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Cerebral and Cerebellum


Cerebral would hear the commotion below her and easily figured out what or who that might be, who else would it be? She would smile a little bit. "Good job Danny." She muttered to herself before a purple aura surrounded her form and she floated a little off the ground before using it to boost her a bit faster down the stairs! 




Cerebellum would rush in the direction of Michael's voice. This should bring him to the door and he would rush in as fast as he could before looking for some cover. Daniel did not think he could take as many hits as Michael could, but he could at least support! 

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Michael didn't stop! Not while they only had a few seconds to get everything done before those troops went crazy! He needed to take out as many as he possibly could! So he rushed through the smoke and out the other side, bringing his hands back before clapping them forward, sending out a wave of force from his hands and pushing the disoriented soldiers back as he did so!


"Don't stop! Let's keep moving up, just take them out if they're in the way and keep going up, fighting them all seems like it might be impossible!"

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The shockwave sent the soldier-goons flying, ears ringing, weapons firing chaotically (sometimes blasting each other). Scientists held onto their thick glasses as they slammed into the concrete, white coats flapping wildly, occasionally tearing. 


Lights cracked, sending glass tinkling to the floor. Predictably, as befitted the base of General Sparks, they sent sparks to the floor. A few hit the overturned tables and the scattered papers, lighting small fires. 


All in all, Golden Star had completely cleaned out the bottom floor!


And the tower? The tower was groaning. Cracks appeared in the concrete. 


And above, Cerebral could feel the tower wobble...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Cerebral and Cerebellum


Cerebral felt the tower wobble and realised that she did not have time, so she burst into the nearest room and went straight for the window, using her powers to force the glass to break! This was the only chance she thought she had!


Meanwhile, panic set in for Cerebellum, his heart was beginning to raise and his mind wandered for a moment as soon as he heard the shockwave and felt the wobbling tower! His sister was still in there! He would rush after Michael, as he could hear the other boy. They needed to find her stat!

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The mighty Cerebral set her psionic powers to the reinforced window. Concrete, steel, rivets, bolts. This was a window that was designed to keep paratroopers out. Or possibly captives in. Possibly even keep soldiers in. 


The cage on the window rattled. More cracks appeared in the concrete...


And then, with nuts and bolts flying, the cage was ripped clean off the concrete. The window smashed. Cerebellum could hear the tinkle of glass on the floor, and the rush of cold air hit her face. She was still up - maybe ten stories. 


And the whole tower, reeling from the impacts it had recieved, suffering from poor architectural design, was starting to wobble...

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As Michael and Daniel made their way up the tower, leaving the ko'd guards behind, the teen paragon was on the lookout for Iris the whole way, moving through the increasingly unstable tower with as much speed as he could muster without leaving Daniel behind or damaging the tower; the thing felt like it could fall at any minute! 


With a thunderous BANG! noise, he set his shoulder and muscled his way through a locked steel door, wobbling as the entire building shook; surely not from his impact, but from some other terrible thing. As he entered the next room, he spotted the broken glass, and Iris, and pointed her out.

"Iris! Daniel look it's your sister!" he yelled. "Come on, let's follow her lead and get out of this building before we get buried in rubble!" he called to the other teenage boy as he started to fly, heading for Iris.

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Cerebral and Cerebellum


As soon as Michael mentioned that he had found Iris, the young man rushed forward and pushed past Michael a little and then he hugged Iris tightly, who would turn in surprise and hug him back. They would mention how much they missed each other then they pulled away with tears in their eyes.


"W-We do need to go...I missed you so much Iris I-."


"-We can talk about this later Daniel. Come on." Iris smiled softly for a moment then jumped out the window she had smashed and started to fly, Daniel would follow after her.

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Outside the tower


From waaaaay above, and the very tip of the tower, a figure could be seen, floating in the air. 


General Sparks himself!


His costume was a ragged, and his was emitting furious... well, furious sparks. 


"ANARCHISTS!" he said, pointing below him to the three heroes with a flared glove. 


He swooped down slightly, and manned one of the huge cannons that looked like it had been designed by a 50s Sci Fi costume designer after imbibing some mushrooms for creative purposes. Glowing cyan rings, black fins, beeping lights. 


And from the gun a shower of electric bolts started raining down on them!


And now, the tower was really creaking. It looked like it might topple at any moment...

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Michael's happiness at the twins reuniting had been shattered by this general guy! He'd never seen him before, but he was really starting to get ticked off! Why was he so annoying!? He dipped between electric bolts and tried to stay close to the tower, to avoid letting the turret blast him.


"This guy sucks!" Michael yelled to the twins, pointing up at the evil General Sparks. "And his stupid tower's about to fall over too! How about we knock it over and send him falling!?" he suggested. "This thing is starting to look like a stiff breeze could send it falling! Maybe we go down to one of the smaller points and just like...knock it over?"

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Cerebral and Cerebellum


The twins look up at General Sparks and Daniel just blinks. "Wait...that's him?" He asks outloud, kind of expecting something a little more threatening looking...but this was an old retro game that they were trapped in. So this did make a lot of sense. Iris would nod at her brother and Michael. "Indeed, and he's just as annoying as he looks...still he is a threat." She then turns towards Michael and smiles a little bit. 


"Bring it down seems like a good idea, but that means you'd have to get around the tower and push it. Daniel, can you distract him while I pull on these support pillars with my telekinesis?"


"I can!"


"Alright, let's move out.


Daniel would float in front of the two and call out to General Sparks. "SO! YOU'RE THE BIG CHEEZE HUH?! YOU DON'T SEEM SO TOUGH!



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Posted (edited)



General Sparks raised his sparking fist and shook it at the heroes far below him. 




The heavens rumbled. A storm was about to break. 




The first drops of the storm hit he heroes. A second later, there was a downpour!


And to add to the rain, a rolling wave of lightning bolts rained down from General Sparks turret!

Edited by Supercape
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  • 2 weeks later...

The lightning bolts came down hard on Michael, but he was in the zone at this point! He was really feeling it, on cloud nine after all these struggles, at the runner's high portion of the event! Even the bolts that did hit him through the shower bounced off him and left him completely unharmed. He felt like he could take on the entire world.


"Your power's all washed up, General Sparks! You might be the biggest cheese, but I'm the grill, and we're gonna turn you into grilled cheese! And we're GAS powered, not electric!" leaving aside that gas grills were actually older than electric ones but whatever. "So get ready for some grill marks! We're taking you out!" He declared as he swooped down to the thinnest point of the wobbly, wibbly tower, and slammed into it with his shoulder like a burst of solar light, making a great big echoing BOOM as he smacked into it! It wobbled more, but stayed steady, but he was prepared to hit it again when he could swing back around.

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Cerebral and Cerebellum


General Sparks was hammy, extremely silly at times...but he was still a massive threat and this just proved it. Unlike Michael, who seemed to be handling himself just fine, the twins were not, the combination of rain and lighting did not help and Iris was struck dead on by a lighting bolt!

"GAHHHHH~!" She screamed out as the water made the damage even worse...then she felt her conciousness slip, the telekinetic energy keeping her flying is shut off and she starts to fall quickly towards the ground!


Daniel wasted no time, he too was burned and injured by the bolt of lighting but he was still hanging on. "IRIS!" He cried out and immdeately abandoned Michael and shot down to catch his sister with his own telekinesis.

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"You pathetic fools have no chance against my electrical electricity!" yelled down General Sparks, carressing the turret as if it was a lover. 


the tip of the barrel was glowing white hot, and steam hissed from the weapons innards. 


Once again General Sparks pressed the trigger of the fierceome weapon, only to be greeted with the beep of an alarm. 


"Admittedly," he conceded it a more muted, more vexed tone, "the overheating is a bit of an issue. But once I electrocute my top scientists to motivate them with painful pain, I am sure they will have the necessary motivation to iron out the problems, and revere me as their beloved leader. Nay! Thank me for torturing them! Yes!"


He pressed the trigger a few more times - just feeble sparks. But, the tip of the weapon was cooling down fast!

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"Ah! Hey!" Michael yelled in surprise as the blasts hit Iris head on and she went down. He turned his attention back to the tower and growled, glowing ever brighter as he shoved against it.


"YOU! STOP! THAT! NOW!" he roared at General Sparks, strength filling his arms as he tried to shove the entire tower over. He turned around and flew away, soaring up and away several thousand feet. Then he turned back around and charged at the weakened section of the tower, going so fast the corona of light around him warped into a trailing bubble of red/gold light as he got faster and faster before he smashed directly into the tower at full speed!

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Cerebral and Cerebellum


Daniel managed to catch Iris and float her down behind the wall of a nearby building so she couldn't be seen, then he narrowed his eyes. He could not see Michael or General Sparks. But he could see the weakened tower, and that was enough. Daniel would move out from behind the wall and focused on the tower, his hand moved out and he would focus on pulling out an important beam of the tower.


Unfortunately he could not make of fall, but Michael could hear it creaking somewhat! 

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Creaking somewhat meant creaking a lot. Masonry was falling from every widening gaps. Even the dimmest of soldiers inside (and the competition was fierce in this regard) was screaming in fear, running down to the lowest level and making what espace they could. 


As it stood, the tower would not be stooding for much longer. It looked like a stiff breeze could finish the job right now. The muscles of Golden star and the psychic power of Daniel had reduced it to a sorry state. And yet, by a thread, it still stood. 


General Sparks, seeing the threat to his glorious monument, screamed in rage, discarding is overheated turret and flying straight down - ready to smite Golden Star with a furious fist. 


Alas, he flew too fast, too madly, and his fist smashed through air, and air alone. 

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As Michael twisted in the air, still unable to break the tower down, his frustration was getting even higher, until his aura was bright red with frustration. When General Sparks came down towards him, he glanced up and swiftly moved to the side, sending the General plummeting downwards. But he didn't let him go. He grabbed the General by the back of the cape and held him, gripping him with both hands. Then he started to spin, twisting in mid air around and around like a giant, boiling top, General Sparks turning into a smear of purple around the top as they spun.


"I WANT YOU! AND YOUR TOWER! TO FALL DOWN!" Michael finally yelled as he released the General, hurling him with tremendous force directly into the weak spot in the tower!

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General Sparks crashed into the tower with a yell that sounded half grunt of anger, half wail of lamentation. Whatever it was, it was drowned out by the sound of falling masonry. 


"Nooooooo!" he screamed, as the tower collapsed around him. In honesty, the pummeling at had from top to bottom - bazzooka, super strength, and collision, meant that a dainty feather might have achieved the feat. But it still looked impressive. 


Like a mighty oak, it creaked, groaned, and then fell to the ground, unleashing a torrent of dust...


And then a GLITCH


An ERROR message on the screen


The fine detail of the world turned to crude pixels. 


The Ninento 64 beeped


And Golden Star and the Twins were back in their dorm, with Carmen Arache (better known as La Puma Negra). 


And one sparking TV screen, and one sparking (cursed) Ninento 64!

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Minding her own business, Carmen had been inexplicably drawn to the strange sounds coming from the break room of the dorm for the past hour or so, peaking in as it appeared like one was there save for a video game played on an old console. While video games weren't really allowed at the orphanage, plenty of times she had snuck out to play games at the arcade in town, getting in all sorts of practice and ideas for what would become her super heroic fighting style. In fact, she had planned to go with Micheal to an arcade around town, but she had some gymnastic practice on that day.


"Huh, that's strange, why is that still..." Carmen would ask before being freaked out beyond a reasonable doubt, looking like a scaredy cat if there was one, jumping up and away. The werecat would be found looking down from a bookcase, hissing before realizing whom it was. They had all suddenly reappeared.

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Michael screamed as he was suddenly back in his body. He lit up like a Christmas tree, bathing the entire dorm room in a sudden red gold light he was in the middle of a fight with a mighty supervillain. He looked around frantically, eyes wide, before realizing he was back in his room.

"C..Carmen!? Hi!?" he said in a tense voice. "Did you see an M. Bison Rip-off running around!? Dictator?! Raul Julia!?" he said, looking around. "Wait, no. Iris!" he looked back at the twins, then turned to his dorm room door. "WE NEED A NURSE IN HERE. SOMEONE GET THE SCHOOL NURSE!" he yelled down the hall, his voice booming and echoing down the hall to try and get someone's attention. "STUDENT DOWN!" he was aggressively trying to take control of the situation, the same way Carmen knew him when he was in the middle of a Superhero fight. Once he finished calling out and focused, he continued glowing, but looked around sharply, not trusting they were safe just yet.


"Carmen. This is going to sound quite ridiculous, but we were just sucked into that game console. We had to fight the boss of some Doom rip-off. General Sparks, M. Bison kinda guy. It's been a bit rough. Did you see him come out before we did? I buried him in his tower as it collapsed on him but if we got out he might have as well."

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Cerebral and Cerebellum


Carmen might not know the twins too well but they would have worked together a few times at this point. Still seeing them getting shot out of a glowing TV with Michael would be odd to just about anyone. But it is indeed what happened. 

Iris fell straight onto the floor as soon as they were out of that cursed game. She seemed unconcious. Her brother, Daniel, would seem alright as he looked around frantically also, he would scoop his sister up before taking a few deep breaths. They were back in the room. Not a destoryed city. It was fine! They were fine! 

His attention turned to the game console and he would use his telekinesis to pull out the cursed cartrage and throw it onto the floor. 

"Ok, ok deep breaths, Michael calm down!"

A pause

"....ohh heeeeyyyy Carmen! What are you doing up there?

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Carmen was sprawled out a top the bookshelf looking like a common house cat that had been scared near to death by the sudden commotion. Sure, there was plenty of weird stuff that occurred around the city that she had dealt with, but this was different. This naturally had startled her in such an off-guard fashion that such a situation had occurred. Of course, she would never admit that she was a scaredy cat as she was perched up on the top of the shelving, somehow managing to fit into the small space between both bookcase and the ceiling itself.


"What.... what are you both... what going on here?"

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Meanwhile... Amidst the chaos...


More Chaos was to come. 


The Nintendo 64 startes buzzing, the sparking, and then in an explosion of blue-white light, General Sparks was in the real world!


The light was blinding - enough to give the poor students glowing after images in their retina's for days. But - if they could see (and that was to be determined!) - they would have seen a General Sparks transformed. 


Not flesh, no! But living lightning! A man sized shape of pure energy. One could still see his ridiculously tall military hat, his flared gloves and boots, and his short cape, all now made of blue-white electricity. 


"I AM HERE TO CONQUER!" he yelled, flexing his lightning muscles, and standing tall and triumphant. 


Lamentably, his form was still only two feet tall. But short stature never stopped any dictator!

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Carmen leaps down right towards this strange being that had come out of the game console and cartridge just as she was soon flashed by the bright light, blinding her intensely, unable to see whatsoever. The werecat's claws already in motion but cutting through pure energy. It would do little against this being, instead being given in return the worse shocking she had taken in her entire life. Volts cutting through her body, crying out loud before stumbling back out of the range of the aura that had just gone through her. Somehow, for now, she had managed to preserver herself, holding out but a more singed than she was beforehand.


"What is this thing!?"

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