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April 2024, Freedom City University


On a bright, sunny day in Freedom City, in the North End, three Claremont students were currently in the vicinity of FCU, or on the campus proper, on two distinct errands


Bernadette O’Connell, alias Multi-Girl, aka the frontwoman for the band Multiplicity, was here to participate in an interview with FCU's school newspaper and morning show DJ. Thomas Windstrum worked in both groups and thus had brought Bernadette in to discuss her plans for Multiplicity, upcoming tour dates, and general other information; Thomas was a genuine fan of music and that included Multiplicity, so the interview was going to be a great spot to get traction amongst the college age students that Bernadette was only a little younger than, which meant they were perfect targets for her music.


Meanwhile, Michael Adon had brought Ryan Jacobs to Liberty Park to meet someone who had a better job opportunity for Ryan; specifically, Michael's dad, Terrance Thomas Adon.





Bernadette was currently in the on campus radio station that bordered the quad at FCU. From the station she could look out onto a quad filled with trees and students milling about. Even the radio equipment at FCU for it's college station was state of the art and kept in outstanding repair. Thomas was a dusty haired college junior with a bit of a paunch and a classic Green Day T-shirt, but his passion for music was very clear from just a little bit of conversation with Bernadette. As the station returned from music, he activated their mics and began talking.


"So again, this is Thomas, and I'm here with Bernadette O'Connell, front-woman of Multiplicity, who just had an electrifying set at Midnight Hour last month. She has a full set of performances coming up, but I want to talk history first; start at the beginning and all that. Bernadette, how'd you get into music in the first place?" he asked, grinning all the way.


Michael and Ryan


Meanwhile, Michael had lead Ryan to Liberty Park, close to FCU itself, but still in the park. Sitting at a bench that was close to the shadow of FCU's giant stadium, Terrance Thomas Adon was eating a hamburger and filling out payroll. He did look a lot like Michael, if Michael gave up his rigorous studies and exercises and went a bit soft; Terrance was fairly tall, his brown hair thinning at the top and salt and peppered. He was a bit slack around the waist, representing a physical worker who had moved into an office job, and dressed in a Decosta Construction button-up shirt. When Michael brought Ryan over, Ryan could see Michael's strong jaw and sharp eyes in Terrance's face, even if the rest of Michael's face wasn't much like his dad's. He spoke with a heavy Boston accent. He greeted his own son with a smile before turning his attention on Ryan. Now it was like there were two Michaels staring intently at Ryan at once.


"Ah, your Ryan, eh? Mike said you're pretty strong and open to getting a new job?"

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Bernadette had a wide (and genuine) smile on her face as she sat in the recording booth of the campus radio station across from Thomas. As the band’s popularity had started to grow and expand overseas, these types of requests for interviews had started to come in, and were only likely going to increase in frequency if things continued as they were. As the frontwoman for the band, it had naturally fallen on Bernadette to start handling most of the requested interviews.


The redheaded teen was dressed in a pair of dark grey Converse tennis shoes, black jeans, with a grey T-shirt with Multiplicity's logo on the front, over which she wore a black leather jacket. Her smile was still very much in place as she responded to Thomas’ first question. "I am absolutely thrilled ta be here Thomas." She began. "Music was just somethin' I was drawn ta at a young age. I have two older brothers, so it was very common fer me ta hear whatever bands they were followin.'  My mum said that even at a very young age, I would go around singin' the lyrics ta whatever songs I heard while helpin' her with chores."


"So, when they could, my parents scrapped together some money ta get me some lessons an' got me signed up with choir or other music programs in school when available."

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"Fast food sucks, sir. That's all I'm gonna say. I mean, I'm about six two, I can bench about 230, and I'm good with taking orders. I don't have any practical skills, but I can lift and I'm willing to learn."


Ryan managed to procure a decent looking button up shirt and slacks with a tie, so he looked like he was ready for an interview, even if he did still have dye in his hair. He knew it would be physically exhausting, but he was used to hard work and heavy lifting. And besides, the sword made him a whole lot tougher and gave him a lot more endurance.

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(GM Post)




"Oh, wow, two older brothers, huh? It must have been a little rough growing up. Still, it sounds like you had a boisterous household in your own right, do you think that comes in through your music in any way? Or maybe any issues with those brohters as you were growing up?" Thomas asked, leaning back in his chair and pulling the mic with him as he talked. He didn't seem like he didn't care, he was just relaxed about the whole thing- maybe a little unprofessional, but he wasn't a professional adult yet himself, so sometimes that happend- "So you started music lessons early, so I guess it's been a dream of yours for a long time like you said. What was it like when you started out with music? Were you a natural talent or did you work at it? I mean obviously anyone has to work pretty hard to get good at something, but how easy did it come for you? And what about instruments, how many can you play?" 


Ryan and Michael


"Two thirty? That's pretty good. You know that's about what Mike was managing before he had to change schools due to the...accident. That's about as good as someone your age can get to without putting in some seriously questionable effort, so you're doing good in my book. But a lot of times construction isn't just about lifting heavy things; we have wheelbarrows and trucks and cranes for a lot of that. It can be surprisingly delicate, you know?" he gestured to the wooden table he was sitting at and the screws in it. "For example, look at this screw. I can look at these screws and be impressed not just at the precision of where they are, but the smoothness of the bore. They aren't cracking the wood, they aren't bulging out, they won't snag a jacket put on the table, or make an uneven surface for eating. Construction work is exactly like that. Strength is good, but what I am gonna want is someone who is just as good at listening to instructions and has a good, delicate touch. Now admittedly you won't be doing any unsupervised work right off the bat or anything, but I just want you to think about how even maunal labor like construction is actually more in depth then just riveting some steel beams in place, you get what I mean?"

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Bernadette chuckled slightly at Thomas' comment about things being a little rough growing up with two older brothers. "It could get a wee bit rough at times, but I think it helped encourage an assertive streak an' ta stand up fer myself." The redhead replied with a grin. "I think that environment comes through in tha fisty, upbeat spirt in a lot o' our music, particularly the original songs we are workin' on."


The Irish teen paused a moment as she reached down to take something out of her backpack that was on the ground beside her chair. "By the way, I have somethin' from the band we wanted you ta have." She said as she held out a thick magazine to Thomas. The cover was in Japanese, and featured a picture of Bernadette and the rest of the band on it. "Last month after our show at the Midnight Hour, we went ta Tokyo fer a show. While there we were interviewed by a Japanese teen magazine an' had a photo shoot. So, this is a copy o' our first magazine cover, which just came out in Japan." She said with a wide smile.


If Bernadette was bothered by Thomas seeming a bit unprofessional, she showed no sign of it as the redhead turned back to his other questions about her start in music. "Well, I would say I certainly had a natural talent, but even then it has been somethin' I have continued ta work at. I have been very fortunate in the opportunities my parents have worked very hard ta provide, an' gettin' a scholarship ta transfer down here ta a private school." When he asked her about musical instruments, she chuckled slightly. "Does snapin' my fingers count? Really, I have never tried ta learn an instrument. I have always naturally gravitated toward bein’ part o' a team, focusin' on my strengths an' relyin' on others ta cover other areas that are their strengths. So, bein' part o' a band where Summer, John an’ Mark are key part o' things just feels more natural than ever tryin' ta be a solo performer or do more than focus on singin'."

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(Golden Star Post)


While Ryan was getting grilled by his dad, Michael had taken a seat at the table to observe. He was only really here for moral support and for the introduction, so he didn't have much to say- he was confident in Ryan's ability to ace this 'interview', so he wasn't that concerned about it-, instead he just watched as the two talked, resting his chin on one of his hands as he watched. When or if Ryan looked over, he'd give him an encouraging smile and a thumbs up; he was sure Ryan could manage this, so he wasn't concerned. After all, Michael liked his dad and his dad was a good guy, so he'd like Ryan too.

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(GM Post)




"Folks. She has handed me the cover of the magazine in question. We'll be getting this on the station website as soon as this interview finishes so we can get it out to you." Thomas said, suitably dramatically. "Plus a link to the interview if we can. The cover is quite something." He said appreciatively as he looked at the cover. When she brought up the hard work and her other bandmates, he nodded along, thinking about how to phrase his next questions.


"It sounds like a great situation to have ended up in; did you get your band together before or after you got to school? I imagine getting together with like-minded people in a scholarship school like you're in would help make the band be more cohesive, so everyone has the same goals in mind." He's intentionally being vague about what school Bernadette is a student at, since he doesn't want to end up revealing something she'd rather not reveal; privacy was very important for stars after all. 


"It's really interesting to hear a frontwoman whose so intune about keeping the group operating and working together on the same page; it's a humble way to view your situation and your relationships to your band mates. What would you say gives you that sort of view point? Just general experience with your family?"

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"Well, Summer an' I met my first year after startin' down here, but that was her Senior year. While we got ta know each other that year, we didn' really have any plans fer a band then. But we stayed in touch after she graduated, an' made the decision ta try an' start a band just before the start o' this school year." Bernadette replied to the first question.


At Thomas’ other question, the redhead has a sly smile. "Well, I think my family experiences had a bit ta do with it. But I also gravitated ta team sports at an' early age, eventually settlin' on Lacrosse until I came down here fer school. That is very much a sport where you need ta rely on everyone ta do their part. So it just feels natural ta me ta expect the same with the band, where everyone has an important part ta play."

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  • 1 month later...

(GM Post)


"Of course, that makes a lot of sense. Teamwork is important everywhere. Everyone always complains about group projects but no one wants to be the person who doesn't pull their weight." He said, trying to keep a little bit of a joke going in this interview. "Everyone always thinks of bands as people waiting to go off on solo acts, but those solo acts never do succeed as well as the groups, unless you're really lucky." he chuckled.


There was some feedback in both of their ears. Just a little. Enough that Thomas looked at the machinery.


"Sorry Folks, seems to be a bug in the equipment. Anyway, Bernie, why don't we play one of your songs, right now? We'll give everyone a great taste of your-"


The feedback screeched through the ears and left ringing in both Thomas and Bernie's ears. Thomas grabbed his ears and pulled his own headset off. All that he could hear- all that Bernie could hear-, was the ringing of the feedback for a moment. Thomas opened his mouth to talk.


Nothing came out. He was moving his lips and talking, but no sound was coming out. Bernie didn't FEEL deaf. What was happening?


A Door banged open at the side, but there was no sound. There was no sound as another student ran in, clearly screaming. There was no sound as she yelled something, pointing outside and saying something rapidly. Thomas was making furious gestures himself, confused and concerned.


The student pointed and said something. Then she gave up, pulled out her phone, and texted something. Thomas checked his own phone and read it. His face went quite pale, and he turned, showing the text to Bernie.


"The Maestro is on Campus. He's turned off all the sound in the entire campus. We need to shelter in place."

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