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Posts posted by Ecalsneerg

  1. Geckoman lowered himself back into the saddle, relieved. She was safe. They were safe. Thank God. He put his face in his hands for a second, and took a deep breath, shakily raising himself back up as the adrenaline wore off. If anything had happened, anything at all... He took a few more breaths, letting the colour return to his face. Then he turned to Mara.


    "I let me have a dinosaur! Poor Roary." Geckoman patted the great beast on its flank. "His owner was a bad man. He ran experiments on him. Awful experiments." He shrugged. "After we learned that, standard operating procedure. Fearless Leader hit some things, I steal the wheels, and well, I think he likes me." Chris leaned over the front of the saddle, vigorously rubbing the dino's scales with both hands. "Who's a good boy? You are! You are! Good giant dinosaur."

  2. "Nick, why do we have a menagerie?" came a wry voice from behind the group. Equinox strode up towards them, coat trailing behind her, a raccoon perched on one shoulder. "I mean, when you said infestation, I thought you meant ectoplasm, not fur." Her raccoon chittered angrily, and slapped her on the ear. 


    She closed the distance between her and the group, boots stomping on the ground. She inclined her head to Ghost Girl. "Ghost Girl, good to see you. And... I don't believe we're been acquainted." She held her hand out to the nervous looking young man. "I'm Equinox. Siobhan if you prefer and can pronounce it. This is Hayley. Don't get her wet or feed her after midnight."

  3. Chris wheeled on the dinosaur, face ashen. "Liz was here?" Sensing something, the dinosaur began to growl a little, the rumble able to be felt by everyone in the vicinity. Chris stood up in the saddle to look down on the group. "Why? Why was she here?" His eyes tracked to the rubble, and the magnitude of the fight that'd gone on began to sink in. 


    The dinosaur took a couple of steps forward, the ground shaking beneath its feet. "Where is she? Is she alright? WHERE IS SHE?" he demanded, knuckles clenched tight on the saddle, almost ready to lunge down and leap off the dinosaur.

  4. Geckoman pulled the robot reins on his dinosaur as they emerged into the present day, Roary disorientated, confused, and likely to get very pissed off at the world around him. "It's OK, big guy, it's OK," he whispered soothingly, not feeling it himself as he looked at the carnage around them. The hell had gone on here? He slowly, as carefully as he could, steered the big dino along the street towards the rubble Min was tossing through. Who was under there? Was it Bombshell? What had happened?


    He rummaged in his belt, pulling out a battered old remote. The Pitchoo was online. They were definitely back in the right timeline. Which meant whatever had happened had definitely happened to his versions of his friends. He felt a lump in the back of his throat. He coaxed at the dinosaur, trying to figure out how to convince it to start lifting rubble out with its mouth. The dinosaur began biting up large chunks of rubble, and lightly tossing them off to the side as Chris made his new steed slowly, carefully dig through the wreckage.

  5. Arrowhawk flicked a contemptuous gaze towards the house. Could the arsehole be any more of a walking stereotype? You go away for a few years, and apparently it all degenerates into an episode of Still Game. 


    He turned his gaze back to the other cape. The new Foreshadow, if he wasn't mistaken. "Very funny. But you know what the Tories're like, I'm fairly sure you could make a case for privatising metahuman intervention if you were that desperate for a paycheck. Y'know, if you want to be the one to tell that to Her in Charge." The first Britannia was one of a handful of people even he wouldn't try to mess with. "We can sort this out once we get rid of all them trying to play silly buggers with laser guns. This is Scotland, not the bloody Enterprise."

  6. Siobhan raised an eyebrow at the other superhero, and at the elderly guard. Daaaamn, grandpa. At least someone's taking this seriously. 


    "Well, yes," she said crisply, looking the two younger guards up and down. "Myself and my... associate here are here to investigate the horn. See, you may not believe this, but it's got a powerful enchantment that lets one summon the spirits of the dead. You can imagine why we'd prefer it not be unaccounted for on Halloween night." She gestured towards the museum. "If you could show us where it was taken from, gentlemen?"

  7. Arrowhawk shrugged. "Well, we've got three of us and a sandwich. I've got two ideas. I go in with a bow in one hand and a sandwich in the other, and ask which one they'd prefer." He took on a more serious tone. 


    "Or we play it smart. We approach from all angles. That way we can get in and neutralise them all without leaving them an easy angle to escape or take cover. It seems the smartest, safest option, and least likely to get any of us shot. Hell, play our cards right, if we surround them, we could force them to surrender without having to fire a single shot." A small smile formed on his face. "That would probably be too optimistic," he drawled drily.

  8. The reason Jack was shouting to be heard was over the earthquake moving up behind him. The sound of multiple thundering, charging, angry giant lizards. Geckoman rode atop Roary, Echo behind him in the saddle. He leaned over his shoulder. "Most important rule. Always make a good entrance. Ride a dinosaur. Or failing that, motorcycle pyrotechnics.


    The herd of T Rexes kept charging over the plane. Geckoman was no longer sure if he was leading them, or being chased by them. But as he saw Erik and Steve in the mouth of that spaceship, he smiled widely. Who even cared? "Rooooooooar!" he yelled, the dinosaurs echoing him as they barrelled across the old West to pull those two idiots' asses out of the fire, and out of the spaceship.

  9. Geckoman hurled a few smoke bombs from his belt to the left of one of the dinosaur's eyes, detonating them in mid-air with low charges to let small clouds of smoke irritate and distract the already irritated dinosaurs. "Look, big guy! Look! Fireworks! Look! Look!"


    His other hand was tugging on the reins, urging his mount onwards. "Move, Roary!" 'Roary' the dinosaur bellowed and surged forward at its distracted kinsman, hurling his bodily mass into it with ferocity and force, its every movement making the ground thunder and the air shake. Geckoman could only cling for dear life as he realised he'd just decided to stand on top of what would be two colliding masses, made up of tons of claw, teeth, scale and metal. "Ahahahahahaha!" he laughed manically. 

  10. I have no clue what the bonus/DC is on the dinosaur, but I'll work on the assumption it's still the same as the electrokinetic T Rex.


    Move Action: Feint one of the big dinosaurs. It's a 26 as a move action with Skill Mastery. It's ambiguous whether it'd apply to the dino's attacks as we- oh, I have Set-Up we're good. 


    Standard Action: CHAAAAAAARGE ON THE DINOSAUR! ALSO POWER ATTACKING FOR TWOOOOOOOO Ride check if necessary: 1d20+9 19


    Open the door, get on the floor, charge attacking dinosaur: 1d20 16 So, assuming +7 melee, with +2 for charging/-2 for Power Attack, that's 23. Which I assume hits a bloody great dinosaur. For DC32, again, assuming those stats.



  11. Both Raveled and Shaen are correct, it's a little of both. I personally dislike the insane condensation of the skills list in 3E and how stuff like Leaping and Languages got nerfed hard. And also man, editing 100 sheets.

    A third reason (which isn't the actual reason, but is helpful) is 3E has very little Freedom City material, moving to other locales instead.

  12. Spellbound had tried to duck out of the melee. They were all waaaay out of her league, she was not cut out for a melee on this scale. Also, she was pregnant. 


    But seeing some asshole burst out of the sky and attack Mara? And then start monologuing about his motivation? Hell to the no. She pointed her wand at Mastermind, rolling her shoulders, knuckles popping as her other hand made a fist. "Hey, asshole, pro tip? Don't smash people into the concrete while monologuing about peace." She pressed a button and a bolt of lightning surged towards Mastermind, detonating inches from his face in a blinding flare of incandescent light, searing at the ancient villains eyes even through his mask.

  13. Air rippled in the night behind Terrifica. "There are many better ways to stake a place out than standing under streetlamps eating sandwiches," came Arrowhawk's low growl, the large man having snuck up behind her without her even noticing. 


    He paced around from behind to her to stand at her side, gesturing at Crimson Tiger as she approached as well. "So. It looks like we all came for the same thing. God, you wouldn't get this back home." The big man sighed and shook his head. "If you don't know me, I'm Arrowhawk. I," he pointed to the warehouse, "am going to stop the illegal arms shipments going into there. While keeping someone to interrogate on where they're coming from, so they don't relocate. And I want to do it with a minimum of casualties, collateral damage and if preferable I would not like to be shot." He glowered at the other two capes beside him. "Can you do that?"

  14. "Well, I dunno about luck, yet," drawled Geckoman, drawing himself up in the saddle. "Alright, boys and girls, we ready to liberate some dinosaurs from their oppressors? Oh, and people too." He urged his mount onwards. "Hyah!"


    The huge dinosaur surged forward suddenly, footsteps stomping the earth beneath it, Dust surged up, trailing in its wake as it raced forward towards the camp faster and faster, until the individual thumps were blurring into one constant drumline. At the final approach, Chris urged his mount upwards, and it obliged, leaping up on its strong dinosaur legs, sailing the final few feet through the air. It landed with a devastating thump, throwing up dirt and stone, the impact knocking over several of the guard's tents, dust spinning out in a wide spiral.


    Everything seemed to stop as the dust cloud settled slowly, revealing the mass of muscle, scale and metal behind it. The great beast reared its head upwards, letting out a thunderous roar, audible for miles around, a terrifying noise not heard in eons. It didn't just hurt the eardrums of everyone in earshot, it vibrated their very bodies, rattling their lungs and ribcages with the sheer loudness of it. 


    Geckoman stood up in the saddle as it lowered its head, turning its great dinosaur maw to snarl and show its teeth to the guards. He pulled out his staff, letting it extend, blue electricity crackling at either end. 


    "Roar?" he said. The dinosaur let out a second bellowing growl in agreement, showering the ground with its slaver, setting everyone's teeth rattling. 

  15. Equinox hurried down to the museum as soon as the word had reached her from one of her contacts. The Horn of Taurus was major-league stuff. The ability to conjure up the dead at will, especially on Samhain... that wasn't good. And she couldn't get a hold of Eric, which figured. It was Hallowe'en. The necromancer was likely to be pretty busy. So she'd come down alone. She strode in through the front door after teleporting into the street outside, black coat flaring behind her in her haste. 


    She stormed through the entryway, stopping at the first employee she came across. "I'm Doctor Siobhan Drake, I'm here about the theft. I need to speak to someone about it, and see where it was stolen from." Siobhan spoke quickly and firmly, trying to convey the seriousness of the situation. "It's urgent, please."

  16. Standard Action: Set an Obscure between the attackers and the house at rank 5, so 100' radius and 15PP. It's Independent, so it'll keep going, but Fade

    Move Action: Attempt to Intimidate the group into stopping. It's at -5 for a move action, sadly. Still nets a 25 with Mastery, though.

  17. Suddenly, a huge cloud of smoke erupted in front of the house, blanketing the dark night sky between the assailants and the house. A dark shape emerged from it, red eyes blazing beneath a dark cowl. A large cape flared behind the figure, swept back by his rapid motion and the cool night breeze. "Back off, noo!" he commanded in a thick Scots accent. "Ah won't warn ye twice, ye ken fa ah ah'm."


    Arrowhawk hefted his bow, an arrow already nocked and drawn. He glanced to the side, taking in Foreshadow. "What the hell are you doing here?" he demanded, Scots accent fading away to become a little more neutral.

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