbling implanted memories of a half dozen world class biological scientists - could understand any of it. It might take a bit of time, but he did need to work out what was going on. Petri dishes...microscopes...research data on paper or file. 


And there it was again...Knight and Williams!

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