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Forsooth, to Slay the Beast! (OOC)


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Rather sloppy set of rolls for Rene's Illusion creation:

1d20=17, 1d20=20, 1d20=16, 1d20=10, 1d20=1

It was designed as the power has a 50% failure chance and I wanted to see how many rounds he would need to create it so I rolled five times. As it happened, he hit it first time.

A bit sloppy and I wont do it that way again!

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Oh dear, Rene's Stealth...

1d20-3=16 missread it, is actually -2, so a roll of 19-2 for 17. Not bad! Lucky!

Feel free to climb a tree / whatever. Make a stealth roll etc. Climbing a tree is simple for you with Climb +5, and I would rule that would give you a good +5 bonus on the Stealth roll - I am being especially generous here as the "incoming" is looking on the ground and will already be distracted by Rene's illusions - the chances of looking up are pretty small.

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Sir Knights Grapple (for the Grapple hits!)


You have him pinned, but not bound (as per house rules). He looses his dodge bonus, is at extra -4 defence, and is immobile. (Incidentally you loose your defence bonus too).

Sir Knight is going to do a attack shifted pummel with his sword, attack +8, Damage +12 as a move action, and will intimidate you as a move action.

1d20+8=9 Gazooks, that won't hit!

The intimidate... 1d20+3=7 well, bad rolls all round.

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Ok I had to edit my OOC last post as I completely screwed up thinking Rene was trying to snare him instead of send him to sleep, which kinda screws up your post. Sorry! I knew he was doing something non lethal but had a brain fart.

Could you re-edit and combat continued - you still have him pinned.

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Again sorry for the balls up!

1d20+9=26 Sir Knight laughs at your ursine attempt at intimidation with his sense motive!

NO chance to beat that grapple.

Attempting a disarm does still technically require a "to hit" roll: although his defence is only +1 at this point and your attack is +11. I took an outrageous liberty and rolled that for you. Guess what, you made it. Are you surprised?

DIsarm attempt:

1d20+2=10 You have the sword - in your hand if you wish!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ok I am going to do a bit of Handwave here - saying we can follow the defeated underlings with Marcus nose.

I hate to ask for "marching order", but I am going to ask loosely how you want to follow, as it may make a difference as to what happens and stealth / surprise etc.

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