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Ravening Salt-Sea Sharks (IC)


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"Out, dam-ned shark! Out, I say!"

Glowstar's hair ruffled as a breeze went through it, and a steel-soled boot wrapped in an earthquake slammed into the side of the shark creature trying to turn his arm into lunch. Crow booted the thing to the side, sending it to the grass gnashing it's teeth (some of which fell out of it's mouth), and hauled his roommate to his feet, trying to resist the urge to laugh.

"Screw your courage to the sticking-place, oh heroic compatriot! And try and remember a few more lines from that play, I think I'm gonna run outta material before the fight's over!"

Then he vanished again to who-knows-where, preparing another attack...

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The shark trying to nibble on Glowstar's arm released that morsel and backed up a bit as Crow's booted heel struck it in the back of its head, shaking that huge cranium like it was dazed. The silver-and-red teen struck a pose, feet shoulder-width apart, body facing the monster; he took a deep breath, the aura around him brightening until it was painful to look at directly. "I've got a real classic for you," he said, eyes flaring. "Kah, meh, ha, meh, HA!" With the last word he brought his hands towards his chest and then thrust out, flinging dozens of black orbs trailing red fire at the shark. They exploded on impact, throwing the misshaped creature back to crash into the stage. The display was bright enough to reflect off the buildings of Riverside, nearly a mile away.

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The shark-man tried to wriggle free from the heroine's slender yet incredibly strong arms. When she pulled him back in, she gave his shoulders a very painful jerk. He seemed to have been able to roll with it though and what should have been a painful but no-lethal pop of the shoulder dislocating was just a simple gurgling grunt of discomfort.

"Hey, anyone want to give me a hand with this guy? He smells like an anchovy's ass and I would really rather not keep this up any longer than I have to," she called over to her companions.

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Gwen moved closer to the shark Wisp was holding, watching the girl struggle to hold him. If you'd be so kind as to knock him out. Gwen directed the Vines to the shark. As they drew close bright lavender flowers blossomed on the vine and smacked the shark in the nose. "Oh!" Gwen realized that Wisp was rather close, and the vines rather rigorous and at the last moment was able to be sure she didn't smack her friend. "This should help!" she stated, watching the shark begin to fall asleep.

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The sleepy shark only caught a glimpse as a black-clad figure appeared right beside the florakinetic, rearing back with a steel-clad fist wreathed in rumbling energies.

"Hello, beastie."


From Crow's perspective, his fist hit the side of the monster's head with a resounding crunch, teeth flying from it's ugly maw as it flopped like a fish on a line in Wisp's arms. He snapped his other arm out and caught two in midair, looking at them for a moment with interest before dropping them into his pocket and looking about for more. In the meantime, he did a little dance, the bandanna stretched slightly as he grinned widely beneath it.

"Whoo! That's what you get, man; sushi tonight!"

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Glowstar jumped up, brushing grass and leaves off himself before bending around to try and see his own back. "Did I get grass stains on my ass? Man, how do you even clean morphic molecules?"

Suddenly, a hundred feet away, several gray, rubbery-looking tentacles burst from the water and wrapped around the legs of the Sentry Statue. The teens had a perfect look at something huge and roaring pulled itself onto the land. It looked like a bigger version of the bipedal sharks they had just put down, but this one had a number of tentacles sprouting from it's midsection. Glowstar shook his head. "I can't believe my date's been interrupted by a SfyFy channel original movie," he muttered, taking to the air. He spun gracefully before bearing down on the oversized beast. He thrust his fist out ahead of himself and smacked the thing right on its nose; it fell over sideways, moaning disconsolately as it did so.

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With the shark she'd been grappling out cold, Wisp unceremoniously let it drop to the ground. She was about to make a comment about not wanting seafood for a while when the roar of the giant ...thing cut her off before she'd even started. Watching Glowstar's attack she tried to capitalize on the situation and collected a large amount of her recently discovered energy abilities and let it fly from her hands.

When the blue and black crackling stream impacted, the beast barely seemed to notice. "Okay, either I'm not as good at this as I thought or he's tougher than he looks..."

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  • 2 weeks later...

Gwen watched the horrible creature come out of the water and drew closer to them. She stared open mouthed as Brian slugged it down off the statue. CLOSE CLOSE CLOSE! the Vines squeaked as it got closer to her. She shook her head from the daze and the Vines lashed out from her body. They unfurled and thrashed towards the giant abomination yet they did not connect. "I think you're right Wisp!" Gwen called over her shoulder, praying that someone else would have better luck than she.

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Morgan spun on his heel, appearing above the shark-octopus monstrosity and descending with a corkscrew spin; strange and ethereal energies wrapped around his feet, a familiar rune near the bottom of the coat smoking and burning. Sand shot up in a small pillar as the creature barely stumbled aside in time, Crow hitting the ground full-bore; a few seconds later he reappeared where he'd started, stumbling slightly as he clapped a hand to the side of his head.

"Ah...oh...okay...spinning. Bad idea."

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Glowstar nimbly dodged the thrashing tentacles, mildly put out that his strike hadn't had more of an effect on the massive chimeran monster. In fact none of the attacks that the Claremont heroes were launching seemed to do much of anything against the beast! It was obviously time to pull out the big guns, and the biggest gun they had on hand was Glowstar himself. The teen flew around Sharktopus in a lazy circle, bombarding it with red-and-black blasts as he went. He aimed them towards the creature's weak points as best he could; gills, eyes, the inside of its gaping maw. Irritatingly though, it didn't seem to do much more than enrage the beast further, and it snapped its tentacles at the flying, darting hero. Glowstar avoided the attack with a lazy flip, huffing out a breath at the thing. "That's not fair," he shouted. "You're supposed to be belly up around this time!"

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Wisp balled her hands into fists, her light blue energy crackled around them while black streaks ran through the energy. She raised her fists and tried to remember everything she'd learned from training with Glowstar in the Doom Room under Mr. Archer. She took a deep breath as she aimed and exhaled, sending the energy outward in a rush.

Unfortunately for her, she seemed to have rushed it as the stream shot between two of the beast's tentacles, impacting the stage and sending a chunk of it flying into the river. "Damnit," she muttered, mentally making plans to schedule more blasting practice time.

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Gwen watched the exchanges between her friends and the monster, she felt rather disheartened that none of them had been able to do much to the beast. She cringed when she saw how close Brian came to getting caught up by the testicles. Gwen maneuvered around the beast, drawing closer to it. The Vines crept away from Gwen's body and began picking up speed. One connected with a particular crack that almost made Gwen squirm. She could see the shark-thing recoil and she let out a squeak of happiness.

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At the squeak Crow rushed to capitalize, the Earth and Wind runes on his coat flaring up yet again; a gentle breeze and he disappeared for the umpteenth time, stepping out behind the monstrosity and launching a thunderous right hook straight to the back of it's bulbous head (at least, he thought it was it's head).

Unfortunatley, anti-chance chose then to rear it's ugly head. With the roar of pain from Gwen's whiplash, it pulled it's head down just in time for the punch to catch nothing but air, and Morgan vanished yet again with a flurry of curses in Old Gaelic.

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Glowstar continued circling the massive hybrid monster, pelting it with orbs of glowing energy. Where they struck, they left scorch marks that would've looked nasty enough on a man-sized foe, but the bulk of Sharktopus kept them from amounting to much more than an irritant. As if to prove the point, the huge beast lazily swiped a tentacle through the air, knocking Glowstar for a spin; when he stabilized, he realized that the monster had turned its head and was pulling itself towards the stage, where the other Claremont heroes were gathered!

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Wisp watched the monster octopus-shark monster head towards the stage. Taking a deep breath she allowed some of the blue and black energy to swirl around her right hand. Remembering some training sessions with Mr. Archer she tried a different approach to her blasts. She raised her arm, palm flat out and simply allowed the energy to rush towards her target as she exhaled.

Unfortunately, the Sharktopus shifted to one side and her energy streaked past. She clenched her fist, the ball of energy shifting slightly behind the monster while a faint glow lingered around her hand.

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Gwen watched everyone around her, and when she finally saw an opening she tried to take it. However she was so distracted by Brian's self fumble and Wisp's flub that when the Vines lashed out to strike Gwen stumbled herself and the Vines went wide to the left. Oh no! they squeaked in Gwen's head. I'm sorry! Gwen answered them. She silently cursed herself for being the reason everything missed.

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