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The Huntsman (PL 7)


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Player Name: Avorez

Character Name: The Huntsman

Power Level: 7 (105/105PP)

Trade-Offs: +2 Attack /-2 Damage, +3 Defense / -3 Toughness

Unspent Power Points: 0

Progress To Bronze Status: 0/30

In Brief: British archer-hero come to America.

Alternate Identity: Jonathan Ulster

Identity: Secret

Birthplace: Liverpool, England

Occupation: Mechanical Engineer

Affiliations: ASTRO Labs

Family: Eric Ulster (Father, Deceased), Theodora Ulster (Mother, Alive), Henry Ulster (Older Brother, Alive), Jeanette Ulster (Younger Sister, Alive)


Residence: Jonathan lives in an apartment out in the North End.

Base of Operations:  Southside/Lincoln

Catchphrase: â€œThe Hunt has begun!â€


Age: 28 (April 15th, 1986)

Apparent Age: N/A

Gender: Male

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Height: 5’10

Weight: 157 lbs.

Eyes: Green

Hair: Black

Jonathan is a quite lean, tall man, being quite lithe from years of acrobatics back home. He is light-skinned and sports a dashing goatee, his face and arms are pockmarked with scars due to the consistent trial and error process of crossbow work, as well as fighting crime. His black hair is short, staying above the ears, though it does have quite the thickness.


In costume, he resembles the picture of a highway man, wearing a brown padded leather coat. Strapped around his torso is the quiver for his crossbow bolts as well as his general utility belt. Finally, he wears leather hunting boots and a domino mask, until he can…upgrade.


Power Descriptions:

Lacking really any powers of his own, Jonathan has had to sort of improvise, creating the persona of The Huntsman. As opposed to really any overt display of any real power, he utilizes a custom designed crossbow and specialty bolts to fight crime in the Greater Freedom City area.


Born on April 15th, 1986 in Liverpool, the son of a lawyer and a nurse. He grew up practically living on the coast of the Liverpool Bay and the Waterfront area of the city. Jonathan had a relatively normal childhood, attending public primary and secondary schools, having the typical upper-middle class idea of life, vacationing in the cold winter months, travelling etc. Life was relatively easy, though; he did have some issues with authority, and had a few spats with other kids…the occasional fight here and there.


As they typically do, stories tend to have some degree of tragedy in them. If they didn’t, no one would put on costumes and fight crime as a normal human being. Thusly, the cliché became a reality and Jonathan’s father died in a mugging during Jonathan’s second year at university in Birmingham. Being an industrious engineering student, Jonathan decided to get to work. His father had always loved the long-gone archers of days gone by. Of course, archery took a degree of training that Jonathan just didn’t have so, he did the next best thing: He built a crossbow.


That first year was a bit…difficult, to say the least. He was a guy without much training, fighting crime with a crossbow and little else. The first year, and a good portion of the second year, was mostly trial and error, working on reflexes and on the continued development of his crossbow, of course, he did take some hits; the occasional baseball bat hit, brass knuckles, broken bones and bruises. It was fun, if more than a little bit difficult. Also, it was quite gratifying.


Since those days, Jonathan has moved to America, going from Birmingham to Freedom City, and now he works for ASTRO Labs, being one of their researchers. With the well-paying job, and the access to oodles of free time, Jonathan takes to the streets of Freedom as The Huntsman once more, fighting crime the only way he knows how: With a crossbow.

Personality & Motivation:

Jonathan is a highly analytical individual, maintaining a relatively isolated personal bubble. He has issues with others, probably stemming from the fact that both of his parents were in jobs that really forced them to not be around as much. His general way of coping was to absorb himself in books and such. He does put on a pretty good front, now and again, though.


Jonathan fights because he feels some degree of obligation to his father, seeing as how he wasn’t around when he died. Though, now that his father’s death is little more than a bitter memory, he merely continues to do his vigilante because it just feels right.

Powers & Tactics:

Given how he isn’t exactly the most powerful of the superhero scene, Jonathan has to compensate in battle utilizing his crossbow and trying to maintain the tactical advantage. Jonathan prefers to set up ambushes from a vantage point, however, it’s not like he exactly has the ability to predict the ebb and flow of combat, and so as a last resort he utilizes melee combat.(In-character descriptions of how they do what they do)

When it comes to melee combat, Jonathan utilizes his crossbow in a manner not too dissimilarly to a mace, though he utilizes his quickness and agility to avoid being wounded in combat. 



Secret: Identity


A Human amongst Gods: Jonathan is merely a man. He has no special powers or abilities outside of his ingenuity and crossbow.


Family First: Jonathan, though unpowered, will come after anyone who threatens people that he views as family.


Unresolved Daddy Issues: Jonathan and his dad always had problems with one another, and they never really had the chance to work things out before he died.

Abilities: 4 + 6 + 2 + 8 + 6 + 4 = 30PP

Strength: 14 (+2)

Dexterity: 16 (+3)

Constitution: 12 (+1)

Intelligence: 18 (+4)

Wisdom: 16 (+3)

Charisma: 14 (+2)

Combat: 8 + 8 = 16PP

Initiative: +0

Attack: +4 Melee, +4 Ranged

Grapple: +4

Defense: +7 (+4 Base, +3 Dodge Focus), +2 Flat-Footed

Knockback: -0

Saving Throws: 3 + 1 + 2 = 6PP

Toughness: +4 (+1 Con, +3)

Fortitude: +4 (+1 Con, +3)

Reflex: +4 (+3 Dex, +1)

Will: +4 (+2 Wis, +2)

Skills: 88R = 22PP

Acrobatics 7 (+10)

Craft (Mechanical) 8 (+12)

Craft (Electrical) 8 (+12)

Concentration 4 (+6)

Climb 7 (+8)

Escape Artist 4 (+7)

Gather Information 3 (+5)

Intimidate 8 (+10)

Investigate 3 (+7)

Knowledge (Physical Sciences) 8 (+12)

Knowledge (Technology) 8 (+12)

Notice 4 (+6)

Search 4 (+8)

Sleight of Hand 4 (+7)

Stealth 8 (+11)

Feats: 19PP


Quick Change

Elusive Target

Ranged Pin

Improved Aim

Improved Pin


Acrobatic Bluff

Attack Specialization 2 (Crossbows)

Defensive Roll 3

Precise Shot 1

Dodge Focus 3

Quick Draw 2


Powers: 12PP = 12PP

Device 4 (20 PP Container, Crossbow, Flaws: Easy-to-Lose, 12 PP)

Specialty Bolts (15 PP, Power Feats: Alternate Power 5)

Base Power: Blast 5 (Basic Bolts, 10 PP)

Alternate Power: Dazzle 3 (Flash Bang Bolts, Effects: Visual, Hearing, 9 PP)

Alternate Power: Super-Movement 3 (Line Bolts, Swinging, Wall-Crawling, Slow-fall, 6 PP)

Alternate Power: Snare 5 (Net Bolts, 10 PP)

Alternate Power: Strike 4 (Crossbow Stock, Power Feats: Mighty, 5 PP)

Alternate Power: Obscure 5 (Smoke Bolts, Effects: Visual, 10 PP)

Super-Senses 5 (Scope, Low-Light Vision, Extended 2, Distance Sense, 5 PP)





Totals: Abilities (30) + Combat (16) + Saving Throws (6) + Skills (22) + Feats (19) + Powers (12) - Drawbacks (0) = 105/105 Power Points

Edited by Avorez
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Personally, I would make the attack effects and the Super-Movement part of an array inside your device container.  Keeping the senses apart for the scope in cost effectiveness.  You can then drop the Device Rank to 4.  Giving you back about 6 PP if you wanted to do something like that.


So there's nothing wrong with having an odd numbered attribute.  If you feel it absolute for concept, go for broke.  But most would advise buying your stats in even intervals so as to get the full +1 addition as an attribute bonus.  Although it helps in ties or just general fluff, and in Strength's case it also reflects upon carrying capacity.  Still as a PL7 you need to scrape away at every point.


One concern is how undercapped he is for his combat caps  What makes one's PL less so is their PP, and more their ability to reach combat caps.  Trying to make your damage/attack and defense/toughness both reach 7.  Or and more likely with such a concept trade off +5/-5 in either direction.  So aiming for +9 Attack with his crossbow/+5 Damage from the bolts and something similar for defense (although you have it listed as being more in favor as such for TOU).  Perhaps raising your base attack and replacing Attack Focus with Attack Specialization (Crossbows) for starters.  You can replace it with a more general ranged skill as he gains more PP.  


I would get rid of chokehold, it's a bit superfluous on this build and it's the odd duck in which he'll be able to actually grapple with in the first place.  Mostly minions, on that same note.  Keep in mind Tether is a two way street.  And your opponent can also apply their strength against him as well.  Taking on Defensive Roll to slightly raise his toughness when not flat-footed.  And some ranks of Dodge Focus so you can still trade off in favor of defense as I suspect is in line with the concept.

Edited by HG Morrison
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New Stablock:


Abilities: 4 + 6 + 2 + 8 + 6 + 4 = 30PP
Strength: 14 (+2)
Dexterity: 16 (+3)
Constitution: 12 (+1)
Intelligence: 18 (+4)
Wisdom: 16 (+3)
Charisma: 14 (+2)

Combat: 8 + 8 = 16PP
Initiative: +0
Attack: +4 Base, +5 Ranged, +7 Crossbows
Grapple: +4
Defense: +7 (+4 Base, +3 Dodge Focus), +2 Flat-Footed
Knockback: -0

Saving Throws: 3 + 1 + 2 = 6PP
Toughness: +7 (+1 Con, +6)
Fortitude: +4 (+1 Con, +3)
Reflex: +4 (+3 Dex, +1)
Will: +4 (+2 Wis, +2)

Skills: 88R = 22PP
Acrobatics 7 (+10)

Craft (Mechanical) 8 (+12)

Craft (Electrical) 8 (+12)
Concentration 4 (+6)
Climb 7 (+8)

Escape Artist 4 (+7)

Gather Information 3 (+5)

Intimidate 8 (+10)

Investigate 3 (+7)

Knowledge (Physical Sciences) 8 (+12)

Knowledge (Technology) 8 (+12)

Notice 4 (+6)

Search 4 (+8)

Sleight of Hand 4 (+7)

Stealth 8 (+11)

Feats: 19PP
Quick Change

Elusive Target

Ranged Pin

Improved Aim

Improved Pin


Acrobatic Bluff

Attack Specialization (Crossbows)

Attack Focus (Ranged)

Defensive Roll 3

Precise Shot 1

Dodge Focus 3

Quick Draw 2


Powers: 12PP = 12PP

Device 4 (20 PP Container, Crossbow, Flaws: Easy-to-Lose, 12 PP)

Specialty Bolts (15 PP, Power Feats: Alternate Power 5)

Base Power: Blast 5 (Basic Bolts, 10 PP)

Alternate Power: Dazzle 3 (Flash Bang Bolts, Effects: Visual, Hearing, 9 PP)

Alternate Power: Super-Movement 3 (Line Bolts, Swinging, Wall-Crawling, Slow-fall, 6 PP)

Alternate Power: Snare 5 (Net Bolts, 10 PP)

Alternate Power: Strike 4 (Crossbow Stock, Power Feats: Mighty, 5 PP)

Alternate Power: Obscure 5 (Smoke Bolts, Effects: Visual, 10 PP)

Super-Senses 5 (Scope, Low-Light Vision, Extended 2, Distance Sense, 5 PP)





Totals: Abilities (30) + Combat (16) + Saving Throws (6) + Skills (22) + Feats (19) + Powers (12) - Drawbacks (0) = 105/105 Power Points

Edited by Avorez
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There are two types of skills: contested skills, where you're rolling against someone else, and set skills, where you're rolling against a table of set DCs. With set skills, it is always most efficient to buy them in ranks of five, as you very rarely come across a situation where the DC is not a multiple of five.

Knowledge, Craft, and Climb are all set DCs. Lowering all your Knowledge and Craft by 2 ranks would free up 8 ranks/2 PP that I would suggest putting into your saves.

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Casting over this:


1. I like the character, I like the crossbow! (Maybe he should have rage feat and be a true cross bow.....)


2. Complications "No powers" is not a complication. There is no conceivable way this would trigger an HP. Having no powers is the build. If you have an idea how, then probably best to give an example. But "Not spending PP on a power" would, in principle, never be a complication. 


3. On that note, the complications here are a spartan meal for a GM. This is not a problem, in itself, as complications are a personal thing, a matter of taste. They are writing in a loss of control and problems for your PC, whereas you may feel inclined for the PC to stay in control. 


4. The major issue I see is he is not meeting offensive power caps (only PL 6). really, at this juncture, he should meet PL 7 offensive caps. 


5. I would suggest looking at the base attack bonus. An average soldier has a +5 attack bonus. Without his crossbow he is less skilled in combat that your average soldier. Disarmed, he has an effective PL 3 offence, and with a ST of 14, he is fairly easy to disarm. I would suggest, personally, buying base attack bonus of +5, and then either ranged attack at +9, or crossbows at rank +9


6. In the same vein, I would suggest 1 rank of equipment feat to buy a simple back up weapon, be it a tonfa, set of throwing knives, or even weighted gloves. Its a cheap way of not becoming very weak instantly when disarmed. 


7. The obscure power, by default, is sustained, meaning you have to keep on taking a free action every round to maintain it, and it will go whenever you change array. The usual way of simulating a smoke grenade / bolt / whatever is to give it the independent extra (+0), perhaps with a rank of slow fade. 


8. I would be inclined to drop the strike power (have a back up equpiment melee weapon, and you can always blast at melee range). Use that extra point for another ranged attack (such as a knockout poison dart), or add a feat like improved critical to the basic powers. 


9. The above needs PP. I think you can shave some points helpfully: Concentration is fairly unneeded if you have no sustained or concentration powers. you could probably shave a few other points (such as climb) too. Quick change is an odd feat without some fluff to acompany it (and our house rules on quick change means doing without this feat is not crippling). Quick Draw is not really needed in practice, and if perhaps odd for a crossbow user! 


10. As for the scope, this is cool, but note it will not work in total darkness (you could always buy some night vision goggles as equipment, I suppose!)


Looks fun!

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Newer Stat Block:


Abilities: 4 + 6 + 2 + 8 + 6 + 4 = 30PP

Strength: 14 (+2)

Dexterity: 16 (+3)

Constitution: 12 (+1)

Intelligence: 18 (+4)

Wisdom: 16 (+3)

Charisma: 14 (+2)

Combat: 10 + 8 = 18PP

Initiative: +0

Attack: +5 Base, +6 Ranged, +7 Crossbows

Grapple: +4

Defense: +7 (+4 Base, +3 Dodge Focus), +2 Flat-Footed

Knockback: -0

Saving Throws: 3 + 1 + 2 = 6PP

Toughness: +7 (+1 Con, +6)

Fortitude: +4 (+1 Con, +3)

Reflex: +4 (+3 Dex, +1)

Will: +4 (+2 Wis, +2)

Skills: 72R = 18PP

Acrobatics 5 (+8)

Craft (Mechanical) 8 (+12)

Craft (Electrical) 8 (+12)

Climb 3 (+4)

Escape Artist 4 (+7)

Gather Information 3 (+5)

Intimidate 6 (+8)

Investigate 3 (+7)

Knowledge (Physical Sciences) 6 (+10)

Knowledge (Technology) 6 (+10)

Notice 4 (+6)

Search 4 (+8)

Sleight of Hand 4 (+7)

Stealth 8 (+11)

Feats: 21PP

Acrobatic Bluff


Attack Specialization (Crossbows)

Attack Focus (Ranged)

Defensive Roll 3

Dodge Focus 3

Elusive Target

Equipment 5 (20 EP)

Improved Aim

Improved Pin


Precise Shot 1

Ranged Pin



Equipment: 5PP = 25EP

Headquarters (Isolated Cabin, The Huntsman's Lodge) 

Toughness: +5 (0 EP) 

Size: Small (0  EP) 

Features: Computer, Garage, Infirmary, Isolated, Library, Living Space, Power System (Geothermal), Security System, Workshop (9 EP)

Vehicle (Motorcycle, 0 EP)

Sap (Strike 2, 3 EP)

Huntsman's Mask (Night Vision Goggles (Darkvision, -2 to Search and Notice in Dark), Flash Goggles Sensory Shield (Visual), 2 EP)

Utility Belt (14 EP)

Bolos (Snare 4, 8 EP)

Cutting Torch (Blast 1, Drain Toughness 1, 1 EP)

Multi-Tool (1 EP)

Pepper Spray (Dazzle + Stun 5, 1 EP)

Power Knuckles (Strike 4 (Mighty), 1 EP)

Smoke Pellets (Obscure (Visual), 1 EP)

Throwing Blades (Blast 2, 1 EP)





Powers: 12PP = 12PP

Device 4 (20 PP Container, Crossbow, Flaws: Easy-to-Lose, 12 PP)

Specialty Bolts (15 PP, Power Feats: Alternate Power 5)

Base Power: Blast 5 (Basic Bolts, 10 PP)

Alternate Power: Dazzle 3 (Flash Bang Bolts, Effects: Visual, Hearing, 9 PP)

Alternate Power: Super-Movement 3 (Line Bolts, Swinging, Wall-Crawling, Slow-fall, 6 PP)

Alternate Power: Snare 5 (Net Bolts, 10 PP)

Alternate Power: Stun 4 (Knockout Poison Bolt, Power Feats: Sedation, Extras: Sleep 9 PP)

Alternate Power: Obscure 5 (Smoke Bolts, Effects: Visual, Independent 10 PP)

Super-Senses 5 (Scope, Low-Light Vision, Extended 2, Distance Sense, 5 PP)





Totals: Abilities (30) + Combat (18) + Saving Throws (6) + Skills (18) + Feats (21) + Powers (12) - Drawbacks (0) = 105/105 Power Points

Edited by Avorez
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Yes and No. 


Utility Belts are essentially arrays built as equipment. I know its confusing, but arrays are the core awesome of M&M. 


So the first power of a utility belt, and the most expensive one, has the full EP costs. The other powers are essentially an array of this, for 1 EP each. 


If you refer to core book, p 137, sample utility bely, you will see a variety of powers (or equipments) at 1 EP, but Grenades the most expensive power, at 15 EP. Essentially all non-grenade items are alternative powers of that. 

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Yes and No. 


Utility Belts are essentially arrays built as equipment. I know its confusing, but arrays are the core awesome of M&M. 


So the first power of a utility belt, and the most expensive one, has the full EP costs. The other powers are essentially an array of this, for 1 EP each. 


If you refer to core book, p 137, sample utility bely, you will see a variety of powers (or equipments) at 1 EP, but Grenades the most expensive power, at 15 EP. Essentially all non-grenade items are alternative powers of that. 

Ohhhhhhhhhh makes a helluva lot more sense now. Edited that stuff to make it accurate. Better?

Edited by Avorez
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