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Russian Reactors are Reliable (OOC)


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  • 2 weeks later...

Just for Comedy's sake, its HP to us both, and a bodged teleport, splish splash into a bubbling coolant chamber!

SUpercape could fly out of trouble but Im going to say he cant to earn that HP.

Toughness DC 20 cold per round in the "coolant"

1d20+16=28 made.

Also, Initiative rolls


And finally, high radiation and extreme heat environment in the chamber.

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Dragonfly's protected from the radioactive and heat of the environment. Technically the cold of the environment, too, but not the cold damage. Good thing she's not inclined to bring her force field down when she knows Hiroshima's in the area....

Toughness Save vs. Coolant (1d20 + 8=10)

...well gee. Thanks, Castle. How kind of you.

@#$% that. Spending an HP to reroll.

Toughness Save REROLL vs. Coolant (1d20 + 8=21)

That's better.

Initiative Roll (Speed of Thought) (1d20 + 7=24)

Not much worth saying for an IC post - 's just a save. I'll roll it into her turn's post once init order is decided.

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so HS is up first, and he is souped up at the moment. His main powers are boosted by 6 Ranks!.

Unfortunately (for him) he is also loosing 2 CON around from the strain on his body.

Anyhow, he is actually going to stunt a power first off, Irradiating the coolant with a gamma blast. Thats an extra HP to SC and DF.

Drain Constitution 8 [Ranged +1, Area +1, Independent +2, Limited to coolant material -1]

The coolant is now glowing a pretty shade of green.

SC Reflex Save 1d20+4=6 nope

SC Fort Save 1d20+10=12 nope, loosing 6 CON (to 8 total, and -3 toughness and fort).

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Reflex Save vs. Hiroshima's Drain Con, DC18 (1d20 + 6=7)


Evasion 2 means she only suffers half effect even if she botches her reflex roll, though.

Fortitude Save vs. Hiroshima's Drain Con, DC14 (Evasion 2) (1d20 + 5=11)

Why, Invisible Castle? Why?

Given that her toughness and fort are already pretty low, screw that. Dragonfly uses her shiny new HP to reroll that Fortitude save - with Evasion 2 and her (albeit meager) fort bonus, she auto-succeeds.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Right then, next round:

Supercapes last action was total defence rather than attack

25 - HS - Unharmed

24 Dragonfly - 0 HP - Unharmed

3 Supercape - 3 HP - Staggered, -6 CON.

HS is up, with a Radation attack

1d20+11=15 Miss!

'Fly is up - if you are modifying the Reactor settings Its probably best to use Craft (Electronic)?

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Hm. Yeah, maybe, if she's having to actually dig around in the console.

Dice, of course, are evil and untrustworthy. Plus Invisible Castle keeps going down lately.

Skill Mastery: taking 10, minus two for having her multitool but no proper tools. Final check of 25.

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Thats enough for an overload!

Im giving HS 2 more rounds to try and stop the duo (and shut down the reactor) before he is overwhelmed.

Supercape finishing off this round by total defence once more. Using extra effort (fatigued next round) to boost his Forcefield by +2 aswell.

Round 1 of 2 left

25 HS - Unharmed

24 Dragonfly 0HP - Unharmed

3 Supercape 3 HP - Fatigued (-1 attack and defence), Staggered, -6 CON

HS Attack

1d20+11=19 Thankyou, total defence (+4 Dodge bonus gives him the escape!

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Ok HS is in trouble. So, he moves into the centre of the building, uses extra effort (fatiguing himself) and boom! a nuclear explosion. Thats a stunt, so 1 HP to everybody!

Rank 19 Explosion.

Supercape Reflex 1d20+4=24 damn! a natural 20! he actually makes it! reduced it to a DC 25 Toughness.

1d20+15=21 thats not quite so good: bruised.

EDIT: Cant make impossible reflex saves I understand! so thats a DC 29 Toughness save, enough to stun and bruise SC

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Dragonfly's incapable of making that reflex save, so not even gonna try. Even if impossible save rules applied to exotic saves (which they might?), a natural 20 would only get her the 'minimal effect of failing'...which for reflex saves against area attacks, is just plain old failure. Bummer.

Thankfully, Evasion 2 means she only takes half effect regardless. So:

Toughness Save vs. Hiroshima's Explosion, DC25 (Evasion 2) (1d20 + 8=20)

Failure by 5; stunned + bruised.

Stunned means it's concentration checks time, though.

Concentration checks to maintain Force Field (DC18) and Shield (DC18) while stunned (1d20 + 5=25, 1d20 + 5=17)

Dragonfly keeps her force field, but her defense drops to 2 (4, minus 2 from the stun).

Screw that. Dragonfly spends her new HP to shake off the stun, and a free action as soon as it's her turn to bring her shield back online.

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Well, first, Dragonfly pulls Supercape into storage. It's gonna be a bumpy ride!

Extra Effort to stunt off her spatial array:

Teleport 9 (20,000 miles; Extras: Accurate, Flaws: Long-Range) [18pp]

18, not 20 pp; the extra effort inflicts fatigue on her gauntlets, burning them out and losing 2pp off all their powers. Devices!

20,000 miles is over twice the diameter of the Earth, so that'll do just fine. Teleporting to the Lab's med rooms, and then pulling Supercape back out of her pocket.

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