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Bee It Ever So Humble (IC)


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"You're always welcome," Stesha assured GK with a smile, even as she headed towards the giant beehive to check it out. "And I think you've definitely made friends for life today. Look at the size of it! It's going to be so cozy and secure!" Next to the bee-made hives, the new hive looked especially sturdy, a brick house among wooden shacks. "I can't wait to see what the Queen is going to think of this. I promised I would give them a better place to live. Now they have one!"

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"I'm, ah, glad you like it," Gaian Knight said, following Fleur and watching the bees mill around in their home. "I'm afraid I can't stay forever, though...this simply isn't my home. But if you ever, ever run out of space let Fleur know and she can find me and bring me back for some more building. It really was a lot of fun to build - it's like the world's biggest sculpture." And almost no one will ever get to see it. Ah well, it sure beat grading papers all day.

He had to grin, despite himself. "I would like to visit, though. Fleur would have to bring me over, but it'll be nice to see little bees flitting around the place."

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  • 2 weeks later...

"Just say the word," Stesha assured him, "and I'll be happy to give you a lift. It's always nice to have other craftsmen taking an interest in this place. It could use as much help as anyone is willing to give it," she admitted wryly. "And it's a great place to practice new techniques! With a whole uninhabited planet, think of what you could do! You could make your own cities, all straight out of the Earth! We could clean up the ground, and I could cover them in plants. They'd be homes for animals, or even for people if anyone ever decided they wanted to move here. It'll be beautiful someday," she told him with a resolute nod.

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He just shrugged, chuckling and looking around. "It's a beautiful place now," he noted, a grin in his voice. "The hard part would just be to extend that beauty out further. And probably deeper, come to think of it...when I get back I'll have to do some reading. I'm pretty sure there are a few groups doing some research on cleaning up ground and water pollution with the available earth. Carbon gravity filters and the like, y'know...I'll certainly let you know what I find out."

It's really a shame I can't get here quite like she can, he frowned, looking back up at the bees and their new home. This place really is absolutely incredible. A whole planet....goodness. "Well. As much as I truly hate to leave, I should probably get going, if you don't mind giving me a lift. As depressing as it is to say...my day job calls." I'm just never free from you, grading work, am I? I really need to request some TAs or something. He waved to the bees, chuckling. "Ready when you are."

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"Of course." While the bees put up a ruckus bidding him goodbye and thanking him, Stesha put a hand on Gaian Knight's arm and teleported both of them back to Earth Prime, right where they'd started from. The mundanity of it was almost startling after the work they'd been doing and all the massive insects. "Thank you again," Stesha told him with a smile. "You can't know how much this means to them. They haven't been treated well by humans for most of their existence. They will remember that you made a fine home for them and kept them save from the cold. Come and visit any time, really," she encouraged.

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Gaian Knight grinned, hopping up onto a platform that pulled itself together from random rocks and debris - it was like slipping on a comfortable pair of shoes after working with the alien-but-familiar soil of Fleur's world. Though that certainly had its perks - I think I was finally getting used to it. Even the bees! I really do wonder what happened there....

"Absolutely," he said, bowing. "If they - or you - ever need anything at all, don't hesitate to give me a call. You have one hell of a home, ma'am - or heaven of a home, really!" He laughed, his platform picking up into the air a little. "It would be a very interesting project to get it cleaned up and returned to a more natural glory."

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