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Strange Visitors (IC)

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Sunday April 17, 2011

City Center, Rooftop Level

Cobalt Templar blazed through the skies of Freedom City, dipping his flight path lower as he passed over the heart of the bustling metropolis. His aura of ethereal blue flames pulsed a bit brighter as he saw a few young children looking up and pointing. He smiled at the thought; little kids were always fun to impress with nifty powers. Not that that was the only reason to be a hero. He nodded when he passed a few other airborne heroes going about their business in other directions. It never hurt to be polite, after all.

After some time, he settled a bit lower in the air, hovering not far from Freedom Plaza as he cast his gaze around. It would be a foolish, or terribly brave, criminal who tried something so close to the very headquarters of the Freedom League, but such things were nonetheless possible. Of course, as he floated there he was obvious, as only a many who appeared to be covered in blue fire could be.

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Cobalt Templar soon saw he wasn't the only person in the air, orbiting around the big Civil War memorial outside the Federal building was a figure he didn't recognize. The tall, angular teenager in the air was floating around the statue, his face half-obscured by big wraparound mirrored sunglasses, wearing a black leather coat that hung behind him like a cape. On his chest, clearly visible, was a marking he recognized as the universal wi-fi symbol. A moment later, the figure in question flew right through the statue and out the other side, still examining it, his body shifting to green-tinted electrical translucency a moment before doing so.

For his part, Sharl was doing his best to absorb what he could of Freedom City's history in his day out; a very difficult affair indeed! It was really hard to believe that these peaceful, civilized people in their tiny buildings and with all their space could have gone to war with each other only a hundred and fifty years earlier, but he supposed it fit everything he'd heard about their crazily rapid development. They''d even been riding around on quadrapeds from the statue (the statue made of rock!), so really it was a wonder they hadn't all ridden into walls and such.

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Cobalt Templar raised an eyebrow at the guy who could phase through things. Interesting, but not the wildest thing he'd seen. And it wasn't like he was doing anything bad; shoot, he was all for people looking into history more!

On a whim, he decided to fly closer, perhaps to strike up a conversation with the intangible youth. He trailed ethereal fire through the air, until he was roughly matching Sharl's flight patterns.

"Not the best days in our nation's history, but there were still moments of greatness. You read much about the Civil War battles around here?"

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A flying tour guide! Wait, no, he's another hero. Confronted with his first teenager from Freedom City who talked like a normal person instead of like a genius, Sharl confessed, "I'm not from around here. I'm actually a citizen of...another place." Citizen studied Cobalt Templar through his sunglasses. "Your monuments are fascinating. Do people still ride those things around here?" he asked, pointing to the marble cavalryman on an indifferently-executed Appaloosa. "I've seen what you do with your pets. I would think the stench from all the waste would be terrible."

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"Hm. We do have a few visitors from "out of town" in this city."

The air quotes he formed were made from the same blue fire that surrounded him.

"How far away are we talking, in general terms? Wait, you don't have to answer that if you don't want to."

He shook his head and shifted into lecture mode.

"Few people ride horses on a regular basis. A few enthusiasts, who typically live on the outskirts of a city, or in the rural areas. The occasional riot police. And those guys who give carriage rides in the winter. I'm pretty sure if you're riding a horse in the city, it's supposed to wear a special "harness" that, ah, prevents the spread of waste. If you will. Since the volume's a lot higher than a dog or cat. Even with those, they're not supposed to go just anywhere; most parks have areas it's alright to do so, but sometimes owners have to use special sealed bags to, ah, clean up after them. Because you're right: the stench would be horrible."

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Citizen shook his head. "It's amazing how many animal species you have here. And so integrated into the way you live. Where I'm from, things aren't like that at all." He thought for a moment, studying Cobalt Templar, before saying, "Hey, do you go to school here? Like, uh, in Freedom City with other kids?" He tried to keep the hopefulness out of his voice. Dragonfly, the only other teenager he knew, definitely did not go to school, and she wasn't much like other kids either.

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"I think most people don't give as much thought to how many animals we have. I mean, it's just part of how things are, you know?"

He shrugged.

"Suppose that's what outside perspective brings once in a while...

Anyways, yes. I do attend school. I'm at Claremont Academy, though I won't tell you under what name unless you end up there. Why? Are you looking to go to school?"

He gives Sharl a sidelong look, one eyebrow raised.

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It was a tough question to answer, Sharl reflected, particularly with everything that had happened recently. As friendly as this guy seemed, he wasn't inclined to share his family life and his whole story right there in the air. "Maybe. My home life is very...very complicated." He looked away for a moment, then focused on Cobalt Templar again. "Are there other superheroes there?" he asked naively. "I know there are many teenage superheroes in the city, but the only one I know doesn't go to school. It must be very tough balancing being a superhero with being in school."

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"Event at Claremont, it can be difficult at times. Perhaps even more than at other schools. The teacher there know the extra demands placed on us, but still expect excellent schoolwork. Not that I blame them; a bunch of people with superpowers who happen to be poorly educated sounds like a recipe for disaster."

He gives a dramatic shudder.

"But yes, there are other heroes at Claremont. Mostly heroes-in-training; that's kind of the purpose of the school. For people like you and me to learn not only history, science, and math, but also how to control our powers, and use them responsibly."

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"I don't really go to school," said Sharl, "At least, not like you guys do. I'm Miss Americana's sidekick," he added. "She's a really great teacher, she's taught me all kinds of things about science and computers, but I don't really get a chance to hang out with a lot of kids here." He thought about the friends he'd left behind on Tronik and his own education by computer there. "What's it like going to school with lots of kids and, uh, socializing with them like that?" He'd had friends growing up, but too many kids in one place wasn't how they did things: singular education helped encourage people not to mix, which helped keep them from being too angry at each other.

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"Sidekick, huh? Ever thought about asking to get upgraded to "partner", at least? Or maybe strike out on your own for a while? Then again, I don't really know Miss Americana. I know of her; it's hard not to in this town. It's good that she's helping you with your education.

As for socializing? It's...hm. It has its good and bad points. You can make friends, hang out with them, do a whole bunch of stuff that ends up more fun with others. But some of your peers end up being...well, there's almost always someone you don't get along with if you've got a big group. Human nature, I suppose. But that's where your friends come into play; they'll back you up, and Claremont's class structure means you're not stuck with your...hm. The people you're less fond of, we'll say. You're not stuck with them 24/7 or anything."

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"I'm just a kid," said Citizen, shaking his head, "and I can't live on my own. Miss Americana's so smart and so capable," he said with loyalty and honesty all at once, "she's a lot better at taking care of my needs as a teacher than I would be living on my own. I'm not really old enough, anyway..." He looked down at his shoes, then added, "School sounds...sounds really neat, though. Miss Americana is really, really great, but I wonder what the kids here are like sometimes. Do they let you have visitors there?" he asked Cobalt Templar curiously. "Or is it all locked down, like the military?"

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"Yeah, well, "just a kid" doesn't mean some of us don't take on some nasty characters. And the whole point of being a teenager is starting to take the steps towards independence. Just saying "so and so is awesome and takes care of me" won't work forever. Claremont's nice because it's not quite college or the "real world", but having on-site dorms means you're not just living at home, either. It's good to hear Miss Americana's helping you out, though.

And sure we have visitors, though it's not willy-nilly. It's not "locked down" by any means, and it's definitely not military. Except maybe physical education class, and a couple of the sessions on using powers. It's got rules, but really, any place has rules."

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Citizen gave Cobalt Templar a look through his sunglasses, reminding himself that he couldn't expect people who didn't know him to know what he was all about. "I've already gone a lot further than most teenagers ever do," he said. "And I was part of that thing the other week with the alien mental domination." Hands in his holographic pockets, he decided to drop the pin. "Do you think I could see Claremont?" he asked Cobalt Templar curiously. "I mean, I know I'm not a student, but I might be if I finish my education here. And I already work with a superhero, so I won't tell anyone about what I see."

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"You helped on that? Thanks."

His gratitude was genuine.

"That was...that was some nasty business. I remember being on a date with my girlfriend, when we both got hit with those starfish things. It was..."

He shudders, deep-set horror and revulsion clear in his person.

"Let's just say I'm glad we went unconscious."

At Citizen's request, he smiles.

"I think we can manage that. I'll have to give them a call, but I don't see why not. Give me a minute."

With that, Cobalt Templar flew a few feet away, a phone floating from an unseen pocket in his armor into his hand. He quickly dialed a particular number at the school, hoping he'd get a staff member...

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Corbin wound up getting forwarded right to Duncan Summers. The headmaster's voice was, as ever, dry and thoughtful. "Mm. I've been expecting to hear from Sharl's employer for some time. Give him the outside tour. Nothing inside student housing, or that reveals a student's identity. Including your own," he added, his voice stern but not unfriendly. "I'll expect a full report from you afterwards." Nearby, Sharl floated in midair, the slight breeze not so much as ruffling his hair. If he could hear the call, he gave no sign of it.

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"I understand, sir. I'll keep you posted."

Cobalt Templar ended the call and returned his phone to its previous resting place. He flew back over to Sharl, a grin on his face.

"Good news! The tour is a go. I'll lead the way and show you around. Just understand that, unless you join the school, there are some things we can't tell you."

With that, he took off at a fairly slow flying speed, making sure Citizen could keep pace with him all the way back to Claremont.

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Citizen was obviously not a very fast flier; the cars on the street below were going faster than they were when Corbin slowed to keep up with him, though both young men were still easily outpacing a walk. He didn't seem to be getting tired, though, or be showing much sign of strain at all as they went. "It still amazes me how much sky you have here," he commented to Corbin as they flew, looking not at the city below but at what looked like a moderately cloudy day to Cobalt Templar's eyes. "And it's just...just so blue!"

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Corbin gave a loud belly laugh.

"Really? You must be from way out of town. Even my girlfriend doesn't comment so much on the sky. Not that that's bad, mind. I suppose it's just something we take for granted. I mean, I've done a few pieces that use mostly sky, but I've never managed a good one that was nothing but sky and clouds, you know?"

Here he shrugged.

"Anyways. Plenty to enjoy, that's for sure. Especially since, even with all our heroes, there aren't that many objects in the sky on average. Not at the altitude we use."

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Eventually they touched down at the school, the spring class schedule such that most students were inside. Not everyone was as trusted as Corbin, after all. Thinking a little painfully about all the things he'd never get a chance to see, Sharl looked around, his feet seemingly making solid contact with the ground beneath. Another week, and this will all be, what? Phantoms? A place I won't be able to see again, a place where I can only exist because I made some really good friends. "This place is huge!" he said in awe. "I can't believe all the space you have," he said, slowly turning around. "Do the buildings go underground? Or are they all this tiny?"

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"A couple of them have basements, or small sections underground for maintenance and such. By and large, they're on the surface, though. And "tiny" is probably a bit relative. The idea here is that we don't feel penned in by the buildings, to make it a bit more "homey". Education is a big deal, but so is making sure everyone feels comfortable here. Having teenagers with superpowers feeling too stressed leads to bad things, I'd wager. Me, I like the open spaces. Lets me catch my breath, and gives me great material for drawing and painting."

Cobalt Templar made sure to subtly guide their paths across the school grounds, never straying too close to other students, steering more for a "big picture" look than getting inside all of the buildings. Hopefully he was doing a good job in the headmaster's book.

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Sharl flew around with curiosity, taking in the sights and sounds of a very different school. So much space, and so few people, for an education! It was a really nice feeling, especially on such a pretty day. He seemed to relax as they flew past the library, adjusting his coat and glasses decorously. "Wi-fi," he commented to Corbin. "It's very reassuring to be connected. I can get around fine on my own, but I feel better being hooked up. Do you have any scientist students?" he asked him. "Really smart super-genius kids, like tech heroes and stuff."

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Cobalt Templar looked curious at the mention Sharl made of "getting around fine" without wifi.

'Hm. Technopath, or something else?'

He shook off the curiosity for the moment. At Sharl's question, he looked thoughtful.

"Hm. I wouldn't say we have a big group of them, but there are a few. Some people have it as a kind of "side hobby", while some are very heavily focused on technology. They're all smart, but there's a subset who are likely what you mean by "super-genius"."

Of course, he doesn't tell Sharl who any of these kids might be. Wouldn't do to spill all the information at once!

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Bursting through the cloud layer on ethereal wings resembling ribbons of golden flame, Sage entered the perimeter of the campus from the northeast, the most direct route from her home in North Bay. Streaking over the well-manicured lawn and cruising mere feet over the dormitories the telepath made a beeline to her favorite place on campus, the Zen garden, thankfully unoccupied.

Touching down gently on the ground a light green color briefly shivered through the telekinetic wings, more than a few tendrils of light lightly touching the plant life. Having seen the blue aura of Cobalt Templar on the way to the garden, not to mention sensing his mind, Eve turned and gave a small wave to Corbin. The young Frenchwoman froze mid gesture as she noticed the other person accompanying her fellow student.

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Corbin happened to glance up as Sage was flying in, and barely restrained a low whistle. He was rather desperately in love with his girlfriend, but he couldn't deny how majestic the young psychic looked coming in like that.

'Doubt I could pull off that wing effect quite so well...Oh dear.'

His eyes widened as she angled in for a landing right in front of him. He briefly glanced at Sharl, before returning her wave more smoothly.

"Eve! Good to see you! Hope you had a nice flight. Um. This is...Citizen."

He recalled the virtual non-answer he'd gotten when he asked the boy for his name: "I'm just, uh, a good citizen". Whatever worked for the other guy, he supposed.

"Eve here is in the same year as me, though she's been at the school longer."

While he spoke, CT glanced at Eve and purposefully thought in her direction.

'Eve? I'm giving him a tour on the headmaster's agreement, but there was the little thing of not revealing secret identities...Hopefully this won't be a big deal? Mind helping me give him the tour?'

He hoped she wasn't too shocked, and could respond soon.

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