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Silvered Thunders


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"That'll teach you punks to come into my neighborhood and threaten an honest businessman!" yells Wonder at the beaten punks, sounding rather like an angry old man as he shakes his fist in their direction. He turns back to the Emissary and nods. "Yeah, uh, you do that. I'll just speak a little to these boys about mindin' their manners."

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Captain Wonder finds his answers consist of little more than stuttering and a few half conscious groans, though at least they've been cowed past the point of trying to feebly curse him out.

The police eventually arrive, and the old man returns soon afterwards, pausing for a bit of a suprised look at the sight of the Emissary restacking some fallen cans onto a shelf, before thanking both heroes profusely.

"We had a sort of neighbourhood association going, let us tell them where to stick it with all their talk of a 'protection toll', even with the usual lack of attention we get from the cops around here-"

That last said quietly as the police continue hauling out criminals and robot parts alike.

"We were all expecting some retaliation, but I never thought.. Thank you, thank you both!"

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The old man shakes his head.

"Greenbank is full of their filth and their gangs, I wouldn't know where to tell you to start. But with the pounding you gave those, I'm betting the others are going to learn not to come around. I just wish there was something I could do for you two."

The Emissary turned at that, his expression weighty, and it seemed perhaps he might give one of the particular speeches he was known for.

And then he took out a package of candy from a rack.

"Could you ring up this pack of skittles? I am quite fond of them."

The old man couldn't help but laugh, taking the change the Emissary placed down on the counter only after his repeated insistance.

After some statements taken by the police, and a few pictures taken by the store owner of himself with Captain Wonder and the Emissary, the pair were back in the skies. The Emissary looked over to Captain Wonder as they flew to the horizon.

"I had wanted to give my thanks for accompanying me this day. Things would have likely gone far more destructively without your help. I would put to you the idea of making these patrols a regular occurance. We each do good things for this city. I think we can do all the more together."

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Wonder nods, having evidently lost some of his usual reserve somewhere in the middle of the fight. "Yeah, I don't think I want to do this alone so much. You're a good partner, and it'll be an honor to have you at my side." He walks out of the store, looking up at the sky above. "You did good today, Emissary. Not many heroes these days would think to play with some kids in the park, much less notice some thugs sneaking around."

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He outright beamed at the acceptance of his offer and the praise besides.

"I am certain there are others that would have done as I have. I suppose for my part... to be sure I have experiences in a wider scope. My work as my society's ambassador, adventures I have had that reached out even into Earth's orbit.. these are important things, even direly so. But that I am here to share the values of my people with your own, with a hope even to impart some of them, I think that would be impossible without finding a way to embrace, understand, and involve myself in the everyday of lives as much as I can. To hold myself aloof from such, from the families who raise and shape future generations, from the communities that together are the very basis and reason for your democracy's existance, I think then my mission would be one of failure. Places like this.. the people who live here, are the foundation of your world. When it is my hope to one day build something beyond myself in this world, I cannot possibly do anything but value them beyond myself."

He pauses and smiles.

"Also, I happen to really like the park, even if I have yet to encounter a slide or swing that would not collapse under the strain of my body's density. Someday.."

He exchanged contact information with the Captain at that, and though the two eventually had to part ways, he was hopeful of seeing the living legend again, and for what the pair of them could accomplish for this city.

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