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A Trail of Bread Crumbs


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Foreshadow twirled an escrima stick in each hand before connecting both halves together.  Pushing a button on the side so as to extend the staff to its full length.  "I'm sure you should have expected as much when you got your payment.  Who was it that did the payment again, I forget?"  Foreshadow didn't expect an answer to his question, and that as alright.


Using the staff as a  vault Foreshadow would take to the air.  His plan was to remain mobile.  Allowing the opportunity to present itself for him to take advantage of an opening to end the fight in a singular strike.  It was to be a solid finish to the fight.  Or so Foreshadow hoped.  If things had gone like they were supposed to it might have been a solid plan.


He was supposed to be jumping around the area with the cars as a launch point.  Reality ran counter to his mind.  Instead the staff slipped off the top of the vehicle smashing through one of the windows.  Practically tripping Foreshadow in midair.  He had to twist his body like a cat to land upright.  Shortening and re-extending the length of the staff whilst in motion so as to not leave it stuck inside the vehicle. 

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Even as Foreshadow began his attempt at out maneuvering the costumed criminal, Sureshot reacted in response, leaping up onto the trunk of the sedan and flipping over to the opposite side of the vehicle, putting him well away from Foreshadow.  As he landed, Sureshot turned back toward Foreshadow, one hand sweeping outward to throw yet another of the man's glowing green energy discs.  "Nice try."  He commented as he threw, though whether that was in relation to Foreshadow's poor attempt to outmaneuver him or the attempt to get Sureshot to reveal his employer was not clear.


This time the glowing disc struck the costumed crime fighter once more, but Foreshadow was able to twist as it struck, causing the energy disc to glance off one side.  There was still a faint discharge of energy from the impact, but nothing that would hamper or slow Foreshadow down.


The super-criminal frowned slightly at the lack of notable results from his attack.  But at the same time, he seemed no longer the worse for wear due to Foreshadow's earlier successful attack.


Down the street, the gunfire between the two groups of gang members continued, again without any clear advantage to either.  And then an new sound could be faintly heard, that of approaching sirens.

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"Everyone's a critic."  Foreshadow kicked off the vehicle flipping back over his foe.  Immediately after Foreshadow rolled forward.  He was attempting to get on the other end of the man's blindside.  Leaving himself in an awkward kneeling position making it all the more difficult to defend from.  Foreshadow felt he was either slipping or Sureshot was getting used to his movements.  Either way, Foreshadow wasn't pleased with the outcome.


He was positive Sureshot had followed his movements all the way through.  But, Foreshadow had already committed to the momentum.  Twisting in towards Sureshot.




It was a solid blow, the side of the staff had managed to strike directly against the villain.  on his shoulder that was.  Sureshot had managed to pull back so as to avoid being struck on the side of his head.  Rolling with it the moment it made contact with his body and dissapating much of the force.  So much for finishing this in one solid blow.

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Sureshot spun with the hit, pushing off his feet as he performed a spinning side arial, landing a few feet away. Reorienting himself toward Foreshadow, he gave a small smile as the police sirens grew ever louder. "I have a feeling we could be at this for quite some time, but given the approaching police, we will have to save that until another time."

He then began sprinting away, leaping up onto the roof of a car a short way down the street, using it as a springboard up toward the top of a bus stop. As he arched up, he spun around, flinging another of his glowing discs at Foreshadow.

The costumed crimefighter barely rolled away from the glowing energy disc, which passed just to one side as he flipped away. Sureshot had already turned back around and sprung off the bus stop, reaching out to grab a light pole, which he spun around once, using the momentum to launch himself over onto a fire escape of the nearby building.

Down the street, the gunfire between the two gangs had gone silent, the gang members starting to scatter as they tried to get away from the approaching police.

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Foreshadow normally would have chased after Sureshot.  Even after fighting him for so long with no immediate end in sight.  If not for the fact that they would surely cross paths again.  Especially if he was already hired to take out Foreshadow.  Rather than get in the way of the police from doing their thing Foreshadow made no motions to pursue.


That still left the psychic acrobat with another lead to run down.  The sniper whom he had tied up earlier.  Even if the man had regained consciousness, he doubted that he had escaped his bindings yet.  But there was only one way to find out.


Switching to the grapnel gun configuration of his weapon Foreshadow shot up towards a different fire escape.  "Pack light.  Your future's going to be spent behind an eight by ten foot cell.  This is just a delay."

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Sureshot sprinted up the fire escape, disappearing up onto the rooftop of the building as Foreshadow swung back over to where he had left the unconscious sniper. The man was still there, and out cold, his bindings just as secure as when Foreshadow had left him.

A pair of police cars pulled up at the scene, their lights flashing and sirens blaring. The gang members of both sides had all scattered out of sight, going in different directions to try to escape from the police. Other sirens could be heard echoing from other directions, an indication that more squad cars were on the way, and increasing the chance that some might come across fleeing gang members.

Just then, Foreshadow froze slightly, as one of his visions came to him. He saw a dark alleyway, red light flashing on one of the walls. A police officer was running down the alleyway, a flashlight sweeping around in front of him as he went. Further down the alley, a gang member hidden behind a dumpster readied his sub-machinegun, stepping around the corner and aiming at the flashlight before opening fire!

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Foreshadow wanted to hoist the captured sniper over his shoulder as he descended into action.  But a man's life was on the line.  He couldn't afford to waste even a fraction of a second.  Gritting his teeth Foreshadow would dive back off the fire escape.  Swinging through the streets of the city anew.  Scouring every which way for the alleyway seen in his precognitive vision.


"Who needs a GPS when you have psychic intuition."  Foreshadow was keeping an eye out all the while.  Not looking to be blindsided by yet another attacker.  Sureshot was enough trouble to reconcile with.  The night hadn't exactly gone perfectly, but as far as he could tell the casualties had been mitigated.  To him that was what ultimately mattered.


And yet.  There was this nagging voice in the back of his head.  Reminding him of the fact that his arrival was planned for.  The possibility that the plan could still be in effect lingered.

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Swinging back into action, Foreshadow swung out over the streets, the flashing lights of the police cars adding additional light to the dim streetlights. Despite the nagging in the back of his mind, Foreshadow had little choice but to try to intervene in the scene his gift had shown.

Soon enough, he spotted, the alley in question, and saw that the police officer he had seen in his vision was nearing the entrance. Foreshadow knew where the hiding gang member was, so there was still just enough time to get ahead of the officer and prevent the gang member from opening fire.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Foreshadow moved with the aim of intercepting the officer.  Descending like a bird of prey moving to swoop up its prey.  If he could reach the alleyway first, the tragedy could be prevented.  Forearmed with such knowledge made him curse every second he wasn't already at his destination.  Upon reaching the ground he wouldn't stop to warn the officer.  Instead swiftly moving in after the gang member on his own.


Foreshadow's precognitive spatial awareness would keep.  So that before the moment the gang member popped out.  He could ready himself to avoid being targeted by gunfire.  His legs made it such that he might even reach the gang member before he could react.  In the end the result would be the same.  The acrobatic hero planned on taking the gunman out of the fight.

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As he swung over towards the alleyway, and then into the alley itself, Foreshadow had all the advantages.  He knew where in the alleyway the police officer would be shot, and could see the officer had not yet reached that point.  He also knew exactly where the gang member was hiding, almost not needing the low-light lenses in his mask.


Dropping down into the alleyway near the gang member, the costumed crime fighter saw the young man turn towards him in surprise, trying to bring his weapon around towards the new threat.  He barely got halfway there, before Foreshadow's bo staff slammed into the side of his head, knocking him out into the middle of the alley, where he sprawled on the ground unconscious. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

The ot social Foreshadow did not take the time to admire his own handiwork.  Skulking off into the night he used the cover of darkness to disappear from view.  In reality he had switched to his escrima swing line configuration.  Ascending back to the rooftop as quickly as he had descended.  His plan to try and recover his quarry.


"Sorry, I do love the men and women walking around in blue.  But I have to see a guy about a precog."  Foreshadow took off into a dead springt.  Leaping across rooftops and swinging across the streets once more.  Hoping that what just occured wasn't another bit of pieces on the chess board being moved about. 

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"What??" Exclaimed the surprised police officer as Foreshadow seemed to appear out of nowhere and send a gang member sprawling onto the pavement of the alleyway. And then, just as quickly as he had appeared, Foreshadow was gone, using his grappling hook to withdraw back into the shadows and up to the rooftops.

It was only about a dozen seconds later and he was back at the fire escape where he had left he unconscious sniper. Foreshadow's mask told him what he would find even before he had arrived. The sniper was gone, someone having cut the bindings that had held the man. The sniper rifle he had been using was gone as well.

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Foreshadow kicked the railing of the fire escape.  He knew the risk of the sniper being taken was there.  But would never prioritize gathering information over saving a life.  Normally, it'd just be a string of bad luck.  This time, he couldn't help but feel as if he was outplayed.  With the mysterious precognitive on the other side of this nefarious plot reacting to him ahead of time.


"Fine.  At least the warzone's come to a stop.  But at this rate, Driogano might have competition for the biggest pain in my neck." Draping his hood over his head Foreshadow leaned forward from the fire escaping.  Taking a moment to survey the area.  Before moving on to examine if there was any evidence left at the scene that he could use to follow up on.

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Despite the setback of the sniper escaping or being rescued, Foreshadow took a bit of time to search the area for some possible evidence.  He was rewarded to find a couple of shell casings from the shots the sniper had fired before the crime fighter had subdued him.


After placing those in a couple of small plastic bags with a small rod to avoid toughing them, the costumed vigilante looked back out at the scene below.  The police seemed to have captured most of the gang members that had been involved in the shoot out triggered by the disruption of the attempted drive-by.  Also in custody were the two men from the van which had attacked the rear vehicle in the Shore Gangstas small convoy.  It was possible there was other evidence in the van or around the scene of the fight Foreshadow had had with those men when they rammed the Shore Gangstas' car.

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Foreshadow dove down into what was once the scene of a very chaotic battlefield.  Swinging across the streets once more to clear the distance.  Figuring he could start with the car crash in scouring evidence.  If I cant out predict him through psychic means.  Doesn't mean I can't do it with science.  Have a fancy high tech lab and everything after all. 


More importantly.  He was aware that the opportunity stood to get some one on one time with the men who fired the first shots.  The sniper may have been taken.  But there were other shooters.  Luckily, the police had seen fit to take care of the rounding them up part o the tas.  Saving him a whole lot of time and effort.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Making his way back out to the van and sedan, Foreshadow found the location crawling with police and paramedics now, making it a bit hard for him to try to gather much in the way of evidence. The police were rather busy in doing that themselves, and did not seem particularly willing to allow the costumed crimefighter to start poking around the crime scene, as much as they were appreciative of his efforts in stopping what could well have been a great deal of bloodshed.

The officers were also intent on obtaining a statement from Foreshadow, further preventing him from taking a look around. But the costumed hero managed to note a shell casing from one of the sub-machineguns used by the men in the van on the ground near him as he gave his statement. As he spoke, Foreshadow casually shifted one foot to cover the casing. When the officer was finished with him, the crime fighter was able to play off dropping something and scope up the casing into its own small clear plastic bag, before heading back off into the night to see what he might be able to learn.

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