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Everything posted by Kolohehonu

  1. So Hyperactive is going to take a strike at one of the guards. Strike the guard: 1d20+10 13 which misses aggravatingly. So one will use his action to fire off a flare. The other is going to take covering fire on Gargoyle, trying to keep him on the ground. So DC 16 reflex save if he wants to try and get up to the roof.
  2. PC We're starting like that?! Kid Kamehameha thought as Rick came spinning towards him. The man struck hard with a chop at the Kid's ribs. If he had been as tough as he looked Kid Kamehameha probably would probably have a broken rib or two. Instead Rick found his blow glancing off. Kid Kamehameha took a quick swipe at his foe but Rick bounced just beyond the powerhouse's blow. Man this guy is quick, but I think I can put him down if I land a good shot on him.
  3. So Rick will attempt to hit Kid K. Attack roll: 1d20+6 18 that hits so Kid K makes a save: Toughness Save: 1d20+9 25 yeah he doesn't even feel that. so he swings back: Attack Rick: 1d20+7 11 no sell
  4. Initiative rick: Initiative: 1d20+4 14 Kid Kamehameha: Initiative: 1d20 8
  5. Ooc for this: http://www.freedomplaybypost.com/topic/9589-the-supreme-ultimate-competition-lua-not-hula/
  6. GM As Kid Kamehameha walked up to the informal ring, the man in the suit walked over. He he had a tablet in his hands and was adjusting settings on it. "Kid Kamehameha? I'm Mr. Blue. Ok so so sorry but well you know this is show biz too, that ok? Oh you mind if weapons are used?" "I'm fine with weapons." Kimo replied. Ku was watching anyways. "Oh wow that's brave." Mr. Blue said. "I mean your opponent won't be using weapons. So both of you will be on even footing ok?" "Are we starting soon?" The other student said finishing wrapping his fists. "I'm Rick." The student said. "Kid Kamehameha." Kimo replies. "Ok would you two mind standing here and here." Mr. Blue said. Ok well we'll be getting this fight started soon." He said and all the drones turned inward. "Alright, ready, 3,2,1 Fight!"
  7. GM "Oh These?" He sang at Terrifica. "These are for the competition. Control them via this tablet!" He sang, pointing at the tablet. "We want to make sure everyone can see the matches." He smiled. "Well I assume your opponent will want to use weapons. He's quite nifty with a sword." Mr. Pink said and held his hand like a sword and his tablet like a shield before giggling. "Well we should go get you in the ring! And there's your opponent!" Pink sang and held opponent for a long note, if you could call it that. The other man who entered into the open space had on a metal breast plate. He had a helmet under his arm and a shield with an eagle on his left arm. There was a hammer strapped to his hip that swung as the man made his entrance. He looked calm and collected as he put on his helmet.
  8. Toughness save: 1d20+6 21 oh yeah he is down
  9. GM "Well then!" Hyperactive says before rushing up towards the first guard and hitting him. Three roundhouse kicks launch at the man. The guard though parries away each of the blows with his rifle and Hyperactive begins to run around and around the two guards on the roof. The two guards press press back to back before opening fire with their rifles at the blur of a hero. Meanwhile le on the ground the other guard lets his tazer fall and raises his assault rifle. He lets a burst out as Gargoyle transforms but the bullets miss and hit the building.
  10. Attack guard: 1d20+10 15 so Hyperactive misses. That means the three guards are going to fire again. I'm just going to use one attack roll. Attack the heroes: 1d20+6 13
  11. GM The screens in the food court had been playing fights from earlier in the day. Though everything here seemed to be on a delay. Around fifteen minutes before the time on the card six drones swept into the area of the mall just outside the food court. They began to do a kind of crowd control, forcing people to clear a space. A man in a suit sauntered up to Terrifica with an excessive degree of swagger. His tie was a bright pink and he had a huge smile plastered across his face. His arms swung in an exaggerated manner, and it was a wonder the tablet computer in his hand didn't launch across the mall. "You must be Terrifica!" He said and almost sang that last word. "Wow you must be audacious" again this word was almost sung. "Drinking something like that before a match?" He shook his head. Perhaps he thought he saw confusion on Terrifica's face. "Oh where are my manners." He giggled. "I'm Mr. Pink, running this match and all. Now Terrifica [again sung] would you like to make use of weapons for this match?" Mr. Pink smiled and held up his tablet as though he would write down Terrifica's response.
  12. GM "Nay laddie ye not be with yer sister. But ye not have been dead either, from me understandin'." Druid said as he glanced at his arm. "She be sayin' that she could leave and go so swift ye would not e'en notice she had gone. O' course I seen the way me matey Sunset behaves, and I be knowin' for a fact that we do notice when he be leavin'. Perhaps she be needin' remindin' when that time comes." -------- The two ships raced on the wind back towards the carnage. Druid whispered something to his bird which flew over to Captain Flintlock. "This be the work of Ku'Mana." Druid said and the bird spoke in unison. "Me boys and I can search this ship, Cap'n Flintlock if ye and yer's can be searchin' the other. Any clue might be hastenin' our search."
  13. GM "Oooh!" Hollered the winner of the previous match. He was wearing a fur coat, sipping something horribly alcoholic, and being hung on by two women. All this Mr. Strix could tell by smell alone. "Man I hope I get to fight this guy! He knows how to make an entrance! Yo Man my agent gonna be reaching out to you so I can take you down." "Well Mr. Strix, it's a pleasure to finally meet you." The man in the suit said. It was a lie, a decent lie but a lie all the same. "My name is Mr. Yellow. Your opponent has requested to use weapons. Is that to your satisfaction?" This man was annoyed and made no attempt to hide it. He also had an artificial heart, there was no beat just a steady flow. "Lt. Mark Antonio" the man said. He had a pair of tonfa in hand and gave a slight nod. "Trained all the boys in the precinct and well I'm at my best with these in hand."
  14. @Grumblefloof Ooc for this: http://www.freedomplaybypost.com/topic/9593-supreme-ultimate-competition-the-original-ic/#comment-251628
  15. GM Grant Park 4:40 pm The Strix fight was not the first fight at this venue. In fact when Mr. Strix arrived there was another fight going. The fight was painfully one sided and being dragged out. The fighters were a large muscled man and a skinny young man. The skinny man was winning. The skinny man was clearly a boxer. He darted about and took dozens of light shots at the big man. The man had super human speed. Perhaps not supersonic speed but then again this looked like the guy was holding back. The crowd around him booed as he gloated over his victory. He eventually finished off the big man with a decisive knockout before having his arm held up. "And the winner is: MACHINE GUN MACK!" A voice boomed from the low hovering drones surrounding the venue. The crowd booed, but at least some of those were affectionate. A man in a suit walked up to this "Mack" fellow before a similar man stepped out and was talking to another man. The man in the suit was calmly looking around, scanning the crowd as the other man began to warm up.
  16. GM Instructor Franz went with the grab. He let his body turn and spin as Jann pulled him. Then he gave his wrist a quick twist and swiftly chopped at Jann's wrist. Jann felt his hand reflexively release. As he looked down at his opponent he saw Franz swipe at him with a powerful kick. The blow would definitely have connected with a normal human, but Jann's extra grace saved him from a painful shot. The smile that had been on Franz's face was gone. It was a look of stern seriousness that looked back at Bird of Arms.
  17. Escape Grapple: 1d20+6 26 he slips right out of that grapple. So so he will attempt to strike at Jann again. Strike at Jann: 1d20+5 11 well nope that's not a hit.
  18. Ok so I left it tied to an arrow in a wall. I figure that's enough for Mr. Strix to notice and go check the card.
  19. GM The venue was well an intersection. It had been decked out with banners saying "Supreme Ultimate" and there were crowds starting to form. A young man was warming up in the street. He was bare chested and practicing Muay Thai strikes. Not anywhere near Mali's level. "Crimson Tiger?" A woman in a suit asked fiddling with a tablet. "I'm Miss Orange. You ready to go in five? You warmed up, you need a sport drink?" She asked quickly. "I'm so glad you showed up I was so worried you wouldn't show and I'd be fired."
  20. GM Franz had clearly fought people who were more than human. Which being in Freedom was not much of a surprise. He saw straight through the feint and then leaned just out of the way of the true strike. "Kiyah!" He shouted as he took a jab and a chop at Jann. But Jann's natural speed and agility let him edge out the karate teacher. Both had opened up feeling out their adversaries.
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