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Posts posted by Heritage

  1. "Something's going on here. Maybe we ought to..."

    Whatever he was about to suggest is lost in the sound of the prop of a helicopter flying in. A searchlight can be seen coming down from about a block away, and moving fast. He just waves his arm and starts to run towards an alleyway.

    Grim looks up and shakes her head.

    "Man, I hate helicopters. C'mon, let's do the running thing, Nano" She slips into camouflage mode and starts to follow Icarus, shimmering in and out of view as she runs.

  2. Grimalkin came through whatever invisible portal that Nanowire used more quickly, running into his back. Icarus smiles within the mask, "Yeah, that's got to be you. Glad to see they got you back." He grimaces slightly, again hidden by the mask, "How long were you back there... and where's your suit?!"

    Grim shakes her head and vigorously rubs her nose.

    "Ow! Well, I guess it worked-"

    She stops when she realizes she's still in her silly Arabian Nights outfit, with no mask to hide her face, right in front of Icarus. With a yelp, she covers her eyes.

    "Ahh! Secret identity not so secret!"

    In a matter of seconds, her outfit blurs into vapor and reforms into her patrolling duds, complete with domino mask for privacy; sighing with relief, she drops her hand.

    "There we go. Nice to see you made it back, too, Ick; how did you..."

    When the three take the time to view their surroundings, they find that they are in the same place as they were when Icarus first created the errant portal. Despite that similarity, things appear rather different. The air has a red haze to it, like at sunset, but the sun is still fairly high in the sky. The buildings are all reinforced with metal on their exterior, and there's no trash whatsoever on the street. For that matter, there are no people on the street either.

    Grim's eyes go wide at the radically different look of their surroundings, and there is a sudden knot of fear in her belly.

    "Um, guys? This looks...bad."

  3. Grimalkin came through whatever invisible portal that Nanowire used more quickly, running into his back. Icarus smiles within the mask, "Yeah, that's got to be you. Glad to see they got you back." He grimaces slightly, again hidden by the mask, "How long were you back there... and where's your suit?!"

    Grim shakes her head and vigorously rubs her nose.

    "Ow! Well, I guess it worked-"

    She stops when she realizes she's still in her silly Arabian Nights outfit, with no mask to hide her face, right in front of Icarus. With a yelp, she covers her eyes.

    "Ahh! Secret identity not so secret!"

    In a matter of seconds, her outfit blurs into vapor and reforms into her patrolling duds, complete with domino mask for privacy; sighing with relief, she drops her hand.

    "There we go. Nice to see you made it back, too, Ick; how did you..."

    When the three take the time to view their surroundings, they find that they are in the same place as they were when Icarus first created the errant portal. Despite that similarity, things appear rather different. The air has a red haze to it, like at sunset, but the sun is still fairly high in the sky. The buildings are all reinforced with metal on their exterior, and there's no trash whatsoever on the street. For that matter, there are no people on the street either.

    Grim's eyes go wide at the radically different look of their surroundings, and there is a sudden knot of fear in her belly.

    "Um, guys? This looks...bad."

  4. You're up, Heritage! :)

    And I've posted! Let me know if I need to roll Bluff or anything else to sell this load a hooey. Originally I used the red font for Pseudo, but I'm experimenting with it as the official font of Grim Incognito, but only for short periods of time; if she's undercover fort a whole thread I'll just keep it white. Feedback on this use of color would be appreciated.

  5. You're up, Heritage! :)

    And I've posted! Let me know if I need to roll Bluff or anything else to sell this load a hooey. Originally I used the red font for Pseudo, but I'm experimenting with it as the official font of Grim Incognito, but only for short periods of time; if she's undercover fort a whole thread I'll just keep it white. Feedback on this use of color would be appreciated.

  6. Grim frowns invisibly; here she was hoping that Ren would get to the kitchen and make with the killer Cuisinart action, but instead now the ball was back in her court. Was he expecting her to take out these girls? Despite her best efforts, she had dropped one of them, and the slutty girl even laughed at her! As far as she could tell, Ren was the only one who'd had a serious impact on their chances of getting anyone out of this alive; the best she had done was act as a distraction-

    Wait a minute, that might work...even if it only works for a few seconds, it could buy them some time...

    Lynn sneaks back into the hallway that leads to the washrooms; once she's sure she can't be seen, she shifts into the large candy-colored form of Jawbreaker, complete with the injuries she sustained in the fight, and then drops loudly to the floor before calling out in the girl's voice.

    "Wendy...that Freedom League freak got past me...I can't see him..."

    She crawls on the floor to just inside the restaurant area and collapses again, seemingly passed out.

  7. Grim frowns invisibly; here she was hoping that Ren would get to the kitchen and make with the killer Cuisinart action, but instead now the ball was back in her court. Was he expecting her to take out these girls? Despite her best efforts, she had dropped one of them, and the slutty girl even laughed at her! As far as she could tell, Ren was the only one who'd had a serious impact on their chances of getting anyone out of this alive; the best she had done was act as a distraction-

    Wait a minute, that might work...even if it only works for a few seconds, it could buy them some time...

    Lynn sneaks back into the hallway that leads to the washrooms; once she's sure she can't be seen, she shifts into the large candy-colored form of Jawbreaker, complete with the injuries she sustained in the fight, and then drops loudly to the floor before calling out in the girl's voice.

    "Wendy...that Freedom League freak got past me...I can't see him..."

    She crawls on the floor to just inside the restaurant area and collapses again, seemingly passed out.

  8. I play Unreal Tournement (the originial in Game of the Year Edition) as often as once a day, and I love it to pieces; I prefer it to UT 2003 (haven't played 2004) because it's bloodier and the bodies blow to chunks when you hit someone point blank with a flak cannon (possibly my favorite weapon).

    I would be up for this in some way shape or form. In Aberrant they have the Xtreme Warfare Federation, with three circles (Silver, Black and Red) based on power levels, strength, speed, etc; we could have two divisions based on the two starting PL ranks, but maybe a few PL6-7s to take on a single PL10 (shrug).

    If we do this, it might be a good idea to do it out of continuity, so we can have heroes fighting heroes and the like without all that silly 'explaining' to do. The Arena map could be used for this, or maybe something bigger?

  9. I play Unreal Tournement (the originial in Game of the Year Edition) as often as once a day, and I love it to pieces; I prefer it to UT 2003 (haven't played 2004) because it's bloodier and the bodies blow to chunks when you hit someone point blank with a flak cannon (possibly my favorite weapon).

    I would be up for this in some way shape or form. In Aberrant they have the Xtreme Warfare Federation, with three circles (Silver, Black and Red) based on power levels, strength, speed, etc; we could have two divisions based on the two starting PL ranks, but maybe a few PL6-7s to take on a single PL10 (shrug).

    If we do this, it might be a good idea to do it out of continuity, so we can have heroes fighting heroes and the like without all that silly 'explaining' to do. The Arena map could be used for this, or maybe something bigger?

  10. Or Woody Allen.

    Wait . . . I might actually watch that. :D

    So I guess Night Owl would be the one token character who talks exactly like Woody, despite being played by another actor. ;)

    "When I was a kid back in Rockaway, I had one of those Sally Jupiter Havana bibles; I had to hide it from my crazy Aunt Ruthie whenever she had one of her cleaning attacks." :geek:

  11. Or Woody Allen.

    Wait . . . I might actually watch that. :D

    So I guess Night Owl would be the one token character who talks exactly like Woody, despite being played by another actor. ;)

    "When I was a kid back in Rockaway, I had one of those Sally Jupiter Havana bibles; I had to hide it from my crazy Aunt Ruthie whenever she had one of her cleaning attacks." :geek:

  12. That's a good idea. NR can use a few extra feats or additional ranks in feats.

    I did pick up the Communications feature for Liam's apartment / headquarters; I'm sure there's a DVD player buried under all that. Just so Grim knows, Liam would most likely be into mysteries or cop movies. :D

    Check out 'Grim's Faerie Tales' in The Fens to see how she's starting her training; however, she would still be more than happy to stop by for some sparring and a few more 'training videos', especially more undercover cop movies. :P

  13. That's a good idea. NR can use a few extra feats or additional ranks in feats.

    I did pick up the Communications feature for Liam's apartment / headquarters; I'm sure there's a DVD player buried under all that. Just so Grim knows, Liam would most likely be into mysteries or cop movies. :D

    Check out 'Grim's Faerie Tales' in The Fens to see how she's starting her training; however, she would still be more than happy to stop by for some sparring and a few more 'training videos', especially more undercover cop movies. :P

  14. Considering that this is being directed by the same moron who turned 300 into two hours of male models and ham-fisted political allegory, I'm not looking forward to this at all. Leave Alan Moore's comics alone. They were never meant to exist outside of the medium of comics.

    I really liked From Hell and V for Vendetta a lot, but I don't feel a good adaptation needs to follow the source to the letter, and really shouldn't as films and in this case comics are very different media; what works in panel and text form often doesn't translate well to the screen, so certain liberties should be taken. A good adaptation should stand on its own legs, enjoyable with a pinch of salt by the original fans but also accessable to a wider audience.

    All that being said, a bad adaptation is painful to watch, betraying the spirit of the source material so utterly that no one can like it; sadly The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen suffered that fate, which is particulalry dissapointing since on paper it would seem to be the easiest to adapt. There's a lot less of the sort of politically sensitive subjects seen in Hell or V, but maybe that's why they felt is was okay to dumb it down so much.

    One can argue (and many have) that the two Moore adaptations I like are bastradizations of two of his finest works, and this my be true, but I think they're two of the best bastardizations I've ever seen. Nothing can eliminate the original work; it's still there, waiting to be enjoyed by whoever chooses to pick it up; a point by point adaptation of Watchmen, or just about any novel, would be painfully long (at least 4 or 5 hours) and probably dull as hell, not becuase it's a bad book, but because it was built from the ground up to take advantage of the print medium and our knowledge of comic book history and conventions.

    A lower budget 3 or 4 hour mini-series would have been better, and would focus the story on the characters instead of the 'gee whiz' special effects, but we're not getting that, so I won't dwell. In my gut I think this will be so-so at best, with one or two great sequences and a lot of awkward moments, i.e. not bad for half-watching late night on cable but not really worth my ten bucks.

  15. Considering that this is being directed by the same moron who turned 300 into two hours of male models and ham-fisted political allegory, I'm not looking forward to this at all. Leave Alan Moore's comics alone. They were never meant to exist outside of the medium of comics.

    I really liked From Hell and V for Vendetta a lot, but I don't feel a good adaptation needs to follow the source to the letter, and really shouldn't as films and in this case comics are very different media; what works in panel and text form often doesn't translate well to the screen, so certain liberties should be taken. A good adaptation should stand on its own legs, enjoyable with a pinch of salt by the original fans but also accessable to a wider audience.

    All that being said, a bad adaptation is painful to watch, betraying the spirit of the source material so utterly that no one can like it; sadly The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen suffered that fate, which is particulalry dissapointing since on paper it would seem to be the easiest to adapt. There's a lot less of the sort of politically sensitive subjects seen in Hell or V, but maybe that's why they felt is was okay to dumb it down so much.

    One can argue (and many have) that the two Moore adaptations I like are bastradizations of two of his finest works, and this my be true, but I think they're two of the best bastardizations I've ever seen. Nothing can eliminate the original work; it's still there, waiting to be enjoyed by whoever chooses to pick it up; a point by point adaptation of Watchmen, or just about any novel, would be painfully long (at least 4 or 5 hours) and probably dull as hell, not becuase it's a bad book, but because it was built from the ground up to take advantage of the print medium and our knowledge of comic book history and conventions.

    A lower budget 3 or 4 hour mini-series would have been better, and would focus the story on the characters instead of the 'gee whiz' special effects, but we're not getting that, so I won't dwell. In my gut I think this will be so-so at best, with one or two great sequences and a lot of awkward moments, i.e. not bad for half-watching late night on cable but not really worth my ten bucks.

  16. Normally I would say yes, but with the frantic mess of combat, it maybe a bit hard to focus on her with yelling and all that. A concentration check (DC 15) will allow you to use Telekineses to pluck her away.

    Yay, RQ gets an 18.

  17. Normally I would say yes, but with the frantic mess of combat, it maybe a bit hard to focus on her with yelling and all that. A concentration check (DC 15) will allow you to use Telekineses to pluck her away.

    Yay, RQ gets an 18.

  18. "Seven...eight...nine...ten..."

    After a lot of failed attempts, Grim had finally managed to rig the clothing bar from the big closet across the doorway into the master bedroom, in such a way that it would actually hold her own weight. Every night she now does fifteen chin-ups before turning in for the night; her three cats sit on the bed, mutely tracking her movement up and down with their tiny fuzzy heads.


    She drops to the floor, rolls into a somersault and springs to her feet, arms spread wide like an Olympic hopeful. "Ta-daa!" This sends Mafia leaping off the bed, tail all a-puff as she scurries for the safety of the little closet; Plaque Attack seems more annoyed than startled, and DB, ever the center of mellowness, just closes his eyes serenely.

    Grim snatches a towel off the bed and allows her leotard to shift into a loose pair of sleepy pants and an oversized T-shirt as she pads over to the cooler for a bottled water. For now, she was keeping her workout light; her usual stretches and tumbling, some shadowboxing, but now with a bit more strength training thrown into the mix. She holds the bottle to her neck and sighs deeply before taking a deep swig.

    "Ah, that's the good stuff."

    By her window, the trading bell rings on its loose box spring as Carmine from down on six tugs at the phone cord threading down the side of the building. She calls out "Coming!" as she races to the bathroom, grabs a handful of bills out of the plastic bag in the back of the toilet, and runs over to the window, once again sending Mafia (who was just starting to peek out of the closet) into a blind panic. Grim pulls open the window, fills her basket with money, and carefully lowers it down to six; after a few seconds of gentle tugging, she feels the two firm pulls that indicate a completed transaction, and she hauls up her treasure. And what a treasure it is: two DVDs, still in their original shrink wrap, and the use of Carmine's portable DVD player for the night!

    "Hey babies, it's movie night! Woo-hoo! I sure hope the batteries are fresh."

    The young vigilante goes back to her cooler and grabs a Diet Coke, rummages around until she finds half a bag of cheese puffs, and heads back into the bedroom to set up the night's viewing. The smell of cheese puffs summons forth even the timid Mafia, who joins her siblings on the bed for a few orange crunchies. Grim flicks out a single claw which she uses to slice open up the movies.

    "Let's see, tonight we have....Donnie Brasco...aaaaaand Just One of The Guys. Hey, don't laugh at Mommy; comedies can be educational, too, y'know."

    As the first movie spins in the player, Grim gently pokes the skin on her arm with her claw; lately the surface is no less soft than usual (thank god), but for some reason it feels somehow...not thicker, but maybe...chewy? "Weird." Using her claw one last time, she easily pops open her Coke and takes a sip; finally almost settled in, she pulls the thin covers over her shoulders, being carefully to allow the kitties their pockets of warmth, and at last presses the play button.

    "Okay, Johnny Depp, show me what I'm in for."

  19. "Seven...eight...nine...ten..."

    After a lot of failed attempts, Grim had finally managed to rig the clothing bar from the big closet across the doorway into the master bedroom, in such a way that it would actually hold her own weight. Every night she now does fifteen chin-ups before turning in for the night; her three cats sit on the bed, mutely tracking her movement up and down with their tiny fuzzy heads.


    She drops to the floor, rolls into a somersault and springs to her feet, arms spread wide like an Olympic hopeful. "Ta-daa!" This sends Mafia leaping off the bed, tail all a-puff as she scurries for the safety of the little closet; Plaque Attack seems more annoyed than startled, and DB, ever the center of mellowness, just closes his eyes serenely.

    Grim snatches a towel off the bed and allows her leotard to shift into a loose pair of sleepy pants and an oversized T-shirt as she pads over to the cooler for a bottled water. For now, she was keeping her workout light; her usual stretches and tumbling, some shadowboxing, but now with a bit more strength training thrown into the mix. She holds the bottle to her neck and sighs deeply before taking a deep swig.

    "Ah, that's the good stuff."

    By her window, the trading bell rings on its loose box spring as Carmine from down on six tugs at the phone cord threading down the side of the building. She calls out "Coming!" as she races to the bathroom, grabs a handful of bills out of the plastic bag in the back of the toilet, and runs over to the window, once again sending Mafia (who was just starting to peek out of the closet) into a blind panic. Grim pulls open the window, fills her basket with money, and carefully lowers it down to six; after a few seconds of gentle tugging, she feels the two firm pulls that indicate a completed transaction, and she hauls up her treasure. And what a treasure it is: two DVDs, still in their original shrink wrap, and the use of Carmine's portable DVD player for the night!

    "Hey babies, it's movie night! Woo-hoo! I sure hope the batteries are fresh."

    The young vigilante goes back to her cooler and grabs a Diet Coke, rummages around until she finds half a bag of cheese puffs, and heads back into the bedroom to set up the night's viewing. The smell of cheese puffs summons forth even the timid Mafia, who joins her siblings on the bed for a few orange crunchies. Grim flicks out a single claw which she uses to slice open up the movies.

    "Let's see, tonight we have....Donnie Brasco...aaaaaand Just One of The Guys. Hey, don't laugh at Mommy; comedies can be educational, too, y'know."

    As the first movie spins in the player, Grim gently pokes the skin on her arm with her claw; lately the surface is no less soft than usual (thank god), but for some reason it feels somehow...not thicker, but maybe...chewy? "Weird." Using her claw one last time, she easily pops open her Coke and takes a sip; finally almost settled in, she pulls the thin covers over her shoulders, being carefully to allow the kitties their pockets of warmth, and at last presses the play button.

    "Okay, Johnny Depp, show me what I'm in for."

  20. The Demoness Captain hits releases Quick Silver. However, Red Queens blast of death slammed into Captain Wonder. Cody yells in denial as Quick Silver free-falls towards the ground. However, he is occupied as the 6 demons advanced closer. He opened fire at the closest one on full automatic, letting a grim smile appear on his face as it started to bleed. Stars blast of energy is ineffective.

    Faye spits out a stream of curses that would strip paint; she's angry at herself, but even a good shot can make mistakes. Trusting the Captain to take care of himself with his mysterio magical flying powers, the sorceress focuses on plucking the screaming teen out of the air with her mind and lowering her safely to the ground; the girl was a bit annoying, but didn't deserve to die for it, and there was no way she was going to just let her drop with all these super-dupers around.

  21. The Demoness Captain hits releases Quick Silver. However, Red Queens blast of death slammed into Captain Wonder. Cody yells in denial as Quick Silver free-falls towards the ground. However, he is occupied as the 6 demons advanced closer. He opened fire at the closest one on full automatic, letting a grim smile appear on his face as it started to bleed. Stars blast of energy is ineffective.

    Faye spits out a stream of curses that would strip paint; she's angry at herself, but even a good shot can make mistakes. Trusting the Captain to take care of himself with his mysterio magical flying powers, the sorceress focuses on plucking the screaming teen out of the air with her mind and lowering her safely to the ground; the girl was a bit annoying, but didn't deserve to die for it, and there was no way she was going to just let her drop with all these super-dupers around.

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