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1.Where is your hero from? Manchester, England.
2. How would your hero physically describe him/herself? Is this different from how others would? He would in general describe himself as tall and wide, Others would probably include Old timey and a little crass or hammy.
3. Does your hero have distinguishing speech characteristics or recurring mannerisms?

He has a preference for using older longer words for things ,
4. What is your hero's motivation?

Seeing the world into a brighter tomorrow.
5. What are your hero's greatest strengths and weaknesses?

His greatest strength is his Great strength His greatest weakness is his habbit of underestimating foes

6. What does your hero love? What does your hero hate?

He loves more than anything the feeling of exhilaration he gets as an engine rattles over the rails at high speed and despises wastefulness
7. How would you describe your character's mental and emotional state?
Tried and tested, Proven Stable when his guest doesn’t act up.

8. What does your hero fear the most?

Killing someone under the influence of the spirit of industry that has no love for individual lives
9. What is your character's greatest ambition?

To travel as much as he can whilst he still has the strength to do so.
10. How does your hero feel about the state of the world and his/her place in it?

He feels content to be the old guard and feels its his duty to try and make the world a better place for those that come after him.
11. Does your hero have any prejudices? How does he/she get along with others?

None really.

12. Where do your heroes loyalties lie? In what order?

Humanity, The planet entire, His friends and allies, the USA/UK,
13. Does your hero have a lover or partner? How do they feel about the hero now?

He has never had time to sustain such a relationship, odds are he won’t  for a while yet.
14. Does your hero have a family? What is the relationship there like?

None still living.

15. How would the people closest to your hero describe him or her?

Boisterous, merry and loud.
16. Is your hero a role model?

He tries to be but often he makes mistakes or poor decisions.
17. How spiritual is your hero? Does your hero follow a relgious tradition?

Not very at all; he not been inducted into any faith.
18. Is your hero part of a team, or would he/she like to be? Why?

He would very much like to be, he’s got a particular intrest in talking
19. How does your hero feel about the place of metahumans and aliens on Earth?

He feels that we’re all stuck her together till the end of time so we might as well get along.
20. If you could give one piece of advice to your hero, what would it be?

Think before you punch!

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