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Flare Knight

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Everything posted by Flare Knight

  1. The chilly wind blew across the roof of Powerhouse's apartment building as he sat on the center of the roof, crossing his arms. He was actually wearing clothing today, a heavy brown long-coat, a scarf wrapped around his throat, but no hat. On his feet were a heavy pair of boots, and thick jeans covering his legs. Powerhouse's powers were turned off right now, he was just too tired, too annoyed, to bother focusing on having them active right then. This meant, of course, that he would have been freezing if he wasn't wearing his clothing. Instead, he wrapped his arms around his legs and looked into the sky. With a sigh, Powerhouse put his head on his chin and stared at nothing, being too far from the edge to look down, so he instead stared at the building across from his own. "I don't understand this season. People are spending time with each other, and those weird colored packages. I don't get it." He finished, collapsing on his back, staring into the sky, and frowning. "I need help...is anyone there? Someone who wants to help?" He asked the sky, not expecting an answer.
  2. Even being completely conscious, Powerhouse was still confused by the way that the Doctor was talking, and his eyes showed it, sliding out of focus as the doctor talked, getting just enough from what he was saying to understand that they could find the man. "Doctor...I think I've made a mistake in my statements..." Powerhouse said, hanging his head, covering his face by looking directly down at his clenched fists."I never saw the man outside of him being a Wolf...I don't even know if the Transformation can be reversed. When I came to the scene, the man was already transformed. I was speaking of the man who seemed to have given the man the medicine, the Doctor who told me about this.....I'm sorry..." He said, hanging his head and frowning."My apologies will never be enough to express my sorrow at my mistake Sir, I apologize for being such." He said, cringing away from the Doctor as if expecting him to begin yelling or something similar.
  3. 16+6=22 He's Slowed, but not Paralyzed. Fly's turn.
  4. With Powerhouse dizzy from the blast and the others of his number hitting the ground like leaves in fall, the only armored person still standing up pushed the stunned Powerhouse off him while turning towards the oncoming Push. "EAT IT!" He roared, firing a warp of space at the Hero as he was far away, attempting to knock him over before turning his way to Powerhouse again. The one that was blasted by Dragonfly, however, while only slightly injured and hurt from Dragonfly's blast, was obviously having trouble as his wounds were piling up, as he staggered from left to right on wobbly legs.
  5. 7+12=19 He's Stunned and Bruised PH is stunned, so Armor Guy 3, the remaining one, will blast at Push. 18+8=26, DC27 Toughness Save Armor Girl; Unconscious Armor Guy 1; Unconscious Armor Guy 2; Fighting Dragonfly. Staggered, Stunned, Bruised Armor Guy 3; Fighting Powerhouse, attacking Push. Staggered
  6. There was an obvious, though small, smile on Powerhouse's face at him being complimented, but the next question was enough to cause him to go back to thinking hard, crossing his arms, looking down, and frowning. "The Wolfman...Well, it wasn't the Wolfman, he never talked after that. But, I think...maybe, the girl he was chasing was related to him...He knew her name...I think." He said, thinking about the man instead of the wolf this time. "The man...once he got rid of his clothing, he was normal. Disturbingly so...You couldn't pick him out of a line-up, because he'd be so generic that you wouldn't even notice he was there." he offered, clenching his fists and looking upward, into the ceiling, for a time. 'This man is...strange...' Powerhouse thought to himself as he stared at the white ceiling above him. 'he's nothing like Virtue...' he finished, looking back at the man and waiting.
  7. Not at all, it's fine. I'm planning to start this soon after New Years.
  8. Stepping into the next hallway, the two realized that what they had assumed to be a hallway was not a hallway at all. It was a single, long bridge, complete with railing, heading through an empty section of the zeppelin. Looking up, the pair could see, hundreds of feet above them, the black canvas of the balloon itself, and hundreds more below, the bottom of it could be seen. Across this long walk-way, just long enough for one person to rush straight across, stood the yellow colored behemoth Terror, who grinned and slammed his fists together. "I crush you!" He roared at the two men, preparing for a rush at them.
  9. Powerhouse nodded at the man's directions, attempting to find purchase on the locked door, and finding none, so he shrugged, and drove both his hands into the solid steel. It punctured, and, twisting his hands, he pulled towards him, dragging the metal out of the door and throwing the former door out of the way, sending it skittering across the floor edge over edge. "After you, Mr. Gabriel." Powerhouse said, stepping to the side and waiting.
  10. Clasping his hands behind his back, Piratehouse took up a position directly behind and to the left of his 'captain', a protective position as if he was the man's bodyguard. "Yo Ho As you command captain!" He offered, still wary of how they were going to get out of this without a fight, so he, quietly, cracked his knuckles behind his back, his feet shoulder-width apart, close enough to Supercape to pretend to be a body-guard or similar, adjusting his hat first before resuming position, a slight frown on his face.
  11. 12/21/10, 4:38AM Today was a pretty good day. Some crazy Superhumans had been attempting to hold up a traffic stop after a wreck, and I had managed to be lucky enough to get there right before they showed up. They were easy to deal with, I mean, they were like a Low-quality workout, but there were a lot of people, more than usual for the stuff I did. I was about to help the rest of the people in the cars, but a quick look proved the EMTs probably didn’t need my help, so I was going to leave, but then something tapped me on the back. I turned around, and some kid was staring at me. I asked what he wanted, not really sure. The kid, wearing a red shirt, which I remember very vividly for some reason, smiled. “Thanks for saving us mister!†He said, and that really shocked me. I mean, that’s what Heroes do, so I told him that much, to correct him. “Well sure, but not everyone is a Hero. It’s good to see someone making that choice.†The boy said, holding out his hand to me. Inside it was a well-worn Centurion Action Figure. I mean, I knew this particular one. I saw it in a toy store one time when I walked in by accident. It had Kung-Fu Grip. Then he said, “Here Mr., you can have this, I don’t really need it anymore, but it kind of looks like you need a friend.†And put it in my hand. I really didn’t understand what was going on, so I had to ask him, thinking maybe he was confused, and wanted me to sign it or something, but I didn’t have a pen, so I couldn’t really do that. “It’s a Gift, and a Thank you.†The child said, and he looked as confused as I felt. I mean, what’s a Gift, and what did I do to deserve one? It seemed like me and this kid were having two different conversations. “Mr., you helped me, all of us, so it’s only right that you get something back. That’s the Thank you. The Gift is just because you look like you need one.†It still didn’t make sense to me, though. “But what’s a Gift?â€, I asked, finally just trying to pinpoint the major problem with what was going on. The boy honestly seemed confused, like he couldn’t answer the question, and then pointed at the toy again. “It’s…when someone gives you something you don’t...you didn’t do anything for…maybe? Everyone knows what gifts are…shouldn’t they?†I really couldn’t answer that, so I just left. So I’m sitting here, looking at this Action figure, and I still don’t understand what this ‘gift’ idea is. I wonder if it’s distinctly related to giving Centurion Action Figures to people? Maybe this 'Thank You' has something to do with it to.
  12. Standing pretty much idle as Gabriel did his work, Powerhouse waited until the group had finished falling around and crashing into each other to step into the room proper. "Impressive Mr. Gabriel." He muttered, picking up the table with one hand- it was in his way- and throwing it into the wall. Really into it, as it stuck into it, on his way to the door. Pulling back his fist, he stopped, and turned to Gabriel. "Oh, my apologies. Do you mind if I take this one Mr. Gabriel?" He asked, moving the grunt who had hit near the door away so he could have a clear shot at it.
  13. So here's what I have so far; -50 Minions, leaving a total of 30. Players: Quote; Colt Quinn; Push Supercape; Cape? (Maybe?) Anyone else?
  14. With a rush of activity, the entire group of Suits began their attack. Though one of them was thrown into a lane by Powerhouse, the others continued their attack. The Female blasted at Push once more, attempting to get past his force field, while the man who had been knocked out of his chair fired a massive blast at Dragonfly "Eat this!" he said, slamming both his fists together and sending a massive warping of space at Dragonfly. The last one, dealing with Powerhouse, stuck his hand flat in the Hero's face and blasted him as hard as he could. Though the Hero staggered and his ears rang, he was not seriously injured.
  15. Dealing with two men at the same time, Powerhouse was having trouble fighting both of them together, even with all the items to throw at each other. Powerhouse did, however, manage to hit one on the head with a popcorn maker, stunning him. When the second one rushed him, attempting to catch him off guard, Powerhouse moved out of the way of the attack, grabbing him by the arm, and twisted him into his chest. Grabbing the man around the neck, he lifted the man straight into the air, and threw him straight through the wall. The man torn through the wood of the stand, and flew into one of the bowling lanes, smashing into it at the end, leaving him unconscious. Powerhouse took the time to turn around and attempt to get the other one, but a blast to his face stunned him.
  16. Gabriel's Wave of sound had as much effect as a Superhuman going after a bunch of normal people would, as the massive blast of wave sent one man tumbling heels over head into the door, sent a second into the table and spilling the cards all over it. A third found his way into a wall, sliding down it slowly, and the final two smashed into each other and collapsed. In only a few seconds, Gabriel had cleared the entire room, before anyone else could react in any way.
  17. 3+4=7 They fail the Reflex Save, and, as Minions, they take the worst result possible of saves, and they only have a +5 Toughness, so they all are KO'd by a single Blast
  18. 16+12=29 He passes. Powerhouse will All Out Power Attack the guy that tried to dog pile him. 15+5=20 He hits. DC 35 Toughness Save. 5+12=17...ow. He's unconscious. The Attackers are: Armor Girl, Armor Guy 2, Armor Guy 1. Armor Girl; 8+8=16 On Push Armor Guy 2; 13+8=21 On Dragonfly Armor Guy 1;6+8=14 on PH, which hits. Armor Girl; No Injuries Armor Guy 2; Staggered Armor Guy 1; Staggered Armor Guy 3; Unconcious PH's Save 6+14=20 PH is stunned and Bruised.
  19. With the flurry of activity from the Heroes, the Villains of the piece were not to be left out. The one farthest from the group, and thus left abandoned by the attacks, flew into the snack stand to attempt to aid his friend, causing the group to devolve into an all out brawl filled with crashes and bangs out of sight from the rest of the group. While this was going on, however, the remaining battle suit, the female, slowly raised up from behind the counter, extending her hand and placing it right next to Push's head. "Bye." She muttered, before sending out a blast into the man's face.
  20. As the group began their attacks, Powerhouse did as he was sure to be told, and rushed across the bowling ally, overturning chairs and breaking through tables as he made for the man sitting at the food court, then jumped on top of him, punching him in the face, sending the two sprawling across more chairs and tables and into the serving area with a loud crash as they tore items apart inside it.
  21. Powerhouse will All-out Power attack the guy in the food court. 14+6=20 Hits. DC 35 13+12=25 Staggered and Stunned. This brings up the Suit's Turn, and the Girl in the suit will attempt to emerge from behind the counter nad blast Push in the head. 19+8=27 She passes the Stealth Check and gets an attack 8+8=16 The Blast hits. 2+8=10 When you don't even hit PH with your blast, that's sad.
  22. 13+4=17 The Suits 20+4=24 Powerhouse. Order is; Push Dragonfly Powerhouse Suits
  23. With their plans made, the unlikely group of heroes ran into the building, through the hole that the original crooks had made, and looked around quickly. It was obvious enough that Dragonfly had been correct, while the building lacked an arcade, it contained almost everything else, littered with pins, balls, and empty drink cans. Three of the suited people were inside, one sitting on a stool in the food court, one practicing bowling on a far lane, and the other sitting on a chair right in-front of the door. The female of the group was nowhere to be seen, but the one in the chair inclined his suited head. "Hello. Welcome to our abode. You won't be seeing it again." He said, toppling back over the chair and into the air. "We'll take you out now." He finished, his suit preparing for battle.
  24. Piratehouse gave the man a nod, the sights whirling too fast for him to really contemplate what was going on, as the man pointed out that Mr. Cape didn't sound like a Pirate. Piratehouse then took the initiative. "ARRGH! What right thoughst got to be insulting Mine Captain Arrgh? Yo Ho Ho he be as fine a pirate as any yo ho keelhaul! Just being cause he don't spoke a Yo Ho like us right fine Pirates Arrgh doesn't meant that he isn't as good a pirate Yo Ho Yo Yo. It's not the color of a man's Mizzenmast that defines him Yaaaar, nor the tone of his speak! It be what he holds in his haaaarght, and I assure you his heart is every bit as stone cold and black with evil as what right any of us! yaaar!" He finished, bending over and expressing all the Pirate talk he'd learned so far. Piratehouse thought he was doing a very good job, though he wasn't sure how well the captain would buy it, but he DID use all the pirate words, so that must mean something, probably.
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