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Hyperslice (PL12) - Ari


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Power Level: 12 (180/180PP)
Unspent Power Points: 0
Trade-Offs: -2 Attack / +2 Damage, +5 Defense / -5 Toughness


In Brief: A serpentine star-soaring aristocrat.




Alternate Identity: Skirris Sandwinder of the Silver Shadow
Birthplace: Haasaa Prime, The Nest

Residence: Coalition Victory Station
Base of Operations: Coalition Victory Station
Occupation: Aristocrat, Praetorian,
Affiliations: Praetorians, Lor Republic, Queenmother Neshath
Family: Nasselth Sandwinder (mother), Ashmet Scourtail (father), several dozen sisters and brothers,


Age: 18
Apparent Age: N/A
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: Northern Dune
Height: 7'
Weight: 250lbs
Eyes: Green
Hair: None


Resembling the naga from Hindu legend, Skirris is a brawny brown and black reptile with a humanoid upper body and snake's lower body. While her head is blunter and more ape-like than a snake or Lemurian's, she is covered in golden-brown scales patterned with red, lacks ears and hair, and has a mouth full of curving fangs and a forked tongue. Like most adolescents of her species she hasn't fully developed the complex network of facial scales that give the haasaan their identification.


On duty she wears a silvery costume from head to tip that doubles as a space-suit and armor, off duty she wears all the frills, bands, bangles and bizarre mixes of galactic fashion she can get her hands on.


Two thousand years ago, in service of the now-vanished Delaztri Empire, there was an army of specially-gifted citizens called the Praetorians. Among their number was the Silver Shadow, a serpentine ghost who could pass through light-years as easily as millimetres and fell a hundred enemies on a hundred worlds before the first could fall. She was a conduit for that mysterious region known as hyperspace, able to bridge material gulfs through a benign mutation. She is thought to have died in the war against the Communion and was lost to history on all worlds but her home, Haasaa Prime, home of the haasaan, a golden-green jewel of deserts and luscious jungles.


On that same world, only a short time ago, was born Skirris Sandwinder, who quickly showed signs of having the same talent for manipulating hyperspace. Unfortunately, growing up in the royal estates, surrounded by the wealth and privilege of her rank and with the power to escape any situation she didn't want to be in, the kind of nobility and courage that marked her predecessor evaded her. Quickly boring of her home, by the age of seven she began wandering off to find trouble. By the age of ten she had graduated to petty theft and the Queenmother of the haasaan knew that only worse was to come. 


She ordered the secret construction of a device to restrict Skirris's powers, and call her back to the Nest if she strayed. To the young girl, who all her life had been placated and coaxed with the awesome destiny that was her birthright, it was a sign that all along everyone had been lying and just wanted to control her. No longer able to simply leave her classes, the young aristocrat sullenly got back into studies and attending court lessons like all her noble siblings. It was in her thirteenth year that she figured out how to channel hyperspacial energy to empower her strikes, forcing a hasty refit of the Dam.


By seventeen however, Skirris had seemed to calm and mellow, showing real interest in the wider world, especially the exotic cultures of other species. The Dam was relaxed, on the condition that she not do anything that had necessitated its existence. The rule proved depressingly easy to break, as every other month the teenaged noblewoman would systematically empty every bar on Haasaa Prime of its liquor and any local alpha female who figured they stood a chance in a fight with her. There was never death or permanent injury, but the constant reports of their misbehaving super-being and the seeming impossibility of correcting Skirris's behaviour outside of force made up for that.


The outbreak of the Incursion War, and the desperate struggle for survival in the early days of the Communion attack, proved to be the solution. Despite her lack of experience Skirris was packed off to help haasaan colonies evacuate and get valuables and artifacts out of the growing warspace. Torn from the stifling confines of one planet, one people, and flung into a myriad others, the novice Silver Shadow saw for the first time how small and petty her lifelong-tantrum had been, the wonders and adventure that lay beyond her familiar star. Rushing through the shifting silence of hyperspace, saving innocent lives and priceless treasures from destruction, Skirris found her true calling. 


However, the war ended, she was recalled to Haasaa Prime, and though the Queenmother formally deactivated the Dam in light of her efforts and unexpected valour, she was forbidden from wandering outside the system until a Republic scientific study could be done on her unusual genetics and she had selected suitable mates. Realizing the years that now stood between her and any chance of getting to live like she dreamed, Skirris sank back into her old ways of boozing and barfights, enlivened wih the occasional scandalous dalliance with some obviously unsuitable male. At last, her parents and the Queenmother had had enough.


With the opening of the ranks of the reestablished Praetorians, Skirris was promptly offered as a potential member, nobody more surprised than her when she was accepted. Presented with a specially-crafted Silver Shadow suit she was quickly packed off to Covic Station, cut off from her family, her parents' wealth and prestige, everything she had known since childhood, out into the wild black yonder of infinite terrors and evils.


Her life had begun at last.



Personality & Motivation:
Skirris is an unsophisticated party girl, a thuggish and loud-mouthed extract of a rigidly hierarchal and class-based society. While her name has no weight outside the Haas system, she's never short of confidence or expectation of obedience, especially from men, who she still has trouble taking seriously as leaders or fighters. Her naive ignorance about the world is compounded by an overweening self-regard for herself and her abilities, to the point where she all but reflexively challenges the decisions of anyone she sees as a rival.


Lacking in social skills besides a well-honed ability to lie with a straight face, Skirris is largely concerned with getting what she wants when she wants it. Having lacked true peers for most of her life, she has trouble emphathizing with others' problems, though she does have a fierce sense of loyalty to anyone who treats her even a little like she sees as her due.


Preferring bars to battlefields and roaming to reconnaissance, as Hyperslice she nontheless puts herself aside, plunging into battles and contests of power she has no chance of winning, both to avoid the nagging doubt of "Could I?" and to make herself into what she knows she was born to be: the greatest hero in all space.


Powers & Tactics:

Able to dart in and out of battlefields on multiple planets, when fighting alone Skirris prefers to rush in, get her punches into the enemy, and rush out before they can retaliate. When with allies, she constantly looks for ways to tilt the odds in their favour, though her inexperience limits what she can really do even with all her power.


Power Descriptions:

Hyperslice channels the forces underlying hyperspace, the intersitial dimension commonly used for travel by space-faring species. With it she can hurl herself across the cosmos by opening gaps or lanes to her destination, redirect energy and impacts directed at her into hyperspace, or just turn herself into a cosmically-fast brawler.


Whenever she uses her powers, her body is suffused with a shifting silver aura, and in flight she leaves a trail of exotic particles that in some atmospheres create dazzling auroras.


Amazing Traffic Hazard: Sending dangerous things into the most-used transit dimension in the known omniverse is hardly an infallible or safe strategy.

Bar Boa: Local watering holes are good places for information and fun, but also good places to get into needless trouble or attract unwanted attention. Skirris doesn't care about that last, yet.

Blowing through life: If it even kind of sounds like a good time, Skirris is there.

Challenger: Hyperslice must prove equal or superior in all challenges or contests, no matter how improbable.

Got Dam: The device created to nullify her powers and transport her back to Haasaa Prime is currently deactivated and partially disassembled. With the right know-how, that can easily change.

Easy Mark: Skirris is horrifyingly easy to mislead.

Got Something Ancient On My Scales: In the course of ferrying prehistoric artifacts and heirlooms, Skirris could have exposed herself to any number of things, from Preserver nanites to Hierarchy biomoulds, Delaztri energy reformers or the mystic crystal Siphons of Sirrion.

Motivation: Living up to her and others' expectations of herself.

Responsibility: Helping other Praetorians.

Rivals with her boss: Hyperslice has an irrational and utterly pointless combatative relationship with Paradigm, leader of the Praetorians.

Rivals with ANY boss: That extends to almost anyone in authority, no matter how earned it is or how good the authority figure.

The Replacement: There's more going on with the first Silver Shadow's disappearance than anyone knows.

Sucker for a good tail: Surrounded by exotic, fascinating aliens, Skirris is willing to overlook a LOT in someone if she thinks he's pretty.

Abilities: 8 + 10 + 10 + 0 - 2 + 0 = 26PP
Strength: 18 (+4)
Dexterity: 20 (+5)
Constitution: 20 (+5)
Intelligence: 10 (+0)
Wisdom: 8 (-1)
Charisma: 10 (+0)

Combat: 12 + 12  = 24PP
Initiative: +13
Attack: +10 Melee, +6 Ranged
Defense: +17 (+6 Base, +11 Dodge Focus), +3 Flat-Footed

Grapple: +15
Knockback: -4/-2

Saving Throws: 3 + 7 + 8 = 18PP
Toughness: +7 (+5 Con, +2 Protection, +5/+0 Impervious)
Fortitude: +8 (+5 Con, +3)
Reflex: +12 (+5 Dex, +7)
Will: +7 (-1 Wis, +8)

Skills: 44R = 11PP

Bluff 12 (+12)

Escape Artist 5 (+10)

Knowledge(Current Events) 10 (+10)

Knowledge(Galactic Lore) 5 (+5)

Knowledge(Pop Culture) 10 (+10)

Languages 2(Galactic Standard, Haasri(Native), Jerreid)

Feats: 22PP

Attack Focus 3 (Melee)

Dodge Bonus 11

Grappling Finesse

Improved Initiative 2

Improved Trip


Luck 2



Equipment 0 = 0EP

Praetorian Personal Communicator(Communication: Flaw: to/from other PPCs only)[0EP]

Powers: 17 + 6 + 32 + 27 + 2 = 84PP


Device 4(20PP Device; Hard to Lose; Feats: Restricted 1(haasaan)[17PP] hypersuit Technology

Immunity 9(Life Support)

Impervious TOU 5

Protection 2

Super-Senses 4(Communication link(Praetorian communicators)Direction Sense(oriented towards Haasaa Prime), Distance Sense, Time Sense)



Haasaan Physiology(5PP Passive Container; Feats: Innate)[6PP]

Elongation 1(5'; tail)[1PP]

Super-Movement 1(Slithering)[2PP]

Super-Senses 2(Acute Normal Olfactory; Infravision)[2PP]



Hyper Array 15(30PP array; Feats: Alternate Power 2)[32PP] Mutant/Cosmic

Base Power: Flight 12(50,000MPH, 500,000FPR)[24] + Super-Movement 3(Space-Travel 3)[6PP] = 30PP

AP: Immunity 20(All Lethal Physical Damage; Extras: Linked(Immunity(Lethal Energy Damage, Heat/Radiation Effects); Flaws: Half-effect)[10PP] + Immunity 20(Lethal Energy Damage; Extras: Linked(Lethal Physical Damage, Heat/Radiation Effects); Flaws: Half-effect)[10PP] + Immunity 10(Heat/Radiation Effects; Extras: Linked(Lethal Energy/Physical Damage))[10PP] = 30PP

AP: Teleport 15(anywhere in same solar system.; Extras: Accurate; Flaws: Long-Range Only)[30PP]


Slice Array 12.5(25PP; Feats: Alternate power 2)[27PP] Mutant/training

Base Power: Damage 10(Extras: Penetration 7; Feats: Mighty[DMG 14], Knockback 7[DMG 21])[25PP]

AP: Damage 10(Extras: Area(Burst, 100ft), Selective Attack; Flaws: Action(Full-Round); Feats: Mighty[DMG 14], Progression 4(Area Radius))[25PP]

AP: Damage 10(Extras: Autofire [DMG 14]; Feats: Mighty)[25PP]


Super-Movement 1(Dimensional Movement 1 (to/from Hyperspace))[2PP] Mutant


Drawbacks: (-3) + (-2 = -5PP

Vulnerability(Cold Effects; Moderate(x1.5 DC), Common)[-3]

Vulnerability(Gravity Effects; Moderate(x1.5 DC), Uncommon[-2]


DC Block

ATTACK              RANGE      SAVE                           EFFECT
Unarmed             Touch      DC 15 Toughness                Damage


Totals: Abilities (26) + Combat (24) + Saving Throws (18) + Skills (11) + Feats (22) + Powers (84) - Drawbacks (5) = 180/180 Power Points

Edited by Ari
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  • 2 months later...

Removed 4 points from Charisma to buy up the two ranks of Defence.


As for the Communication Link, what would you suggest instead? Personal subspace comms? Covic Station? 

Edit: Ah, the free "cell phone" thing was reminded to me. That puts paid to that, changing the Communication Link to Hyperspace Awareness.

Edited by Ari
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