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Krystal Blue PL 10 - hegemon

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Character Sheet

Player Name: hegemon
Character Name: Krystal Blue
Power Level: pl10 150150 pp
Trade-Offs: Blast: -2 dam/+2 atk
Unspent Power Points: 0
Progress To Bronze Status: 0/30

In Brief: Olympic level TK using martial Artist. She is a mixed of Tim Drake's Robin combined with Buffy the Vampire slayer

Residence:Her sister's old two bedroom condo.

Alternate Identity: Laney Taylor
Identity: Secret
Birthplace: Freedom City
Occupation: Fan girl, Krystal Blue Log
Family: Dr. Kathleen Taylor (Coma)

Age: 20
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Height: 5'4

Krystal Blue looks the part of a four color comic. When she is Krystal Blue her attractive 5'4" dancer's figure is surrounded in a blue energy field. Her spandex outfit is a light blue that shimmers from the energy dancing off it. The out fit seems to be designed for both functionality and fashion much like a gymnast performance leotard. Her blond hair flows with blue energy.  Finally, her outfit is completed with dark blue domino mask.

Laney was the youngest of three sisters. Each sister uniquely called to their own path to greatness. Tara, the oldest, was on the fast track to becoming a full detective for FCPD. Kathleen was a brilliant scientist and neurologist. Laney,  8 years younger , was an Olympic class collegiate Gymnast.

Tara died while secretly investigating a group called the Doomsday Brigade. The Brigade is a paramilitary race hate group. She gave evidence of the group’s activities to Kathleen in case something happened to her Tara told her sister that she was going to her superiors with the evidence. The next day Tara was shot in the line of duty during what seemed to be a normal traffic stop.

Kathleen knew that her sister was murdered because of what she knew. She was not certain if she could trust the authorities because they may have betrayed Tara. Kathleen started working towards a project that would settle the score. A prodigy in the field of Bioengineering she started to develop, and offensive/defensive means for a human to harness their Psi-energy. Kathleen was brilliant, but was not physically impressive like Laney. She knew it was time to include Laney. The trouble was Laney was still in college, and very self-involved.

Kathleen finally convinced her sister the importance of what she was doing. Laney did not know exactly what to think. She feared that her sister, Kathleen, had lost her mind in grief.  She spoke to a few of her college friends about what was happening. Unknown to Laney one of them was secretly a member of the Doom Brigade.

Laney went to speak with Kathleen, but then the labs security devices went off. The Doom Brigade had come to claim the evidence, and stop the experiment. Kathleen strapped Laney into the device that would allow Laney to tap her own Psi-energy. A mass battle erupted between the squad and Laney. Her powers were difficult for her to control, and she triggered an explosion that destroyed the lab and placed her sister, Kathleen into a coma.

Note:Dr. Purity and the Doom Brigade(Major Villain): The Doom Brigade is a paramilitary Neo Nazi organization that is focused on the destruction of civil liberties in the United States Their Leader is a battle suit wearing tyrant named Dr. Purity. The Brigade is well connected with right wing political factions and certain businesses. They have been known to use their members as Mercenaries as long as the work is not against their amoral agenda. They are responsible for the death of Police Officer, Tara Taylor, and the injuries which led to Dr. Kathleen Taylor’s coma.

Personality & Motivation:
Prior to becoming Krystal Blue, Laney was about Shopping, guys, Gossip and collegiate gymnastics. She has left college, and has tried to mature. One of her major flaws is her overconfidence and the thrill that being Krystal Blue drives her forward. Krystal is more four color than most heroes. She has a youthful vibe and hope that should be a large part of her . I think stories that are a contrast to those qualities would be interesting. The idea how does one stay clean in such a dirty world. In many ways, Krystal is a lot like Joss Whedon’s. A girl thrust into a dangerous world without a clue.

Powers & Tactics:
She has very little knowledge of her powers and their limits. She is a telekinetic that uses the TK to form a blunt glowing blue Aura around her body. Her aura augments her Hand to  attacks. Where ever she strikes the blue energy seems to glowed more intensively surging into the strike. She also can throw this TK Bolts which look like Blue Blaster bolts. She is a capable fighter and does well in social situations due to a low level precognition predict power. She is not aware that it even happens, but she has said that most of her actions are from a gut feeling that borders on instinctual. She uses her Gymnastics to and taunt ability to unbalance the individual than uses her gymnastics to cause damage.

Krystal is driven by a combo of being a thrill seeker, and the memories of her sisters.

Complications and Player Hooks:
Secret Identity: Laney was one of the popular girls all her life. Her Latent psi powers have always made her more physically and socially advanced than most in her class

There can be only one: Krystal is confused by grief of her Sister's death and her other sister's coma. She wants revenge, but she is no killer. She at times is self destructed because of her thrill seeking is trying to feel the void without her sisters

Nemesis: The Doom Brigade view her as a minor threat, but the Brigade always gets revenge. She is unclear still about all the conspiracy, but she knows one day she will face the ones that destroyed her family.

Abilities: 4+14+6+2+4+8= 38 PP
Strength: 14 (+2)
Dexterity: 24 (+7)
Constitution: 16 (+3)
Intelligence: 12 (+1)
Wisdom: 14 (+2)
Charisma: 18 (+4)

Combat: 20 + 20 = 40PP
Initiative: +7
Attack: +10
Grapple: +12
Defense: +10 (+10 Base, +0 Dodge Focus), +0 Flat-Footed
Knock back: -7

Saving Throws: 4 + 8 + 5 = 17PP
Toughness: +9(+3 Con +6 )
Fortitude: +7 (+3 Con, +4)
Reflex: +15 (+7 Dex, +8)
Will: +7, + 11 vs Psionic  ( +2 Wis, +5)

Skills:  32 ranks 8 PP

 Acrobatics 10(+17)
 Bluff 4 (+8)
 Climb 2 (+4)
 Computers 3 (+4)
 Diplomacy 4 (+8)
 Gather Information 4 (+8)
 Notice 2 (+3)
 Sense Motive 4 (+6)
 Knowledge: Pop Culture 3 (+4)

Feats: 14 PP
Acrobatic Bluff
Elusive Target
Evasion 2
Skill Mastery (Acrobatics, Sense Motive, Bluff, Diplomacy)
Move by Attack
Precise Shot
Luck 3
Uncanny Dodge

Set Up

Powers  5+12+13=32 PP (All Power have the Psionic Descriptor)

Telekinetic Movement Array (4 PP array; Feat: Alternate Power) [5 PP]

BP: Flight 2 (25 mph) (4/4 PP)
AP: Speed 2 (25mph) Linked with Leaping 2 (5x Jumping Distance 300 ft running jump, 150 ft standing jump, 75 ft High Jump) (4/4 PP)

Force Field 6 (Extras:Impervious) (12 PP)
Telekinetic Array 6 (12 PP array; Feats: Alternate Power) [13 PP]
BP: Blast 4 (Extras: Autofire; Feat: Accurate; Drawbacks: Reduced Range [200' Max]) {12/12PP}
AP: Strike 8 (Feats: Mighty) {9/12}


Enhanced Save:  (+4, Will Limited: Only versus Psionics) {2 PP}


DC Box

ATTACK              RANGE             SAVE                                                  EFFECT

Unarmed             Touch                20DC Toughness                               Damage (Physical)

TK Strike             Touch                25 DC Toughness                              Damage (Physical)

TK Bolt                Range               19 DC Toughness (Autofire)              Damage (Physical)



Totals: Abilities (38) + Combat (40) + Saving Throws (17) + Skills (9) + Feats (14) + Powers (32)  = 150/150 Power Points

Edited by Thevshi
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Looks fun. 


A few format things to look at, like Skills particularly, and the first few paragraphs. 


Some things in Crunch looks strange


Attributes, seem costed very strangely. as if you have costed the attribute bonus not the attribute? It does add up to 41 but could you correct the costing?


It looks like you have pain for +10 attack bonus (if this is base, no real need to split it to melee and ranged, you could notate it just "+10" if you wish)


Saving throws look like they cost 17 as you say, but could you change to 5 + 8 + 4 = 17


(I know this sounds pedantic, but it avoids headaches when we come to edit the sheet with improvements!)


Skills I dont understand, to be honest. THe annotation should be the skill ranks followed by skill bonus, for instance Acrobatics 6 (+13) you dont need to put down skills she does not have. It looks like 36 Ranks but I cant be positive, which costs 9 PP?


Uncanny Dodge needs to nominate one sense type. Or, if you want UNcanny Dodge 2 (rather superfulous) two sense types. 


I will say if you have Skill Mastery on Acrobatics and a bonus of 13, instant up is an unneeded feat. You can stand up as a free action with a DC 20 Acrobatics roll, which she will automatically make. 


Powers could do with standard formatting, if you dont mind. They all look good except Strike - how does Throw work here? Normally Throw means that you have something like an axe or a shield and once you throw it the strike is gone - or, as another example, you have some spines you fling out, but again, once you fling them, they are gone (until a few hours later when you regrow them). 

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For stats, I count 39 pp worth, not 37 (for one thing, there is no need for the extra point in Dex, just drop it down to 24).

You knockback should only be -7.

I am not understanding what you are doing with your Will save. You have +2 Wis, but what is the rest of it?

Also, as you list you PP below (which are slightly incorrect as you have 39 pp worth of stats at the moment) the total should only be 149.

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