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What Was Old Is New Again IC


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"Mmmm..." Bombshell murmured noncommittally and saluted him with her drink when her delicate fingers closed around the stem. She lifted the glass to her lips before picking the thread of conversation back up once more, "But now, we know. At least until she decides its best for us not to know anymore and then we'll all be surprised when another individual reveals themselves on the scene. I wonder if I'll be in oodles of trouble the next time too. Really, its rather unfair to sod off for thirty or so years and expect me to still be on the straight and narrow. I do need rather constant minding."

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Ace shrugged, "I find it safe to assume that they'll be back eventually in this business." he replied nonchalantly. "At least until you know for certain." he added with a grin. "Then again I don't think even our recurring friend could really keep you on the straight and narrow for all that long in the end." he said with a wry smile, "After all here you are."

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"Indeed, here I am, indulging in frightfully early cocktails with Ace Danger. Certainly my entree into the League of Absolute Evil is assured now. My entire plan was, after all, to ply you with liquor and take shameful advantage to make certain you looked the other way while I knicked the golden statue over there. Dash it all, Ace, always ruining my schemes," Bombshell smirked at him over the rim of her martini glass.

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Ace rolled his eyes, "As if I could be so lucky." he said with that patented Ace Danger charm. Glancing over his shoulder to the artifact in question he turned back to smirk at her, "You and I both know you aren't in this for the money and that that is a fake the Nazi melted down the real thing." he said with a shake of his head.

He glanced around and his eyes fixed on the case with her and her teams exploits, "No I think it would be more personal, but perhaps you will see that you don't need to have every little thing hoarded away, some things are worth letting the world see."

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"Ace, love, when its in a museum the proper term is 'replica', not 'fake'." Bombshell said silkily, her gaze staying on his face as he glanced over to the case. She circled one fingertip around the rim of her glass as she said with deceptive laziness, "I suppose that means you're ready to donate that musty bomber jacket to a musuem? It is so very retro after all."

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"The term is Iconic." Ace clarified as he snappily tugged the lapels of said coat straight. He glanced back to the statuette, "I think its only a replica if the know." he whispered with a wink. "Regardless, Neither of us are quite ready to hang our hats and call it a day." he said returning his voice to normal volume, "I can't stand bridge anyway."

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"You say po-ta-to, I say pa-tah-to..." Bombshell murmured, humming the next few beats of the song. She reached out to walk her fingertips down the lapels of that jacket. "It does look very snazy on you still, however, my point remains. Of course, you don't like bridge. What about bingo? I hear that's all the rage over here in our set. Lots of big markers and dots."

She blinked slowly at him and purred, "Of course, there's always shuffleboard..."

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Ace laughed out loud at that actually drawing a few looks from the assorted guests, "Yes that certainly would be a more apt substitute for swinging from ledges and matching wits against the agents of SHADOW." he said with a roll of his eyes. Ace shook his head, "No I tried the retirement gig for awhile focused on philanthropy and all that. Nearly killed me."

He shrugged, "But you know that, you could no more give it up than I could, oh the money and the fame you could care less but the challenge. Knowing you're the best." A slow grin spread across his face, "Have you heard about Magpie? New chap's been giveing the latest Raven so much trouble."

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"Oh, yes. I had heard mention of that little rivalry starting back up. Of course, both of them playing on the legacy of their predecessors," her voice was honey sweet but fire flashed for a moment in those bright blue eyes. She took another sip of her martini before her next question slipped out, "Speaking of, how is your dear, dear father these days?"

Parry. Reposte.

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Ace shrugged with a nonchalance he did not feel, "Oh about the same really only now its the Television rather than the radio that he rants about this generation of heroes being 'A bunch of lazy sissies', and working on a new memoir." he said with a blase smile. "He's a got a good ghostwriter this time, an old fan."

He let out a deep sigh, "My sister is trying to get me to sign off on one covering the early years but I really do preffer the lighter lens of the old serial rose colored though it may be."

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"A rather dour lot, but very few lazy heroes or sissies that I've come across in my dealings. They certainly could use a bit more showmanship, I think," Bombshell mused aloud, setting her empty martini glass down and back on the napkin. "I still think you should go for your war-time exploits rather than the Jungle Patrol. I think it rather suits this Brave New World a bit more than the older stories. Easier to empathize with. Not to mention, economic situations being what they are, the lot of a rich family during the Depression is not likely to win any admirers to the cause."

It was easy to forget that beneath the blonde beauty was a razor sharp mind that had played deep in the double agent game for almost a decade.

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Ace looked around at the accoutrement of the "Good War" and shook his head, "I think I'll leave that to better liars then myself." he said with a wry grin. "Perhaps after the war?" he mused with a sigh, "I would certainly fit with this current batchs morals and mores." he said with thinly veiled disgust, "I wish it was only dour but all too ruthless is the real problem, no sense of style." he shakes his head as her murmurs.

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Bombshell smirked and pushed her glass back to the bartender with one fingertip, "It's been lovely to catch up but I really should be on my way."

Over his shoulder, Ace finally realized what was missing in the case of Bombshell's exploits. Unsurprisingly, she'd lifted it clean before ever coming over to speak with him. It was always easier to take something when one wasn't currently being observed. The bulk of the case was entirely intact but from the board with the medals earned by those heroes, Bombshell's - Natalya Browning's - medals were missing from the small board with the titles.

"I'll call you."

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Ace nodded, "You best, don't be a stranger now." he said feeling no need to try and stop her after all by pretty much any standard they were hers. He leaned in to quickly Kiss her hand and allowed her to leave before pulling out his phone and quickly having all his access codes and cards reset before she had a chance to use whatever she'd taken from his wallet and copied.

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