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The Iron Tongue of Midnight (IC)


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"Possibly, I have a couple of reasons I may think it might of been a purposeful placement, but no proof."

She took another sip of tea, she really didn't want to elaborate since most of those reasons probably involve death being the intent for herself, or death for her escort so the contract would of completed with no fuss. Either thing is a quite a bit horrible,

"Technically, it was the exact spot that he came from this world in the first place. But there was displacement of the time he was in the other realm as opposed to this one. In this case, something like three to four days had passed before I paid for his return in that realm, which translated to about six or so years in this one. Which really is not something one can really predict, at least not terribly accurately as the shifting of the realms makes time there fickle at best."

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The commiserating grunt Trevor made as he took another sip from his cup indicated that the relative discrepancy between the linear flow of time between parallel words was just another of a long list of complications he would have been just as happy to do without. He was about to expound - in his own, tight-lipped manner - on the subject when he realized that the mystery of Etain's peculiar circumstances had somewhat distracted him from the reason for his visit. Setting down his coffee, the young mechanic took a moment to refocus his thoughts before saying, "Will help resolve that, if requested. More immediately, did come here to discuss Eve."

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Etain let out a light sound,

"Hm, yes, yes you did."

She sipped her tea,

"Well it is how things go sometimes, discussion can go a lot of ways. Is there anything in particular you would like to say. I still say the same thing as before. I mean, I still cannot promise that she will not be hurt because I have no window to the future that may assure those words."

She let out a sigh,

"People hurt and get hurt all the time, sometimes they may not even notice immediately. Another person is the most deadly thing in the world to human beings, and the closer one becomes the more likely it is that they will hurt that person. They hurt with words, with actions, with little things that seem normal to one person but entirely unacceptable to another. People make mistakes, they argue and they simmer in the little pains. Even if I give you that my intentions are not to bring any pain, it is the results that truly matter in the end and those are something I cannot be certain."

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"Poor attitude," Trevor stated flatly once the illusionist had finished her impromptu tirade. "Unintended consequences, factors outside control, accepted," he continued, humouring her initial premise with a steely tone that discouraged interjection. "Fatalistic resignation? Unacceptable." While he could understand Etain's reluctance to make a promise she wasn't sure she could uphold, the severe young man could not stomach the manner in which she was giving up before trying. "Mistakes? Make reparations. Uncontrolled variables? Find new variables. Anything else is excuses." As he folded his arms across his chest, his eyebrows lowered to the edge of his sunglasses. "Do not demand perfection; insist upon the attempt."

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She smiled, and chuckled a little bit at the matter of factness of the other boy. It was a very effient way of thinking probably and he was described as very much so by Eve,

"I can always attempt, and I always will as I am I will not turn down the possibility of a connection to this world. I have friends after all, even if they do not know very much about me, and I have Eve who I will try my best with. I guess this means I have something like your blessing on this matter then? Though I do still need to talk to her, likely tonight would be good. I might just replay this conversation for her viewing, she finds my powers rather amusing and probably would not mind the show."

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Pausing for a moment, one of Trevor's eyebrows raised a fraction of the distance it had fallen behind his sunglasses. "Misunderstand. Don't need my permission." He picked his cup up once again with one hand while gesturing in an airy fashion with the other. "Eve likes you. Her decision, not mine." Admittedly he could see how his visit might have come across otherwise, but there was little he could honestly do to change his gymnast friend's mind once she'd made it up, mental link withstanding. "But you need to know this is... a risk for her. Opening up this way is rare. Wanted to impress the gravity upon you."

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"I did not think I gave the impression that I am one to make such commitments so lightly."

She set down her now empty cup again,

"Eve may have the choice, but she seems to be one who would heavily depend on the input of her friends and family. She is a very good girl after all. It seems though that she may be grasping onto this because this world seems to have a strange fixation on genders and what may be considered appropriate pairing in particular and it makes things harder."

She shrugged her shoulders,

"I have no preference myself, which where I am from is not uncommon or even really considered relivant. Though I have no intention of disappointing her or straying to anothers side as long as she expects me by her own."

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"Think you misjudge her there," Trevor offered with what was now clearly his typical level, almost inflectionless tone. "Despite considerable outside pressure, Eve has depended on herself solely for some years. Opening up to others again, a relatively recent development." He wasn't entirely sure how to take the offhand comments about heavy dependance or being a 'good girl'. Coming from most people they would have seemed backhanded compliments, but Etain had a peculiar method of speech - something he could understand. "Dominant culture is... unkind regarding same-sex couples," he admitted. If his voice hadn't been so carefully controlled one might have thought there was a flash on anger at that observation. "Her options are comparatively limited."

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"Simply because it is recent does not mean the connection is not strong, and you seem like a very good person for her to consider input from."

She held the smile as she folded her hands in her laps and met Trevors dark sunglasses once more,

"Anyway, I think regardless of unkindness, that if something happens and this relationship does turn into less intimate that she should understand that she has options and that she can always find someone who has less complicated problems. She deserves the best this world can offer her and I hope that I do not fall too short of that if she decides that that person is myself."

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  • 2 weeks later...

Trevor was silent for several beats while he considered Etain's statement. It had become abundantly clear by that point that the illusionist took considerable pains to not say anything that could be construed as a falsehood; whether that was a personal choice or an actual compulsion he couldn't know but with countless interrogations already under his belt despite his years, the dark haired young man knew when someone was being honest with him. That the delicately articulate girl sitting across from him would make such a sweeping statement about what Eve deserved spoke volumes. "That will have to do, then."

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Etain smiled, a little brighter this time. It was not a very lateral form of approval but it was something. He seemed to understand at least that as complicated as this all was, that she was willing to try. She stood up and put her gloves back on before setting the tea pot and empty cup back on the tray,

"You want me to refresh the cup before I take this back to the kitchen?"

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With a faint expression that was as much a lack of frowning as it was a smile, Trevor inclined his head slightly and moved his cup into a more convenient position. "If it's no trouble, Miss Maher." Something about the tone of his voice and comparatively florid sentence structure suggested he was affecting a particular style of speech intentionally, for all his neutral manner prevented it from truly being called wry. The illusionist had evidently managed to place herself on what passed for the taciturn young man's good side.

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