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Avenger Assembled

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Everything posted by Avenger Assembled

  1. Hi all. I've started a thread in the North End about the break-in at Freedom City University mentioned in my character's section of Freedom City news. This is one of several interlocking stories that will lead up to a big battle with a high-level villain NPC I've recently submitted. If your character would like to join the investigation, by all means stop by! A small, sneaky party is best.
  2. This is the OOC thread about the investigation into the theft of the Liberty League artifacts from Freedom City University.
  3. Start Date: February 1st, 2009 News Report on a shocking break-in at FCU Avenger prowled his way through the darkened Beaumont Building, bypassing the security cameras and locked doors through natural cunning and deftly applied use of his supernatural abilities. Locked doors were no barrier when you could pass underneath them as easily as a wisp of smoke, while security cameras were nothing before someone with the speed, patience, and stealth of death itself. Inside, Jack was deeply tense as he made his way down towards the secured archives in the basement. Surely his informants were wrong. Surely the rumors in the community about what, and who, the Liberty League had kept in their vaults were false!
  4. Five pp to spend: Skills: Intimidate +4 ranks (to 10 (+12)) (1pp) Stealth +4 ranks (to 12 (+17)) (1pp) Feats: Contacts (1 pp) [street Informants/Vampire Society] Skill Mastery (Bluff, Intimidate, Sense Motive, Stealth) (1 pp) Takedown Attack (1pp) Done by Sandman XI
  5. History: Lord Lugat Vorkolaka was born in the Balkans in the 1490s. Though born into nobility, he was an Albanian, he was a patriot eager to overthrow the Ottoman Turks by any means necessary. He battled the Turks for years as a rebel, petty magician, and bandit chieftan before finally his armies were broken and he was thrown into a Turkish prison. Deep in the deepest, darkest cell in Istanbul, Vorkolaka met another prisoner, an individual with a powerful interest in overthrowing the iron hand of the Sultan himself. (After all, the Ottoman government was as eager to break the power of foreign magical creatures in their domain as they were to break the power of foreign nobles.) Vorkolaka became a vampire on March 1, 1539, and soon became among the most feared monsters in Europe. His cause slipped away as he got older, as happens often with heroic vampires, and within a few centuries he focused more and more on defending his own turf, feasting and killing, than overthrowing the Turks. Eventually, as the Turks slipped away, Vorkolaka discovered that the primitive nature of the Ottomans had been his only defense. New generations of vampire hunters beset him as science and civilization spread across eastern Europe, and finally in 1893 Lady Violet Pennyworth drove a wooden stake through his heart via a magical wind and sealed his corpse inside his own iron coffin. Pennyworth brought him back to Britain to study, but ultimately her own untimely death meant that her work was forgotten. The iron casket of Vorkolaka, emblazoned with grim sigils of death, blood, and magic, passed from hand to hand before it found its way to a bank vault right here in Freedom City. Inside, Lugat lies torpid, awaiting the magical rituals that will revive him. If Lugat Vorkolaka survives his debut adventure, in which he will battle Avenger's nascent team of superheroes, Lugat will be a Tier 2 NPC. His agenda will be survival, establishing a powerbase, and getting revenge on the mystics and families of all those who wronged him. Melinda will cooperate begrudgingly, looking for a chance to manipulate him into destroying himself. Lugat is old and powerful, but naive in many ways about how the world of the 21st century works. (Modern-day superheroes, in particular, will be an extremely unpleasant surprise. He's dealt with people of such power before, but not so many!) Abilities: (32 pp) STR: 26 (+8), DEX: 26 (+8), CON - (-), INT 12 (+1), WIS 18 (+4), CHA 10 (+0) Combat: [30 pp] Attack +6 (+13 melee, +15 Swords) [12 pp] Defense 22 (15 flatfooted), [10 pp) Initiative +16, Grapple +21, Knockback -11 / -9 / -2 / +0 Saving Throws: [7 pp] Toughness: +14 (Impervious 9); +9 (Impervious 9) flat-footed; +5 (vs. blessed, silver or magic); +0 (flat-footed vs. blessed, silver or magic) Fortitude (-), Reflex +8 [+8 Dex], Will +11 [+4 Wis, +7] Skills: (100r=25pp) Acrobatics 10 (+18) (skill mastery), Bluff 8 (+8), Concentration 8 (+12), Escape Artist 4 (+12), Gather Information 12 (+12), Intimidate 12 (+12) (skill mastery), Knowledge [Arcane Lore] 8 (+9), Knowledge [Tactics] 4 (+5), Languages (English, Turkish, German, Greek: base (Albanian)) Notice 8 (+12), Sense Motive 8 (+12), Sleight of Hand 4 (+12) (skill mastery), Stealth 10 (+18) (skill mastery) Feats: (36 pp) Acrobatic Bluff, Assessment, Attack Focus 7 (melee), Attack Specialization (swords), Blind Fight, Defensive Attack, Defensive Roll (5), Dodge Focus 3, Elusive Target, Evasion 2, Grappling Finesse, Improved Critical (swords), Improved Disarm, Improved Initiative 2, Move-by Action, Power Attack, Prone Fighting, Quick Draw, Redirect, Skill Mastery (Acrobatics, Intimidate, Sleight of Hand, Stealth), Takedown Attack, Uncanny Dodge (Hearing), Powers: [76 pp] Speed 1 (10 MPH), [1 pp] Leaping 1 (x2) [1 pp] Concealment 2 (Normal Vision; Limited [only in shadows]), [2 pp] Super-Senses 2 (Darkvision) [2 pp] Darkness Control 6 (250 ft radius) 2 APs (14 pp) AP: Snare 9 (Flaw: Range—Touch, Power Feat: Obscures Vision [on bound target]) AP: Teleport 4 (Extra: Accurate; Flaw: Medium [shadows], Power Feats: Easy, Progression—250 lbs) Device 1 (Easy to Lose): Swordsman’s Sword (Strike 3, Improved Critical, Mighty) [3 pp] Drain Constitution 1 (blood drain) [1 pp] Immunity 30 (Fortitude Saves) [30 pp] Protection 9 (Impervious: not vs. blessed/silver/magical) [9 pp] Regeneration 18 (+10 Recovery Bonus, Resurrection 1/five hours [not when staked or beheaded] [source]) [9 pp] Super-Movement 2 (Wall-Crawling 2) [4 pp] Drawbacks: [+11 pp] Power Loss [Darkness Control array in Direct Sunlight] (-1 pp], Weakness (5 Con of blood per night or starve in 10 nights; -1 to all abilities) (-4 pp) Weakness (Sunlight, destroyed after 5 minutes) (-6 pp) DC Block: ATTACKS --- SAVE DC --- DAMAGE TYPE: Unarmed --- DC 23, Toughness --- Bruise/Injured Sword --- DC 26, Toughness --- Injured Snare --- DC 19, Reflex --- Snared Abilities 32 + Skills 25 + Feats 36 + Powers 76 + Combat 30 + Saves 7+ Drawbacks -11= 195
  6. Just before Moira could strut her stuff, Stephanie quickly ran up between Moira and O'Ren. "Sorry to interrupt," she said, looking very pleased. "But Jack and I are going to cut out early." She pointed back to the fire, where Jack was holding two plastic cups amid the large crowd. He waved to Moira and O'Ren, but was too far away for conversation. "I'll call you tomorrow," she added to Moira, grinning before she turned and headed back to rejoin her buddy.
  7. With the competition chased off, Jack looked around for his friends to see them heading away together. "Huh. Good work, O'Ren," he murmured to himself, enjoying the view for a moment before he rejoined Stephanie, all poise and good looks. "A pleasure to see you again, you lovely thing." He pulled Stephanie away to dance, plying her with passing drinks, keeping her very happy indeed. After all, tonight was the night he was going to get some that wasn't from an unconscious thug or a rat. If he played his cards right.
  8. Avenger's feelings about the box were as plain as his icy-cold blue eyes. Something in that box had deeply unsettled him, and even as he grunted acknowledgment of Scarab's reqest, he shot a look fraught with strong emotion at the shattered, cut-open footlocker. "Rules things out. There are places she'd go for that. Need to hit the shops. Need to find demon."
  9. "No. Nothing." Avenger sounded unusually angry about something as Scarab came back upstairs, his gravelly voice deep and growly. "Need to trace the demon. Hit mystical shops, find where she'd go. Check nightclubs, check the Fens." He paced back and forth, his heavy boots thumping on the carpet. "You saw it. Did she feed? Blood, flesh?"
  10. Give a two or three word description of yourself. (Describe your character's concept.) Vampire playing hero. Do you have any nicknames, street names, titles, or nom de plume? When I was a kid, my parents called me Jack-Jack. I hated that so much. I was such a stupid little punk back then. Claudia used to call me "her Jack", and nowadays that's what she calls me when she wants something from me. Nowadays I'm usually just Jack. I've cultivated a few nicknames for Avenger, but I'm not building a Bowman or Arrow here. Avenger shouldn't have cute nicknames. What is your full birth name? Jack Faretti. Not everyone has a middle name, y'know. I mostly picked Avenger's name out of a hat; it's generic enough not to give anyone any clues about what I am, and it sounds like the sort of thing a tough, psycho vigilante would call himself. Where do you live? Nice little place in Midtown, third floor. I can see the Millennium Mall from where I live. Why do you live there? I'll go with "for the shopping", thanks. What do you perceive as your greatest strength? My humanity. What do you perceive as your greatest weakness? My humanity. It makes my life a lot more difficult than you might think. Physical Traits How old are you? (Chronological age as well as age category.) I was born twenty-seven years ago. I was reborn three years ago. What is your sex? Male. What is your race? I come from generic WASPy stock. Some people just aren't very ethnic. As for my bloodline, Claudia told me we descend from the ancient Vlachs bloodline of Dracula himself. But she lied about a lot of things. How tall are you? I'm reasonably tall, a tad under six feet. I bulk Avenger up with thick-soled boots, padded shoulders, and the mask, though; the better to keep people from connecting my outline with his. How much do you weigh? Around a hundred and eighty pounds soaking wet. What is your general body type, frame, bone structure, and poise? I'm a slim, athletic sort of guy; I actually have a fairly stereotypical body type for your average vampire. I don't know if that's because like seeks out like, or if it's the process of becoming undead that causes some sort of transformation. I imagine it's the first, though; I've certainly seen fat vampires. As for Avenger, I make sure he seems a bulky, imposing guy. You need a lot of muscles to punch as hard as he does! What is your skin colour? Generally very pale, though of course it's flushed considerably after I eat. What is your hair colour? Claudia once described it as black as a raven's wing. I used to really like that. What is your hair style? Slightly oiled and long enough to be down my collar, again a bit like your classic vampire. It's not really something I can change. Do you have any facial hair? Nope, and I never will! I sure hope beards aren't in fashion in a century. What is your eye color? It varies from ice-blue to fiery red. How attractive are you? I have a certain dark elegance about me, I'll give me that. Seducing people isn't particularly challenging. Neither is frightening them, though of course that's more a matter of my voice... What is your most distinguishing feature? It's the eyes. They're magnetic. (I have this on good authority) Do you have any scars, tattoos, or birthmarks? Only on my heart. And on my thigh, where Claudia sucked me dry and filled me up again with the stuff of undeath. Those scars usually don't heal. What is your handedness (left/right/ambidextrous)? Right-handed. Do you resemble some currently known person? I do bear a strong resemblance to Stuart Townsend playing Lestat, one that I tried to cultivate back in the days when I could do things like shave and cut my hair long enough for it to stick. As Avenger, I generally shoot for a vibe akin to Frank Miller's art style in those Raven retrospectives back in the 80s. What kind of clothing do you wear? Oh, whatever's fancy and seductive. In general, I try to stick with what's appropriate for the occasion. As Avenger, I go for the "crazy guy in an outfit he made himself" look. No one likes an insane vigilante. Do you wear makeup? Only when I'm worried about not looking human enough for a particular occasion. What sort of vocal tone do you have? Ranging from smooth and seductive to harsh and growling! History Where is your homeland? Uh, America, I guess. Are you aware of its history? Meh. I know a lot of trivia, if that's what you're asking. Are you patriotic or a social outcast? The question is a misleading one in my case. What are your opinion of home? I'm told conditions are fairly difficult for vampires in Europe. The old homelands got hammered pretty hard by the Communists and their anti-magical purges. As for China, man, I don't even know. So I suppose America's better than most. I've never actually traveled outside the USA. Where is your home town? Adamsburg, which is about halfway between here and Bedlam down the interstate. Quiet little place. I hated it when I was a kid. Are your real reasons for becoming an adventurer different from what you tell others? Oh, yes. How far would you go to keep such secrets from being revealed? What would you do if the truth became known? You know, I'd rather not dwell on that possibility. What do you fear would occur if the truth became known? You have to understand that daywalkers, those of us who essentially have no problem with the sun at all, have a pretty complicated relationship with the rest of vampire society. We're tolerated, even accepted, as long as we don't get out of line. If it became known that I had stepped out of line, that I was a superhero... God. And as for the others, well, what do superheroes do with vampires? They kill them. With a few very slight exceptions. Do you have any particularly high or low ability scores? Well, I'm very handsome and I can punch through a steel door. How have these scores affected your life so far? The first part made me the man I am today. As for the steel door thing, you'd be surprised how often that comes in handy. What about your race, growing up were you in the majority or a minority? Majority, I guess. Adamsburg was a pretty whitebread sort of place. Did this impact your outlook in any way? You know, I've given it any thought. How do you feel about other races? Everyone's the same color on the inside. Were there any traumatic experiences in your early years (death of a family member, abandonment, orphaned at an early age)? No. That's the thing. Briefly describe a defining moment in your childhood and how it influenced your life. When my father wanted me to be a Boy Scout, I cried and fussed and acted like a whiny, entitled little brat until they gave in. That was pretty much the pattern for my whole childhood. What stupid things did you do when you were younger? Max, crank, zoom, zombie powder, speed...you know, it's actually a really long list. Which toys from your childhood have you kept? The contents of my parents house went to my cousin Marsha after my mother took her own life two years ago. I didn't get to keep anything. Why? What do they mean to you? If you didn't keep any, why not? What did you do to them all? You know, funny thing about being legally dead is that you can't inherit anything. Do you have any deep, dark secrets in the past that may come back to haunt you? ...you know, I don't even know where to begin with this one. The dead bodies? _My_ dead body? I can't even start. Are you who you claim to be? Never. Do you have any sort of criminal record? Death has a great way of wiping the slate clean. As for Avenger, no one's sued him for excessive force yet. How do you view the heroes/legends of your country? You know what? In all honesty, I do admire them. I was just a kid when Centurion died, but I saw it happen on TV same as everyone else. I just don't understand what I see in them. Or why I see it in myself. Family Who were your parents? This one will be hard. Bob and Rose Faretti, God rest their souls. Were you raised by them? If not, then why didn't they and who did raise you? Yes. I wish I'd been grateful while they were alive. What was their standing in the community? Average. Dad was an accountant; Mom was a housewife. Did your family stay in one area or move around a lot? Stayed in one place. I hated that. How did you get along with your parents? I was a terrible, ungrateful little bastard. How would your parents describe you? Answer this in the voice of your mother, then in your father's. I can't do it. I can't speak for them. The last time I heard them talk was the last time they were alive. I like to think that if I hadn't gone out with Claudia that last night, I'd have mustered up the courage to actually go home the way they begged me. And maybe I would have. Do you have any siblings? If so how many and what were their names? How did you get along with each of your siblings? No. What was your birth position in the family? Only child. I'm sorry, Mom and Dad. List all current knowledge of family locations, spouses, children, birth dates, schooling, and any important incidents that only you and they might remember. This question is irrelevant to me. Do you stay in touch with them or have you become estranged? They're dead now. Before...I should have tried harder. I shouldn't have given up on them the way I gave up on everything else. Do you love or hate one member of the family in particular? I...can't answer this. Is any member of the family special to you in any way (perhaps, as a confidant, mentor, or arch-rival)? No. Are there any black (or white) sheep in the family (including you)? No. If so, who are they and how did they "gain" the position? I can't answer these questions about my family, damn it. Fine; I'll answer the rest about my blood-family. Do you have a notorious or celebrated ancestor? Believe it or not, Dracula! That's what Claudia says, anyway. I'm not sure I believe her. If true, my granddam was Lucy Westerna herself. If so, what did this person do to become famous or infamous? That's pretty common knowledge. Do you try to live up to the reputation of your ancestor, try to live it down, or ignore it? I'm fairly certainly it's BS, so I don't worry about it. Do you ever want to have a family of your own someday? ...everything's possible in time. Everything. Would anything change your mind on this issue and if so, what? Haven't made up my mind either way. What type of person would be your ideal mate? A friend. Relationships Do you have any close friends? If so, who and what are they like? No, not really. I'm close to Claudia still, God help me, and some of the people I run with. And some of the other superheroes I've met, and people like Moira. But they're not friends. I don't have any friends. What is the history of their relationship(s) with you? I was brought over about the same time as the rest of my pack. As for the other superheroes and regular people, we've gotten into some scrapes together that we all came through safely enough. Do you currently have a best friend whom you would protect with your reputation or your life? No. If so, who are they and what caused you to feel so close to them? What would have to happen for you to end this relationship? N/A Do you have any bitter enemies? Not yet. If so, who are they, what are they like, and what is the history of their feud with you? Other vampires, vampire-hunters, superheroes...the potential list is endless. Have you defeated them before? In my time? Yeah. How might these enemies seek to discomfit you in the future? Stake me/drain me/leave me out in the sun (good luck with that one!)/shoot me/burn me/decapitate me/crucify me...and you know what the hell of it is? I've actually seen all those things happen! I've even helped with a few... Which person(s) or group(s) are you most loyal to? No one. Isn't that sad? Who is your most trusted ally? The other superheroes I've worked with, I suppose, and Moira. Who do you trust, in general? No one. Not even me. Who do you despise and why? I don't really despise anyone, really. Empathy is my greatest curse. Name seven things you hate in others. Hate. Arrogance. Inhumanity. Coldness. Greed. Envy. Apathy. Is your image consistent? Hm? Do you deliberately present yourself differently in different situations, and how? Oh. Yes, yes, I do. The loyal, though not toadying, vampire, the seductive dark prince, the grim and gritty vigilante...it's all fake. What would you die for? I died years ago. What is the worst thing someone has done to you? Killed me. But that wasn't Claudia. That was my fault. What is your general reaction to an attractive member of the opposite sex who lets you know they are available? Seduction. Investigation. Passion. Feeding. Forgetting. How do you get along with others of the same "adventuring class"? Other superheroes? Well, I do my best to present Avenger as a half-crazed but trustworthy vigilante. That way they'll work with me, but no one likes me enough to ask any hard questions. Have you lost any loves? Oh, yes. How did you handle the situation (short & long term)? ...choose not to answer. Who would miss you should you go missing? The hell of it is, I think Claudia would! Hopefully some of the people I've protected and the supers I've worked with; I've worked hard enough to make sure people know who Avenger is. How close are you to your "adventuring companions"? I try to keep them precisely at arm's length. What do they not know about you? I'm the undead, damned for my sins to roam the Earth feeding on the blood of my fellow men. (An omission? Maybe. But no one's ever asked.) Are you a member of any house, guild, organization, or church? What is your level of involvement? I'm a Mason. All vampires are. But not all Masons are vampires. Personality & Beliefs Do you, or did you, have any role models? Foreshadow, and other superheroes in general. My parents, while I'm at it. Do you have any heroes or idols, either contemporary or from legend? This question is harder to answer. I like the Shadow OK I guess. Did you ever become disillusioned with former heroes or idols? If so, why and what were the circumstances? No. I've always had a healthy knowledge of what they are. And what I am. When did you decide to become an adventurer? The night I realized my life needed to mean something. Why have you chosen to risk your life as a career? Don't have one. What do you expect to get out of being an adventurer? What, if anything, would make you stop adventuring? Meaning. The feeling of having accomplished something, anything real. Nothing. I am waht I am. Do you have any dreams or ambitions? If not, why? These aren't healthy to have, in my experience. What are your short term goals (what would you like to be doing within a year)? I certainly don't want to be human again, if that's what you're asking. What are your long term goals (what would you like to be doing twenty years from now)? What would I _do_ with myself? If these goals seem at odds with each other, or with your dreams, how do you reconcile the differences? I don't really have a human life to go back to. Do you have any great rational or irrational fears or phobias? If so, what are the origins of, or reasons behind them? I have dreads rather than fears. I'm not afraid of anything now. How do you react when this fear manifests itself? When I dread getting burned at the stake while my putative friends watch and laugh, I try to do things that make those things don't happen. What are your attitudes regarding material wealth? It's an important part of life, especially when you have my needs. Are you miserly with your share of the wealth, or do you spend it freely? I share it. Don't people have enough troubles without me holding out? Do you see wealth as a mark of success, or just as a means to an end? Can't it be both? How do you generally treat others? The way I would like to be treated. For certain values thereof. Do you trust easily (perhaps too easily) or not? Not. Are you introverted (shy and withdrawn) or extroverted (outgoing)? I generally act somewhere inbetween. Maybe that's why people think I'm crazy. Are you a humble soul or blusteringly proud? Neither one. What habits do you find most annoying in friends? Betrayal. What are your most annoying habits? Humanity, or at least being a stick-in-the-mud. That's what Claudia said. Is there any race, creed, alignment, religion, class, profession, political viewpoint, or the like against which you are strongly prejudiced, and why? I like to think not! Prejudice against one particular kind of human is unusually stupid in my position. What is your favourite food? Heh. What is your favourite drink? Take a guess. What is your favourite treat (desert)? I really miss chocolate, if that's what you're asking. Do you favour a particular cuisine? Racist vampire jokes aside, people taste the same regardless of ethnicity. Though it is better when they've been drinking. Do you savor the taste when eating or "wolf down" your food? Savor the taste. It's safer that way. Do you like food mild or heavily spiced? Not really an issue. I don't encourage people to do drugs the way some people do. Are there any specific foodstuffs that you find disgusting or refuse to eat? I actually cannot eat solid foods at all. It's not worth complaining about, though, not when I can do fun things like go out in the sun.. What are your favourite color(s)? Red and black. I'm so cliche. Is there any colour that you dislike? No. Do you have a favourite (or hated) song, type of music, or instrument? No. If you have a favourite scent, what is it? Chocolate, for all that it's pretty damn depressing these days. What is your favourite type of animal? Rat's all right, I guess. If you're talking in the wild, I guess I like those weird little parakeets that live in power lines around the city. They're one of the few things I like seeing during the day; and so cute! I know what it's like to have no real home either, guys. Are you allergic to any kinds of animals? No. Is there anything that enrages you? Being too hungry, though that's not really what you were asking. Is there anything which embarrasses you? Jokes at my expense, I guess. Do you enjoy "roughing it", or do you prefer your creature comforts? Roughing it is remarkably challenging for me, unless the woods I'm in happen to be well-stocked or if I have a lovely companion. I don't do it much, though, not after that incident on Happunak Hill. Do you have a patron deity? Not really an issue for me, thanks. Are you devout or impious? No. Do you actively worship and proselytize or do you simply pay lip service? I've got pretty strong evidence about the power of faith. Does that mean there's a particular god? I don't think it matters. Whoever or whatever it is, it's not on my side. What lengths would you go to defend your faith? Not really an issue. Was your faith influenced or molded by anyone special? My parents. My dam. Do you belong to a dominant church, or an independent church, cult, or sect (and is the group accepted, frowned upon, or considered heretics)? Um, not again, not really an issue. Will you kill? Have I killed? Or will I kill in the future? Yes, and I hope to never, never again. When did you decide (or learn) that you would? When Claudia fed him to me. I never did learn his name; I wasn't yet conscious enough to think and Claudia'd whammyed him over here. When do you consider it okay to kill (under what circumstances)? If there's no other choice. I just don't think that'll ever be true for me. When do you consider it wrong to kill (under what circumstances)? Killing is wrong. What would you do if someone else attempted to (or successfully did) kill under your "wrong" circumstances, what would be your reaction? Stop them. Bring them to justice, if the situation allows it, and if the victim is worth fighting for. What if it were your enemy? If they killed my enemy? It would depend on the circumstances. What if it were your friend? I don't have any friends. If someone killed Claudia, though, I'd punish them for it. What if the opponent were not in control of their own actions (under duress, charmed, dominated, possessed)? No one's in control of their actions. What would you do if something were stolen from you? Get it back. What would you do if you were badly insulted publicly? Recover or hurt the person who did it, depending on the social merits of the situation. Reporter doesn't like Avenger? I'll live. Younger vampire encroaches on my turf? Yeah. What would you do if a good friend or relative were killed by means other than natural death? I would investigate their murder. What is the one task you would absolutely refuse to do? Kill a child. What do you consider to be the worst crime someone could commit and why? Killing a child. How do you feel about government (rulers) in general? Why do you feel that way? We need laws for society to function, just as we need freedom from those laws for humanity to function. It's a tough gig. Do you support the current government of your homeland? Can't vote! If you mean Melinda...sure. She's bad, mind you, but I've seen cities in much worse shape. There are degrees of evil, even among monsters. At least she's competent. If so, how far are you willing to go to defend the government? If not, do you actively oppose it? As far as is necessary, until something better comes along. What form of government do you believe is the best (democracy, monarchy, anarchy, aristocratic rule, oligarchy, matriarchy) and why? Democracy, I guess. Not really an issue for vampires, though! If we didn't have a strong hand at the top keeping us together, we'd all have been hunted down decades or centuries ago. Do you have any unusual habits or dominant personality traits that are evident to others? Only when I forget to breathe. If so, describe them and how you acquired them, as well as when they might be more noticeable and what causes them. Well, when I'm distracted, I sometimes forget to pretend to breathe. Do you have any unusual or nervous mannerisms, such as when talking, thinking, afraid, under stress, or when embarrassed? No. What is your most treasured possession? Love. If your life were to end in 24 hours, what 5 things would you do in those remaining hours? Not an issue for me, thanks. Career & Training Where and how were you educated? I did a year at State then dropped out because I thought doing drugs with Claudia and her friends would be more fun. She taught me how to be a vampire right here on the streets of Freedom. Who trained you in your adventuring class(es)? Some overworked professors and Claudia. She taught me how to fight, for that matter. What was your relationship with your teacher(s)/mentor(s)? Um. You know, this one needs a lot more space than I have to answer. Claudia and I are apart, and that's how it's going to stay. That's the easy answer. Is this person or institution still in existence? Oh yes. Were you a prize student or did you just barely pass? I was her favorite for a while. But that never lasts. Look at your skills. How did you acquire them (especially the unusual ones)? I kept my ears open and practiced my smooth talk in a mirror. The rest just came naturally. Have you ever done anything else for a living? No, not really. How do you function in combat (maneuvers, weaknesses)? Not being able to pop my fangs and claws is a difficulty, but that would rather give the game away. As Avenger, I tend to sneak my way into battle, hitting hard and fast from the shadows. I generally do the same as me, with the exception that I have better weapons. Have you ever received any awards or honours? No. Is there anything that you don't currently know how to do that you wish you could? I wouldn't mind being a better hand-to-hand fighter, I guess. I wish I knew more about the supernatural. I wish I knew if I was going to Heaven or Hell. Are you envious of others who can do such things in a good-natured way or are you sullen and morose about it? Only the last. Lifestyle & Hobbies When not adventuring, what is your normal daily routine? It's a lot duller than you might think. Parties, socializing, feeding. I spend a lot of time doing favors for nightstalker vampires during the day, or just sitting in my apartment staring at the sun. How do you feel and react when this routine is interrupted for some reason? Depends on the reason. What are your hobbies when you are not adventuring or training? I like arcade games, they're pretty fun. And video games. I read sometimes, mostly trashy fiction. I'd like to pick up something more creative. Maybe I should take some classes. What do you do for relaxation? What things do you do for enjoyment? What interests do you have? I listen to some smooth jazz with a compliant, lovely lady, then take her back to do things together. I'm interested in building a better world. How do you normally dress when not in your adventuring gear? Depends on the situation. I usually dress very well, though; you never know who or what is watching. What do you normally wear in bed at home? I don't sleep. When I lay down, I usually just wear whatever I was wearing. What do you normally wear in bed while adventuring? When I adventure in bed, I wear nothing. Do you wear any identifiable jewelry? No. Where do you normally put your weapons, magic items, or other valuables when you are sleeping? Not an issue! When I'm out of the apartment, it goes in the safe under my bed. Prosaic, inn't it? What morning or evening routines do you normally have? None, really. Do these change when you are adventuring? No. Travel: how do you get around locally? Walk, fly, or ride, depending on where I'm going, when I'm going there, and why. Do you have a Last Will and Testament? No. What does it say? N/A Miscellaneous What would you like to be remembered for after your death? I would prefer never to die. If I must die, I'd rather be known as someone who did more good than bad. I've got a lot of good to do yet. What kind of threat do you present to the public? Let's just skip this one. If your features were to be destroyed beyond recognition, is there any other way of identifying your body? They'd grow back. I do carry ID, though, which might or might not survive the physical destruction of my body. As a player, if you could, what advice would you give your character? Speak as if he/she were sitting right here in front of you. Use proper tone so they might heed your advice... This question is impossible to answer.
  11. Jack stepped out of the car, arm cheerfully around Stephanie, and suddenly froze as he peered at one half-visible figure in the crowd. "'scuse me. I'll be right back." He strode purposefully into the crowd, cutting out his target neatly and pulling them aside for a sharp, quiet one-on-one. Whoever he was arguing with, an African-American woman in her early twenties in clubbing gear, answered back with gusto, the two of them carrying on a sharp, fierce little argument.
  12. Jack felt a surge of guilt break through him that pushed right through the grim dark persona of Avenger. "Oh, Jesus..." He knelt down by the locker, apologetically reassembling the locker and its contents as best his limited abilities allowed. "I'm sorry..." he muttered. Robbing criminals is one thing; never people like this. Moving the locker in the corner, he carefully stacked everything there, absently trying to figure out the uniform and what it means. Still feeling guilty, he dropped down to one knee, pressing his hand to his armored chin and thinking hard. Where would a demon looking for a good time go in my city?
  13. well, that was poorly done. Hopefully the unarmed attack that started the grapple took down the first minion, though.
  14. Avenger set his teeth, his square shoulders a barely visible outline in the gloom. "You draw steel. Mistake." A blur of motion in the darkness, he proceeded to grab the nearest goon by the throat, squeezing hard as he lifted him into the air one-handed. With that done, he hurled the soldier directly at his armed leader, aiming to knock both down in one movement.
  15. OK, just so I don't mess things up: the minions are down, but the chief is still standing?
  16. Jack perked up a little as they approached the party, still leaning comfortably against Stephanie as the music picked up in their ears. "Sounds like we've gotten to know a champion, ladies," he said with a smile. "It's a pleasure to know I'm in your company. Who are you fighting next?"
  17. Taking 10 on the Strength check to carve the thing open.
  18. What am I supposed to do with this? Avenger looked down at the footlocker suspiciously. Sure is a take-charge kinda guy. Wish he knew not all gritty avengers know how to open locks. After some deliberation, he picked up the discarded carving knife and drove it straight through the footlocker, cutting around the lock and prying it open. It was a slow, awkward job, one that required some time, but he was more than willing to keep at it.
  19. "It's for business," said Jack with a rueful little laugh. "Truthfully, I can think of far more pleasant ways to spend the evening." He beamed at Stephanie as he said that, but looked back to O'Ren to add "But I'm content with not being my own boss. Having an employer can be very beneficial. If you know how to work the system." He stroked Stephanie's cheek as he talked to O'Ren, balancing the business talk and keeping the lady happy with cool professionalism. "How's the money coming in for you? Are they treating you well?"
  20. Jack was all cool elegance and grace, a perfectly composed prince of the night as he led the way downstairs. Once inside the cab, he pressed a twenty into the driver's hand to speed him along, sliding in alongside Stephanie in a very friendly, comfortable posture. The cab's size meant they all had to be a little friendly, but wasn't that part of the show? "So what led you into the fighting circuit?" he asked O'Ren politely, dividing his attention neatly between man and lady.
  21. "Graffiti," Avenger pronounced, looking over the walls with deep disgust evident in his dark voice. "Horrors, and then graffiti. They are gang signs." He cocked his head at Slamdance. "You should take computer. Can't type." He held up his heavily-gloved hands for emphasis. When Scarab eventually came out of his trance, Avenger went on. "I know a few places she might go. City's clubs cater to all kinds."
  22. Avenger hit those guys with Takedown Attack. Assuming they were all close enough together for the feat to work, he should have knocked out all the soldiers that failed their toughness save.
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