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Posts posted by RobRX

  1. "No." Kharag said out loud. "It has to end here and now and it shall." The alien god-king walked up to the scorched remains of the cyborg assassins and proceeded to stomp their remains until what was left of them was nothing but a pile of ashes, which soon scattered in the wind around him.

    "I hope for the sake of those in my people who are innocent that you, Silvar Drash, have found any lead, lest my anger be taken upon all of my people gathered here. I have grown weary and tired of this foolish chasing game. I will find the traitor and when I do, no mortal or god will be able to preserve him from my wrath."

  2. GM

    "Wether or not we had an 'empire' depends on which historian you ask. You see, over...I believe two millenia ago we were a pre-spaceflight civilization. We had just been united by a conqueror when aliens arrived and then uplifted us. We became part of their empire and when theirs collapsed, we entered our own golden age of sort and spread across the stars. Wether or not it was an empire depends, as I said, on who you ask. There was a figurehead, an emperor but as I have said, people will debate how much of an empire it truly was as we were spread rather thin. That is why there isn't much 'Za'akis space' to speak of, it's semi-isolated planets and systems ruled by clans who are often quite belligerent to each others." He took another shot of his grub. "As they should be." The captain added, strangely content with this state of semi-permanent warfare. Presumably something about 'keeping sharp'.

    "By the time the Lor had reached the stars we were very much in the current state you see us. As for technological advancement, there is a certain sense of complacency amongst my people; we have enough knowledge left to us by the Delaztri empire. I'm not sure you've heard of them, but they were a pre-Lor galacity society of which few records are left of. They are the ones who uplifted us. As for the rest, outside of technologies applied to warfare and survival in hostile environment, we tend to reverse engineer." Or perhaps steal or take as spoils of war, Aya presumed. Take something neat, take it apart and build more. Why bother inventing? "Ja-Gorr was indeed a Za'akis colony but only for a time. When the Delaztri found it they deemed it a bit too difficult to make us of, too dry the story says. I can see today's Lor colonist have similar problems. So they gave it to us, as our population was growing. Then...well the details on the fall of the Delaztri are unfortunately scarce. Or were, until recent event."

    The old Za'akis looked Aya in the eyes. "We've all seen them now, haven't we? The Communion."

  3. GM

    "Simple. Ja-Gorr used to be a Za'akis colony. It's that simple. There is nothing else to it; we were here before the Lor were, so by right what is on this planet belong to us." He said, pouring himself a foul-smelling drink, colored an odious slimy green. "I would offer you a drink but half of what we eat or drink is poisonous to the Lor but if you want I can get a you a drink or meal that will mesh better with your biology." The old Za'akis chugged down what he had just poured. As soon as he was done, he started pouring himself another 'shot' of...whatever the hell that was.

    "You probably don't believe me. It is fine. There is no need for dishonesty between us."

  4. Kharag's other method is brute force psionic interrogation but that's just not an optimal solution as it is both horrible and something he loathe to do. Also I think that Lor Mentat would be quite surprised at what Kharag can actually do, psionics-wise.

  5. He's a kung-fu demigod that's been asleep for a million years. She's a racist space-cop who saw everyone she loved die in a war. Together fight crime!!

    ... So the ad copy needs some work, but the idea is solid. 

    ​That does sound like a buddy cop movie.

  6. Ever since I gave Rampart a read-over, I want to at least have Cerulean encounter her at some point -- not unlikely, given that they're both at Claremont.  Eileen is 5'9" and wears heels, and has been complaining that all the boys she's met so far have been her height or shorter.

    Rampart is 6'4".  Eileen is going to be so, so sympathetic.

    Beyond that, though, I don't have any specific ideas yet.  I'll think on something. :)

    ​I'll figure something Claremont-related.

    Kharag and Corona have to do something at some point. It just screams buddy cop dramedy.

    ​So basically it's like Rush Hour but one is an uptight Lor cop and one is a barbarian? I mean, Kharag does martial arts after all. A very brutal, currently unnamed form of psionic martial art but still.

  7. And we have a third shameless self-plugging thread! This time mine, obviously. In particular I'm trying to GM more threads, althought anyone interested in doing something with one of my character who wish to GM is of course more than welcome. Now, on to what I can offer!

    Bloodline: Retired, but not forgotten. Bloodline is a grim survivor from a horrible post-apocalyptic future who came back in time to stop said future from hapenning. In the process he somewhat found out that he only averted his future from hapenning in the main/Earth Prime universe. He's the kind of character who can get involved in street crime, science gone wrong plots or supernatural ones. Anything about the horrible things which goes bump in the night or time travel is something he can get involved in.

    Kharag: Want something in space? Well, there's Kharag...if only because he's my only space character. Still he's a fairly polyvalent one plot-wise. Think a Klingon psychic Conan or Gilgamesh (or any mythological hero) and that's a very apt description. Still being a space character and someone willing to purposefully get into trouble, he can be found in any space thread as long as there is enough action. Alternatively if you want some space adventures which are more pulp-ish (but still IN SPACE!) he's a good option for this otherwise narrower niche.

    Rampart: Cho Paige Lee, for her full name (and for a long time her only name). Recently promoted from powerhouse to full blown Paragon. She's a Terminus-powered mutant. Cho is my Claremont character, even if she's spent quite some time away from Claremont recently. By far my most generalist of all my characters, so if you got something which the plot scream 'COMIC BOOKS!!' that's probably for her.

    Now unto the Game Mastering options...

    Any space thread: Want something set in space? Ask me, I'm up for it.

    Elseworlds: Alternatively want me to run amok with canon? Yes, I can do that. I've been itching to run some elseworlds and what if stories. It can be anything from a simple 'what if X hapenned' to alternate takes on your character in a different style and setting (like say Spider-Man Noir). The fun in it is that it's self-contained so I suppose we can experiment and try new things.

  8. 'Lead them? No, far from it. I merely intend to extinguish whatever life is left inside that mutilated husk.' Kharag 'said' before charging at the remaining Cyborg, a punch aimed right for what used to be the creature's head. At the last moment, the cyborg reacted and ducked out of the way, having only the top of it's head barely touching Kharag's moving fist. "Enough! You will no longer escape me, you foul creature. I shall reduce your body to nothing but meat and scrap metal, fiend!"

  9. 'You made a most crucial mistake in understanding me: Safety is not something easily found on my world, it is one of the highest luxury possible. That much you understand. What you don't understand is that I would never find myself in an environment I cannot adapt. I would never allow myself to be put in a situation where I cannot master the land. So I lied, while you were there I played the part of the savage worried he is in unfamilliar land. When you were gone, I kept making 'mistake' after 'misake', letting my guard down, letting the cyborgs potentially in wait think I was losing my mind. That is how I lured them.' Kharag explained to Dragonid, mentally. Of course one could easily argue it was far from the most intelligent plan, luring out assassins while the only person you can trust is away and unable to assist. Not so much a tactical mistake as a deliberately foolish and arrogant plan based on the idea that Kharag would be able to take them down on his own.

    'As it turns out there might be far more of these things out there than I ever could have anticipated. I am flattered to think my would-be-killer believes an army of monster is the only thing which can bring me down. That fool knows what he is against.'

  10. GM

    Navigating the somewhat narrow corridors, the Lor caught glimpses of the crew outside of their armor. A few of them were from other races but most of them were indeed Za'akis; which is to say green and blue humanoids with saurian-esque crests on their heads and, looking closer, continuing down their spines. Corona spotted several ones which she figured were female, but with them it is always hard to tell at first glance. Either way they seemed as unfriendly and battle-hardened as the males.

    Corona arrived at the bridge and was taken to a door to the left of it, which led to a few stairs, taking her to a level above the bridge, the captain's ready rooom. "Aya of the K'zan. We meet, in the flesh." Said the captain, sitting at his desk. All around the room, gruesome trophies decorated it; skulls of what Corona presumed to be dead animals, but it was possible some were actually sentient beings. Or had been, anyway. Weapons of all kind on the walls and a rug made from some immense red-furred beast. "I assume it is customary to ask you to take a seat? To be perfectly honest, I am not sure if you Lor make it a custom to sit without being asked. What can I said, I'm an old man and my head is full of old rituals and customs."

  11. "I am more than aware, after all the first ones we encountered took the form of a member of my people." He said, snarling and clenching his fist tightly. "However, impersonation of an official is a crime punishable by death. And as my people's spiritual leader I also qualify as a priest. I must say, you creatures must be truly seeking death, for you have been marked to be thrice-executed. It is quite the achievement." He sneered at the mechanical creature left, showing his utter disdain.

    Kharag glanced at Dragonid, before initiating a mental communication. 'I have deceived you, but it was a necessary deception. Do you remember my talk at how I felt uneasy and unsafe in this new environment? I lied.'

  12. GM

    The inside of the Za'akis ship certainly reflected a warrior culture. It was tight and spartan. However at first glance the lighting seemed a tad too dark, almost making it seem like it would be counterproductive to have a warship where people can't see well but anyone with familiarity with the species would know they can see the heat of objects and people. Presumably they had no issue navigating inside their ship. Corona found herself greeted by four armored aliens, presumably Za'akis but it was hard to tell given their full body armor. "The Captain will see you in his ready room, Lor. Follow me."

  13. Player Name: RonRX

    Character Name: The Apparition


    In Brief: In time of need, an ordinary person can find itself empowered by an otherworldly force and become The Apparition.


    Residence: Unknown, Variable (Depending on host)

    Base of Operations: Anywhere.


    Alternate Identity:

    Identity: Secret, Variable (Depending on host)

    Birthplace: Unknown, Variable (Depending on host)

    Occupation: Wandering avenger, Variable (Depending on host)

    Affiliations: None, Variable (Depending on host)

    Family: None, Variable (Depending on host)



    Age: Unknown, Variable (Depending on host)

    Apparent Age: Unknown, Variable (Depending on host)

    Gender: Unknown, Variable (Depending on host)

    Ethnicity: Unknown, Variable (Depending on host)

    Height: Variable (Depending on host)

    Weight: Variable (Depending on host)

    Eyes: Glowing

    Hair: Usually none (Depending on host)


    The exact appearance of The Apparition vary, depending on it’s current human vessel. Usually The Apparition takes the form of a vaguely idealized version of it’s human vessel, with an eerie appearance. Something like a very life-like mannequin. It’s skin become a pale shade of blue and vaguely translucent. It’s features become cold and grim and the eyes become glowing blank orbs. Clothes usually appear as a black mantle and hood, with the rest of the detail varying between each vessel.


    Power Descriptions:

    Not sure yet.



    All across the world, all across history there come a time when a savior is needed. Perhaps there was a terrible disaster or, more likely, there is an evil to be stopped and undone. It can be anything from a small-scale danger to a world-threatening evil. Sometimes, a savior answer the plea of the people. Is it an angel, some divine guardian? Is it some sort of collective hallucination? Or perhaps some unknowable entity from beyond.


    Whatever the case may be, an ordinary person may find itself suddenly merged with an otherworldly entity and transformed into a nameless being (which will henceforth be called the Apparition for simplicity). The merging is always a willing act and never forced upon its human host. Once the host willingly allow the entity to enter, it physically become The Apparition and is granted its powers. The two being, human and entity, become one and creates a new composite personality, which grants The Apparition the skills and knowledge of it’s human vessel. When the situation has been resolved and when evil has been dispatched, the entity leave.

    Personality & Motivation:

    The entity which empower humans, transforming them into The Apparition, is hard to define. It is an alien mind, which seems strange given how The Apparition appears when there is a need for a hero. From what can be understood, the entity does not know why it empower humans or when it started it's one-being crusade on evil. Nowadays, it simply does so because it is what it has always done. Despite it's alieness, the entity has a very strong sense of justice and a strong motivation to safeguard life, althought it is perfectly willing to take one life to save another. Fortunately, since it's vessels are always fundamentally good people, it's human half ensure that The Apparition has a moral compass. If anything, it is an entity which live very strongly 'in the moment'. When The Apparition appear, it is because it has a purpose and it's purpose must be fullfilled.



    So, The Apparition! A bit of a mash up of The Spectre, Ghost Rider and of course Captain Universe. A very weird and unusual character concept which is better explained here than on the actual character sheet.


    The Apparition is a legacy/mantle passed on to various people in need. It means that each thread, it is possible (and likely) that a new person will be channeling the powers of The Apparition. The entity itself has it’s own mind and personality, but how it acts and think depend on the person it is currently empowering. While it keeps its memory between adventures, how it act and think can and will vary depending on who it is inside of.  The Apparition has a small array of Enhanced Skills and Feats representing the most likely candidate for it’s channeling. This array has the Uncontrollable flaw, meaning the GM can force a change in the array. This mean sometimes The Apparition has skills which are useful to the thread and sometimes it doesn’t. Generally The Apparition should manifest from one of the nameless bystander/NPC of the relevant thread. If it doesn’t we can assume it was already “on the case” while inside someone.

    So yes, I know this is a difficult concept to pull off but I fully believe it can be done. As for limitations to such a character, well it’s simple; it is in fact limited by it’s player, as The Apparition would only manifest in threads which I am playing in. We can assume it is busy somewhere else in the World.

    Currently there is no definite crunch for The Apparition as I want to run the concept by the refs and see what they think of it before finalize the crunch.


  14. As Dragonid arrived to the scene of the other battle, it became clear as day and painfully obvious what was going on. For some reason, Kharag was busy duking it out in the street with a pair of cybernetic assassins. It seemed that apparently he had found a way to provoke them into coming out of hiding and facing him head on but clearly that wasn't working out entirely as he had planned, as there were obvious injuries on him as well as a few splashes of purple across the street; his blood. Judging by the amount of collateral damage, the whole thing had clearly spiralled out of control.

    "How does it feel, creatures?" Kharag said, picking up a chunk of debris to bash one of the cyborg's head. "How does it feel to receive divine retribution for your actions? Pffhah...hah..." He stopped his speech, taking a moment to breathe in, being quite wounded.

  15. GM

    The flames singed the cyborg's body, especially it's mechanical part which began to malfunction from the intense heat. The creature raised it's metallic arms over it's head, trying to disperse the heat a little, but in vain as it only scorched and melted parts of it's forearms. When the fire died out, it's stumbled forward, taking a few steps, it's metallic parts creaking. "A-Adjusting...for...temperature...difference. R-re-reloading system." Unfortunately, the missed second burst of flame gave the cyborg enough time to adjust and adapt as it raised it's left arm, which unfurled. A laser beam was fire, but it missed Dragonid's head, only scorching the tip of his head, only causing a sensation of heat.

  16. GM

    As Dragonid took off with his jetpack, a beam erupted again; this one much closer and, in fact, aimed at him. Fortunately his scaly hide protected him from such point-blank fire. As the light died off and the smoke clearly, where Kharag once stood was one of the cyborg assassin; a different one but still clearly recognisable with it's head almost entirely replaced with metal pieces, wires, tubes and weapons. The left side of it's head whirred and sank back into the mass of metal doodads. Smoke erupted from the back of it's neck, as if it was venting it's excess heat from it's cybernetics. It assumed a combat stance, it's hands tranforming into weapons:

    "This masquerade has lasted long enough. You die here."


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