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The Arrow and The Orb pt. IV (IC)


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Arrowhawk felt his fists clench in anger. He was going to smack this deaf, idiotic brute around the face several times. Drawing himself up to his full height, he took a few hesitant steps back, bow held across his chest as a guard. Now, let's hope the glass isn't too reinforced.

Then he shot forwards, diving at the glass screen with all the physical might he could muster, trying to drive his way through it with a voiceless cry of rage, cape flowing backwards into a spread wing pattern.

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Arrowhawk's shoulder struck the Plexiglas with full force. For a split second, the window flexed, and gave behind the force of the impact. Then just as it seemed like it was about to hold, it shattered! Arrowhawk was propelled into the room amidst a glorious shower of glass shards.

Arrowhawk rolled when he hit the ground, and came up with his bow drawn. The room's inhabitants had little time to react.

"What the-!" Ragnarock grasped his pinned wrist with his other hand, and gave one more mighty pull, to no avail.

Vivian weakly turned her head to see him enter the room, "No."

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"I was more expecting some violent reaction," growled Arrowhawk, looking down on the crouching Ragnarok trying to lift the orb from the floor. "But if you want to bow to me, that works too." In the time it'd taken him to say that, he'd drawn another explosive arrow and pointed it at the huge man's head.

"I'll cut a deal with you. Let me leave with the girl, and I won't blow your head off." Arrowhawk's red hawk eyes glared menacingly from underneath his mask.

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Arrowhawk got his violent reaction. Ragnarok opened his mouth to roar, and raised his left arm to strike. He got a face full of arrow for his troubles. Ragnarok sailed clear across the room, and impacted another one of the torture benches about four cells down the row. Though he left it dented, he bounced off the steel like nothing more than a rag doll. He fell to his knees behind the bench, stunned.

"John," whispered Vivian, "Run."

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"Nah," said Arrowhawk, quickly moving over to unlock her restraints, swiftly fumbling around with his bow in one hand to remain armed for when Ragnarok inevitably got back up. "Not after all this effort."

"Besides, he isn't so tough," he said, forcing a grin. But, covered in a fine layer of sweat, shadows from his cowl and from his entire demeanor, the grin came across as more terrifying than amusing.

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The last of the restraints was released. Vivian fell to her knees in front of the torturous device. She shook, then turned her head away from Arrowhawk, and became ill for a moment. Wiping her mouth with the back of her left arm, her right reached forward along the floor. Her fingers desperately grasped a small glowing blue object...

"HHRRRAAAAAAAAGHH!" Along with the scream came the sound of twisting metal. Arrowhawk and Vivian both looked up to see Ragnarok on his feet, and holding one of the tables above his head. The spot where it had been bolted and wired to the floor was sending up a shower of sparks. "So you like violence? Fine." A broad smile spread across his face. "I hope your willing to live with that decision, archer. Because you won't have the girl. She's MINE!" Ragnarok hurled the steel furniture through the air with a mighty toss.

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Arrowhawk went to duck the heavy metal bench even as it flew at his head with astounding rate. But, not moving quite quickly enough, it hit him in the temple, throwing up a fuzzy haze on the edges of his vision even as he dropped into a firing stance, shooting arrow after arrow.

They slammed into the giant's chest one after the other, Arrowhawk knelt down with jaw clenched, not pausing for a second or allowing the trading of banter to throw off his aim.

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The big man puffed out his chest and drew in a breath. The storm of arrows hit it's mark, but left not even a scratch on the demi-god's bare chest. "Hah! You're precious sticks are worth naught in a man's fight, Archer!"

"But they're a fine distraction for a WOMAN!" Ragnarok wheeled around just fast enough to see Valkyrie behind him. Her shining blue armor was back, and so was her hammer. "HrrAAHHHH!!!" She brought the massive weapon to bear, spinning to give it the maximum amount of momentum.

The massive hammer connected with Ragnarok's temple and sent him flying. Lightning discharged from the hammer itself as it connected, but seemed to have far less effect than the blow from the hammer itself. Ragnarok met with another one of the steel benches. This time, closer to Arrowhawk.

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"Oh dear lord," sighed Arrowhawk, adjusting his aim as Ragnarok was thrown across the room into a less defendable stance. "Can you people learn to talk normally?" Then, emphasising the draw on each shot, he resumed his tirade of arrows, the bow spitting them out, Arrowhawk breathing out a harsh breath with every shot.

"Thou art pissing me off..." he muttered under his breath.

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Though he had been knocked silly, Ragnarok still had enough sense to throw his arms up in front of his face to protect himself from the bulk of the arrows being launched at him. They bounced off of his bare skin like so many sticks and stones. As the hail continued, Ragnarok rose to a standing position, finally batting away the final arrow with a dismissive gesture of his left hand. "Useless!" He bellowed, "A real warrior fights in close combat! Cowards fight at a distance!"

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There was another electric flash between the archer and the giant. When it dissipated, Vivian stood between them. Though facing Ragnarok, she called to Arrowhawk over her shoulder, "Arrowhawk! I would not see you hurt on my behalf. This fight is mine. I thank you for your freedom, but you must run!"

Addressing the demi-god before her, she scowled, "How dare you speak of real warriors. Real warriors respect their opponents, not strap them to tables for torture like animals. Where is your honor, damnit?!" Vivian held the massive hammer just below the head. She brought it straight up towards Ragnarok's jaw as in an uppercut.

The big man leaned back slightly, and pulled his face just out of the way of the blow. A disapproving stare played across his face. The momentum of Vivian's leaping attack brought her back to the ground facing away from Ragnarok. She'd missed, and worse still, left herself wide open for a counter attack. She had only enough time to throw a terrified glance over her shoulder at the giant that now loomed over her.

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"You speak of honor, and yet you have stolen the mantle of my mother." Ragnarok's disapproving gaze was so hot, it could have ignited an ant like a magnifying glass. Except, it was focused on Vivian. "BITCH!" He bellowed, "I'll tear that armor from you undeserving corpse piece by piece!"

Ragnarok lunged forward, and seized Valkyrie with both of his massive arms. One arm wrapped around her waist, the other wound up beneath her arm and behind her neck. With Vivian held tight in a half nelson hold, Ragnarok hunched his back, and gave a mighty heave, lifting Vivian for a German Suplex. Vivian flew threw the air in an arc. An instant later, her head and neck impacted the cold metal floor with a force that could have rivaled an atom bomb.

Her scream of pain was so primal that Arrowhawk thought she might have been paralyzed on impact.

Ragnarok was not done with her, however. Using the momentum of his wrestling move, he somersaulted over her without releasing his grip. Her upper body was still planted squarely in the floor. Grasping her midsection, Ragnarok sank downward, placing his knee on her neck.

"You will tell me all you know of my mother, and the gods that hold her in service. You will tell me, and then I will end your pitiful life quickly. Refuse, and I will make this the longest, most painful experience you will ever endure ON THIS PLANE OR THE NEXT!"

"NEVER!" it was a shock to both Arrowhawk and Ragnarok that she was still conscious, let alone defiant. From out of nowhere, Vivian brought one steel booted foot straight up into Ragnarok's nose. The impact seemed to startle him, more than hurt him. But the desired effect had been achieved. His grip had been weakened. Coiling into a ball, Vivian spread her arms, and pressed her feet against his chest, "HRrraaAAHHH!" All at once she was free.

Clambering slowly to her feet, she turned to face Ragnarok. She retrieved Mjollnir from where it lay, and brandished it in front of her. "I'll never tell you. By the grace of the gods, and Odin's beard itself. I'll never tell you. You can beat me all you like, but I'll never stop fighting. And then, when the time finally comes. I'll take what I know to the grave with me." She staggered, but managed to remain standing. "Kill me, and you do me honor. By all means, release me from my mortality. Honor me and send me to Valhalla. Send me to see your mother." Vivian spat blood onto the ground nearby. Her eyes burned with anger and hatred, and they were fixed on Ragnarok.

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That was when Arrowhawk recognised his cue, spinning around to bring his cape up in an attempt to disguise his attack. But it was a clumsy attempt, as one hand was occupied removing a few clips from an explosive arrowhead, defusing the safety on it. Which would make it hurt like hell. "Ah, Freud!" he said with some relish, letting the improvised explosive fly at the huge Norseman's head. "Makes your head hurt, doesn't it?"

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The arrow hit its mark and exploded. When the small cloud of smoke dissipated, Ragnarok still stood. His golden hair and beard did look a little more burnt than they did a moment earlier, though.

Then, just as the smoke cleared, Vivian's hammer went rushing through the cloud. That projectile, Ragnarok managed to duck, however. The hammer of the gods came back to her hand, and when she caught it, she rested it's head on the ground. Vivian was very badly beaten, and it was clear from her panting that she was nearly too tired to even hold her weapon aloft. She wouldn't be long for this fight, and unless she got lucky, she wouldn't be long for the world, either.

She spared him no more words, attempting to retain what was left of her strength for the battle.

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"No," Ragnarok offered Vivian his disapproving stare once more. "You are lucky, it seems. For I need you bound to this plane a while longer. Therefore you shall live, at least for now." Ragnarok turned his gaze toward the archer across the room. He rose through the air and began floating a few feet above the ground.

"You're friend, however, is not so lucky. He is of no importance to me, you see. Are you ready, coward, to receive the judgment that befalls all men of your caliber? It pleases me that I am lucky enough to deliver their judgment to the likes of you. Yes. This will be greatly satisfying, I think." Ragnarok mashed one of his fists into the palm of his other hand. From fifty feet away, Arrowhawk could hear a sharp snapping as the big man cracked the knuckles in his hands. In an instant, Ragnarok covered the distance between them. He dove, delivering and massive overhead hay-maker that connected with Arrowhawk's chest, right above his heart. Strangely, he didn't feel his ribs break as he suspected they should have. Instead, an instant after the punch landed there was nothing. No feeling whatsoever in his chest. And then there came a terrible pain as the damaged veins and arteries near his heart strained to keep pumping blood. Arrowhawk stumbled, fighting the light-headed feeling brought on by the sudden drop in his blood pressure.

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Arrowhawk gritted his teeth as he reeled back, his whole system feeling a brief burst of nausea and dizziness. Urgh. Reeling, he staggered back on his heels, swiftly digging them in to prevent himself being overwhelmed by the light-headededness.

While he couldn't bring himself to strike the giant of a man pummeling him, Arrowhawk nonetheless managed to drop into a crouching defensive stance, weaving and swaying gently to try and duck the next strike.

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"Arrowhawk! No!" Vivian cried out as the demi-god tore past her to attack her savior. She was nearly crippled, and couldn't aid him. At least not physically.

She planted the head of Mjollnir in the ground at her feet, and used it to support herself, and rise to her full height. "Fight him, Arrowhawk!" she called out. Hoping her words could give him a fighting chance, "You're better than he is. Accusations of cowardice mean nothing, coming from one who resorts to torture. And besides, judging from that leg, you've had much worse than anything he can dish out. A meat head like him has no place in Valhalla. Now get on your feet, knock another arrow, and send him somewhere else!" It had taken all she had, but her words had the desired effect. There was something in the way she said them that crept inside Arrowhawk's chest. Whether it had something to do with gods, or just the way he felt about her he wasn't sure. But what he did know was that the empty ache within his chest was suddenly gone. Whatever it was that filled that void felt like solid gold.

"Bitch!" Ragnarok yelled as he turned away from the still staggering Arrowhawk. "By the sword of Sigmund if you don't shut that mouth, woman, I will break it and leave it hanging, as you seem so keen on flapping it anyway!"

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"Dear lord, will you both shut the goddamn Hell up?" grumbled Arrowhawk, surging upwards even as he nocked the arrow. Then he rolled backwards off his feet, coming up some feet away with the arrowhead levelled at Ragnarok's chest.

His feet hadn't even planted on the ground before the arrow had flown, straight and true, exploding with a muffled thoom into the huge Norseman's muscled chest. The sound of Arrowhawk's boots thupming into the floor couldn't even be heard above it.

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Even as Arrowhawk danced away from the cloud of smoke created by his exploding arrow, Ragnarok flew out of the other side of the cloud.

The big man flew about fifty feet back and slammed into the wall. He flattened up against it from the force of the impact. The explosion had definitely knocked him momentarily senseless.

Vivian capitalized on that. "Hraaahh!" She spun, and gave her hammer one last desperate throw. She poured every last ounce of strength she had into the throw, and it paid off. The hammer connected with Ragnarok's chest, and mashed him further into the wall. The point of impact exploded with a pulse of electricity from the hammer, but it dissipated into the air around the big man. Even as the hammer returned to her hand, it was clear that Ragnarok would not be getting back up anytime soon. He slid limply to the ground.

Vivian caught the hammer, let head head drop to the ground, and fell to one knee leaning on Mjollnir and panting.

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