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Jack of Tales

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Everything posted by Jack of Tales

  1. Maybe she mistakes Kiera for a villain? She always has dark, shadowy tendrils waving around her very slowly. Since she hasn't been in the city for long maybe she causes an accidental panic >.> or something..I'm burnt for thought ^^
  2. Thanks! Muwhahaha the evil sniper is complete then :X I gave her Progression 5 and Improved Range 7 so her maximum range is 40,000 and her increments are 20,000. Combined with the scope which has sight to penetrate buildings and any concealment (powers or not) she can fire from about 7 and a half miles away. Talk about overkill (and this is at PL 8 mind you >.>)
  3. You guys rock. That fits what I intended. I simply wanted Kiera to disturb others by having shadows dance just out of sight (and to provide herself with something to do on weekends..) Distract will work perfectly. Thanks!!
  4. Rather then filling the forum with more threads I figured I'd use this one to help me out with a question about firearms. How can I shoot through walls? I have this crazy idea for a villain build and wanted her gun [a device] to fire through walls. She can already see through them with the gun's scope (Penetrates Concealment says it can see through opaque materials) all that I need is an idea of how to make the gun fire through them.
  5. I think that's coming out on Thursday here. which is weird cos I think that's the same time as it comes out in america! That barely ever happens o.o. Can't wait
  6. Uhhhmmmmm mmaaayybe? As you can tell I have lots of ideas but suck at making mechanics fit them >< At least this system is better at it then d&D!! I thought the only thing you could do with environment control was like..weather or heat or cold and..stuff...how would that look? *doesn't have access to book atm*
  7. I'd love to meet up with some of the other heroes in the game! I'm sure that we're all pretty busy (those of us in HS or college anyway) with finals around this time anyway. Any ideas as to how to get the three of us together?
  8. I didn't really want them to compare to any type of hero. Just kind of dance around in corners, hide under people's beds and provide general distractions/fun ways to mess with people ^^
  9. So, we can't place summon in an array but can we put an animate objects (shadows only)effect? I was thinking of giving Kiera an alternate power for it. Also is it effective at a very low rank? Like 2 or 3? I wanted to use a complication or drawback (-0) to show that she can only use the power at a limited rank, like she's still learning how to use the power and can't control too many or too strong a shadow.
  10. Anyone have any spots in their threads open for your friendly neighborhood dark-controller? If not, any villains/heroes want to start something? I'm on a loss as to what however.
  11. How do you kill a shadow, she muses to herself as the little things dance prance in place, staring at her. What were they waiting for? And what the heck where they? It was a bit too much of a coincidence that all these little shadows were alive and moving in her room. She reached out with the same sense that let her draw forth shadow to teleport and cast a room into complete darkness. She could vaguely feel the essence of what the animated forms where. It was silky like a smooth strip of fabric rubbing along one's spine. It was like the feeling of her tendrils, but different at the same time. Kiera couldn't quite point out what that difference was, it just was there. Curious as to what would happen if she tried her powers on them she reached out and tried to force them together into one form. Several of the creatures flitted about the room and melted together, forming an amorphous blob on her bed. That's when she understood the difference. Her tendrils were naturally drawn to her, but these were from natural shadows. Her power, however it worked, was the only thing keeping them around. With a flick of her wrist they melted back into the corners of the room. Somehow she had been manipulating the shadows herself and hadn't even realized it. Curious if she could do it again, Kiera looked under the bed and beckoned with one hand. A smooth, snake-like creature slithered out from underneath and formed the same, humanoid shaped figure from before. With a thought it began to prance and dance in place like the others had been doing. Now this, she thought, was something to spend the weekend doing.
  12. I'm probably going to stick to focusing on the one I have at the moment so you can archive this one with the archived characters. I may come back to her.
  13. Before she can teleport a small figure that resembles a paper doll made out of shadow leaps from under the bed and starts bashing into her computer. At first she pauses, completely surprised and shocked. What? Stop that! That's mine! Kizzy lets out a shadow tendril and lashes out at the shadow. As she hits it it falls apart and disappears. The reaction is instantaneous. A swarm of the little creatures flow out from the bed, the closet, the corners, under the desk and anywhere else shadows fell. Kizzy only stares in amazement and quietly curses.
  14. Running it myself works then I can avoid die rolling and just story-mode it.
  15. Somehow I didn't manage to catch it >< Will make the changes to it where they need to be done. Thanks for posting btw, I really have no idea how I missed that EDIT: Would I be hated if I wanted to scrap her and try something different? :oops: I made a character that I'd like to replicate in another game
  16. Hello, I was wondering on the rules for running a combat with NPC's in a player run thread? It's a solo thread. I'd like someone to run the opponent's side of the combat too. If this has to be a ref O.k. If not though anyone else feel like beating up a teenager with her own shadow puppets? XD I suppose I need to make the shadows too unless there are any volunteers?
  17. Destiny Do you believe in it? Does it still effect you if you don’t? This appears to be the case with poor Lola Talbot who had her world torn asunder by a conniving ghost. Lola was an athletic girl who loved outdoor sports and English. She was hoping to graduate high school and become an English teacher. None of those things will ever happen now. She was walking home on her typical path when she passed an antique store that she did not remember. Normally these sorts of things would not interest her for Lola had no interest in anything old besides books. However, something drew her to its doors. She walked into the door and a little bell ringed above. The room was filled with musty smelling furniture, boxes of random statues and a counter where an old woman sat on a rusty stool. The counter was glass and within was nothing but dust and a single object--a bracelet attached to four rings. Lola was drawn to the counter where she mumbled a hello to the woman before staring at the bracelet. The ancestor merely smiled a grin filled with rotting teeth and let out a cackle. A conversation occurred where Lola mumbled answers and the woman told her many things. Looking back upon that day, Lola can’t recall why she went into that place or why she spoke to the woman or even anything that woman said besides one word which sticks out like a gold coin on the beach. “Destiny.†All she knows is that after that day everything changed. She went home to her parents and went upstairs to write in her journal. She inscribed the events of the day before coming to the antique store. She started to write about it and while she did the emeralds in the rings and bracelets began to glow. She attempted to figure out how they were glowing but couldn’t figure it out. After that, she blacked out. The Police Station Lola awoke hours later in the police station huddled beneath a blanket. She had no idea what had happened or how she had gotten there. When the girl was told how her parents had been killed, she broke. In that moment who Lola Talbot was and who she is altered forever. Lola’s mind was shattered. Somehow, someway she had killed her parents. She withdrew into herself and was taken to a psychiatrist. On the way she grew a pair of wings out of her back, seemingly at random. Lola sat in the van and didn’t react at all to the bird wings laying across her back. The driver in the van swerved and nearly crashed before pulling over. By the time that happened the only evidence were tears in the girl’s shirt. It was summed up to a happenstance and ignored. She was placed in the children’s ward until a firm diagnosis could be made and some headway made on drawing her out of her shell. Mysteriously a group of the wardens opened her cell and took her away from the ward. Two were found dead, having killed one another. The third was found with Lola outside a movie theatre. Neither were talking and the man was puking into a trash bin. He could only say that he had looked into her eyes and felt an overpowering urge to follow anything she commanded him to do. She had gotten the three to take her away from the place but when they pulled over to get food everything started to go bad. The other two snapped out of the mind control only to start arguing over which one of them was better suited to protect the girl. They seemed infatuated with love for her and wanted to protect her from any harm. As the argument escalated one pulled a baton and a fight ensued. Lola stood there and watched. She didn’t say a word and didn’t even notice as blood splashed on her shoes. The third man had driven away. While passing the movie theatre he had smelled something akin to week old meat. He pulled over and that’s when the police had caught up. *Next up! Meeting with a jeweler, interview with Mister Summers and more powers!* Critique on story?
  18. I intended for those bits to explain in a vague manner. But you're right, I don't really like it as well as the traditional method. As for the accurate was done a la pg 145-146 in UP: A device's effects may have power feats of their own. These are associated with the effect and come out of the device pool of power points. The following feats apply to the device structure itself. Accurate is listed as one of those. Hope that clears it up ^^ *goes to the drawing board on the character* I think I'll keep those codified bits as what she recalls about the events, and that's it.
  19. The shadow manipulator's ability to focus on her work was simply not up to the task today. She drew an image of a spiky hand over a question asking the velocity of a three-legged turtle within an area of high gravity after being kicked by a ten-foot super hero with super-strength ranked in the Omega levels. I need to get out of here. Kiera concentrates and forms an image of the meditation garden on school in her head. The small shed in the garden should be providing enough of a shadow on the east side by now...
  20. I don't think this really fits. For with power control you can't actually control the target, just their powers. If she's carrying the item then..well idk o.o. That's actually kind of cool XD. But that doesn't really let it fit into her PL or pp. For example, if she steals a staff that would put her over her pp limit for abilites then what? I was thinking that a large portion of her pp are just sort of sitting around allocated only to one item at a time to let her use them/etc. But i don't know how that would work. No, just using the item in ways that others cant. For example if she picks up Thor's Hammer she doesn't become thor or smash mountains or become stronger at all. Instead she can say, breath electricity or run very fast. She can only use those powers while wielding/using that item. I was trying to emulate a vastly decreased range. Blast gives a much larger range then I was thinking. I was thinking a maximum of maybe 20-30ft I'm going to have to look up Artificer, I've never heard of that *digs through UP*. I was going to be practical and she never has more then one item on her at a time. If she has a magic sword why have magic daggers also? Maybe the power only works with one item at a time.
  21. On another note: I'd like all of her powers to stem from items. So anything other then the 'relic control' (calling it that till i figure it out) would be in a device. However, I want to emulate the fact that she has various different devices i.e. weapons but does not use/bring them with her all the time. Say in one adventure she uses the ice daggers but in another she uses a dark scimitar. How would you advise that to be done? I think I'd like to add teleportation to the daggers as well. The story behind them will be shown later if anyone's interested in it ^^ Also, stupid question, can we post up character backgrounds even after we filled up our quota? I have two characters I created and put over at ATT but I like you guys more :X The GM's here are kick arse and the players are alot of fun to play with. Although I've only spoken/played with a few of you ^^
  22. So I have this idea for a character. Well really I'm stealing the idea from a short description of someone's picture >.> But anyway! This italian girl manifests a peculiar mutant ability: Relic control(?) or something. It allows her to take magical weapons and use special properties of them. For example, her first weapon (and probally only that she'll actually have) are a pair of dual ice daggers. In her hands she can use cold control and use the special properties of the daggers. The daggers deal ice damage, can be thrown far and return instantly on being thrown through a short dimensional gate (done by using Extended Range 3-5 as a power feat). I also intended to add split attack and mighty as power feats. however, the main issue lies in the actual ability to do this. Say she disarms a magician of his staff and it has the magic descriptor, she could use particular properties of the staff. Say it can fire a a beam of light, cloak the user in darkness, etc. This effect would extend to any 'relic' item such as magic pendants or necklaces. Although that could be something she learns later. So, ideas on how to emulate this?
  23. I was putzing around on Deviant art looking at pictures for character designs when I came to this guy's site. Wen-M. My god, his pictures are gorgeous! *dies* I think I'm in love <3 ..erm.. Anyway, All of the pictures were labelled as being for this game called Anima. I wondered if it was a video game or something and looked it up. Looks like it's this nifty RPG game like M&M but in Spanish Anyway, check out his pictures though! just those alone make me want to play the game: http://wen-m.deviantart.com/gallery/#_featured--5 My favorites are Bella and ?? No.4. just..so beautiful
  24. I suppose its up to you to make it non-abusive. I did that route for Kizzy but usually have her only use shadows that are about her size. Which is still pretty easy, doors, closets, treets, cars, etc. you could take the medium and say that you can only appear out of a person's shadow if it is say a certain size. For example, at noon shadows are typically much shorter thus you may not be able to use the power.
  25. That's cool. At this point I'm having fun asking questions ^^ But they do all have a point, i've been developing some side characters for fun/experience at doing it. 11) How specific is Attack Specialization? Does it only apply to one specific attack or can it be an attack type? Such as Attack Specialization (Blast)?
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