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Posts posted by Ecalsneerg

  1. "Fair enough," he nodded, before smiling at the next question. "A lot of them, yeah." After a moment's thought, he picks one.

    "A few years ago, I ended up in Belfast chasing a drugs shipment. I was going round the place, trying to get information. Didn't find any, until I met a bloke calling himself Rhymer. If you know anything about the magic community, you'll have heard of the man, simply terrifies any mage you mention his name to, but at the time I was clueless. So he says to me 'I'll lead you to these guys if you help me out with a canine problem I'm having.' Fair enough, the guy's looking into a dog-fighting ring. He leads me to this warehouse full of men, and then hands me silver-tipped arrows. That shouldv'e tipped me off, but nooo, I drop from the rafters into the middle of a pack of werewolves. If he hadn't given me the arrows or they hadn't been in the process of transforming, I'd've been mauled to death quickly. As it was, I barely got out alive." He takes a sip of coffee, before continuing.

    "So I leave the warehouse, shouting for this Rhymer. Well, shouting at him, but he'd gone and buggered off, leaving me with a warehouse full of half-naked guys who'd reverted back from wolf form. Out of curiosity, I open the crates... to find my drugs shipment." He smiled at the memory. "Damn that Thomas Rhymer, I found out a lot about him the weeks after that. Barely anyone outside the magical community knows who he is, but he's saved our ass more times than the Master Mage, arsehole he may be."

  2. I'm not entirely sure what you're asking. Do you mean, can the story be set in the future, during some far-future birthday? Certainly!

    No, I'm talking about 8 years in the past, and in the UK. I ask because you said 'in and around' Freedom City, so wasn't sure how relevant it was supposed to be to current events.

  3. Would it have to be within a certain timeframe and area? I was considering doing a milestone, like Hawky's thirtieth, but that's eight years and an cross-Atlantic journey ago...

    Or alternately, retconning Arrowhawk's birthday to match mine would place him idealy within Freedom for his thirty-eighth...

  4. Even as he moved with the impact, Arrowhawk felt the bullet rip through his vest and bite into his shoulder, gritting his teeth to avoid shouting out in pain. It was all he could do to avoid the grasps of the men, hitting one of the men with a solid punch to the face. It wasn't quite hard enough to take him down, so Arrowhawk moved a few feet away to keep both the north and south attackers an equal distance away.

  5. "Humour me. I've been doing this for eighteen years, there's an incredibly high chance that I've run into something much more convoluted." Arrowhawk stirs his coffee before taking a large gulp of the hot liquid. "It's pretty much a given, to be honest," he frowned.

  6. This is a bit convoluted sounding. What exactly would this look like?

    Well, the 'Autofire on everything' wasn't my suggestion, so I don't know. My original request was to have an alternate power feat for the array within his bow device as part of the character's abilities rather than in the Device container.

    So his Device would look as follows:

    Device 3 (Easy to Lose; Bow and trick arrows): 9 pp

    Alternate power 1 for Bow array: 1 pp

    Devices: Bow & Arrows

    Blast 3 (Feats: Improved Critical, Mighty 3, Variable Descriptor [bludgeoning/piercing/slashing]) Normal, blunt and bladed arrows

    AP: Fatigue 4 (Extras: Ranged) Tranquiliser arrows

    AP: Nullify 5 (technology descriptor) EMP arrows

    AP: Obscure 5 (visual; 100’ radius, Extras: Independent) Smokebomb arrows

    AP: Stun 4 (Extras: Ranged) Taser arrows

    AP (outwith Device): Blast 3 (Extras: Autofire, Flaws: Full-round action, feats: Mighty 2, Variable Descriptor [bludgeoning/piercing/slashing]) Rapid Shot

    Therefore, anyone who gets his bow and quiver wouldn't gain access to rapid shooting, but Arrowhawk is able to do it but can't without his bow, hence the feat costing slightly more than it would as part of an Easy to Lose device.

  7. The house rule changes don't come into effect until your changes are approved, right? If not, lower my attack roll by 1. It probably matters not, as that is both a very high roll and a potential critical hit. :D

  8. "Give it time, you're still young. You've got a long time to find fame and fortune yet." He watched the dollar fall to the ground, not even flinching as it flew at him. "I could use a friend." He pondred for a second. "I'll leave you to finish your act, maybe speak to you after you finish."

    He quietly leaves the room to head back to his seat.

  9. "I've been doing this for a long time, I don't know if I enjoy it or not anymore. I do it, just like how the sky is blue and the grass is green." He met her gaze directly. "I can't really comment on superheroics when superpowers are involved, but in my experience few people wake up and decide to go be a superhero."

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